lynda ux_UX训练营不是您所想的

lynda ux

I really enjoyed my UX bootcamp experience. I was a star student. I risked a lot to attend and I received an amazing return: I landed a mid-level UX Design role that I love, with a salary and a stability that changed my quality of life. I’m grateful and I’m proud.

我真的很喜欢UX训练营。 我是一名明星学生。 我冒着很多风险参加,并获得了惊人的回报:我找到了我喜欢的中级UX设计职位,薪水和稳定性改变了我的生活质量。 我很感激,我感到自豪。

Now that I am over six months into my position, I have a more nuanced perspective of what bootcamp is and what it isn’t. I share these insights for those considering attending; may this information enlighten you to the whole nuanced picture and nudge you toward what is truly right for you.

现在我已经担任职位六个多月了,对于什么是新手训练营,什么不是新手训练营,我有了更细微的了解。 我为考虑参加的人们分享这些见解; 希望这些信息能启发您整个细微的画面,并使您朝着真正适合您的方向发展。

我以为训练营将会是: (What I thought bootcamp was going to be:)

I thought bootcamp was a 10-week immersive experience after which I would come out fully prepared to get any junior to mid-level job I wanted within a few shorts months of completion. I thought once I got through the hard part of learning, I would know the right methods and software to feel confident in my skills. I thought the bootcamp was the hard part and the rest would be easy.

我以为训练营是一个为期10周的沉浸式体验,此后我会做好充分准备,以在完成后的短短几个月内找到我想要的任何中级工作。 我以为一旦完成学习的艰苦工作,我就会知道合适的方法和软件来对自己的技能充满信心。 我认为训练营是最困难的部分,其余的将很容易。

I thought I would get bespoke, in-depth coaching sessions that explored the best ways to put forth my personal brand. I thought I would be a shoo-in for available roles with the bootcamp’s corporate hiring partners. I thought the reputation of my chosen bootcamp preceded it, and that almost all companies would love to score an illustrious bootcamp grad.

我认为我将获得定制的,深入的教练课程,探讨建立我个人品牌的最佳方法。 我以为我会成为新兵训练营的公司招聘合作伙伴的空缺职位。 我认为我选择的训练营的声誉早于此,几乎所有公司都希望获得杰出的训练营毕业生。

实际的训练营是: (What bootcamp actually is:)

Below is a list of what bootcamp actually is, based on what I have learned working in the industry as a UX designer for over 6 months. I include why the reality of bootcamp is both wildly advantageous and wildly disadvantageous.

以下是根据我在该行业担任UX设计人员超过6个月所学到的知识,得出的Bootcamp实际上是什么。 我包括为何训练营的现实既有利又不利。

Bootcamp为您提供了“完美” UX过程的框架。 (Bootcamp gives you a framework of the *perfect* UX process.)

Advantage: You will see what the ideal UX process looks like from start to finish; this theoretical process shows students the goals of each phase of the process and which tools to use during those phases. I had no idea what UX even was, so this framework was great knowledge on which to build. I personally need a structure for learning, and bootcamp met that need.

优势:从头到尾,您将看到理想的UX流程。 该理论过程向学生展示了该过程每个阶段的目标以及在这些阶段中使用哪些工具。 我什至不知道UX是什么,所以这个框架是丰富的基础知识。 我个人需要学习的结构,而训练营就可以满足这种需求。

It’s like a pre-med student learning anatomy and studying from one of those bland textbook illustrations of an “average” person. The illustration is accurate for learning and you have to start there, but real human bodies are hairy, scarred, and rather varied in shape.

这就像一名医学预科生学习解剖学,并从那些平庸的教科书插图中“普通”人的插图中学习。 插图对于学习是准确的,您必须从那里开始,但实际的人体却毛茸茸,结疤且形状各异。

Disadvantage: In a perfect process, there are no limitations. In the real and imperfect world, there are many limitations, some of which are frustrating and stressful. For example, team leads might have competing visions (or worse, no vision) or there is no end-user available to interview and the timeline is nearly impossible.

缺点:在一个完美的过程中,没有任何限制。 在现实和不完美的世界中,存在许多限制,其中一些令人沮丧和压力重重。 例如,团队负责人可能有相互竞争的愿景(或更糟的是,没有愿景),或者没有最终用户可以采访,而且时间表几乎是不可能的。

Since graduating from bootcamp, I have worked on three small freelance projects and two large, complex enterprise projects. Never-have-I-ever seen the ideal process carried through; process is expensive, so things get cut. Our team process is often mishmashed, scrappy, out of order and specific to the needs of the project.

