

That’s an excellent question.


It’s a particularly important question if you run a small or medium-sized business and are trying to maintain a technological edge to serve your clients better and stay ahead of the competition.


According to a 2018 IDG Cloud Computing Research Executive Summary, 73% of organizations have at least one application in the cloud or are using cloud storage. Another 17% plan to do so within the next year. It is easily the fastest-growing tech solution for businesses across the globe. Businesses of all sizes should consider the role cloud services may play in their operations.

根据2018年IDG云计算研究执行摘要 ,73%的组织在云中至少有一个应用程序或正在使用云存储。 另有17%的公司计划在明年内这样做。 对于全球的企业来说,它无疑是增长最快的技术解决方案。 各种规模的企业都应考虑云服务在其运营中可能扮演的角色。

That said, utilizing the cloud does carry some risks. Hardly a month goes by without news of a significant data breach occurring somewhere in the world.

也就是说,利用云确实会带来一些风险。 几乎没有一个月过去了,世界上某处发生了重大数据泄露的消息。

It’s a good idea to become familiar with the security risks involved in using the cloud and to determine if the benefits outweigh those risks, or, at least, what options exist for enhancing your company’s cloud security.


安全问题是什么? (What are the security concerns?)

There exist several legitimate concerns regarding cloud security.


A 2018 Cloud Security Report by Cybersecurity Insiders, notes that the top three concerns among cybersecurity professionals regarding cloud security are data loss (67%), data privacy (63%), and confidentiality (53%). All three of these concerns have increased over previous years. In addition, those surveyed were also concerned with such issues as

Cyber​​security Insiders在2018年发布的《 云安全报告》中指出,网络安全专业人员对云安全的三大担忧是数据丢失(67%),数据隐私(63%)和机密性(53%)。 所有这三个方面的关注在过去几年中都有所增加。 此外,被调查者还关注以下问题:

  • Accidental exposure

  • Legal and regulatory compliance

  • Fraud

  • Business continuity

  • Disaster recovery

  • Data control and sovereignty

  • Lack of forensic data

  • Incidence response


These are legitimate concerns.


Among the areas of most concern for cybersecurity professionals in managing cloud security are:


  • Malware/ransomware

  • Denial of service attacks

  • Hijacking of accounts

  • External sharing of data

  • Foreign state-sponsored cyber attacks

  • Malicious insiders

  • Misconfiguration of cloud platform

  • Unauthorized access

  • Insecure interfaces


All of the above can mean trouble and expense for many small businesses. Those entities required to adhere to strict regulatory compliance such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) must absorb additional costs and headaches in follow-up notifications of breaches to consumers and possible government penalties.

以上所有内容对于许多小型企业而言可能意味着麻烦和支出。 那些需要严格遵守法规(例如《健康保险可移植性和责任法案》(HIPAA)或《支付卡行业数据安全标准》(PCI DSS))的实体,在承担向消费者的违规跟进通知时可能要承担额外的费用和头痛,并且可能政府处罚。

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Photo by Agence Olloweb on Unsplash
Agence OllowebUnsplash拍摄的照片

看数字 (Looking at the numbers)

In recent years, 18% of organizations have suffered some form of a breach of cloud security. For these reasons, 91% of organizations are concerned about cloud security, and over half of that number describe themselves as being very concerned (38%) or extremely concerned (22%).

近年来,有18%的组织遭受了某种形式的云安全破坏。 由于这些原因,91%的组织关注云安全性,而超过一半的组织表示自己非常关注(38%)或极为关注(22%)。

Compromised data can get expensive. According to 2018's Global Cost of a Data Breach Report from the Ponemon Institute, the average total cost of a data breach was $3.86 million, with an average cost of $148 per lost or stolen record.

受损的数据可能会变得昂贵。 根据Ponemon Institute 2018年的《 全球数据泄露成本报告》 ,数据泄露的平均总成本为386万美元,每条丢失或被盗的记录平均成本为148美元。

使用云安全与否? (Is using the cloud safe or not?)

While the concerns are real and many, and the costs of a breach considerable, the cloud can still be considered a safe and cost-saving option for many small businesses. Cloud usage has only increased over the years.

尽管担心的问题是真实存在的,而且破坏的成本相当可观,但对于许多小型企业而言,云仍然可以被视为一种安全且节省成本的选择。 多年来,云使用量仅在增加。



For one thing, the built-in redundancy of off-site cloud servers means that your data is more secure from the numerous risks onsite servers and data centres are vulnerable to that could disrupt business continuity. These risks can include natural disasters, hardware failures, and other accidents.

一方面,异地云服务器的内置冗余意味着您的数据更安全,免受众多风险的威胁,而现场服务器和数据中心易受此干扰可能会破坏业务连续性。 这些风险可能包括自然灾害,硬件故障和其他事故。

As far as network security and the cloud are concerned, cloud service providers are continually improving their security protocols. Major cloud service providers such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM are always updating their security protocols and setting new standards. They want to keep your business, so it’s in their best interest to maintain your confidence in their ability to keep your data safe.

