谷歌 cookie_Google的Cookie大战将塑造数字广告的未来

谷歌 cookie

By Alex Webb

亚历克斯·韦伯(Alex Webb)

You may not have noticed, but the web is on the cusp of a revolution. Groups of engineers around the world are beavering away on the biggest upheaval to it in a decade. The shift has the potential to drastically reshape the power dynamics of the internet and the $330 billion digital advertising industry that supports it.

您可能没有注意到,但是网络正处于革命的风口浪尖上。 全世界的工程师团队都在争夺十年来最大的动荡。 这一转变有可能极大地改变互联网和支持互联网的价值3300亿美元的数字广告行业的动力。

It’s all about cookies. If the web is an unfathomably complex machine driven by billions upon billions of cogs, then cookies are the lubricant that keeps the thing moving. That’s because the web is, for the most part, funded by ads. And the tiny little text files known as cookies determine which ads get shown to whom. For now. Come next year, that’s all going to change.

这都是关于cookie的。 如果网是由数十亿亿个齿轮驱动的极其复杂的机器,那么曲奇就是使事物保持运转的润滑剂。 这是因为网络大部分是由广告资助的。 微小的小文本文件即Cookie决定了哪些广告向谁展示。 目前。 明年来,这一切都会改变。

The overhaul might also give publishers, not least the media industry, a chance to mend their bungled approach to making money in the era of digital consumption. If they get their act together, that is.

这项改革还可能给发行商,尤其是媒体行业,提供一个机会,在数字消费时代修补他们笨拙的赚钱方法。 如果他们在一起行动,那就是。

Whenever an ad seems to stalk you, cookies are to blame, but their origin in the mid-1990s was innocent enough. Engineers at the then-popular web browser Netscape needed a way for websites to remember what you’d placed in an e-commerce shopping basket, or simply your preferences. They put a small text file on your device noting the data. Then, when you returned to that site, you didn’t have to log in again, and your basket still contained a VHS of Titanic, a Furby doll, and whatever else people bought in the ’90s.

每当有广告吸引您时,都应怪Cookie,但它们的起源可追溯至1990年代中期。 当时流行的Web浏览器Netscape的工程师需要一种让网站记住您放在电子商务购物篮中的东西或只是您的偏好的方法。 他们在您的设备上放了一个小的文本文件来记录数据。 然后,当您返回该站点时,无需再次登录,您的购物篮中仍然包含泰坦尼克号的VHS,一个菲比娃娃以及90年代人们购买的其他物品。

Over time, advertisers realized that such cookies could also be used to track users across the internet. They started piggybacking on websites, with those sites’ consent, to drop “third-party” cookies onto devices, as distinct from the first-party cookies coming from the websites themselves. (You — the user — are technically the second party, but you don’t produce cookies.) The more websites in an advertising network, the more complete a picture they could build of users’ browsing habits and, by inference, their likely purchasing preferences. Knowing that you were interested in the film Titanic, Furbys, and the BusinessWeek website was valuable data.

随着时间的流逝,广告商意识到这种cookie也可以用于跟踪互联网上的用户。 他们开始在这些网站的同意下piggy带网站,将“第三方” Cookie放到设备上,这与网站本身的第一方Cookie不同。 (您-用户-从技术上讲是第二方,但您不会产生Cookie。)广告网络中的网站越多,他们可以根据用户的浏览习惯以及通过推断得出的可能购买的图片就越完整。优先。 知道您对电影《 泰坦尼克号》 ,《菲比斯》和《 商业周刊》网站感兴趣,这是有价值的数据。

In the intervening years, a vast cookie economy has developed where hundreds upon thousands of companies trade user data to target ads more precisely to would-be customers. Agency trading desks use demand-side platforms to buy ad impressions programmatically from ad networks and supply-side platforms on exchanges running a real-time bidding process. It’s confusing and opaque.

