
Depending on what kind of games you enjoy, you’re either nodding your head in excitement right now, or asking yourself “what the heck is a set piece?”. If you’re in the latter camp, allow me to explain. Most folks will have seen an action movie at some point in their lives. Using that frame of reference, consider those big, loud action scenes that you leave you catching your breath. It’s not just that these scenes are big, it’s that they are unique focal points, often standing alone as notable moments.

d epending什么样的游戏,你喜欢,你要么点头兴奋你的头,现在,还是问自己“到底是什么样的一组作品呢?”。 如果您位于后一个阵营,请允许我解释一下。 大多数人会在人生的某个时刻看过动作电影。 使用该参照系,考虑那些让您喘不过气来的大声响亮的动作场景。 这些场景不仅很大 ,而且它们是独特的焦点,通常单独作为重要时刻站立。

Think Tom Cruise climbing the side of a 100-story building in a Mission Impossible movie, The Rock doing something death-defying in a Fast and Furious movie, or pretty much anything James Bond does. Now put those in a video game, and you have yourself a set piece.

想想汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)在《碟中谍 》( Mission Impossible)电影中爬上一座100层建筑物的一侧,《摇滚》在《 速度与激情 》( Fast and Furious)电影中做着致命的事情,或者几乎是詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)所做的任何事情。 现在,将它们放在视频游戏中,您便可以自己准备好了。

The gaming landscape is full of these moments, and everyone will have a different list. Certain developers are really great at them, others tend to avoid them for sake of budget or just the flow of the game. There’s no way one article could cover all the great examples in PlayStation’s illustrious history, but we’ll give it a shot. Let us know your favorites in the responses!

游戏环境充满了这些时刻,每个人都有不同的列表。 某些开发人员确实擅长于他们,而其他开发人员则出于预算或游戏流程的原因而倾向于避免使用它们。 不可能有一篇文章涵盖PlayStation辉煌历史中的所有出色示例,但我们将对其进行介绍。 让我们知道您最喜欢的回复!

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Uncharted 2. Source: Naughty Dog.

火车 (The Train)

from Uncharted 2

来自《 神秘海域2》

Uncharted is a series that’s basically built on a foundation of set pieces, and the second entry in the series is perhaps the one most jam-packed with them. What makes this scene unique is that it is literally the beginning of the game.

《神秘海域》是一个基本上建立在固定作品基础上的系列,而该系列的第二个条目也许是其中最多的一个。 使这一场景与众不同的原因在于,这实际上是游戏的开始。

The camera fades in to our hero, Nathan Drake, sitting in a train, and it quickly becomes clear that everything is very wrong with the scenario. Nate is covered in his own blood, and pieces of luggage start falling past him. The camera widens out, and you see that Nate is, in fact, sitting in a train car that is dangling off the side of a mountain, still connected to another car that rests precipitously at the edge of the cliff.

镜头渐渐淡入坐在火车上的英雄内森·德雷克(Nathan Drake)的视线中,很快就可以清楚地意识到场景中的一切都是错误的。 内特沾满了自己的血,行李箱开始掉落在他身上。 镜头变宽了,您会发现Nate实际上坐在悬在山坡上的火车车厢中,仍然与另一辆陡峭地停在悬崖边缘的汽车相连。

The train is literally disintegrating around him as he tries to escape, with pipes peeling away, doors flying open and boulders crashing down as Nate hangs on for dear life. The camera work is incredible throughout the scene, many times pivoting to show the scene from above, resulting in a dizzying vista that is not for the faint of heart. It really sells the peril Nate finds himself in, and cements the scene for the experience as one of the greatest in PlayStation history.

当他试图逃脱时,火车实际上在他周围解体,管道剥落,门飞扬,巨石轰然倒塌,因为内特(Nate)垂死挣扎。 在整个场景中,相机的工作都是令人难以置信的,它多次旋转以从上方显示场景,从而产生了令人晕眩的远景,而不是虚弱的人。 它确实卖出了Nate发现的危险,并巩固了PlayStation历史上最伟大的游戏体验之一。

By the time you make it back to solid ground, you may need to pause for a few minutes to catch your breath.


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Uncharted 4. Source: DualShockers.

吉普车 (Jeep Chase)

from Uncharted 4

来自《 神秘海域4》

The final chapter of Nathan Drake’s treasure-hunting adventures contains one of the best set-pieces across all four games. Nate’s long-lost brother Sam has come back into the picture and, as it always does, trouble ensues. The brothers, along with Nate’s partner Sully, find themselves in a small village in Madagascar, on the trail of a pirate treasure but running afoul of the local bad guys. They hop into a jeep, trying to catch up with Sam, who is fleeing on a motorcycle.

