

系列概述: (Series outline:)

The context generated by the COVID-19 pandemic determined attackers to retarget their arsenal towards a more susceptible audience.


To an extent, the human immune system is able to adapt and defend people against the threat of biological viruses.

在一定程度上, 人类的免疫系统能够适应并保护人们免受 生物病毒

Yet, what is there to defend them against computer viruses?


To identify the recurrent vulnerability that is being exploited by attackers, we will take a short journey through the history of mobile malware.


移动恶意软件时间表 (The Mobile Malware Timeline)

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Mobile Malware Timeline

The virus writers haven’t yet penetrated the mobile malware sector until 2004, when the first mobile virus (targeting and running on a mobile device), was found in the wild. The source code of this virus acted as a base for the surge of subsequent mobile malware.

直到2004年 ,在野外发现了第一个移动病毒(针对并在移动设备上运行)后,病毒编写者才进入移动恶意软件领域。 该病毒的源代码为随后的移动恶意软件激增奠定了基础。

1.卡比尔(2004) (1. Cabir¹ (2004))

Mobile security became a concern in June 2004, when a professional virus and worm coder group known as 29A created a virus named Cabir (also known as Caribe, Syb- mOS/Cabir, Symbian/Cabir and EPOC.cabir). It was named by Kaspersky employees after their colleague Elena Kabirova.

2004年6月,当一个专业的病毒和蠕虫编码者小组称为29A创建了一种名为Cabir的病毒( 也称为Caribe,SybmOS / Cabir,Symbian / Cabir和EPOC.cabir )时,移动安全成为一个问题。 卡巴斯基公司员工以同事Elena Kabirova的名字命名。

At Kaspersky, Roman Kuzmenko was responsible for the analysis of the virus. It didn’t took him long to find out that the virus was designed for Symbian OS running on an ARM processor.

在卡巴斯基,Roman Kuzmenko负责病毒分析。 他花了很长时间才发现该病毒是为运行在ARM处理器上的Symbian OS设计的。

This combination of OS and processor existed only in Nokia phones. Consequently, it was assumed that the virus is targeting mobile phones — the first virus for mobile phones.

操作系统和处理器的这种组合仅在诺基亚手机中存在。 因此,可以认为该病毒针对的是手机,这是第一款手机病毒

Getting a hold of a yet to be established area of security was a hard task but it proved to be a success.


It was discovered that the virus’ main feature was the ability to use the Bluetooth protocol to transfer files. This was its sole mean of replication. It was searching for Bluetooth-enabled devices in a 10m radius.

发现该病毒的主要特征是使用蓝牙协议传输文件的能力。 这是其唯一的复制手段。 它正在寻找半径10m的蓝牙设备。

Upon finding such a device, it would send a transfer file request to the respective device. After receiving and executing the file, the second device would start searching for other devices to spread the Cabir virus further.

找到这样的设备后,它将向相应设备发送传输文件请求。 接收并执行文件后,第二台设备将开始搜索其他设备以进一步传播卡比尔病毒。

The initial version of Cabir had no negative effect on the devices, other than the battery drain caused by the constant Bluetooth search. It was not trying to steal credentials or money from the device owner as most of the malware is trying to do nowadays.

Cabir的初始版本对设备没有负面影响,除了持续不断的蓝牙搜索造成的电池消耗外。 如今,大多数恶意软件都在试图从设备所有者那里窃取凭证或金钱。

2.头骨²(2005) (2. Skulls² (2005))

Unlike Cabir, Skulls was a Trojan.

Cabir不同 Skulls是特洛伊木马

Targeting Series 60, it was possible for it to be installed on some Series 80 devices as well. The risk of infection for the lattermost devices was low since these devices would get a prompt that this file is not intended for them.

针对60系列 ,也可以将其安装在某些80系列设备上。 最新的设备被感染的风险很低,因为这些设备会提示您该文件不适合他们使用。

After installation, Skulls overrode the device’s system application by creating new files with the same name in the same folder.


The new files contained no malicious code but the effect was destructive. The device’s only function left was making and answering calls. Every other application was not usable anymore.

新文件不包含恶意代码,但后果是破坏性的。 设备剩下的唯一功能是拨打和接听电话。 其他所有应用程序都不再可用。

All the application icons were replaced with an icon of a skull — hence the name Skulls.


At that time, the Symbian OS was not well-documented. Malware developers had a hard time developing new attacks. Thus, the malware still had to be manually installed by the user. The attackers had to employ social engineering attacks to deceit the smartphone users into installing the Trojan.

当时,Symbian OS的文档不足。 恶意软件开发人员很难进行新的攻击。 因此,恶意软件仍然必须由用户手动安装。 攻击者必须进行社会工程 攻击,以欺骗智能手机用户安装特洛伊木马。

3.FakePlayer³(2010) (3. FakePlayer³ (2010))

In August 2010, the first wild Android malware was reported by Denis Maslennikov, an employee of Kaspersky³.