从新兵训练营毕业以来,我从事过三个小型自由职业者项目和两个大型,复杂的企业项目。 我从未见过理想的过程; 过程很昂贵,所以事情就减少了。 我们的团队流程经常被打乱,杂乱无章,杂乱无章,并且特定于项目需求。

Advice: The perfect UX process is great for learning, but don’t get stuck there. Hiring managers — who are considering how you might fit into the complexity of their organization — may be estranged by your undying love of the perfected process.

建议:完美的UX流程非常适合学习,但不要卡在这里。 招聘经理-正在考虑您如何适应其组织的复杂性-可能因您对完美流程的不懈追求而疏远。

After bootcamp, seek out real-world projects with complexity and accept the mess; it will make you a better designer. The real skill is knowing which methods to apply in which circumstance, based on the needs and goals of the project.

训练营结束后,寻找复杂的现实项目并接受混乱; 它将使您成为更好的设计师。 真正的技能是根据项目的需求和目标,知道在哪种情况下应采用哪种方法。

Bootcamp向您展示了成为一名成功设计师所需的技能。 (Bootcamp shows you the skills you need to be a successful designer.)

Advantage: I assume if you are into UX, you are a deeply curious person. Lucky for you, bootcamp is the perfect buffet of endless intellectual exploration and skill-building that can be had within the UX profession.

优势:我假设如果您喜欢UX,那么您就是一个非常好奇的人。 对您来说幸运的是,bootcamp是UX专业人士可以进行无休止的智力探索和技能培养的完美自助餐。

Bootcamp not only showed me what to learn, but often showed me where to learn. My instructors and my classmates always had a myriad of amazing resources waiting for me to explore about any modality within the UX discipline.

训练营不仅教我学什么 ,但往往表明我在哪里学习。 我的老师和同学们总是有无数的惊人资源等待着我探索UX学科内的任何形式。

Disadvantage: Knowing about a skill is not same as knowing a skill. Bootcamp learning shows you everything you need to learn, but you don’t have time in that moment to master the skills.

缺点:了解有关功力不一样知道的技能。 训练营学习向您显示了您需要学习的所有内容,但是那一刻您没有时间掌握这些技能。

There is no way to account for an entire profession and its requisite skillset in ten weeks. There is simply not enough time to delve deeply into the nuances of research planning, qualitative interviewing, synthesis, wireframing, user flows, and design, in addition to becoming proficient in Figma and InVision.

十周之内无法解决整个职业及其必备技能的问题。 除了精通Figma和InVision之外,没有足够的时间去深入研究研究计划,定性访谈,综合,线框图,用户流程和设计的细微差别。

Much of your most valuable learning will be done after bootcamp hours. The lesson plans alone are shallow, if you do not learn beyond the syllabus.

训练营结束后,您将学到很多最有价值的知识。 如果您没有在课程表之外学习,那么仅课程计划就很浅。

Advice: To get a position in the competitive UX market, you must add (and demonstrate how you add) value to the company. Value is partially about your attitude and partially about the skills you bring to the table.

建议:要在竞争激烈的UX市场上占有一席之地,您必须为公司增加(并证明如何增加)价值。 价值部分与您的态度有关,部分与您带来的技能有关。

Mastering skills takes time beyond bootcamp. Longer programs may be better for someone who does not have any previous professional experience or who thrives in a slower, more in-depth pace of learning.

掌握技能需要花费训练营以外的时间。 更长的课程可能对没有任何专业经验的人或以较慢,更深入的学习步伐蓬勃发展的人更好。

Two people stand in a conference room looking at a large whiteboard with hand-drawn diagrams. One person points and talks.
Photo by You X Ventures on Unsplash
You X VenturesUnsplash拍摄的照片

Bootcamp是整个设计行业的高级概述。 (Bootcamp is a high-level overview of the design industry at large.)

Advantage: This industry overview is valuable because you can be strategic about your career interests and goals. You learn about different UX roles and can orient toward specialization earlier in your career. While most entry-level designs are generalist in nature, you can focus on building skills for specific roles that you might want in the future.

优势:该行业概述很有价值,因为您可以就自己的职业兴趣和目标制定战略。 您将了解不同的UX角色,并可以在职业生涯的较早时期就走向专业化。 尽管大多数入门级设计本质上都是通才的,但是您可以专注于为将来可能需要的特定角色构建技能。

For example, I am fascinated with business and often lose patience with technical details. I knew after bootcamp I needed to leverage my existing research skills to get a job that was more on the client-discovery and strategy side of the UX process and less on the technical delivery and UI side of the process. I am currently learning about structuring proposals and translating research into flows and wireframes for complex enterprise softwares.

