

S. is a designer and works at the button factory. Despite its scary look, S. goes there every day, and he loves his routine, never missing a day!

S.是一位设计师,在按钮工厂工作。 尽管看上去很恐怖,S。每天都去那里,他爱自己的例行活动,从未错过任何一天!

The factory is a tall building, so tall that some days it’s all surrounded by clouds swirling all around. “It must be all the disruptive talent we have here that produces such a crazy thing!”

工厂是一栋高大的建筑,高到有一天,周围全是乌云密布。 “一定是我们在这里拥有的所有破坏性才能产生如此疯狂的东西!”

S. makes buttons. Not only “buttons” for design’s sake. He is making people’s lives better!

S.制作按钮。 不仅是设计方面的“按钮”。 他使人们的生活更加美好!

There are “buy now” buttons, “previous” buttons, “subscribe” buttons, and as many buttons you could ever imagine!


S. polishes buttons’ corners with love, sometimes remembering what they used to tell him at school about round corners “1 to be edgy, 5 only if gently, 10 to look flashy, 20 when you are probably wrongish.”

S.用爱擦亮纽扣的角,有时还记得他们以前在学校告诉他的圆角:“ 1是前卫的,只有5轻轻地,10看起来浮华,有20则是你不道德。”

As soon as he is done S. puts the buttons together in piles, in the sequence he was told:


home — buy now — subscribe — previous — nexthome — buy now — subscribe — previous — nexthome — buy now — subscribe — previous — next


S. is a little yellow dot. The button factory’s inside is a big open space with tall, black and grey, button piles.

The buttons are all black and grey, but it’s just a matter of time because he is going to send them to the painters!


“Red, green, blue, these are the only three colours we have in the factory, but there are so many variations! Can you imagine the painters covered by all of these fabulous shades?

“红色,绿色,蓝色,这是我们出厂时仅有的三种颜色,但是变化太多! 您能想象所有这些神话般的阴影所覆盖的画家吗?

Wouldn’t be so much fun if we were all different colours as well? We are all the same colour here!” S. used to think.

如果我们也都是不同的颜色,会不会很有趣? 我们这里的颜色都一样!” S.曾经思考。

The painters (all yellow dots as S.) are here covered by colourful paint.

The factory is managed by someone nobody has ever seen. Once one of S.’s colleagues said he looks like an ATM, someone else said he looks like an octopus, nobody knows.

工厂由没人见过的人管理。 S.的一位同事说他看起来像自动取款机,别人说他看起来像章鱼,没人知道。

The boss is depicted as a mysterious, undefined, red shape.
How would the boss ever look like?

One day, BOOM, a pile of buttons tumbles to the floor and PUFF, a cloud of colours takes over the whole factory.


“What happened? Let’s have a look!” S. says, running as fast as he can.

“发生了什么? 我们来看一下!” S.说,跑得尽可能快。

Colours are floating all over when S. notices a glow in the most hidden spot of that colourful cloud.


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There is something there. Yes, but what? What is that?

那里有东西。 是的,但是呢? 那是什么?

It’s something strange, something S. feels he knows or knew at least but…he can’t remember.


“Grab it!” this is what S. thinks in that very moment. Done, it’s already in the backpack.

“抓住它!” 这就是S.当时的想法。 做完了,已经在背包里了。

Has anybody seen me? Nope. S. decides to fake a headache and heads home.

有人见过我吗? 不。 S.决定假装头痛并回家。

Scared and excited S. walks home looking at the city as he has not done for years, can you see the lights and the darkness around the giant building-crush where he grew up?


Lights and shadows and the outline of a city.
“Cities, like dreams, are made of desires and fears, even if the thread of their discourse is secret, their rules are absurd, their perspectives deceitful, and everything conceals something else.” — Italo Calvino, “Invisible cities”, 1972
“就像梦一样,城市是由欲望和恐惧构成的,即使话语的线索是秘密的,其规则是荒谬的,其观点是虚假的,而且一切都掩盖了其他东西。” -Italo Calvino,“看不见的城市”,1972年

Home, finally.