就网络安全和云而言,云服务提供商正在不断改进其安全协议。 诸如Google,Amazon,Microsoft和IBM之类的主要云服务提供商一直在更新其安全协议并设置新标准。 他们希望保持您的业务,因此对他们保持数据安全的能力保持信心符合他们的最大利益。

Perfecting data security is an evolving process. As cyberattacks get more sophisticated, so too do the defenses get more advanced. Cloud service providers work hard to stay ahead of the threat.

完善数据安全性是一个不断发展的过程。 随着网络攻击变得越来越复杂,防御也越来越先进。 云服务提供商正在努力保持领先地位。

云值得冒险吗? (Is the cloud worth the risk?)

The cloud offers greater flexibility in how business people can get the data they need. They do not need to be in the office to access inventory data, place orders, or update customer information. They can perform those tasks from any location where they have a reliable and secure internet connection.

云为业务人员如何获取所需数据提供了更大的灵活性。 他们不需要在办公室访问库存数据,下订单或更新客户信息。 他们可以从拥有可靠且安全的Internet连接的任何位置执行这些任务。

The cloud has also proven useful in project management, application development, and other situations that require input from a variety of sources and teams. With a choice of platforms, businesses can select several options for how integrated their cloud service is with their business operations.

事实证明,在项目管理,应用程序开发以及需要来自各种来源和团队的投入的其他情况下,云也很有用。 通过选择平台,企业可以选择几种选项来选择如何将其云服务与企业运营集成在一起。

Cloud service offers more than just data storage and backups. It can also be used to streamline business communication and establish an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Furthermore, its scalability means it can grow at the same pace as your business, meeting your specific needs as they come up.

云服务不仅提供数据存储和备份。 它也可以用于简化业务沟通并建立企业资源计划(ERP)系统。 此外,它的可扩展性意味着它可以与您的业务以相同的速度增长,从而满足您的特定需求。

办公室可行的安全提示 (Actionable security tips for the office)

Most security steps you can take in the office come down to common-sense solutions:


  • Your business should have a system for using unique usernames and password creation made up of letters, numbers, and special characters. If possible, a dual-authentication process should be put in place to bolster your local security further.

    您的企业应该有一个使用由字母,数字和特殊字符组成的唯一用户名和密码创建系统。 如果可能,应实施双重身份验证过程以进一步增强本地安全性。
  • Passwords should change regularly.

  • Employees should never share their login and password information.

  • Industry-standard encryption and authentication protocols can act as a secure buffer between your data and cybercriminals. Data stored on the cloud is encrypted when uploaded, and further protected by additional authentication requirements.

    行业标准的加密和身份验证协议可以充当数据和网络犯罪分子之间的安全缓冲区。 上载时,存储在云中的数据将被加密,并受到其他身份验证要求的进一步保护。
  • Business information can also be encrypted before uploading to the cloud and unencrypted locally, making it more difficult for malicious persons online to profit from your data.

  • Employees should be trained in recognizing possible phishing scams and avoiding infecting their computers or other devices with malware.

  • If using a managed IT service provider, determine what security policies and procedures they have in place, how they are implemented, and what, specifically, should be done in case of a breach.

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Photo by Maxim Ilyahov on Unsplash
Maxim IlyahovUnsplash上的 照片

可行的安全提示 (Actionable security tips for the road)

Remote employees can also do their part to maintain cloud security:


  • When using a portable device such as a tablet or phone to access the cloud, they should avoid using public Wi-FI.

  • Employees should be aware of their surroundings and not leave portable devices unattended.

  • Likewise, portable devices should be password protected, ideally with dual-authentication.

  • Should a portable device become lost or stolen, they should contact the IT staff immediately.

  • Encryption protocols used in the office can also be used in home offices and portable devices.

  • Remote employees should be wary of suspicious text messages and emails for both laptops and home office setups, as well as portable devices.


大图 (The big picture)

While the threats are real, the cloud is as secure as any other IT setup — particularly if a managed IT service provider is on board to help ensure you have sensible security systems in place. The benefits of cloud computing are too many to ignore and are essential to maintaining a competitive edge.

尽管威胁是真实存在的,但云与任何其他IT设置一样安全—尤其是如果托管IT服务提供商可以帮助确保您拥有明智的安全系统,则云尤其如此。 云计算的好处太多了,不容忽视,并且对于保持竞争优势至关重要。

Common sense and preparedness will do much to keep your business data secure and to keep your client confidence in your ability to manage their personal data and information safely.


Thank you for reading. I’d love to share more with you via my Bi-Weekly Word Roundup newsletter sent to subscribers every other Sunday. It will feature news, productivity tips, life hacks, and links to top stories making the rounds on the Internet. You can unsubscribe at any time.

感谢您的阅读。 我希望通过 每隔一个星期日发送给订阅者 的双周词综述 新闻稿 与您分享更多信息 它将包含新闻,生产力提示,生活技巧以及指向互联网上的热门话题的链接。 您可以随时取消订阅。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/are-computer-cloud-services-a-secure-option-for-your-business-9d2861022ed5


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