
Authentication is hard! Nowadays, to create a simple login or logout feature, we require a considerable amount of boilerplate code. Now picture we want to add authentication with Google or Facebook? More boilerplate, right?

认证很难! 如今,要创建一个简单的登录或注销功能,我们需要大量的样板代码。 现在图片我们要添加Google或Facebook的身份验证? 更多样板,对吗?

What if I told you that in React you can do that just by wrapping your code with a context provider and by using a custom react hook?


In this blog post, I’ll show you how to add authentication to your React application using the Auth0 useAuth0 custom hook, how to display the authenticated user information, and how to authenticate with a social provider like GitHub.

在此博客文章中,我将向您展示如何使用Auth0 useAuth0自定义钩子向您的React应用程序添加身份验证,如何显示经过身份验证的用户信息以及如何通过GitHub之类的社交服务提供商进行身份验证。

建立 (Setup)

Auth0资讯主页 (Auth0 dashboard)

So the first thing you need is an Auth0 account. You can sign up for free at https://auth0.com/signup.

因此,您首先需要的是Auth0帐户。 您可以在https://auth0.com/signup免费注册。

Once you have your account setup, on the application settings dashboard create a new application with the Single Page Web Application type.

设置好帐户后,在“ 应用程序设置”仪表板上创建具有“ 单页Web应用程序”类型的新应用程序

Create a Single Page Web Application
Create a Single Page Web Application

Now that you have your application, you will need to get some data and do some configurations first, here’s what you need to do:


  • Copy your Domain value (we’ll use it in the next step)

  • Copy your Client ID value (we’ll use it in the next step)

Domain and Client ID
Domain and Client ID
  • Add http://localhost:3000 to the Allowed Callback URLs so that it can call back to it after logging in


  • Add http://localhost:3000 to the Allowed Logout URLs so that it can redirect to it after logging out


  • Add http://localhost:3000 to the Allowed Web Origins to make it an allowed origin for use with Cross-Origin Authentication


Add localhost to required fields
Add localhost to required fields

Now we configured everything on the dashboard, the next thing you will need is an application.


React应用 (React Application)

On this project you should do two things first:


1.安装auth0-react SDK (1. Install auth0-react SDK)

Install Auth0 React SDK
Install Auth0 React SDK
安装Auth0 React SDK

2.将您先前复制的域和客户端ID添加到您的.env文件中 (2. Add your previously copied domain and client id to your .env file)

Image for post
Add Domain Id and Client Id to .env file

Now we finished all the setup needed to add authentication to our application. To be able to make use of the useAuth0 hook we need to wrap our application the Auth0 context provider.

现在,我们完成了向应用程序添加身份验证所需的所有设置。 为了能够使用useAuth0挂钩,我们需要将应用程序包装为Auth0上下文提供程序。

Auth0Provider (Auth0Provider)

Wrapping App component with Auth0Provider

On this snippet, we wrap our App component with the Auth0Provider which is a context provider that stores the authentication state of our users and allows for children of this component to access it. This provider receives 3 parameters:

在此代码段中,我们将App组件与Auth0Provider封装在一起, Auth0Provider是一个上下文提供程序,用于存储用户的身份验证状态并允许该组件的子代访问它。 此提供程序接收3个参数:

  • the domain and clientId params which we can get thanks to our setup on the .env file


  • the redirectUri which is the default URL where Auth0 redirects the browser to with the authentication results. In the snippet above we use the origin property from the location object to get the current page URL

    redirectUri ,这是Auth0将浏览器重定向到身份验证结果的默认URL 。 在上面的代码段中,我们使用location对象中的origin属性来获取当前页面的URL

Having our App wrapped with the Auth0Provider, now we can start using the useAuth0 hook.


useAuth0 (useAuth0)

useAuth0 is a custom React hook that's part of the Auth0 React SDK. This hook provides you with some helpers and functions that you can use to abstract all the authentication logic and often immense boilerplate code from your code. On the next sections, I'll present you to some auth methods for login ( loginWithRedirect) and logout ( logout) as well as some auth state for obtaining the authenticated state ( isAuthenticated) and the authenticated user date ( user).

useAuth0是自定义的React挂钩,它是Auth0 React SDK的一部分。 该挂钩为您提供了一些帮助程序和功能,可用于抽象所有身份验证逻辑,并且经常从代码中提取大量的样板代码。 在下一部分中,我将向您介绍一些用于登录的auth方法( loginWithRedirect )和注销( logout ),以及一些用于获取认证状态( isAuthenticated )和认证用户日期( user )的认证状态。

登录 (Login)

For adding the ability to login to your application, you can make use of the loginWithRedirect method.


Using loginWithRedirect inside LoginButton component

Here we show our LoginButton component. In this component, we destructure the loginWithRedirect method from the useAuth0 hook and assign its call to the button onClick event. After pressing the button, you will be redirected to the Auth0 Universal Login page where the user can either sign in or sign up.