内森·德雷克(Nathan Drake)的寻宝历险之旅的最后一章包含了所有四款游戏中最好的套装之一。 内特(Nate)失散已久的兄弟山姆(Sam)再次出现在照片中,随之而来的是麻烦。 兄弟俩与内特的搭档苏利(Sully)一起,在马达加斯加的一个小村庄里发现了自己的海盗宝藏,但遭到了当地坏蛋的袭击。 他们跳上吉普车,试图赶上逃离摩托车的山姆。

What follows is comparable to the best chase scenes in cinema history. Sully drives the jeep through narrow side streets, crowded markets and down hills as they fight to get to the docks to escape the island. Pursued by the bad guys in a massive armored truck with a mounted gun, they must twist and turn down through the town, returning fire to stay one step ahead. The soon run out of real estate, and that’s where things really get crazy.

接下来的内容可与电影史上最好的追逐场景相提并论。 Sully驾驶吉普车穿越狭窄的小巷,拥挤的市场和山丘,他们奋力前往码头逃离小岛。 坏蛋们追着装甲枪的重型装甲卡车追击他们,他们必须扭转并转向城镇,向后开火继续前进。 房地产很快就用光了,那才是真正的疯子。

As Sully screeches to a stop at the end of the dock, Nate uses his grappling hook to snag one of the enemy trucks as it pursues Sam. Being dragged through the water and mud, Nate has to work his way across a convoy of vehicles to reach Sam, where the chase concludes with flipping vehicles, massive explosions and stunned onlookers. It’s the best cinematic moment in a game that’s chock full of them. As is the case with all these set pieces, it truly needs to be played to be believed, so what are you waiting for?!

当Sully在码头尽头尖叫时,Nate用他的抓钩钩住了一辆追捕Sam的敌方卡车。 内特(Nate)被水和泥土拖着走,不得不跨过一支车队到达萨姆(Sam),追赶行动以翻转车,大爆炸和震惊的旁观者结束。 这是充满他们的游戏中最好的电影时刻。 与所有这些布景一样,确实需要演奏才能让人相信,所以您还等什么?

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Batman: Arkham Asylum. Source: Dark Knight News.
蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆庇护所。 资料来源:《黑暗骑士新闻》。

稻草人战斗 (Scarecrow Fights)

from Batman: Arkham Asylum


This is a bit of a different take on the usual set piece formula, as it’s less action than the rest of this list, though it’s no less impressive for what it accomplishes. The first game in the Batman Arkham trilogy was groundbreaking with it’s combat and traversal mechanics, and the Scarecrow scenes turned everything on it’s head.

这与通常的设定公式有点不同,因为它的动作比此列表的其余部分要少,尽管它所完成的动作也同样令人印象深刻。 蝙蝠侠阿卡姆(Batman Arkham)三部曲中的第一场比赛凭借其战斗和穿越机制而开创性,而稻草人的场面改变了一切。

As Batman wanders through Arkham Asylum, trying to put the city’s worst villains back behind bars, he is stalked by Scarecrow, in many ways his most fearsome foe. Using his terrifying fear toxin, Scarecrow makes Batman’s worst nightmares come true. While the rest of the game has a 3rd person camera over Batman’s shoulder, these scenes brilliantly shift to a side scrolling perspective. Running back and forth in a semi-2D design, the camera shifts 90 degrees as Batman turns the corners, working his way toward the Bat signal, his only weapon against the villain.

蝙蝠侠在阿卡姆庇护所 ( Arkham Asylum)中徘徊,试图将这座城市最坏的恶棍放回监狱,他在稻草人中受到了跟踪,这在许多方面都是他最可怕的敌人。 稻草人使用他可怕的恐惧毒素,使蝙蝠侠最可怕的噩梦成真。 尽管游戏的其余部分在蝙蝠侠的肩膀上都有第三人称视角的摄像机,但这些场景却巧妙地转移到了侧面滚动的角度。 摄像机以半2D设计来回运行,当蝙蝠侠转过弯时,摄像机会移动90度,朝着蝙蝠信号(他唯一的抵御小人武器)方向前进。

A nightmarish version of the asylum, where pieces of the floors and walls disintegrate and fly around, is the setting. Batman must avoid a massive Scarecrow standing among it all, trying to find him with laser-like eyes and clawing toward him with syringe fingers, determined to give the super-hero a lethal dose. As you creep stealthily and crouch behind broken walls, the level constantly changes to keep you on your toes, all with the menace of those horrifying eyes close behind. It’s terrifying both for the enemy and the swift change in tactics, leaving you on edge and eager to escape.