S. opens the backpack and suddenly the “thing”, from a gentle glow, goes massive, pulsing like a heartbeat and lightning all S.’s place.


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What to do now?


“I will stay at home until I don’t understand what it is”.


Blinds shot down and light off. S. thinks “That’s pretty eco-sustainable, isn’t it? I’ll save some money for sure at the end of the month”.

百叶窗被击落并熄灭。 S.认为“这在生态上是可持续的,不是吗? 我肯定会在月底节省一些钱。”

What a day. Slowly but surely S. will fall asleep as he noticed that the “thing” is calming down, and the light is becoming not bigger than a “share” button.

真是一天 S.慢慢但肯定会入睡,因为他注意到“事物”正在平静下来,并且灯光变得不比“共享”按钮大。

There is silence outside, only some cat-fights in the neighbourhood.


The next morning “OMG!!!” S. suddenly wakes up realising that a very important client visits the factory today. He promised to guide him through all the different kinds of buttons they had!

第二天早上“天哪!” S.突然醒悟到,今天有一个非常重要的客户来厂。 他答应通过各种按钮来指导他!

“I have to go,” he thinks, “I’ll bring the “thing” with me, what could ever happen?”


You are late S.! The client is waiting for you.

你迟到了! 客户正在等你。

After hiding his backpack under the tallest button pile, S. rushes to meet the client.


“Welcome Welcome Welcome” S. says, “How are you? What a nice car! What a lovely day today!”

“欢迎光临,欢迎光临” S.说,​​“你好吗? 真是一辆好车! 今天真是美好的一天!”

They start walking down the long corridor that heads to the “Experience Room” where S. works.


S. is walking through a long corridor with the client (a blue and blurred rectangle) following.

S. is showing the client around “Home — buy now — subscribe — previous — next and again home — buy now — subscribe — previous — next”, isn’t it beautiful?

S.正在向客户显示“ 房屋-现在购买-订阅-以前-下一个,然后再次房屋-现在购买-订阅-以前-下一个”,这不是很漂亮吗?

The room is such a big open space, S. doesn’t even remember where he left his backpack; it doesn’t matter, he is winning the client!

这个房间是一个很大的开放空间,S甚至都不记得他离开背包的位置。 没关系,他赢得了客户!

But the light all of a sudden turns black, the client runs away, scared, and the factory seems to stop, for the very first time.


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“How’s it possible?” S. thinks. He knows where to find a light though to get his way out, and he starts wandering around.

“怎么可能?” S.认为。 他知道哪里可以找到灯,但要走出去,他开始四处游荡。

“Where did I leave my backpack? Oh, here it is”

“我在哪里把背包留在哪里? 哦,这是”

Inside the “thing” has changed, now it looks like every other button but… there is something written on it.


It says “time to question”.


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Change only happens when a collective first, then a community, push for it.


Thanks to Fabricio Teixeira and the UX Collective gang for their always kind and warm hospitality.

感谢Fabricio Teixeira和UX Collective帮派一贯的热情好客。

Other (virtual) friends that found the “time to question” button:


  1. Mike Monteiro

    迈克·蒙泰罗(Mike Monteiro)

  2. Chris Bangle, “Designing Difference in a World of Sameness”, November 26, 2012, Stanford University

    克里斯·邦格( Chris Bangle) ,“ 在相同世界中设计差异 ,斯坦福大学,2012年11月26日

  3. Boris Müller,Why do all websites look the same?”, 2018

    BorisMüller 为什么所有网站看起来都一样? ”, 2018年

  4. Chris Kiess, The McDonaldization of UX”, 2019

    克里斯·基斯 ( Chris Kiess) UX的麦当劳化 ”, 2019年

Oh, and if you are interested in the conversation, you can check out one of my previous stories titled “One minute of silence for digital design”.


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UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/the-button-factory-wrongish-francesco-pini-b88aa77d6960






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