在随后的几年中,巨大的cookie经济发展起来,成千上万的公司交易用户数据以将广告更精确地定位到潜在客户。 代理商交易台使用需求方平台通过运行实时出价过程的交易所从广告网络和供应方平台以编程方式购买广告印象。 令人困惑和不透明

“It has historically been really easy for third parties with no legitimate agency or claim to the consumer’s data to gain an understanding about the user and then monetize and re-sell that understanding,” says Wil Schobeiri, chief technology officer at MediaMath Inc., a New York-based firm that manages online ad campaigns. “The debate now is,” he says, “who gets to control that and make decisions about the user and the user’s privacy?”

MediaMath Inc.首席技术官Wil Schobeiri表示:“从历史上看,没有合法代理机构或声称消费者数据的第三方真的很容易获得对用户的了解,然后通过货币化和转售这种理解,”一家位于纽约的公司,负责管理在线广告系列。 他说:“现在的辩论是,谁来控制它并就用户和用户的隐私权做出决定?”

Apple Inc. Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook has identified user privacy as a key selling point for iPhones, iPads, and Macs. In 2017 the company introduced tools for its Safari web browser that made it easier to block third-party cookies. Last year, Mozilla Corp., the maker of Firefox, followed suit. But the biggest upheaval came in January when Google, whose Chrome browser has more users than everyone else combined, announced that it would phase out third-party cookies over the following 18 months. The ad technology industry took a deep breath.

苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)已将用户隐私视为iPhone,iPad和Mac的主要卖点 。 在2017年,该公司为其Safari Web浏览器引入了工具,使阻止第三方Cookie变得更加容易。 去年,Firefox的制造商Mozilla Corp. 紧随其后 。 但是最大的动荡发生在1月份,当时Google的Chrome浏览器的用户数量超过了其他所有人的总和,该公司宣布将在接下来的18个月内逐步淘汰第三方Cookie 。 广告技术行业深呼吸。

Google was preempting the inevitable. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, introduced in 2018, had already started to unpick the cookie economy by giving citizens more control over their data and letting them opt out of ad-tracking efforts. An array of copycat legislation such as the California Consumer Privacy Act, which went into effect in January, is rolling out around the world. The cookie’s days were numbered before Google’s announcement.

Google抢先了。 欧盟于2018年推出的《 通用数据保护条例》已经开始释放cookie经济,让公民对其数据有更多控制权,并让他们退出广告跟踪工作。 一系列模仿性法规,例如1月份生效的《加州消费者隐私法案》 ,正在全球范围内推广。 Cookie的日期已在Google宣布之前编号。

Discussions now focus on what comes next. Every week, members of the World Wide Web Consortium, or W3C, an international standards organization founded by a creator of the web, Tim Berners-Lee, dial into a video call to work out the options. The standards organization has a group focused on improving web advertising that consists of more than 200 members. About 80 join the weekly call: engineers from Google, Facebook, Microsoft,, Apple; publishing giants such as Hearst Communications, Axel Springer, and the British Broadcasting Corp.; advertising agency groups such as WPP; and plenty more besides. Anyone can join for as little as $300 a year. Discussions continue online in a series of open groups on GitHub, the coding repository and forum owned by Microsoft Corp.

现在的讨论重点是下一步。 每周,万维网联盟( W3C )的成员都会致电进行视频通话,以找出各种选择。 标准组织有一个致力于改善网络广告的小组,该小组有200多个成员。 每周约有80人参加:来自Google,Facebook,Microsoft,,Apple的工程师; 出版巨头,例如赫斯特通讯公司,阿克塞尔·斯普林格和英国广播公司。 广告代理机构,例如WPP; 还有很多。 任何人每年的加入费用仅为300美元。 讨论继续在GitHub上的一系列开放小组中进行,这些小组是Microsoft Corp.拥有的代码存储库和论坛。

The participants are all trying desperately to nudge the tiller in a direction that satisfies their needs. But the captain steering the ship is undoubtedly Google, whose $162 billion in 2019 revenue makes it the gatekeeper for almost half of all global digital ad spending. It has the biggest ad exchange (where brands bid against one another programmatically to show you an ad every time you open a web page); the biggest ad network (virtual real estate where it can place ads on websites); Android, the biggest mobile operating system; and, in Google Search, Maps, YouTube, and Gmail, the most valuable web properties for serving ads. Most significant, Chrome is the biggest web browser, with a 64% market share, according to the web traffic analysis firm StatCounter.

