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原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.5.18-6.3

【PMP 每日一题】2020.5.19每日一题:A key project team member requests to leave the company for personal reasons. Thiswill prevent the project from being completed as planned,what should the project manager do?A. Detail the issue in the risk register, and request

2020-06-03 20:02:36 670

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.5.18

【PMP 每日一题】2020.5.18每日一题:A project manager realizes that a project is six weeks behind schedule and 15 percent overbudget, what should the project manager have employed to predict and plan for this?A. Schedule managementB. Cost managementC. Earned val

2020-05-18 23:56:11 281

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.5.14

【PMP 每日一题】2020.5.14每日一题:A company is planning to develop a new product. Project stakeholders come from differentcountries and regions, speak various languages, and have diverse political and culturalbackgrounds.What should be a priority for the project

2020-05-14 18:58:32 340

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.5.9-5.13

【PMP 每日一题】2020.5.9每日一题:A project member does not get along with the rest of the team, and the Project managerconstantly receives complaints from other team members. However, the project managerbelieves that this member is a top performer and that the i

2020-05-13 21:44:28 423

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.5.8

【PMP 每日一题】2020.5.8每日一题:A project team meeting is scheduled in direct conflict with a senior manager’s team-buildingexercise. All project team members are required to attend both. What should the projectmanager do to accommodate the senior manager?A. A

2020-05-08 22:40:32 215

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.26-5.7

【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.26每日一题:Your team is in its second month of development.You are managing a software development project for a banking product.In one of the team meetings a debate arises if defects f...

2020-05-07 23:48:07 599

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.24

【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.24每日一题:As a project manager you have successfully delivered all project deliverables within stipulated timelines - your senior management wants you to calculate the Cost of Quality ...

2020-04-24 21:08:56 188

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.23

【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.23每日一题:A company’s director is concerned with project failure and hires a project manager todetermine where additional funding should be allocated to ensure success. For what activ...

2020-04-23 22:40:22 360

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.22

【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.22每日一题:The Project Quality Management process must __________.A. Address the quality of the management and productB. Improve the project management and the quality of the product...

2020-04-22 22:51:38 126

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.21

【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.21每日一题:To prepare project forecast information, a project manager performs earned value (EV)analysis. The project manager identifies that by next month, the schedule variance (SV) ...

2020-04-21 23:53:08 467

转载 PMP估算方法对比:参数估算、类比估算、自下而上估算、三点估算和粗略量级估算

目录1、类比估算2、参数估算3、自下而上估算4、三点估算5、粗略量级估算1、类比估算英文全称:Analogous Estimating Technique;定义:与过去类似活动的参数值(如范围、成本、预算和持续时间等)或规模指标(如尺寸、重量 和复杂性等)为基础,来估算未来活动的同类参数或指标的估算技术。适用场景:则是一种粗略的估算方法,有时需根据项目复杂性方面的已知差异进行调整。该方法综...

2020-04-21 00:18:26 22431

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.20

【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.20每日一题:Rather than use Triangular Distribution while doing Three Point Estimation you choose to use Beta Distribution.Based on your analysis and understanding you are confident that...

2020-04-20 23:53:43 245

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.17

【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.17每日一题:A project manager receives an approved project scope based on a cost estimate and begins theimplementation of a new software system. What type of cost estimate was used at i...

2020-04-20 23:36:49 156

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.16

【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.16每日一题:You and and your team have just created a schedule network diagram.You have come up with the estimates and have defined the durations and subsequently have identified the Cri...

2020-04-16 13:27:53 438

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.15

【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.15每日一题:In a weekly meeting, a project team member reports that they are unaware of what task isto be performed next, what should the project manager review with the team member?A....

2020-04-15 19:27:00 229

转载 金融机构的数据中台-恒生电子


2020-04-14 21:36:31 1785

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.14

【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.14每日一题:A network diagram shows that the earliest an activity could start is at the end of week 7 and that it must be completed by the start of week 20. The activity requires a total...

2020-04-14 13:59:46 381

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.13

【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.13每日一题:You are the project manager for a Project. You are updating the WBS during Define Activities, which is often called ________?A. RefinementsB. UpdatesC. ActivitiesD. Suppo...

2020-04-13 13:32:28 194

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.10

【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.10每日一题:You are in the process of defining activities and have broken down the WBS into individual activities.You now decide to uniquely tag each activity with a unique code.So here ...

2020-04-10 18:25:18 434

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.9

【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.9每日一题:You are responsible for managing a project that deals with laying out a freeway connecting two major port cities.Progress on the project has been smooth and you and your team ...

2020-04-09 13:39:25 270

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.8

【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.8每日一题:A project manager identifies that a product can be improved with additional features withoutimpacting the schedule, budget, or resources. Believing that all original requirem...

2020-04-08 13:17:05 219

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.7

【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.7每日一题:Midway through a project’s execution phase, a team member proposes changes to providemore flexibility and additional features. Project requirements define only the need for a...

2020-04-07 13:37:48 189

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.4.2

2020.4.1每日一题:A new warehouse is ready for operations. Before operations begin, the project manager mustprepare the final project report. What should the project manager refer to?A. Lessons learned,...

