
Big data drives our world, from the macro to the micro — from global economies and market trends to the news stories that show on our LinkedIn and Twitter feeds each morning. Economies of the 21st century are information economies, and increasing amounts of data, along with the enhanced ability to process and analyze its meaning, is the hidden fabric helping to build better financial, government and social systems.

大数据驱动着我们的世界,从宏观到微观,从全球经济和市场趋势到每天早晨在LinkedIn和Twitter提要上显示的新闻报道。 21世纪的经济是信息经济,越来越多的数据,以及增强的处理和分析其含义的能力,是帮助建立更好的金融,政府和社会系统的隐性结构。

The importance of Big Data and what we do with it is now center stage. In the case of the international fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, a key problem is that our data just isn’t big enough, and to get larger data sets, maintaining privacy becomes a delicate balance. Governments are struggling to find privacy-law compliant ways to enable health and data scientists to access real-time knowledge on the spread of the virus, and it’s a problem that has grown as the severity of the pandemic has increased.

大数据的重要性以及我们如何处理它现在已成为焦点。 在针对COVID-19大流行的国际斗争中,一个关键问题是我们的数据还不够大,要获取更大的数据集,维护隐私就成了微妙的平衡。 政府正在努力寻找符合隐私法的方法,以使健康和数据科学家能够获取有关病毒传播的实时知识,并且随着大流行严重程度的增加,这一问题也日益严重。

Particularly over the past week, global experts have had to face that our ability to track, predict and respond to the virus is weakened by our lack of understanding of key facts — including identifying active carriers, estimating antigen levels, and determining the scope of the still-uninfected. Researchers confront further challenges in gathering the data, streamlining it into a usable format, and sharing it in a timely and private way across sectors and geography.

特别是在过去的一周中,全球专家不得不面对的问题是,由于我们对关键事实的理解不力,削弱了我们跟踪,预测和应对病毒的能力,包括识别活性载体,评估抗原水平以及确定病毒的范围。仍未感染。 研究人员在收集数据,将其简化为可用格式以及及时跨部门和地域共享的过程中面临着进一步的挑战。

Data Capture


A few weeks into the pandemic, data aggregate sites like ArcGIS (Global), Anodot (US) and Covid Tracking (US) have provided up-to-date public information and in some cases, a submission portal for data on the spread of the virus. Data most often originates at the government level through public health agencies and research institutions, but challenges to medical system access during the shutdown and a relative scarcity of real-time information has led researchers to search for other data capture methods.

大流行的几周后,诸如ArcGIS (Global), Anodot (US)和Covid Tracking (US)的数据聚合站点提供了最新的公共信息,在某些情况下,还提供了有关门户网站传播数据的提交门户。病毒。 数据通常是通过公共卫生机构和研究机构从政府层面获得的,但是在停机期间医疗系统访问面临的挑战以及实时信息的相对匮乏,导致研究人员寻找其他数据捕获方法。

The emergence of Big Data means that a vast amount of information on internet, social media and smartphone users is already being processed and analyzed by companies and governments around the world. However, the use of this information for unauthorized purposed poses a serious privacy challenge, particularly with stringent privacy laws like the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is already loosening in response to the pandemic.

大数据的出现意味着全球公司和政府已经在处理,分析互联网,社交媒体和智能手机用户上的大量信息。 但是,将这些信息用于未经授权的目的构成了严峻的隐私挑战,尤其是在严格的隐私法律(例如欧盟的《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR))下,该法律已经因大流行而放松

Debates are ongoing about the ethics of using phone location data to monitor the spread of COVID-19 or the movements of confirmed cases. New solutions have been proposed for pandemic data capture like MIT Lab’s app that notifies users if they came in contact with someone known to be infected, or the UK’s Kings College Covid Symptom Tracker. With government-mandated apps unlikely to be accepted, these voluntary and opt-in solutions let people contribute to the crisis efforts by mobilizing their own data as a resource.

关于使用电话位置数据来监视COVID-19的传播或确诊病例的转移的道德操守的辩论正在进行中。 已经提出了用于大流行数据捕获的新解决方案,例如MIT Lab的可通知用户是否与已知感染者接触的应用程序或英国Kings College Covid症状追踪器的应用程序 。 由于政府要求的应用程序不太可能被接受,因此这些自愿和选择加入的解决方案使人们可以通过动员自己的数据作为资源来为危机做出贡献。

And they may be more accurate than predicted. What apps with user-submitted symptomatology lack in verification, they make up for in scale — hundreds of millions of people all voluntarily providing basic health details should (hopefully) create enough of a sample size to significantly improve data accuracy. In addition to symptom or diagnosis information, app users could opt-in to share their phone’s GIS locations for more accurate mapping.