参与者都在拼命地努力使分er器向满足其需求的方向移动。 但领航船长的无疑是谷歌,他在2019年的收入为1620亿美元,几乎成为了全球数字广告总支出的一半。 它具有最大的广告交易平台(每次打开网页时,品牌之间会以编程方式互相竞价向您展示广告); 最大的广告网络(可以在网站上放置广告的虚拟房地产); Android,最大的移动操作系统; 在Google搜索,地图,YouTube和Gmail中,是用于投放广告最有价值的网络媒体资源 。 最重要的是,根据网络流量分析公司StatCounter的数据,Chrome是最大的网络浏览器,占有64%的市场份额。

Even without third-party cookies, Google will be able to track users’ activity so long as they’re on Chrome. Whatever it decides, goes. It already vetoed a plan to extend the role of W3C’s web privacy group, Bloomberg News reported last year. So while your data may no longer be traded willy-nilly around the internet, there’s a good chance that Google will still be able to use your browsing history to target you with ads tailored to either your interests or products you’ve already considered buying. Just how it will do that is as yet unclear. Google dubs its latest proposal Turtledove, which stands for Two Uncorrelated Requests, Then Locally-Executed Decision On Victory. It replaced an earlier effort called Private Interest Groups, Including Noise, or Pigin. If you find the ornithological acronyms confusing, you’re not alone; other advertising technology firms have complained about the lack of clarity.

即使没有第三方Cookie,只要用户在Chrome上,Google就能跟踪他们的活动。 无论决定如何,一切都会进行。 据彭博社去年报道 ,它已经否决了扩大W3C网络隐私小组作用的计划。 因此,尽管您的数据可能不再在互联网上随意交易,但Google很有可能仍会使用您的浏览历史记录来针对您的兴趣或已经考虑购买的产品量身定制广告。 目前尚不清楚如何做到这一点。 Google称其最新提案Turtledove为代表两个不相关的请求,然后是本地执行的胜利决定。 它取代了早期的称为“私人利益团体,包括噪音”或“皮金”的努力。 如果您发现鸟类学的首字母缩略词令人困惑,那么您并不孤单。 其他广告技术公司抱怨缺乏清晰度。

“Chrome is driving this process, and the rest of us are providing feedback,” Alan Chapell, a lawyer for a number of startups, wrote in a July 6 email to fellow participants in the W3C’s advertising business group, or WABG. “Please note that the success or failure of many in the WABG are already contingent upon maintaining a good relationship with Google. As such, there is likely to be some perceived risk to being openly critical of the dominant market player in a public forum. And that is likely to color some of the feedback provided.”

“ Chrome浏览器正在推动这一过程,我们其他人正在提供反馈,”许多创业公司的律师Alan Chapell在7月6日给W3C广告业务组(WABG)的参与者的电子邮件中写道。 “请注意,许多WABG的成功或失败已经取决于与Google保持良好的关系。 因此,在公共论坛上公开批评市场主导者可能会存在一定的风险。 这很可能会使提供的一些反馈变色。”

A slew of companies will go out of business after whatever Google decides to implement. Even Facebook Inc. is likely to encounter some difficulties. At the moment, if you see an ad for a pair of sneakers on the Instagram app on your phone, then decide to buy it a week later through the Chrome browser on your laptop, Facebook can tie the events together through third-party cookies, because you’re likely signed into one of its services on the laptop. It estimates that in cases where an ad was converted into a sale within 30 days, just 20% started and ended on the same app and the same device. Severing Facebook’s ability to measure the effectiveness of its ads is a threat to its business. And if that poses a challenge to the world’s second-biggest ad tech player, imagine the peril to the hundreds of smaller companies.