在这里,我们显示了LoginButton组件。 在此组件中,我们从useAuth0挂钩解构loginWithRedirect方法,并将其调用分配给按钮onClick事件。 按下按钮后,您将被重定向到Auth0通用登录页面,用户可以在其中登录或注册。

Image for post
Universal Login Page

Note: if you want to avoid being redirected to a new page, you use instead the loginWithPopup method to open a popup with the Auth0 Universal Login page.

注意 :如果要避免重定向到新页面,可以使用loginWithPopup方法打开带有Auth0通用登录页面的弹出窗口。

登出 (Logout)

For adding the ability to log out to your application, you can make use the logout method

为了增加logout ,您可以使用logout方法

Using logout inside LogoutButton component

Here we show our LogoutButton component. In this component, we destructure the logout method from the useAuth0 hook and assign its call to the button onClick event. This method receives a returnTo parameter where, thanks to the origin property from the location object, we specify the URL where Auth0 will redirect the browser after the logout process.

在这里,我们显示了LogoutButton组件。 在此组件中,我们从useAuth0挂钩解构logout方法,并将其调用分配给按钮onClick事件。 此方法接收returnTo参数,由于location对象的origin属性,我们在其中指定了Auth0将在注销过程后重定向浏览器的URL。

身份验证状态:isAuthenticated和用户 (Authentication State: isAuthenticated and User)

As mentioned above, besides the functions that you gain access thanks to the useAuth0 hook you also can access some authentication state properties like isAuthenticated and user


Using isAuthenticated and user properties to display authenticated user information

In the snippet above, by combining the isAuthenticated property with the user property we guarantee that we'll only display the user data once we're sure that the user is authenticated.


By default on the Auth0 Universal Login page, you’ll only be able to use Google as a Social Identity Provider. In this section, I’ll show you how Auth0 makes it easy for you to add a new social provider to your application.

默认情况下,在Auth0通用登录页面上,您只能将Google用作社交身份提供商 。 在本节中,我将向您展示Auth0如何使您轻松地向应用程序添加新的社交提供程序。

奖励:在Auth0门户中添加新的社交身份验证 (Bonus: Adding new social authentication within the Auth0 portal)

第1步 (Step 1)

On the application settings dashboard go to the social connections tab to see all the currently configured social connections you have. Click on the Create Connection button. (Click here to skip this and the previous step).

应用程序设置仪表板上,转到“ 社交关系”选项卡以查看您当前拥有的所有已配置社交关系。 单击创建连接按钮。 ( 单击此处跳过此步骤和上一步)。

Social Connections Page
Social Connections Page

第2步 (Step 2)

Select one provider. In this example, I’ll be choosing GitHub (Click here to skip this and the previous steps).

选择一个提供商。 在此示例中,我将选择GitHub( 单击此处跳过此步骤和之前的步骤)。

Select one provider
Select one provider

第三步 (Step 3)

Scroll down and click on the Create button.


Add Github as a social provider
Add Github as a social provider

第4步 (Step 4)

You now can toggle this provider for your application.


Add GitHub as a social provider to your application
Add GitHub as a social provider to your application

第5步 (Step 5)

Try to log in on your application again.


GitHub now shows up as an authentication option
GitHub now shows up as an authentication option


Just in case you want a quick summary of everything here it is:


  1. Create an Auth0 account at https://auth0.com/signup


  2. Get the Domain and Client ID from your application at https://manage.auth0.com/#/applications and add them to your application .env


  3. Configure your Allowed Callback URLs, in this case, add http://localhost:3000


  4. Configure your Allowed Logout URLs, in this case, add http://localhost:3000


  5. Configure your Allowed Web Origins, in this case, add http://localhost:3000


  6. Install Auth0 React SDK

    安装Auth0 React SDK

  7. Wrap your main component with the Auth0Provider and add the domain, client id, and redirectUri parameters to it.

  8. With the useAuth0 hook, destructure the login method (loginWithRedirect or loginWithPopup) and create a login component

    使用useAuth0钩子, useAuth0登录方法(loginWithRedirect或loginWithPopup)并创建一个登录组件

  9. With the useAuth0 hook, destructure the logout method and create a logout component


  10. With the useAuth0 hook, destructure the isAuthenticated variable and user properties to access authentication state inside a component


下一步是什么? (What’s next?)

On the next posts of this series, I’ll be showing you how to add protection to a route on your React application and how to use an Access Token to call a protected API.


Hope everyone enjoyed and stay tuned!


Originally published at https://www.danieljcafonso.com.

最初在 https://www.danieljcafonso.com上 发布

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/react-authentication-made-easy-with-useauth0-5b7674d13da2





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