

Picture this scenario, a parent walks in the door tired from work and immediately notices their child’s school bag tossed on the sofa. They walk through the house and find the kid playing a videogame on his PC and think to themselves “Why’d I even buy this idiot box? He’d be better off studying.” Feels familiar, doesn’t it? But think about how this would go if the kid would jump up and announce that he’s created his own application? Would that change his parent’s view on Education and Computers?

想象一下这种情况,一位父母因工作而疲倦地走进门,立即注意到孩子的书包被扔在沙发上。 他们穿过房子,发现孩子在他的PC上玩电子游戏,然后对自己说:“我为什么还要买这个白痴盒子? 他最好学习。” 感觉很熟悉,不是吗? 但是,想想如果孩子跳起来并宣布自己创建了自己的应用程序,情况会如何呢? 这会改变他父母对教育和计算机的看法吗?

How would Python or Scratch make a child better at arts or social studies you ask? Well, here are a few ways learning to program makes for a great boost to your child’s school life.

Python或Scratch如何使您的孩子在艺术或社会研究方面变得更好? 好的,这里有一些学习编程的方法,可以大大改善孩子的学校生活。

1.它模糊了工作与娱乐之间的鸿沟 (1. It blurs the gap between work and play)

The whole point of teaching effectively is to decrease the gap between grasping knowledge and having fun. Learning to program is complemented by making programs that you like. For example, once children understand the concepts and graphics, they make their own games and applications. Programming is a great way to blend learning and playing.

有效的教学重点是减少掌握知识与获得乐趣之间的差距。 学习编程,可以通过编写自己喜欢的程序来补充。 例如,一旦孩子们理解了概念和图形,他们就会制作自己的游戏和应用程序。 编程是融合学习和娱乐的绝佳方式。

2.促进创造力 (2. It fosters creativity)

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As kids, we always found creative ways to have fun. Even though schools try their best now to continue this creativity but when children are taught just to remember what each textbook says, one cannot really develop out-of-the-box thinking.

小时候,我们总是找到创造性的方式来玩乐。 即使学校现在尽最大努力继续这种创造力,但是当教育孩子们只记住每本教科书所说的内容时,却无法真正培养开箱即用的思维能力。

As part of our STEM education, we emphasize on the use of logic and creativity to solve problems. A programming language is still just a tool at the end of the day, not an answer. But when children have the right tools, they can let their creativity flow. Coding gives children a new way to find solutions to problems with the help of technology along with relevant theoretical knowledge like physics or math.

作为STEM教育的一部分,我们强调使用逻辑和创造力来解决问题。 最终,编程语言仍然只是一种工具,而不是答案。 但是,当孩子们拥有合适的工具时,他们可以让自己的创造力发挥作用。 编码为孩子们提供了一种新方法,可以借助技术以及相关的理论知识(例如物理或数学)来找到解决问题的方法。

(Want more information on what STEM is, read this)

(要了解有关STEM的更多信息, 请阅读 )

3.他们学习整合不同的主题 (3. They learn to integrate different subjects)

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Most mnemonics rely on making connections between a piece of information and an easy to remember word/object. Making connections between subjects is like weaving a web of knowledge, it cements the concept firmly in your memory.

大多数助记符依赖于在一条信息和易于记忆的单词/对象之间建立联系。 在主题之间建立联系就像编织知识网络一样,将概念牢固地牢记在您的记忆中。

Programming, through STEM Education, involves not just computer science but also Mathematics, Geometry, and Physics. It is also driven by logic. This means that children would have to apply their knowledge of all these areas to come up with the perfect program. This teaches them to connect multiple topics or fields throughout their studies and leads to them gaining an overall clarity over how things from one subject affect another seemingly unrelated subject like Math from formal sciences and Economics from social science.

通过STEM教育进行编程,不仅涉及计算机科学,还涉及数学,几何和物理。 它也受逻辑驱动。 这意味着孩子们必须运用他们在所有这些领域的知识来提出完美的计划。 这教会他们在整个学习过程中将多个主题或领域联系起来,并使他们获得一个主题的事物如何影响另一个看似无关的主题(如形式科学的数学和社会科学的经济学)的整体清晰性。

4.他们知道失败并重新站起来是可以的 (4. They understand that it’s ok to fail and get back up)

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CJ from CJPixabay Pixabay图片

Any programmer will attest that they have made mistakes in their code 100s of times in their work. Programming teaches children one thing that scholastic subjects don’t- How to deal with failure. Anytime children make an error in their program, they learn to go back and check where they made a mistake in a process called Debugging. They build-up persistence to finish something they’ve started no matter how many tries it takes and Persistence is the difference between success and giving up.