无论Google决定实施什么,都会有大量公司倒闭。 甚至Facebook Inc.也可能会遇到一些困难。 目前,如果您在手机上的Instagram应用程序上看到一双运动鞋的广告,然后决定一周后通过笔记本电脑上的Chrome浏览器购买该广告,那么Facebook可以通过第三方Cookie将事件捆绑在一起,因为您很可能在笔记本电脑上登录了其中一项服务。 据估计,如果广告在30天内转化为销售,只有20%的开始和结束是在同一应用和同一设备上进行的。 切断Facebook衡量其广告效果的能力对其业务构成威胁。 如果这对全球第二大广告技术公司构成挑战,那么可以想象一下对数百家小型公司的危害。

For another group, publishers, it presents a tremendous opportunity. In web parlance, that means anyone producing online content. But it’s particularly acute for the news industry, whose failure to manage the transition from print to digital has been well chronicled: U.S. newspapers’ cumulative advertising revenue fell from a 2006 peak of $49 billion to an estimated $14 billion in 2018, the lowest in 40 years, according to the Pew Research Center. Google’s U.S. ad revenue jumped from $11 billion to $63 billion in the same time frame.

对于另一个团体,出版商,它提供了巨大的机会。 用网络术语来说,这意味着任何人都在生产在线内容。 但这对于新闻业来说尤其严重,因为它已经无法很好地处理从印刷到数字化过渡的失败:美国报纸的累计广告收入从2006年的490亿美元峰值下降到2018年的估计140亿美元,是40年来最低的根据皮尤研究中心的说法 同期,Google在美国的广告收入从110亿美元跃升至630亿美元。

That divergence isn’t just because print advertising has disappeared. It’s also because media organizations have all too willingly outsourced the responsibility for serving their audience with ads to other companies, not least the Google Display Network. That seemed like a good decision 15 years ago, automating the marketing sales process while eliminating the need to invest in costly engineering teams to develop the technology in-house. But it also meant that the value of each ad was tied to the identity of the person looking at it, rather than where it appeared. A brand might pay the same amount for an ad alongside a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigation as it would a fake news story written by a kid in a dorm room, because they were targeting the same person.

这种差异不仅仅是因为平面广告已经消失。 这也是因为媒体组织也非常愿意将通过广告向受众群体提供服务的责任外包给其他公司,尤其是Google展示广告网络。 15年前,这似乎是一个不错的决定,它可以实现市场销售流程的自动化,同时又不需要投资昂贵的工程团队来开发内部技术。 但这也意味着,每个广告的价值都取决于观看者的身份,而不是其出现的位置。 一个品牌可能会为广告支付与普利策奖获奖调查相同的费用,因为这可能是一个孩子在宿舍里写的一个假新闻故事,因为他们瞄准的是同一个人。

That undermined the importance of context, the idea that the website where an ad appears can accentuate or diminish a brand’s appeal. According to Sam Tomlinson, a partner at PwC specializing in the measurement of ad effectiveness, “publishers have always had to have a strong granular understanding of their audience to create the compelling content that sees their audiences coming back time after time.”

这削弱了背景的重要性,即广告出现的网站可能会加重或减弱品牌吸引力的想法。 普华永道专门研究广告效果的合作伙伴Sam Tomlinson表示,“发布商始终必须对受众群体有深刻的了解,才能创建引人注目的内容,使受众一次又一次地回来。”

The loss of control has been highlighted by Covid-19: U.K. newspapers have warned they could lose £50 million ($63 million) in advertising revenue over three months, even as online readership has spiked. Brands have added vocabulary associated with the coronavirus to so-called blocklists, which means that their ads won’t appear alongside news stories containing those words. While intended to avoid advertising alongside conspiracy theories, the effect has been far broader, and news groups are beholden to the whims of the ad tech industry.

