pmp 估算技术_现在是时候进行大型技术估算了

pmp 估算技术

When power is consolidated among entities that are not accountable to democratic institutions, the outcomes are sure to be catastrophic. Big Tech’s outsized influence has long been a topic of indifference where legislative bodies — both conservative and liberal — saw them as harbingers of great boons to society, not realizing that tech imparts upon its own biases, and in this particular moment in history, they’ve been largely misaligned with the public’s best interest.

当权力在不对民主机构负责的实体之间巩固时,结果肯定是灾难性的。 长期以来,Big Tech的巨大影响一直是冷漠的话题,保守和自由的立法机构都将其视为社会的巨大福音,而没有意识到Tech会施加自己的偏见 ,在历史的这一特定时刻,他们一直在很大程度上对准与公众的最大利益。

To that end, American legislature saw fit to have top executives from the Big Four testify under oath about all that has propelled them beyond reproach — anti-competitive behavior is just the tip of the iceberg here. The air of neutrality that Big Tech often likes to project is perhaps an accidental side-effect of their many technologies being so opaque to outside observers — but just because they’re sometimes just as unknowable to legislators as they are to the very engineers making those products, doesn’t mean they’re not to uphold a sense of civil responsibility when conceiving them; especially when the purported goal is the greater good.

为此,美国立法机关认为合适的做法是让四大巨头的高级主管宣誓就一切使他们无可非议的事情作证 -反竞争行为只是这里的冰山一角。 大技术公司通常喜欢投射的中立气氛可能是它们的许多技术对外部观察者如此不透明的偶然副作用-只是因为有时立法者对立法者和制造这些技术的工程师一样不了解产品,并不意味着在构思产品时就不应该承担公民责任感; 尤其是当目标是更大的利益时

But to understand first how Big Tech got here, a tally of their greatest sins is in order. Amazon utilized their massive market share in the online shopping space to goad producers into selling on their platform, only to undercut them by selling in-house clones at a much cheaper price, effectively putting any competition with not-deep-enough pockets out of business; Google used its indexing technology to farm information from competing products to bolster their own and promote them higher on search results; Facebook has given great power to misinformation that is both perilous to public health and safety, and undermining of global democracy; and Apple is denying competitors an even playing field by bundling services with hardware, while actively making it harder for them to justify staying on the App Store.

但是要先了解大科技如何来到这里,就必须汇总他们最大的罪过。 亚马逊利用其庞大的市场份额在网上购物空间鞭策生产者到自己的平台上出售,只能削弱他们通过出售内部克隆在价格上便宜很多,有效地把任何竞争与不深,荷包够歇业 ; Google使用其索引技术从竞争产品中获取信息 ,以支持自己的产品并在搜索结果中将其提升到更高的水平; Facebook 赋予了错误信息很大的权力 ,这些错误信息既危害公共健康和安全,又破坏全球民主 ; 苹果公司通过将服务与硬件捆绑在一起 ,否认了竞争对手的平等竞争,同时积极地使他们更难证明留在App Store上的合理性。

There’s a whole lot more that the above paragraph fails to mention, but it all follows a single clear pattern — any entity with the potential to threaten their status is to be neutralized, and that includes governmental bodies. Per leaked audio from an internal Facebook staff meeting, Mark Zuckerberg vowed to “go to the mat and fight” with Elizabeth Warren when she expressed her interest in invoking antitrust doctrine against Big Tech, and it’s unlikely that his analogues would be opposed to the idea — those pushing for favorable treatment on behalf of Big Tech in Washington are not a sparse count.

上面的段落没有提及更多的内容,但是都遵循一个明确的模式-任何具有威胁其地位的潜力的实体都将被废除, 其中包括政府机构 。 根据Facebook内部员工会议泄漏的声音,马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg) 发誓要与伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)“交战”,因为她表达了对大技术发起反托拉斯学说的兴趣 ,而且他的类似人不太可能反对这一想法。那些代表华盛顿大技术公司争取优惠待遇的人并不算少

In the early aughts, the story Big Tech liked to tell about itself is that of individual strife where garage-bound founders worked tirelessly to make a barely-functioning product so that they may stand a chance challenging the established old guard. Now that Big Tech has overshot its erstwhile competition, it wants to preserve its newly-earned status of ubiquity for as long as it can — that American legislature is among the very few entities that can hold this behemoth industry to account should be most-worrisome.

