

The day I interviewed at Jobcase, I was nervous yet excited. It felt like the day that would change my entire life. Looking back, I think I knew that my future would be there in that office in Cambridge. Despite having received a different offer the day before, I somehow knew that I would build my life around this job.

我在Jobcase接受采访的那天,我很紧张但很兴奋。 感觉这一天会改变我的一生。 回想起来,我想我知道我的未来会在剑桥的那个办公室里。 尽管前一天收到了不同的录取通知书,但我不知怎的知道,我会以此工作为生。

That day, I got to meet with several incredibly smart people, all of whom I would get to work with directly. Though I’ll never forget any of the people who interviewed me, one person in particular stands out. Her name is Lauren. At the time, she was a product and engineering leader. She was also my “cultural fit” interviewer of the day.

那天,我遇到了几个非常聪明的人,我将直接与他们一起工作。 尽管我永远不会忘记任何采访我的人,但尤其是其中一个人脱颖而出。 她的名字叫劳伦。 当时,她是产品和工程负责人。 她还是我当时的“文化适应”面试官。

During our time together she asked me if I had any questions. We’d been seated in this room with floor to ceiling glass panels so I could see the entire engineering department behind her. I scanned the rows of men at their desks and then asked, “Do any women work here in engineering?” Bringing my attention back to her, she replied, “I’m a woman and I work here” with a big smile. She was obviously a woman that worked in engineering, but she wasn’t a female engineer coding every day like I would be. Still, the other offer I had received was from a company with no women at all, in engineering or elsewhere.

在我们在一起的时间里,她问我是否有任何问题。 我们坐在这间地板到天花板玻璃板的房间里,所以我可以看到她身后的整个工程部门。 我扫描了成排的男性坐在办公桌前,然后问:“有没有女性在这里工作?” 她将我的注意力吸引回她,她笑着回答:“我是女人,我在这里工作”。 她显然是一名从事工程工作的女性,但她并不是每天像我一样编码的女工程师。 不过,我收到的另一个报价是来自一家完全没有女性的公司,无论是在工程还是其他领域。

I chose Jobcase. It’s possible this had something to do with Lauren. Research on gender disparity in offices has shown that people feel most comfortable with mentors who look like them. I decided there would be more mentors for me at Jobcase, and that’s what I felt I needed fresh out of college.

我选择了Jobcase。 这可能与劳伦有关。 关于办公室性别差异的研究表明,人们对看起来像他们的导师最自在。 我决定在Jobcase为我提供更多的导师,这就是我觉得刚大学毕业就需要的东西。

Why are people excited about an entry level employee?


My first week of working was a whirlwind of on-boarding and meeting new people. One thing that stuck out and became very obvious was how excited they were for me to start. My initial thought was: why are these people so excited about an entry level employee? I was fresh out of college, totally green to the world with absolutely zero idea what I was doing. In fact, I hadn’t even gotten the software engineering role I had applied for — they had made up a role for me in QA. To put it in perspective — I didn’t even know what QA was when I accepted this job.

我工作的第一周就是加入并结识新朋友的旋风。 突出并非常明显的一件事是,他们让我感到非常兴奋。 我最初的想法是:为什么这些人对入门级员工如此兴奋? 我刚大学刚毕业,对世界完全绿色,对自己的所作所为绝对是零。 实际上,我什至没有得到我申请的软件工程职位-他们在质量检查中为我起到了作用。 换个角度看,当我接受这份工作时,我什至不知道质量保证是什么。

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Me on my first day of work

To this day people still remind me that I was a very exciting hire. Recently, while reflecting on the past couple years, I did some research. What does a woman mean to an engineering department? Or really, any department that is male dominated. A lot of people will tell you that it changes the culture of a workplace. But why? The answer: A more diverse workforce leads to a more inclusive culture. A more comfortable place to work. You know what happens when people are more comfortable at work? They’re more likely to share ideas. Which leads to innovation! And not to state the obvious, but profit! From that point of view, diversity at work is a no-brainer.

直到今天,人们仍然提醒我,我是一个非常令人兴奋的员工。 最近,在回顾过去几年的同时,我做了一些研究。 女人对工程部门意味着什么? 或实际上,任何由男性主导的部门。 很多人会告诉您,它改变了工作场所的文化。 但为什么? 答案:更加多样化的员工队伍会导致更具包容性的文化。 一个更舒适的工作场所。 您知道人们在工作中更舒适时会发生什么吗? 他们更有可能分享想法。 引领创新! 而不是说显而易见的,而是要赢利! 从这个角度来看,工作的多样性是显而易见的。

He reflected on a time in the company history when not one engineer was a woman.