Covid-19 突显了失去控制的能力:英国报纸警告称,即使在线读者人数激增,他们也可能在三个月内损失5000万英镑(合6300万美元)的广告收入。 品牌已将与冠状病毒相关的词汇添加到所谓的阻止列表中,这意味着其广告不会与包含这些单词的新闻报道一起出现。 虽然旨在避免与阴谋论一起进行广告宣传,但效果却更为广泛,新闻集团也迷上了广告技术行业的异想天开。

News organizations have in recent years started to make up the ad revenue shortfall by leaning into online subscriptions. And encouraging users to register, whether or not they actually pay a subscription, can also result in harvesting personal information. In the absence of third-party data generated by cookies, the value of first-party data will increase. Knowing someone’s name, address, and interests is valuable: A user can be grouped with a cohort of others with similar interests and income levels — with that person’s permission.

近年来,新闻机构已开始依靠在线订阅来弥补广告收入的不足。 鼓励用户注册,无论他们是否实际支付订阅费用,也可能导致收集个人信息。 如果没有Cookie生成的第三方数据,则第一方数据的价值将增加。 知道某人的姓名,地址和兴趣很有价值:在该人的允许下,可以将一个用户与一群具有相似兴趣和收入水平的其他人分组。

The New York Times Co. has just started that approach. It’s inviting users to fill out an optional questionnaire and informing them that the results will be used to build audience segments that target ads on its website. “We are not interested in sharing our users’ information into broad open networks that re-create the cookie universe we’re in today,” says Allison Murphy, the newspaper’s head of ad innovation. Instead, it may sign agreements with brands that have their own first-party data and target ads that way. “If both of us have first-party data, we can match that in environments that are secure and respect the consent we have from users,” Murphy says.

纽约时报公司刚刚开始采用这种方法。 它邀请用户填写可选问卷,并告知他们结果将用于建立针对其网站上广告的受众群体。 报纸广告创新负责人艾里森·墨菲(Allison Murphy)表示:“我们不希望将用户的信息共享到广泛的开放网络中,以重新创建我们今天所处的Cookie世界。” 相反,它可能会与拥有自己的第一方数据的品牌签署协议,并以此方式定位广告。 “如果我们两个人都有第一方数据,我们都可以在安全的环境中进行匹配,并尊重用户的同意,”墨菲说。

Given the regulatory pressure against Google, it may also be in the Mountain View, Calif., company’s interest to reinvigorate the media industry’s revenue streams. The U.S. Department of Justice could bring an antitrust case against the company as soon as this summer. Sacrificing a chunk of the $22 billion a year it makes from the Google Display Network might help its antitrust case, even as it squeezes out other ad tech players by making the case for better privacy. That’s surely an outcome Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai would prefer to a deeper breakup of Google’s ad tech business and the control it has over the buying, selling, and bidding processes.

考虑到针对Google的监管压力,重新振兴媒体行业的收入来源也可能符合加州山景城的利益。 美国司法部可能会在今年夏天就对该公司提起反托拉斯诉讼 。 即使它通过提供更好的隐私理由而挤出其他广告技术参与者,却牺牲了它从Google展示广告网络每年220亿美元的收入中可能会得到帮助。 这无疑是一个结果,首席执行官Sundar Pichai宁愿更深入地拆分Google的广告技术业务以及它对购买,出售和投标流程的控制权。

If they can get it right, media organizations might be able to reclaim some of the billions of ad dollars hemorrhaged over the past 15 years. Sure, it will be easier for companies with the scale of the New York Times, Condé Nast, or Gannett than it will for independent regional organizations. But the cookies are disappearing from the jar, and everyone should prepare to scramble to catch the crumbs.

如果他们能解决的话,媒体组织也许可以收回过去15年中流失的数十亿美元广告。 当然,对于拥有《纽约时报》,《康泰纳仕》或《甘尼特》这样规模的公司而言,这比独立的区域组织要容易得多。 但是饼干从罐子里消失了,每个人都应该准备争夺面包屑。

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