thiel熵计算_彼得·泰尔(Peter Thiel)的前参谋长现在有五百亿美元的五角大楼预算


通用情报 (General Intelligence)

Welcome to General Intelligence, OneZero’s weekly dive into the A.I. news and research that matters.

欢迎来到 General Intelligence OneZero 每周都会深入探讨重要的AI新闻和研究。

The last three years have been good for Michael Kratsios’ career.

过去三年对Michael Kratsios的职业生涯非常有利。

In 2017, he left his post as chief of staff for controversial Silicon Valley investor Peter Thiel to become the White House chief technology officer. Last month, he became the fourth most powerful person at the Pentagon.

2017年,他离开有争议的硅谷投资者彼得·泰尔(Peter Thiel)担任办公厅主任一职,成为白宫首席技术官。 上个月,他成为五角大楼排名第四的最有影响力的人。

Kratsios, now acting undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, is in command of a $60 billion Pentagon budget and tasked with keeping the United States’ tech ambitions ahead of China.


“Fundamental to preserving our strategic superiority and our way of life is to retain America’s technological dominance,” Kratsios said in a virtual event on August 13, held by the Georgetown Center for Security and Emerging Technology.


With Kratsios in the Pentagon, a small piece of Thiel’s mindset is now installed in the cornerstone of the nation’s defense apparatus. The new undersecretary’s refrains aren’t dissimilar to what Thiel has called for in the past: fewer regulations on tech and closer collaboration between Silicon Valley and the Department of Defense.

在五角大楼的克拉齐奥斯(Kratsios)面前,蒂尔(Thiel)的一小部分思想如今已被安装在美国国防部门的基石上。 新任副部长的拒绝与Thiel过去的要求没有什么不同:技术法规减少,硅谷与国防部之间的合作更加紧密。

He has also found ways to skirt regulation when testing new technologies. The Pentagon is testing 5G on military bases, leap-frogging the permits and partnerships that private companies like Verizon and AT&T have to navigate.

他还发现了在测试新技术时规避监管的方法。 五角大楼正在军事基地测试5G ,超越了Verizon和AT&T等私营公司必须驾驭的许可证和合作伙伴关系。

Kratsios is a relative tenderfoot to government work. His colleague, undersecretary of defense for intelligence Joseph Kernan, graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy a decade before Kratsios was born. But Kratsios’ relationship to the new cadre of government tech contractors, like Thiel-backed Palantir and Anduril, sets the stage for a new era of collaboration between the tech industry and the military.

Kratsios对政府工作而言是一个相对温柔的脚。 他的同事是情报部副部长约瑟夫·科南( Joseph Kernan) ,在Kratsios出生十年前就从美国海军学院毕业。 但是Kratsios与新的政府技术承包商干部的关系,例如由Thiel支持的Palantir和Anduril ,为技术行业与军方之间协作的新时代奠定了基础。

As Kratsios said in his Georgetown remarks, his job is to make sure that the people working on A.I. collaborate with the people designing hypersonic missiles. And my bet is that Thiel might have some suggestions on where to find them.

正如Kratsios在乔治敦的讲话中所说,他的工作是确保从事AI的人们与设计高超音速导弹的人们合作。 我敢打赌,泰尔(Thiel)可能会在哪里找到一些建议。

And now, here’s some of the most interesting A.I. research of the week.


可以改变心情的算法 (Algorithms that can change the mood)

Two research papers tackle a similar problem this week. Google researchers take a portrait of a person, and try to get an algorithm to generate images of the same portrait with different lighting. Other Google researchers (with help from the University of California, Berkeley and startup Humen), do the same thing with images of a whole city by training an algorithm to generate images of the same building at different times of day with different light.

本周有两篇研究论文解决了类似的问题。 Google研究人员对某人的肖像进行拍摄,并尝试获得一种算法来生成具有不同光照的同一幅肖像的图像 。 Google的其他研究人员(在加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校和初创公司Humen的帮助下)通过训练一种算法,在一天的不同时间以不同的光线生成同一栋建筑物的图像,从而对整个城市的图像执行相同的操作。

回应建设性批评的AI (A.I. that responds to constructive criticism)

Italian, French, and Chinese researchers have built an image-generating algorithm that can take written feedback and use it to better accomplish a task. If the algorithm generates an image of a bird, it can be told to change the color of the bird’s breast, and it will be able to do it. Researchers also demonstrated being able to add a beard and subtract a smile from the face of the actor Mario Lopez.

意大利,法国和中国的研究人员已经建立了一种图像生成算法 ,该算法可以获取书面反馈,并使用它更好地完成任务。 如果该算法生成了鸟的图像,则可以告诉它更改鸟的乳房的颜色,并且可以做到这一点。 研究人员还展示了能够在演员马里奥·洛佩兹(Mario Lopez)的脸上添加胡须并减少其微笑的能力。

制作动画片的更快方法 (A faster way to make cartoons)

Microsoft and two Hong Kong Universities have built a way to automate the creation of cartoons. The algorithm takes two images and then is able to generate the frames of animation in between them.

微软和两所香港大学建立了一种自动制作卡通漫画的方法 。 该算法拍摄两个图像,然后能够在它们之间生成动画帧。



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