卡巴斯基³的员工Denis Maslennikov于2010年8月报告了第一个野生Android恶意软件。

Disguised in a media player application, FakePlayer was sending SMS messages at the numbers 3353 and 3354, with each message costing about $5.

FakePlayer伪装在媒体播放器应用程序中 ,正在以3353和3354的号码发送SMS消息 ,每条消息的成本约为5美元。

Similarly to the previous malware, FakePlayer had to be manually installed by the user.


The user was warned that this application is allowed to send SMS messages to premium numbers.


The application was named ’Media Player’ and came with a fake Microsoft Windows Media Player icon.

该应用程序名为“ Media Player ”,并带有假的Microsoft Windows Media Player图标。

After the malware was launched, it displayed a loading message in Russian. In background, it sent costly SMS messages to the premium numbers, unbeknown to the user.

恶意软件启动后,它以俄语显示加载消息。 在后台,它将昂贵的SMS消息发送给用户不知道的高级号码。

The application was rather simple. It was developed on top of the sample Hello World application provided by Google. The package name of the application was “” — the example package name for an Android application at that time.

该应用程序非常简单。 它是在Google提供的示例Hello World应用程序的基础上开发的。 该应用程序的软件包名称为“” -当时的Android应用程序的示例软件包名称。

FakePlayer used a fairly simple mechanism that could be replicated by any beginner Android developer. Regardless of its simplicity, as with Cabir, it opened new horizons in the development of Android malware.

FakePlayer使用了一种相当简单的机制,任何初学者Android开发人员都可以复制该机制。 不管其简单性如何,与Cabir一样,它为Android恶意软件的开发开辟了新的视野。

4.HummingBad⁴(2016) (4. HummingBad⁴ (2016))

Six years later, in 2016, HummingBad was found in the wild.


Created by the Chinese advertising company Yingmob, HummingBad generated revenue for the aforementioned company by automatically clicking on intrusive ads.


Five months after its first discovery, in July 2016, a multinational IT security company, called Check Point, released a report⁴ containing data about the HummingBad malware.

在首次发现五个月后,一家名为Check Point的跨国IT安全公司发布了一份报告⁴,其中包含有关HummingBad恶意软件的数据。

Not only did HummingBad displayed ads and simulated clicks on them, but it also installed fraudulent applications on the infected device. We can see that this malware was extremely complex in regard to its functionalities.

HummingBad不仅展示了广告模拟了 广告的 点击 ,而且还在受感染的设备上安装了欺诈性应用程序 。 我们可以看到,该恶意软件在功能方面极为复杂。

The service responsible for the advertisement networks used by the apps is called Se.


A broadcast receiver is registered when the malware is installed. This broadcast receiver listens for the following events:

安装恶意软件后,将注册一个广播接收器。 该广播接收器侦听以下事件:

  • USER PRESENT — triggers when the device is unlocked

    USER PRESENT-解锁设备时触发

  • BOOT COMPLETED — triggers once after the user finished booting


  • SCREEN ON — triggers when the device wakes up and becomes interactive

    SCREEN ON ( 屏幕打开) —在设备唤醒并变为互动状态时触发

When any of the previously mentioned events is received by the broadcast receiver, the Se service is started.


Se Service Launch

When an advertisement is shown, the process captures the KeyDownEvent event and doesn’t dispatch it further if the key code is one of:





    按键返回 (4)


    键盘菜单 (82)

Without being able to use the navigation controls, the user is forced to process the advertisement.


However, if the user tries to close the advertisement, the click event is intercepted and a click event in the middle of the screen is dispatched instead.


A pattern emerged from the plethora of mobile malware that were found in the wild.


The user is warned.


Since the majority of mobile malware are Trojans, and not real viruses, the user has to “accept” the malware.

由于大多数移动恶意软件是特洛伊木马,而不是真正的病毒,因此用户必须“ 接受 ”恶意软件。

As we’ve already seen, the user is warned by Android that the application can be harmful. This means that attackers have to come up with a convincing story to support their attack.

正如我们已经看到的,Android向用户警告该应用程序可能有害。 这意味着攻击者必须想出令人信服的故事来支持他们的攻击。

In the Android ecosystem, the user is the primary vulnerability.


In the next part, we will see why do attackers choose to exploit the user, and not the operating system itself.

在下一部分中,我们将看到攻击者为什么选择利用用户 ,而不是操作系统本身。

[1] Eugene Kaspersky. 10 years since the first smartphone malware — to the day.

[1]尤金·卡巴斯基。 自第一款智能手机恶意软件发生至今已有10年。

[2] Alexandre Gostev. Mobile Malware Evolution: An Overview, Part 1.

[2] Alexandre Gostev。 移动恶意软件演进:概述,第1部分。

[3] Denis Maslennikov. First SMS Trojan for Android.

[3] Denis Maslennikov。 首款适用于Android的SMS木马。

[4] Check Point. From HummingBad to Worse.

[4]检查点。 从HummingBad到更糟。



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