而且它们可能比预期的更准确。 具有用户提交的症状的应用程序缺乏验证,它们在规模上得到了弥补–数以亿计自愿提供基本健康状况的人应该(希望)创建足够大的样本量以显着提高数据准确性。 除了症状或诊断信息,应用程序用户还可以选择共享手机的GIS位置,以获取更准确的地图。

Another issue facing pandemic researchers comes after the data is captured — how to share it in a structured, secure format. Across the globe, thousands of academic institutions, public health agencies and research facilities are all working on the same problem — and to build stronger models, they may need to access and share privacy-protected health data like electronic health records (EHRs). In many cases, departments within the same organization confront these privacy and coordination challenges when sharing EHRs, leading to systemic inefficiencies and lengthy delays.

大流行研究人员面临的另一个问题是在捕获数据之后-如何以结构化,安全的格式共享数据。 在全球范围内,成千上万的学术机构,公共卫生机构和研究机构都在研究同一个问题,并且要建立更强大的模型,他们可能需要访问和共享受隐私保护的健康数据,例如电子健康记录(EHR)。 在许多情况下,同一组织内的部门在共享EHR时会面临这些隐私和协调挑战,从而导致系统效率低下和漫长的延迟。

Big Data and Blockchain


Blockchain’s cryptographically secured architecture gives Big Data a big privacy boost, ensuring that the database contents have not been altered. It simplifies distribution, since the decentralized nature of the network allows information to be instantly shared with authorized users who host nodes. In a blockchain system for pandemic data capture, this would allow thousands of organizations to read and add to an international data pool structured in an organized, readily usable format, leading to better predictions and faster decisions.

区块链的加密保护体系结构为大数据提供了极大的隐私保护,确保数据库内容没有被更改。 由于网络的分散性质允许信息与承载节点的授权用户立即共享,因此它简化了分发。 在用于大流行数据捕获的区块链系统中,这将使成千上万的组织读取并添加到以组织化的,易于使用的格式构成的国际数据池中,从而带来更好的预测和更快的决策。

Some companies are already merging the two technologies — an MIT spinoff called Endor is claiming to have invented the ‘Google for predictive analytics’ using the Etherium blockchain platform and its own AI models. The company says it can process encrypted data without the need for decryption, and use it to provide automated AI predictions. With no data science expertise required, this type of technology would have definite utility with sensitive data during pandemics.

一些公司已经在合并这两种技术-一家名为EndorMIT衍生公司声称使用Etherium区块链平台和自己的AI模型发明了“ Google for预测分析”。 该公司表示,无需解密即可处理加密数据,并使用其提供自动AI预测。 无需数据科学专业知识,这种技术就可以在大流行期间对敏感数据具有确定的效用。

Privacy Protection


When it comes to sharing more sensitive information like patient care records, developing a system of governance and protocols for data gathering and analysis is crucial. Even in times of crisis, privacy and security need to be maintained, as much as possible, in the face of an urgent need for life-saving information.

当涉及到共享更敏感的信息(例如患者护理记录)时,开发用于数据收集和分析的治理和协议系统至关重要。 即使在危机时期,面对急需的救生信息,也需要尽可能地保持隐私和安全。

Emerging blockchain applications like MTCB’s free, open-source platform show how the technology is ideal for privacy protection when sharing access to EHRs. Blockchain offers the same protection for voluntary app-submitted data, which can be securely stored and shared without the risk of database breaches that could leak personal information, damage public trust and reduce usage. Using streamlined, low-cost digital payments on blockchain, governments could even incentivize voluntary app use by compensating users for their time and data sharing.

诸如MTCB的免费,开源平台之新兴区块链应用程序展示了该技术如何在共享对EHR的访问权限时非常适合进行隐私保护。 区块链为自愿提交的应用程序数据提供了相同的保护,可以安全地存储和共享这些数据,而不会存在数据库泄露的风险,因为数据库泄露可能会泄漏个人信息,损害公众信任并减少使用量。 通过在区块链上使用简化的低成本数字支付 ,政府甚至可以通过补偿用户的时间和数据共享来激励自愿使用应用程序。

The solutions of the future are emerging from the knowledge and understanding we’re gaining from the challenges of managing our current crisis. Big Data is the weapon of today in identifying and stopping the spread of COVID-19 — and with its security, transparency and ability to enhance analytics, blockchain has the power to help build the effective pandemic response systems of tomorrow.

未来的解决方案源于我们从应对当前危机的挑战中获得的知识和理解。 大数据是当今识别和阻止COVID-19传播的武器-凭借其安全性,透明度和增强分析能力,区块链有能力帮助构建明天有效的大流行应对系统。

翻译自: https://medium.com/datadriveninvestor/big-data-blockchain-and-keeping-pandemic-data-private-3e575484a1b





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