那里是噩梦般的避难所,地板和墙壁的碎片会碎裂并飞来飞去。 蝙蝠侠必须避免一个巨大的稻草人站在那里,试图用激光般的眼睛找到他,然后用注射器的手指朝他猛扑,决心给超级英雄一个致命的剂量。 当您隐身爬行并蹲在破碎的墙壁后面时,水平会不断变化,以使您始终保持警觉,所有这些令人恐惧的眼睛紧紧地向后倾斜。 这既使敌人感到恐惧,也使战术Swift变化,这让您处于边缘并渴望逃脱。

This is what “subverting expectations” should look like in gaming.


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God of War 3. Source: Push Square.

克罗诺斯战役 (Cronos Battle)

from God of War 3

来自 战神3

For all of the incredible action on this list, the Cronos boss battle in God of War 3 takes the cake for sheer size and scope. Not only is the environment where the fight takes place massive, but you are literally fighting something the size of a mountain. This boss is bigger than some entire levels in earlier God of War games, actually carrying a smaller mountain on his back! For a franchise that made itself famous with huge enemies and levels, this is the biggest of them all.

对于所有这些名单上的令人难以置信的行动中,克洛诺斯boss战中战神3花费庞大的规模和范围的蛋糕。 不仅发生战斗的环境非常艰巨,而且您实际上在与山区大小的事物作斗争。 这个上司比早先的《 战神》游戏中的某些等级都要大,实际上背着一个较小的山峰! 对于以巨大敌人和关卡而闻名的特许经营来说,这是其中最大的特许经营。

Cronos has something Kratos wants, but all you really need to know is he’s trying to smash the puny man-who-destroyed-the-gods in his massive stone hands. Kratos uses his tools of destruction to tear chunks from his enemy, and seeing bloody fingers and gaping wounds appear on Cronos makes the battle feel incredibly visceral. Along the way, Kratos fights regular beasts that emerge from within Cronos, on platforms that look like regular levels themselves. You can almost forget that you are fighting on your enemy, until the entire scene begins to move anew.

Cronos拥有Kratos想要的东西,但是您真正需要知道的是,他正试图用巨大的石头手砸碎那些被摧毁的神灵。 克雷托斯(Kratos)使用他的破坏工具从敌人身上撕下碎片,看到克罗诺斯身上出现血腥的手指和张开的伤口,使战斗感到难以置信的内脏。 一路走来,克雷托斯(Kratos)与克罗诺斯(Cronos)内部出现的常规野兽战斗,它们看起来像常规关卡一样。 你几乎可以忘了你是你敌人战斗,直到整个场景开始重新移动。

At one point Cronos swallows Kratos, and you can imagine it doesn’t end well for the big guy. Mortally wounded, Cronos falls, the chains which surround him rendering him helpless to fend off the final deathblow. The entire fight will leave you breathless, due to the button-mashing combat and the sheer scale of what you’ve just witnessed.

克罗诺斯(Cronos)一次吞下了克拉托斯(Kratos),您可以想象这对于大个子来说收效不好。 克洛诺斯(Cronos)身受重伤,跌倒了,他周围的铁链使他无助以抵抗最后的死亡打击。 整个过程会让您喘不过气来,这要归功于按键式的战斗以及您刚刚目睹的范围之广。

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Spec Ops: The Line. Source: What About Cynics.
特殊行动:一线生机。 资料来源:关于犬儒学。

直升机战斗 (Helicopter Battle)

from Spec Ops: The Line

来自 Spec Ops:The Line

This is a game that is much more regarded for it’s unique story than it’s 3rd person cover-based shooting gameplay. Most lists would put the “White Phosphorous” moment in this place, but I find the helicopter battle is much more of a true set piece. The game takes place in a world where Dubai has been ravaged by apocalyptic sandstorms, leaving a humanitarian crisis in its wake. An elite U.S. Army unit is sent in to help, but when they fall silent, your team of three is sent in to assess the situation and report back.

与基于第三人称视角的射击游戏相比,这款游戏因其独特的故事而备受推崇。 大多数清单都将“白磷”时刻放在了这个地方,但是我发现直升机之战更像是一场真正的比赛。 这场比赛发生在迪拜被世界末日沙尘暴破坏的世界上,一场人道主义危机随之而来。 一个精锐的美国陆军部队被派去提供帮助,但是当他们沉默时,您的三人小组被派去评估情况并报告。

Your team has pushed forward into the city, trying to solve the mystery and discovers that the unit that was sent in to help has gone rogue and is trying to take you out. After infiltrating their base of operations, you grab a helicopter and try to evacuate. The helicopter’s minigun is your weapon of choice, shredding trees, people and the building itself. As the glass tower atop the bad guy headquarters collapses in spectacular fashion, your team attempts to flee the city. They are pursued by multiple enemy choppers intent on stopping you at any cost.