例如,我对业务着迷,经常对技术细节失去耐心。 我知道在训练营结束后,我需要利用现有的研究技能来完成一份工作,而该工作更多地在UX流程的客户端发现和策略方面,而在技术交付和UI方面则更少。 我目前正在学习有关结构化提案和将研究转化为复杂企业软件的流程和线框的知识。

Disadvantage: I don’t see any major disadvantages to this particular approach, though the industry does change rapidly. A huge part of being a designer is the willingness to learn and change with the times.

劣势:尽管该行业确实在Swift变化,但我认为这种特定方法没有任何重大劣势。 成为设计师的很大一部分是学习和与时俱进的意愿。

Advice: Don’t focus on specialization before more foundational understandings.


Do take note of what methods interest and energize you. Throughout your learning process, reflect on and write down your strengths and areas needing improvement.

请注意哪些方法会引起您的兴趣并激发您的精力。 在整个学习过程中,反思并写下您的优势和需要改进的方面。

Bootcamp教您如何构建设计应用程序。 (Bootcamp teaches you how to build a design application.)

Advantage: This is a major advantage of bootcamps. I received a lot of training on how to build an application specifically for the design industry. This info was some of the most valuable because previously, I did not have any success applying through traditional channels.

优点 :这是训练营的主要优点。 我接受了有关如何为设计行业专门构建应用程序的大量培训。 该信息是一些最有价值的信息,因为以前,我没有通过传统渠道申请任何成功。

At bootcamp, I learned:


  • how to create a case study and what information to put in each case study.

  • how to build a portfolio with said case studies.

  • where to network and how to maximize networking.

  • how to maximize my LinkedIn to be found for roles I wanted.

  • tips and tricks for writing a resume that would get around the applicant tracking systems and into the hands of the hiring manager.


Disadvantage: This point is also a major disadvantage, because your application can come off as formulaic. When you graduate from bootcamp, everyone in your cohort and previous cohorts has really similar looking portfolios and case studies.

缺点:这一点也是一个主要的缺点,因为您的应用程序可能会以公式形式出现。 当您从新兵训练营毕业时,您的队列和以前的队列中的每个人都有看起来非常相似的档案袋和案例研究。

My hiring manager, who likes to give juniors a chance, complained that many bootcamp grads answer questions similarly, as though they all practiced the same scripts. She told me I got noticed and eventually hired because I radically broke from that script.

我的招聘经理喜欢给大三生一个机会,他抱怨说许多新兵训练营的毕业生回答问题的方式相似,好像他们都练习相同的脚本一样。 她告诉我,我得到了注意,最终被录用了,因为我彻底脱离了那个剧本。

Advice: In bootcamp, students learn broad rules and guidelines to create portfolios, cover letters and resumes. These broad rules are helpful, but you must also know when to diverge from them.

建议:在训练营中,学生学习广泛的规则和准则来创建作品集,求职信和简历。 这些广泛的规则很有用,但是您还必须知道何时需要与它们区别开。

How do you differentiate yourself? Take on projects outside of class, even if they are small and for free. Get feedback from other designers about your portfolio. Look at portfolios from people who didn’t go through a bootcamp. Leverage your previous skills and let your personality shine through. Learn and practice new ways of talking about your professional skillset. Experiment, break rules, and iterate based on your findings.

您如何区分自己? 承担课堂以外的项目,即使它们很小而且免费。 获得其他设计师关于您的投资组合的反馈。 查看那些没有经过训练营的人的投资组合。 利用您以前的技能,让您的个性焕发。 学习和练习谈论您的专业技能的新方法 。 实验,破坏规则,并根据发现进行迭代。

训练营是可以成倍增加回报的大风险。 (Bootcamp is big risk that can pay off exponentially.)

Advantage: Bootcamp gave me what I needed to make a career switch. Period. I bet a lot on bootcamp, and that was beneficial, because I took it seriously and I maximized every opportunity it presented.

优势:训练营给了我改变职业所需的一切。 期。 我在训练营中下了很多赌,这是有好处的,因为我认真对待它,并最大限度地利用了它带来的每一个机会。

Here is what I bet on bootcamp: I borrowed $16K to go. $13K for tuition and $3K for living expenses. I gave up all the freelance jobs and opportunities I had going that I had spent a couple years building up. I gave up a feeling of security. This was a lot for me. The size of this risk absolutely made me a better student, a better job seeker, and ultimately, a better designer.

