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As he prepared to go hunting for Bigfoot, Andrew Callaghan picked up the phone.

当他准备去寻找大脚怪时,安德鲁·卡拉汉(Andrew Callaghan)接了电话。

It was just another day for the 23-year-old creator of the hit YouTube show All Gas No Brakes. For the past year, Callaghan’s been driving across the U.S. in an RV, periodically hopping out in an ill-fitting suit, putting a microphone in front of people’s faces, and letting them speak. What comes out is an illuminating look into the soul of the country. It’s not pretty. But if we want to fix our society’s problems, it’s worth our attention.

这对热播的YouTube节目《 All Gas No Brakes》的23岁创作者来说只是一天。 在过去的一年中,卡拉汉(Callaghan)驾驶着RV在美国各地行驶,定期穿着不合身的西装跳出来,将麦克风放在人们的面前,然后让他们说话。 所产生的结果是对国家灵魂的启发。 不好看 但是,如果我们要解决社会问题,就值得我们关注。

Callaghan, a Seattle native, mostly interviews people on the outskirts of U.S. life, though the fringe tends to be mainstream in this country today. As people speak with him — unfiltered, uninterrupted, and at length — a sense of emptiness pervades. You can see it when flat earthers discuss their large Facebook groups, gem enthusiasts preach the power of psychedelics, and conspiracy theorists come together to rush U.S. military zones. Traditional institutions that once provided purpose and kinship are falling, and the fringe is filling the void.

卡拉汉(Callaghan)是西雅图人,主要采访美国生活郊区的人们,尽管边缘现象在当今这个国家已成为主流。 当人们与他交谈时-无过滤,无间断,冗长地-一种空虚感弥漫。 当平地人讨论他们的大型Facebook团体,宝石爱好者宣扬迷幻药的力量,阴谋理论家聚在一起赶赴美国军事区时,您会看到它。 曾经提供目标和血缘关系的传统机构正在衰落,边缘正在填补空白。

“A desire to adhere to any kind of cultural fringe comes from a sort of emptiness,” Callaghan told Big Technology. “You just want a brotherhood at all costs.”

卡拉汉告诉《 大科技 》,“对某种文化边缘事物的渴望来自一种空虚。” “您不惜一切代价想要一个兄弟般的兄弟。”

Religion, relationships with friends and family, and work are the primary sources of meaning in American life, according to Pew. But all three are in decline. People with “no religion” make up 23% of the U.S. population today, up from 8% in 1990. Loneliness, according to some, was an epidemic before the pandemic, and it certainly is now. Our work is more distributed, gig-based, and tenuous than ever before. The old ways of feeling like you belonged to something are diminished. So people are seeking alternatives.

皮尤说 ,宗教,与朋友和家人的关系以及工作是美国生活中意义的主要来源。 但是所有三个都在下降。 如今,“没有宗教信仰”的人占美国人口的23%,而1990年为8%。某些人认为,孤独感是大流行之前的一种流行病,现在肯定如此。 我们的工作比以往任何时候都更加分散,基于演出和脆弱。 好像您属于某物的旧感觉已被减少。 因此人们正在寻找替代方案。

Flat-earth gatherings, alien conventions, and conspiracy-driven festivals are megachurches for the unfulfilled. They provide a sense of purpose and community that people aren’t getting through traditional institutions. This comes through in All Gas No Brakes. In one telling interaction, a reverend shows up at a Conscious Life Expo looking for an “Awesome Republican Goddess” to marry him. He’s set up a website for applicants, but so far hasn’t found the match. It’s all there in one shot: A reverend without a congregation goes looking for companionship as he wanders among the fringe.

平地聚会,外星人大会和阴谋驱动的节日对于那些尚未实现的人来说是巨大的教堂。 它们提供了人们无法通过传统机构获得的目标感和社区感。 这是通过“全力以赴的刹车”来实现的。 在一次有说服力的互动中,一位牧师出现在一个有意识的生活博览会上,寻找一位“真棒共和党女神”与他结婚。 他已经为申请人建立了一个网站,但是到目前为止还没有找到匹配的对象。 一切都一枪达成:没有会众的牧师在流浪边缘徘徊时寻找同伴。

No matter the politics or fetish, attendees at the events Callaghan visits often bring up psychedelic drugs, more evidence they’re seeking community absent elsewhere. Psychedelics melt away the ego, removing a person’s sense of individualism and helping them feel a sense of deep connection with humanity — at least for a few hours. Their rise is unsurprising in a country where public institutions are in decline, and their prevalence in its periphery is clarifying. “I’m not built for drugs personally,” Callaghan said. “But I’m definitely built to document drug use.”

无论是政治还是恋物癖,参加卡拉汉访问的活动的参加者经常带来迷幻药物,更多的证据表明他们正在寻找其他地方不存在的社区。 迷幻药融化了自我,消除了一个人的个人主义意识,并帮助他们感受到了与人类的深刻联系-至少持续了几个小时。 在一个公共机构日渐衰落的国家中,他们的崛起并不令人惊讶,而在其外围地区的盛行正在明朗化。 卡拉汉说:“我不是为毒品而生。” “但是我绝对是在记录毒品使用情况。”

Fringe communities incubate online and meet together in person. And though it’s tempting to blame Facebook and Twitter entirely for their rise, that wouldn’t be accurate. Society’s problems manifest themselves on social media, and the platforms simply amplify them. We can’t count on these services alone to heal society, since we’ll get nowhere without addressing the underlying factors.