您的团队已进入城市,试图解决这个谜团,并发现派来帮助的单位已经流氓,并试图将您带出。 渗透到他们的行动基地后,您抓住直升机并尝试撤离。 直升飞机的迷你枪是您选择的武器,可以切碎树木,人和建筑物本身。 当坏人总部上方的玻璃塔以惊人的方式倒塌时,您的团队试图逃离这座城市。 他们被多个敌方砍刀追赶,目的是不惜一切代价阻止您。

The chase that follows is pure adrenaline, as you attempt to shoot down the helicopters and air-to-air missiles alike. Choppers crash into buildings and construction cranes, toppling them in your path. You shred glass facades with your minigun as you attempt to stop the relentless pursuit of your enemies. A fresh sandstorm crashes through the city, bringing visibility to zero. One final enemy chopper strikes yours in the mayhem, sending you crashing to the sand once more, unable to escape the madness inside the city.

当您试图击落直升飞机和空空导弹时,追逐是纯粹的肾上腺素。 斩波器撞入建筑物和建筑用起重机,使它们倾倒在您的行进路线中。 当您试图阻止对敌人的不懈追求时,您用小型枪将玻璃幕墙切碎了。 一场新鲜的沙尘暴袭击整个城市,使能见度降至零。 最终一名敌人斩波器在混乱中袭击了您,使您再次坠毁在沙滩上,无法逃脱城市内部的疯狂。

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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Source: wallpaperup.
使命召唤4:现代战争。 资料来源:wallpaperup。

核爆炸 (Nuclear Explosion)

from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

来自《 使命召唤4:现代战争》

Call of Duty is another franchise that puts incredible set pieces at the center of their games. From taking out your enemies with an orbiting C-130 gunship to running through a destroyed White House when the battle comes to American soil, these games have done it all. But the wizards at Infinity Ward outdid themselves with this scene in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, which has you witnessing a nuclear blast from very close range.

《使命召唤》是另一系列,将令人难以置信的固定场景置于游戏的中心。 从战斗中带着敌方的C-130武装直升机消灭敌人,直到战斗进入美国领土,穿越被毁的白宫,这些游戏都做到了。 但是Infinity Ward的巫师在《 使命召唤4:现代战争》中的这一场面不合时宜您可以亲眼目睹非常近距离的核爆炸。

You are part of a US Marine unit attempting to stop a terrorist threatening to detonate a nuke. As it becomes clear that may not be possible, your unit evacuates, but one of the helicopters is shot down. You set back down to save the pilot from enemy troops, but as you return to the air, the nuke detonates in a blinding flash. Your struggle to stay in the chopper and keep your fellow soldiers from being torn out of the dying aircraft. As the helicopter crashes heavily, the screen goes black.

您是美国海军陆战队的一员,该部队试图制止威胁引爆核武器的恐怖分子。 显然这不可能,您的部队撤离了,但其中一架直升机被击落。 您放回原处以将飞行员从敌军中解救出来,但是当您返回空中时,核武器便以令人眼花flash乱的闪光引爆。 您要努力留在斩波器中,并保持同伴的兵力从垂死的飞机上摔下来。 当直升机严重坠毁时,屏幕变黑。

After a pause, the cinematic shows you are still alive, and returns to your view in the ruined chopper. You somehow pull yourself out of the wreckage, and turn to see the massive mushroom cloud just a few miles away. All around you, fellow soldiers choke out their dying words or lay strewn on the ground, already gone. As you stumble to your knees and breathe your last, the screen fades to white. It’s incredibly powerful stuff, and for a series that never shies away from showing brutality, this is a moment that truly shows the hell of war in the starkest terms possible.

片刻之后,电影会显示您还活着,然后在破碎的菜刀中返回您的视线。 您以某种方式将自己从残骸中拉出,然后转身去看几英里外的巨大蘑菇云。 在您周围,同伴们cho灭了他们垂死的话语或躺在地上,已经消失了。 当您跌倒膝盖并呼吸自己的最后一口时,屏幕会逐渐变为白色。 这是令人难以置信的强大功能,对于一个从不回避残酷表现的剧集来说,这一刻可以用最严格的方式真正展现出战争的地狱。

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If action games are your cup of tea, you won’t want to miss the games we’ve highlighted here, and you may find yourself on a search to find others that fit the bill. There are thousands of candidates across four generations of PlayStation consoles, so there’s no doubt you will find something to your liking. Enjoy the journey, and long live gaming!

如果您喜欢喝动作游戏,那您就不想错过我们在这里突出显示的游戏,并且您可能会在搜索中找到适合自己的游戏。 四代PlayStation控制台中有成千上万的候选人,因此毫无疑问,您会发现自己喜欢的东西。 享受旅程,享受万岁游戏!

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/the-greatest-playstation-set-pieces-of-all-time-204348939a07





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