这是我在训练营上的赌注:我借了$ 16K去。 学费$ 13K,生活费$ 3000。 我放弃了过去几年积累的所有自由职业和机会。 我放弃了安全感。 对我来说很多。 这种风险的规模绝对使我成为一名更好的学生,一名更好的求职者,最终使我成为一名更好的设计师。

[Note: In the spirit of transparency, I currently make a loan repayment of $350/month now, which is fairly easy with my current salary, even with my other expenses.]


Disadvantage: $13K is a big risk and repayment comes around quickly. It took me five months after bootcamp to get a job and I was very dedicated to the application process. I was stressed toward the end of that stretch; I had not prepared enough financially for the 9 months of unemployment. I thought I would have a job by then. None of my classmates worked during the bootcamp; there is simply not enough time.

缺点: $ 13K是一个很大的风险,还款很快就会到来。 训练营结束后,我花了五个月才找到工作,我非常致力于申请流程。 那段时间快要结束时,我感到压力很大。 我为失业的9个月没有足够的财务准备。 我以为到那时我会找到一份工作。 我的所有同学都没有在训练营工作过; 根本没有足够的时间。

You can learn everything you learn in bootcamp online, but that would have taken me years longer. If you are like my buddy Luke who can dedicate 9 months to teaching yourself on YouTube, and stay disciplined enough to do it, more power to you! I am jealous, because I could not do that. The shortened timeline and heightened structure was paramount to my successful career transition.

您可以在线学习训练营中学到的所有内容,但是那将使我花费更长的时间。 如果您像我的好友卢克一样,可以花9个月的时间在YouTube上教自己,并保持足够的纪律来做到这一点,那么您将获得更多动力! 我嫉妒,因为我做不到。 缩短时间表和提高结构对我成功的职业过渡至关重要。

Advice: Outcomes are not guaranteed; no one’s timeline is the same. You might need to freelance or take an internship or do free work for a non-profit to continue building your skills after bootcamp. Continue to network and push yourself out of your comfort zone. Iterate on your application regularly.

建议:不保证结果。 没有人的时间表是相同的。 您可能需要自由职业者,进行实习或为非营利组织做免费工作,才能在训练营结束后继续培养自己的技能。 继续建立网络,将自己推出舒适区。 定期迭代您的应用程序。

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训练营是最简单的部分。 (Bootcamp is the easy part (gulp).)

Advantage: The bootcamp structure is intense but it got me into a great rhythm and mindset for a demanding job. Plan your meals on the weekends, and be sure to sleep. Schedule in relaxation. It’s not such a big deal that you should compromise your health or well-being.

优势:训练营的结构很紧张,但它使我充满了节奏和思维定调,以完成艰苦的工作。 在周末计划饮食,并确保睡觉。 安排放松。 没什么大不了的,您应该损害自己的健康或福祉。

Bootcamp is also really fun. I have sweet memories from the experience. I met my best friend Rachel there and we still hang out all the time (go Quaranteam!). I have a network of people I know in the field, including my instructors.

训练营也很有趣。 这次经历让我有美好的回忆。 我在那儿遇到了我最好的朋友雷切尔,我们仍然一直在闲逛(去Quaranteam!)。 我有一个在该领域认识的人脉,包括我的教练。

Disadvantage: The job search is the hard part. I am an optimistic and high energy person and I was not prepared for how tough it can be financially, mentally and emotionally. I had some support from my bootcamp career counselor, but it was not very specific. Her attention had, rightfully, shifted to the incoming cohort. I fell back on my mental health habits and routines.

缺点:求职是困难的部分。 我是一个乐观而充满活力的人,我没有为自己在财务,精神和情感上有多么艰难做好准备。 我从训练营职业顾问那里得到了一些支持,但并不是很具体。 理所当然地,她的注意力转移到了即将来临的同类人群中。 我放弃了自己的心理健康习惯和常规。

I sought out support and feedback from other bootcamp grads. I reached out to people on LinkedIn. I had goals for my application process: 5 apps per day, daily iteration on my application, two networking events per week, 1 informational interview per week (which meant about three to five cold LinkedIn messages per week). Rachel and I checked in daily for accountability and support. We still do, even though we both are employed now.