在早期的故事中,Big Tech喜欢讲述的故事是关于个人冲突的故事,在车库里,创建者们孜孜不倦工作,以生产几乎没有功能的产品,以便他们有机会挑战老牌守卫者。 如今,大技术公司已经克服了过去的竞争,它希望在尽可能长的时间内保持其新近获得的普遍地位 -美国立法机关是能够让这个庞然大物产业负责的极少数实体,这应该是最令人担忧的。

With an atmosphere of unrest brewing outside as a global pandemic came to expose society’s warts where inequality is most-defining of one’s access to safe harbor and basic necessities, it is a moral obscenity that Big Tech continues to peddle a line of neutrality when ruin seems to be all they leave behind. “With both control of [online] economies and privileged access to their workings, these platforms have a golden opportunity to join the economy they created, and compete within it. Inevitably, the quest for growth drives them to do so,” says OneZero’s Will Oremus. “Without stronger antitrust regulation of platforms, their owners will always have incentive to dip into and siphon off for themselves the most profitable elements of the economies they control.”

随着动荡的气氛在外部酝酿 ,全球流行病逐渐暴露出社会不平等的境地,不平等最主要地决定了人们获得安全港和基本生活必需品的程度,因此道德上的s昧是,大技术公司继续在出现破产的情况下兜售中立路线成为他们留下的一切。 “通过对[在线]经济的控制和对工作的特权访问,这些平台有机会加入自己创造的经济并在其中竞争。 不可避免地,对增长的追求促使他们这么做。” OneZero的Will Oremus 。 “如果没有更强大的平台反托拉斯法规,他们的所有者将总是有动力去自己吸取和吸取他们所控制的经济中最有利可图的要素。”

That our realities have come to be defined by what private companies make is troublesome, and it’s a travesty that they get to chart so much of what the internet looks like, and not the government which is at least beholden to deliver what its constituents have elected them for. While the democratic process is still flawed in the world’s many recesses, it’s nowhere near evading of scrutiny as private companies who’ve until very recently answered to no one regarding their many missteps. Whether it’s the mass of displaced Rohingya from Myanmar, climate refugees who are indirectly impacted by Big Tech’s dealings with the oil and gas industry, the content moderators working starvation wages as they binge content of utmost brutality, or Amazon warehouse workers that are treated like dispensable cattle; the tech industry has long amassed its power on the back of great suffering.

由私人公司制造的东西来定义我们的现实一件麻烦的事,而且荒唐的事情是, 他们要绘制出互联网的大部分图景,而不是至少要注视着要传达其选民所选择的政府的东西。他们为。 尽管民主程序仍然存在于世界上许多不景气的地方,但作为一家私营公司直到最近才对他们的许多失误做出答复,私有化仍遥遥无期。 无论是从缅甸流离失所的罗兴亚人大量涌现 ,还是受到大技术公司与石油和天然气行业打交道的间接影响的气候难民,内容调解人因暴饮暴食而工作挨饿的工资 ,还是被视为可有可无的亚马逊仓库工人 ; 长期以来,高科技行业一直在积淀力量。

“A pillar of capitalism is you can’t reward the winners without punishing the losers,” says NYU’s Scott Galloway. “I worry our government has been co-opted by the wealthy and is focused on protecting the previous generation of winners, even if it means reducing future generations’ ability to win. Aren’t we borrowing against our children’s prosperity to protect the wealth of the top 10, if not 1, percent?”

纽约大学的斯科特·加洛韦(Scott Galloway) 表示: “资本主义的Struts是,您必须在不惩罚失败者的情况下奖励胜利者。” “我担心,我们的政府已经被富人所拥护,并致力于保护上一代的赢家,即使这意味着降低后代的获胜能力。 我们不是为了保护孩子的繁荣而借钱保护前十名(如果不是百分之一)的财富吗?”

If it is indeed capitalism that gave way to Big Tech’s current status, perhaps no action within its purview will ever be sufficient to counter its influence barring a more radical approach. One way to do that would be to subsume them into the government — much like how some other countries have taken over crucial sectors to ensure their operation isn’t privileging shareholders over people, the American government can just nationalize what it deems ubiquitous enough, letting Big Tech war over the less-consequential parts of their business.

如果确实是由资本主义让位给大科技的当前地位,那么除非采取更激进的方法,否则在其职权范围内采取的任何行动都将不足以抵消其影响。 要做到这一点的一种方法是,以归入他们进入政府-就像如何其他一些国家已经采取了重要部门 ,以确保他们的操作不会超过人享有特权的股东,美国政府可以只国有化其认为无处不在的不够,又让大型科技公司针对业务中不太重要的部分展开战争。

Solutions will differ depending on perspective, but what the Big Tech hearing has at least successfully accomplished, is it proved that when legislature does the work and studies the problem they’re tasked to solve, they inch ever-closer to containing the threat that has become tech oligarchy. What’s left is to see whether this will culminate into some concrete action in the future — precedent suggests it will, but things are far too uncertain to tell for sure.

解决方案将根据观点而有所不同,但是大技术听证会至少成功完成了什么,是否证明当立法机关进行工作并研究他们要解决的问题时,他们将越来越接近遏制已经存在的威胁 。成为技术寡头。 剩下的就是看这是否会在将来最终变成一些具体的行动-先例表明会这样做 ,但是事情还不确定,无法确定。


pmp 估算技术





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