2020-04-02 22:04:03 318

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.3.31

[PMP 每日一题]2020.3.31每日一题:A project is near closure, and the developer has finished product development. The projectsponsor now wants the project manager to deliver the product ahead of schedule. Wha...

2020-03-31 16:44:01 190

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.3.30

[PMP 每日一题]2020.3.30每日一题:Midway through a project with a 12-month contract, written notice is unexpectedly receivedfrom the customer requesting transfer of the project to a competitor, what should t...

2020-03-30 11:42:48 216

原创 PMP考点提炼1-2


2020-03-29 22:45:30 272

原创 PMP考点提炼1-1

说明本次共提及PMP第一章的10个考点,内容涉及:项目定义与特性、项目的三重制约与多重制约、项目的目的及项目启动的基本场景等。第一章的其余考点后面会继续更新,章节考点结束后最后还会有重点回顾。PMP考试题练习可点击:【PMP每日一题】。考点1:PMBOK指南与项目管理标准《PMBOK指南》收录PMBOK中被普遍认可的良好的实践。 PMBOK指南是组织项目管理方法论的基础PMBO...

2020-03-29 22:20:32 257

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.3.27

[PMP 每日一题]2020.3.27每日一题:John is managing a project.The project is about three fourths done when the site engineer reports that due to inherent complexities in a certain task the deliverables would g...

2020-03-27 13:33:10 202

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.3.26

[PMP 每日一题]2020.3.26每日一题:At the last minute, a project team implements a new feature that is not included in the scopestatement. To obtain customer approval, what process should the project manager ...

2020-03-26 14:10:35 185

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.3.25

[PMP 每日一题]2020.3.25每日一题:A software project is undergoing testing during the final user acceptance stage, andacceptance is anticipated by the next day. A user unexpectedly realizes that a new featur...

2020-03-25 17:13:20 300 1

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.3.24

[PMP 每日一题]2020.3.24每日一题:7、2020.3.24每日一题:To achieve competitive market advantage, a project sponsor requests delivery of a product three months ahead of schedule. What should the project manger do n...

2020-03-24 20:15:36 176

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.3.23

[PMP 每日一题]2020.3.23每日一题:6、Four months after the approval of the project scope, the client requests features that willgenerate changes to the project management plan, what should the project manager...

2020-03-23 13:49:38 254

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.3.20

[PMP 每日一题]5、项目进入了施工阶段。这个时候客户提出了一项重要变更,这将会改变项目的预算及进度。作为项目经理将如何处理这个问题?A 查阅项目变更管理计划,根据其要求执行B 将变更情况向主管汇报,根据主管的批示执行C 按照客户的要求进行变更修改,并向主管汇报变更情况D 说服客户不要进行变更,避免带来巨大的损失知识点:变更解析:选A。该变更涉及到成本和进度(即可能会改...

2020-03-20 10:33:59 203

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.3.19

[PMP 每日一题]4、一个新的移动应用程序正处于集成测试阶段。为了在激进的市场中保持竞争优势,产品经理要求包含一项新功能。项目经理不同意。项目经理应该怎么做?A 立即实施新功能,尽可能减少进度影响B 拒绝实施该功能,尽可能减少对投入市场时间的影响C 准备并向变更控制委员会(CCB)提交一份变更请求D 审查请求并获得项目发起人的批准知识点:《PMBOK指南》第4章:项目整合管...

2020-03-19 13:24:24 223

原创 [PMP 每日一题]2020.3.18

[PMP 每日一题]3、你是公司的项目经理,你的项目目前处于执行阶段。客户已要求你进行其他工作。这项工作将影响预算,但不会影响项目的进度。接下来你应该做什么?A.将额外要求添加到项目计划中B.忽略请求C.解释变更程序并要求提交变更请求D.与项目团队讨论变更知识点:变更解析:选 C。项目执行阶段,客户提出的任何的新的需求(客户要求进行其他工作),都要按照整体变更流程,即通过...

2020-03-18 13:34:59 246

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.3.17

[PMP 每日一题]2、项目经理在项目执行过程中发现团队成员违规使用开源软件,违反公司规章并且将严重影响项目的发布。这时候项目经理应该如何处理?A.执行风险管理计划。B.开除该成员。C.在风险登记册中记录该风险。D.提交变更请求,删除使用的开源软件知识点:纠正措施属于变更,变更提出形式解析:选D。问题已经发生,需要予以纠正。纠正措施属于变更,任何变更都要以正式的书面形式...

2020-03-17 14:21:28 645

原创 【PMP 每日一题】2020.3.16

[PMP 每日一题]1、你负责管理与驾驶赛车模拟相关的软件开发项目。在你的一次团队会议中-据报道,在空气隧道建模模块中报告了很多问题。进一步分析发现只要使用简单的代码审查清单就可以避免许多问题。你准备了代码审查清单,并确保代码清单进行审查。这是一个很好的示例:A 纠正措施B 预防性行动C 缺陷修复D 质量控制知识点:《PMBOK指南》第4章:项目整合管理-指导与管理项目工作-变更请...

2020-03-16 10:53:24 258



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