
By Takashi Mochizuki


Nintendo Co. plans to debut an upgraded model of its Switch console next year along with a lineup of new games, people familiar with the matter said, ceding 2020’s holiday spotlight to rival devices from Sony Corp. and Microsoft Corp.


The specifications of the new machine have yet to be finalized, though the Kyoto-based company has looked into including more computing power and 4K high-definition graphics, people briefed on the strategy told Bloomberg News, asking not to be identified because it’s private. Nintendo faces stiff competition for gamers’ attention this fall as the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X are set to arrive in time for the shopping season.

知情人士向彭博社(Bloomberg News)透露,新机的规格尚未最终确定,尽管这家总部位于京都的公司已在考虑包括更多的计算能力和4K高清晰度图形,但由于其属私人性质,因此不愿透露姓名。 由于PlayStation 5和Xbox Series X预计会在购物旺季到货,任天堂将在今年秋天面临激烈的竞争以吸引游戏者的注意力。

The release of the upgraded Switch would be coupled with, or followed by, a slew of games from Nintendo itself and related outside studios, the people said. Those games would address a wide range of players, from casual gamers seeking small doses of escapism to more devoted fans putting in marathon gaming sessions. The focus on next year’s pipeline explains Nintendo’s relatively quiet software release schedule so far this year, the people said.

知情人士说,升级版Switch的发布将与任天堂本身和相关外部工作室的一系列游戏相结合,或随之而来。 这些游戏将面向广泛的玩家,从寻求少量逃避现实的休闲游戏玩家到参加马拉松比赛的忠实粉丝。 知情人士说,对明年产品线的关注解释了任天堂今年迄今为止相对安静的软件发布时间表。

The gaming giant has seen record-breaking hit Animal Crossing: New Horizons and the protracted Covid-19 pandemic spark a rally of more than 70% in its share price since the game’s release in March.


The company has struggled to keep up with demand for its existing Switch and Switch Lite, though it said earlier this month that its production bottleneck has largely been resolved. This has been helped by plunging smartphone demand releasing some of the pressure on suppliers. Assembly of Nintendo’s next console isn’t expected to begin until next year because production partners are busy with making the current models, according to the people informed.

该公司一直在努力与现有交换机的需求跟上和交换机精简版,虽然它说,本月早些时候,它的生产瓶颈已经在很大程度上得到了解决。 智能手机需求暴跌缓解了供应商的一些压力,这有助于实现这一目标。 知情人士说,由于生产合作伙伴正忙于制造当前的模型,预计任天堂的下一个游戏机的组装要到明年才能开始。

Taiwan’s Economic Daily News first reported the new console plans on Monday. A Nintendo spokesman declined to comment.

台湾《经济日报》周一首次报道了新的游戏机计划。 任天堂发言人拒绝置评。

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The video game industry saw an unprecedented surge over the quarter ended June, with big names like Sony, Square Enix Holdings Co., Tencent Holdings Ltd. and Nintendo itself far outperforming analyst expectations as the pandemic kept millions of people homebound for extended periods of time. Those companies have sounded a note of caution about the momentum continuing, though data from Japan-based research firm Famitsu suggests demand for the Switch and Animal Crossing remained strong in August.

在截至6月的季度中,视频游戏行业出现了空前的激增,索尼,Square Enix Holdings Co.,腾讯控股有限公司和任天堂等大公司自身的表现均远超分析师的预期,原因是该流行病使数百万人长期呆在家里。 尽管来自日本的研究公司Famitsu的数据表明8月份对Switch和Animal Crossing的需求仍然强劲,但这些公司已经对这种势头继续保持谨慎的态度。

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Nintendo has sold 61 million Switch consoles in the period between its March 2017 launch and the end of June this year. Extending the console’s lifespan with a specced-up version is likely to make it the company’s longest-lived console generation.

从2017年3月推出到今年6月底,任天堂已售出6100万台Switch控制台。 使用专用版本来延长控制台的使用寿命可能会使它成为公司寿命最长的控制台一代。

“With Nintendo Switch about to begin its fourth year, the situation does feel a little different from the home consoles we’ve offered in the past,” Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa said in January, when he added a note not to expect new hardware in 2020. “In terms of hardware, I think we will be able to consider a variety of ways to expand in the future.”

“任天堂Switch即将开始其第四年,情况确实与我们过去提供的家用游戏机有些不同,”任天堂总裁Shuntaro Furukawa在1月份说道,当时他补充说不要在新的硬件中使用新硬件。 2020年。“在硬件方面,我认为我们将来将能够考虑多种扩展方式。”

The Wii is Nintendo’s biggest home console hit to date with lifetime sales of 102 million units, while the portable Nintendo DS has reached 154 million units — and at least one analyst expects a refreshed Switch model can boost sales enough to make it the company’s most successful hardware generation.

Wii是任天堂迄今最大的家用游戏机,终身销售达1.02亿台,而便携式Nintendo DS已达到1.54亿台,而且至少一位分析师预计,更新后的Switch型号将足以推动销量增长,使其成为公司最成功的产品。硬件生成。

“The Switch will surpass the Wii’s sales even without an upgrade,” said Ace Research Institute analyst Hideki Yasuda. “And a sound hardware update plan would even allow the Switch to surpass the Nintendo DS handheld.”

Ace研究所分析师安田秀树(Hideki Yasuda)表示:“即使不进行升级,Switch也将超过Wii的销量。” “完善的硬件更新计划甚至可以使Switch超越Nintendo DS掌上电脑。”

翻译自: https://medium.com/bloomberg/nintendo-plans-upgraded-switch-console-and-major-games-for-2021-42715394eec6

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