

聪明? (Smart?)

Once upon a time, smartphones were revolutionary. Now, everything is called smart (which may or may not correlate with actually being smart).

从前,智能手机是革命性的。 现在,一切都被称为聪明(可能与实际上变得聪明无关)。

Smart cars, smart cities, smart fridges…


Smartwatches too. And these updated timepieces seem to be heading towards smartphones in terms of capacities. On many smartwatches you can send messages, read your email, listen to music, and so on.

智能手表也是如此。 这些更新的时计在容量方面似乎正朝着智能手机发展。 在许多智能手表上,您可以发送消息,阅读电子邮件,听音乐等等。

They’re also popular as fitness and health trackers. Never again shall we take a step that is not monitored, quantified, and analysed. All hail the data gods.

它们还作为健身和健康追踪器而流行。 我们再也不会采取未经监控,量化和分析的步骤。 所有人都欢呼数据之神。

Our wrist-based assistants tell us how much we’ve (not) moved, how well we slept, where we are, and how to reach our Google maps destination. Through measuring the green light absorption differences caused by the blood flow in our wrists, they will let us know our heartbeat and could alert us for atrial fibrillation (though that still needs some work on accuracy…).

我们的腕部助手会告诉我们我们(没有)移动了多少,睡眠了多少,我们在哪里以及如何到达Google地图目的地。 通过测量由于手腕中的血流引起的绿光吸收差异,它们将使我们了解心跳并可以提醒我们房颤 (尽管这仍需要一些准确性方面的工作 ……)。

The new quantified self lives on our wrists.


It does make one wonder what else smartwatches could possibly measure.


Never again shall we take a step that is not monitored, quantified, and analysed. All hail the data gods.

我们再也不会采取未经监控,量化和分析的步骤。 所有人都欢呼数据之神。

每天吃药 (A pill a day)

Let’s talk about sweat. And not just because of the heatwave in certain parts of the world right now.

让我们谈谈汗水 。 不仅仅是因为现在世界某些地区的热浪。

Sweat is produced by glands in our skin and its main function is to help us control our body temperature.


Too hot → sweat → evaporation → cooling down.


While our sweat is mostly water, it does contain quite a bit of trace elements. Many molecules used in medications are also small enough to end up in our sweat. And those medicinal molecules often have a unique electrochemical signature. It just so happens that a sensor measuring that signature can be easily integrated into a smartwatch.

虽然我们的汗水主要是水 ,但它确实含有很多微量元素。 药物中使用的许多分子也足够小,以至于最终流汗。 而且那些药用分子通常具有独特的电化学特征。 碰巧的是,可以将测量该签名的传感器轻松集成到智能手表中。

That’s exactly what researchers did in a new study. Smack a sensor on a smartwatch and observe how accurately it tracks the concentrations of acetaminophen (a fairly common painkiller) in the circulation of the test subjects. The measurements were cross-validated via laboratory instrument measurements (using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry, for the scientists out there). The smartwatch-based measurement were a close match.

这正是研究人员在一项新研究中所做的。 在智能手表上贴上一个传感器,观察其在被测者循环中追踪对乙酰氨基酚(一种相当常见的止痛药)浓度的准确性。 通过实验室仪器测量(使用液相色谱和串联质谱,供在那里的科学家使用)对测量结果进行交叉验证。 基于智能手表的测量非常接近。

Ding ding, time for your pills.


Image for post
(Pixabay, stevepb)

健康与隐私 (Health and privacy)

For the authors, this represents an important step towards personalized medicine:


To achieve the mission of personalized medicine, centering on delivering the right drug to the right patient at the right dose, therapeutic drug monitoring solutions are necessary.


Indeed, there is a tension between the blanket prescriptions we often receive and the fact that human bodies are complex biological machines, each of which responds differently to medication and metabolizes different therapeutic molecules differently.


With a medication-tracking smartwatch you’ll be able to monitor the concentrations of certain prescribed compounds in your bloodstream. This can give you an actual indication of when you might need to take another dose, rather than a generic ‘one pill every morning’. It can also be useful for people who tend to forget to take (important) medication at the appropriate time.

使用药物追踪智能手表,您将能够监控血液中某些特定化合物的浓度。 这可以为您提供实际指示,表明您何时可能需要再服用一剂,而不是一般的“每天早上吃一剂”。 对于那些倾向于在适当的时间忘记服用(重要)药物的人来说,它也很有用。

The new quantified self lives on our wrists.


However, the age of smart appliances and wearables is characterized by connectivity. The data your smartwatch collects might not stay on your smartwatch. It will likely sync with all your other ‘smart’ devices and your part of the cloud. In the case of medication tracking, it will also probably alert your doctor when you’re not a ‘good patient’. That still seems acceptable — doctor patient confidentiality and all that. But what if your insurance company finds out which and how much medication you’re taking?

但是,智能设备和可穿戴设备的时代以连接性为特征。 您的智能手表收集的数据可能不会保留在您的智能手表上。 它可能会与您所有其他“智能”设备以及您的云部分同步。 对于药物跟踪,当您不是“好病人”时,它也可能会提醒您的医生。 这似乎仍然可以接受-医生对患者的保密性以及所有这些。 但是,如果您的保险公司发现您正在服用哪种药物以及服用了多少药物,该怎么办?

Another, more broad concern is that this plays into the medicalization of society. Of course, medication has saved — and will continue to save — many lives, but if we increasingly choose to rely on pills and powders (and their tracked and monitored presence in our bodies) for every possible thing, could we be increasingly ignoring that, in some cases, lifestyle changes can have an impact as well?

另一个更广泛的关注是,这关系到社会的医学化。 当然,药物已经挽救了并将继续挽救许多生命,但是如果我们越来越多地选择将丸剂和粉剂(以及它们在人体中的追踪和监控存在)用于一切可能的事情,那么我们是否会越来越无视这一点,在某些情况下,生活方式的改变也会产生影响吗?

And with these questions, I leave you. My smartwatch tells me I’ve written enough.

带着这些问题,我离开了你。 我的智能手表告诉我我写够了。

翻译自: https://medium.com/predict/a-smartwatch-that-monitors-your-medication-use-91f67461549f






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