我寻求其他训练营毕业生的支持和反馈。 我在LinkedIn上与其他人联系。 我为我的应用程序过程设定了目标:每天5个应用程序,我的应用程序上的每日迭代,每周两次网络活动,每周1次信息采访(这意味着每周大约有3到5条冷LinkedIn消息)。 我和瑞秋(Rachel)每天都要检查问责制和支持。 即使我们俩现在都被雇用,我们仍然这样做。

Bootcamp的评论好坏参半。 (Bootcamp gets mixed reviews.)

Advantage: There are bootcamp grads, like me, who receive job offers and thrive in their positions. There are a few companies who love to hire from them.

优势 :有像我一样的训练营毕业生,他们获得工作机会并在自己的职位上蒸蒸日上。 有一些公司喜欢从他们那里雇用。

Disadvantage: There are bootcamp grads who get job offers and get canned because they can’t deliver. They didn’t actually pick up the skills, or their teachers didn’t have real industry experience. No one is impressed by any particular bootcamp brand name. They are impressed with your performance. Or not.

劣势:有些训练营的毕业生因为无法交付而获得工作机会并获得罐头。 他们实际上没有掌握技能,或者他们的老师没有真正的行业经验。 任何特定的训练营品牌名称都不会给人留下深刻的印象。 他们对您的表现印象深刻。 或不。

The role that bootcamps play today is not what it used to be. Where there was once one bootcamp with 12 grads in any given tech hub, now there are 12 bootcamps with 200 grads every few months. The market is more competitive, especially for juniors.

今天的训练营不再扮演以前的角色。 在任何给定的技术中心,曾经有一个拥有12个毕业生的训练营,而现在每几个月就有12个拥有200个毕业生的训练营。 市场竞争更加激烈,特别是对于初级市场而言。

The bootcamp model needs to iterate on itself to keep up; I definitely have a list of feedback and upgrades for the bootcamp I went to, but I would still speak highly of it.

训练营模型需要自我迭代以保持同步。 我肯定有我参加过的训练营的反馈和升级列表,但是我仍然会高度评价它。

Half of my experience was what the bootcamp brought to the table, the other half was what I brought to the table.


Advice: Before you attend, vet your bootcamp! Talk to alumni.

建议:在参加之前,请审核您的训练营! 与校友交谈。

After you go, be aware: hiring managers may have experiences with previous grads that informs their perspective about bootcamps at large. Your bootcamp experience should not be the shiniest thing on your application: your skills, your value-add, and you culture-add should be.

出发后,请注意:招聘经理可能与以前的应届毕业生有经验,可以使他们了解整个训练营的观点。 您的训练营经验不应成为您应用程序上最光辉的事情:您的技能,增值和文化增值应如此。

You will see people on LinkedIn who insist designers should have (at least) a four-year degree to be a “legitimate” designer; ignore these people. They are upholding a classist higher education structure that does not account for people who are switching from another profession, or who are entrepreneurial, tenacious, and bright. They ignore people with circumstances that keep them from returning to school for four freaking years. For example, I know a guy who was in a punk band, and worked as a barista a few years ago; now he’s a designer at IBM making well into six figures because of bootcamp. He’s brilliant and always has been, degree or not.

您会在LinkedIn上看到有人坚持要求设计师(至少)应具有四年制学位才能成为“合法”设计师。 忽略这些人。 他们坚持的是阶级主义的高等教育结构,这种结构不考虑那些从其他职业转变或具有企业家精神,顽强和聪明的人。 他们无视那些处于使他们无法连续四年疯狂返回学校的情况的人。 例如,我认识一个在朋克乐队里工作的人,几年前当过咖啡师。 现在,他是IBM的一名设计师,因为进行了训练营,他的身高达到了六位数。 他很聪明,无论有没有学位,他一直都是。

就是这样。 (It is what it is.)

This list is not exhaustive as there is an endless amount to say about this experience, but I hoped to shed light on what bootcamp is really all about: it’s one possible step on a larger journey of growth. Like any investment, take stock of your true goals, and do your research to see if bootcamp aligns with them.

这份清单并不详尽,因为关于这一经历,有无数的话要说,但是我希望阐明真正的训练营:这是迈向更大发展旅程的一个可能步骤。 像任何投资一样,盘点您的真实目标,并进行研究以了解新手训练是否符合目标。

You are already on the right path.


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Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. 海湾地区黑人设计师 :一个专业的黑人开发社区,他们是旧金山湾区的数字设计师和研究人员。 通过在社区中团结起来,成员可以共享灵感,联系,同伴指导,专业发展,资源,反馈,支持和韧性。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。


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