边缘社区在线孵化并亲自见面。 尽管试图将其崛起完全归咎于Facebook和Twitter,但这并不准确。 社会的问题在社交媒体上得以体现,而平台则将其放大。 我们不能仅依靠这些服务来治愈社会,因为如果不解决根本因素,我们将一事无成。

What Callaghan is doing is not exactly journalism, but it is telling a story about our society. “A journalist is going to help you process, and I think there’s still a lot left on the table here,” Jennifer Grygiel, an assistant professor of Communication at Syracuse University’s Newhouse School, told Big Technology.

Callaghan所做的不完全是新闻业,而是在讲述有关我们社会的故事。 锡拉丘兹大学纽豪斯学院传播学助理教授詹妮弗·格里吉尔(Jennifer Grygiel)对大技术公司说:“记者将帮助您处理问题,我认为这里还有很多事情要做。”

Recently, Callaghan’s been showing up to protests and using his typical interview style to speak with protestors. He lets them talk without interrupting — it’s all gas, no brakes — and you see a different side of these events than what the mainstream media portrays. In a visit to the Portland protests, for instance, Callaghan shows that the attendees don’t neatly fit into the narrative you see on TV. Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, for example, calls the protestors “Biden voters,” yet many on the streets disdain Biden. There’s something to what he’s doing.

最近,卡拉汉(Callaghan)参加抗议活动,并以他典型的采访方式与抗议者交谈。 他让他们说话而不会打扰-全是油门,没有刹车-您看到的这些事件与主流媒体所描述的是不同的。 例如,卡拉汉(Callaghan)在参观波特兰的抗议活动时表明,参加者并不整洁地适合您在电视上看到的叙述。 例如,福克斯新闻的塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)称抗议者为“拜登选民”,但许多人却不屑拜登。 他在做什么。

The erosion of meaning in this country is one of the underlying factors behind its struggles that’s ever-present but rarely discussed. On his RV tour through the country, Callaghan’s brought this issue to the fore. And perhaps seeing the problem will help us start addressing it with real solutions.

在这个国家,意义的侵蚀是其斗争中存在的根本因素之一,这种斗争一直存在,但很少被讨论。 在他的全国RV巡回演出中,Callaghan将这一问题带到了最前沿。 也许看到问题会帮助我们开始用实际的解决方案解决它。

“I try not to get too nihilistic about it,” Callaghan said. “But I mean, dude, it’s like a chaos country. What the fuck?”

卡拉汉说:“我尽量不要对此太虚伪。” “但是我的意思是,伙计,这就像一个混乱的国家。 他妈的什么?”

Facebook针对Covid-19帖子的抗病毒药 (Facebook’s antiviral for Covid-19 posts)

In last week’s discussion of Outputs vs. The Machine, MIT professor David Rand suggested Facebook limit the spread of Covid-related misinformation with a fix to its sharing process. “I’d be in favor of testing an intervention where anytime anyone clicks Share for anything related to Covid-19, they are then asked how accurate they think the headline is, and then re-asked if they still want to share it,” he said.

在上周关于“ 输出与机器”的讨论中,麻省理工学院的教授大卫·兰德(David Rand)建议Facebook通过修正共享过程来限制与Covid有关的错误信息的传播。 “我赞成测试一种干预措施,在任何人单击“共享”以获取与Covid-19相关的任何内容时,他们都会被问及他们认为标题的准确性,然后再次询问是否仍要共享标题。”他说。

This week, Facebook rolled out something close to what Rand suggested. When people want to share posts linking to Covid-related information, Facebook will add an interstitial providing context about the link, and ask if people really want to share the post. Forcing people to stop and think before they share something cuts down the spread of misinformation, so this interstitial should be a significant improvement. I bet it will limit the spread of the next Plandemic-esque viral hit spreading lies about Covid treatments.

本周,Facebook推出了与Rand建议相近的内容。 当人们想要共享链接到Covid相关信息的帖子时,Facebook将添加一个插页式广告提供有关链接的上下文,并询问人们是否真的要共享该帖子。 强迫人们停下来思考,然后再分享一些东西,可以减少错误信息的传播,因此这种插页式广告应该是一项重大改进。 我敢打赌,这将限制下一轮有关Covid疗法的,类似Plandemic式病毒传播的传播。

You can read the full story here.


即将进行的聊天应用打击行动? (A coming chat app crackdown?)

This week, I suggested on Twitter that companies will phase out chat apps like Slack within 3–5 years. The idea generated a heated response, and I plan to write about it in depth next week.

本周,我在Twitter上建议公司将在3-5年内逐步淘汰Slack等聊天应用程序。 这个想法引起了热烈的反响,我计划下周深入讨论它。

In the meantime, I’d like to hear from you. Do you see a future where workplace chat use is different than it is today? Or will it remain the same? Please reply to this email and let me know what you think. I’ve already had some fun conversations this week, and look forward to sharing my findings with you next week.

同时,我希望收到您的来信。 您是否看到工作场所聊天的使用与今天不同的未来? 还是会保持不变? 请回复此电子邮件,让我知道您的想法。 我本周已经进行了有趣的对话,并期待下周与您分享我的发现。

See you next Thursday.


OneZero is publishing this story in an exclusive syndication partnership with Big Technology, a newsletter by Alex Kantrowitz.

OneZero 大技术公司 (Alex Kantrowitz的时事通讯)通过 独家联合发布该故事

翻译自: https://onezero.medium.com/the-brilliance-of-all-gas-no-brakes-f53fba496800





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