任何程序员都将证明自己在工作中犯了100次错误。 程序设计教给孩子一件事,学业的科目的对象不这样做-如何应对失败。 每当孩子在程序中犯错误时,他们就会学习返回并在称为“调试”的过程中检查错误之处。 他们建立持久性以完成他们已经开始的事情,无论需要进行多少尝试,持久性是成功与放弃之间的区别。

5.计算思维为他们提供了一种处理信息的新方法 (5. Computational Thinking gives them a new way of processing information)

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During the coding classes, children develop computational thinking which is looking at a problem like a computer would. This means breaking down information they are given from a problem into smaller subproblems, looking for patterns in those problems, filtering what we need for a solution and then coming up with the solution. It is not a widely known way of looking at problems outside of programming but is very efficient and useful. Children can apply this to any obstacle they have in their curriculum and will have an edge over those who cannot.

在编码课上,孩子们发展了计算机思维 ,正在像计算机一样思考问题。 这意味着将他们从问题中获得的信息分解为较小的子问题,寻找这些问题中的模式,过滤出解决方案所需的内容,然后提出解决方案。 它不是解决编程之外问题的一种广为人知的方法,但是非常有效和有用。 孩子们可以将其应用到他们在课程中遇到的任何障碍,并比那些没有能力的人更具优势。

(To find out more about computational thinking and pattern recognition, read this.)

(欲了解更多关于计算思维和模式识别,读 这个 。)

6.结构化思维帮助他们看到全局的一小部分 (6. Structural thinking helps them see the small parts of the big picture)

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Arek Socha from Arek索查Pixabay Pixabay

Computational Thinking focuses on breaking down big problems into small ones. Structural Thinking is the opposite where small things are fit into the greater result. It gets developed when children use small blocks of code to make the big program. This lets them see how the small tasks and information they receive can be used to achieve a greater result. It’s like how many singular instruments can be combined to play an orchestra or how small cells form tissues that form organs that collectively form an organ system.

计算思维的重点是将大问题分解为小问题。 结构思维则相反,小事情适合更大的结果。 当孩子们使用小的代码块来编写大型程序时,它将得到开发。 这样一来,他们便可以了解如何将收到的小任务和信息用于获得更大的效果。 就像可以组合多少个单一的乐器来演奏乐队一样,或者小细胞如何形成组织,这些组织形成了共同组成器官系统的器官。

7.它使他们的写作能力更好。 (7. It makes them better at writing.)

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olia danilevich from Pexels的olia Pexels danilevich摄影

Writing is an important activity in school life and effective writing is a great skill to have. When children learn to put what’s on their mind into machine language, they get clarity on how to put their abstract ideas and thoughts out in an organized manner. This inexplicably leads to betterment in their writing skill which directly translates to better performance in their exams.

写作是学校生活中的一项重要活动,有效的写作是一项重要的技能。 当孩子们学会将他们的想法变成机器语言时,他们会清楚地知道如何有组织地表达自己的抽象思想和想法。 这莫名其妙地导致了他们写作技巧的提高,直接转化为他们考试的更好表现。

8.他们提高了注意力和集中度 (8. They Improve their span of attention and concentration)

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Source: Photo by Max Fischer from Pexels
资料来源: PexelsMax Fischer

While the common misconception that programming involves spending a lot of time sitting slouched in front of a screen is incorrect, programming does involve spending more than a few minutes on the same blinking cursor and block of code, focused on a singular aspect of the program. As children get habituated to this, their attention and concentration span also elongate. They can concentrate better and longer in class and can endure long hours of study.

尽管通常的误解是编程涉及花费大量时间坐在屏幕前,这是不正确的,但编程确实涉及在同一闪烁的光标和代码块上花费了几分钟以上的时间,重点放在程序的单个方面。 随着儿童习惯于此,他们的注意力和注意力范围也随之延长。 他们可以集中精力,在课堂上更长的时间,可以忍受长时间的学习。

And that is why the new generation, Generation-Z, would highly benefit from being exposed to programming from a tender age. The reason we post articles like these is to bring to light why we built our organization. Young minds are like clay, malleable to any kind of experience. Let’s give them a way of communicating with their life-long companion- technology. Find out more on our webpage https://turingninjas.com.

这就是为什么新一代Z世代会从幼稚的编程中受益匪浅。 我们发布此类文章的原因是为了揭示我们建立组织的原因。 年轻的头脑就像黏土,可延展任何经验。 让我们为他们提供与其终身伴侣技术进行交流的方式。 在我们的网页https://turingninjas.com上找到更多信息。

翻译自: https://medium.com/turing-ninjas/8-ways-learning-to-code-makes-children-smarter-in-school-f5798c6965d9


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