In a recent all-company meeting, my CEO, Fred Goff, had some words to say about the recent happenings across the world, especially relating to gender and racial inequalities. He reflected on the past and mentioned a time in the company history when not one engineer was a woman. It was a real problem the company wanted to solve. There are so many different types of diversity and for a company like ours to really help all people, it’s important to have diversity of all different kinds. It’s hard to find good people in life and in work. It’s harder to find good people with the passion to drive change and work at the mission you’re on. Yet, despite the uphill battle, it’s incredibly important for companies like ours to grow and succeed.

在最近的一次全公司会议上,我的首席执行官弗雷德·高夫(Fred Goff)对全球最近发生的事情发表了一些话,特别是在性别和种族不平等方面。 他回顾了过去,并提到了公司历史上的某个时期,当时没有一个工程师是女性。 这是公司想要解决的一个实际问题。 多样性的种类繁多,对于像我们这样的公司来说,要真正帮助所有人 ,拥有所有种类的多样性非常重要。 在生活和工作中很难找到好人。 很难找到热心的人去推动变革并在您执行的任务中工作。 然而,尽管经历了艰苦的战斗,但对于像我们这样的公司而言,成长和成功至关重要。

Now, when people ask about the diversity mix of engineering we can proudly point to many women.


In the two years since I started here, my role — like many others at Jobcase — has evolved a lot. As the engineering department scaled, I helped with a project that would eventually get me transitioned to the growth engineering team. It was just a few months after I’d started, but that didn’t matter because there was a need and I could fulfill that need. As the department continued to grow, we searched for people to fill a variety of roles. I was pulled into a lot of interviews. Between working in QA and growth, I’ve helped hire several other female engineers across multiple teams. Now, when people ask about the diversity mix of engineering we can proudly point to many women.

自从我在这里工作的两年中,我的职责(与Jobcase的许多其他职位一样)已经发生了很大变化。 随着工程部门的规模扩大,我为一个项目提供了帮助,该项目最终使我过渡到了成长工程团队。 我刚开始几个月,但这没关系,因为有需要,我可以满足。 随着部门的不断发展,我们寻找人员来担任各种职务。 我被大量采访。 在从事质量检查工作和成长之间,我曾帮助多个团队雇用了其​​他几名女性工程师。 现在,当人们问到工程学的多样性时,我们可以自豪地指出许多女性。

Not only did I help make that happen through my presence in the interview process, I also had an idea to foster more of a community of women across the organization. I wanted to get all the women together more regularly for events and have a dedicated Slack channel to discuss women in the workplace or gender equality. I found that I didn’t interact regularly with a lot of them and it was hard to seek them out individually, especially when you’re introverted like me.

我不仅通过在面试过程中的参与帮助实现了这一目标,而且我还提出了在整个组织中培养更多女性社区的想法。 我想让所有妇女更定期地聚在一起参加活动,并有一个专门的Slack渠道来讨论工作场所中的妇女或性别平等。 我发现我没有定期与很多人互动,很难单独找到他们,尤其是当您像我一样内向时。

Jobcase is the type of company where you could comfortably sit down with anyone in the cafe over lunch. All it takes is a little bravery, or in my case, joining the same club. Fortunately, one of our many clubs — knitting club — meets every Wednesday for lunch and is an easy way to meet new people. I helped start the knitting club after a woman at Jobcase offered to teach me how to knit during lunch. Over the years this club has grown and welcomed a large variety of people from the company. During a casual chat one day with our director of people and culture, the idea came to me. “What if we had events just for women?”, I asked. Her response: “Plan one.”

Jobcase是公司的一种类型,您可以在午餐时间与咖啡馆中的任何人舒适地坐下来。 所要做的只是有点勇敢,或者就我而言,加入同一个俱乐部。 幸运的是,我们众多的俱乐部之一-针织俱乐部-每个星期三聚会吃午饭,是结识新朋友的便捷方式。 在Jobcase的一位女士主动教我如何在午餐时间进行编织之后,我帮助创办了编织俱乐部。 多年来,该俱乐部不断发展壮大,并欢迎来自公司的各种人士。 有一天,在与我们的人文和文化总监的闲聊中,我想到了这个主意。 我问:“如果我们只为女性举办活动呢?” 她的回答是:“计划一个。”

So, I did. The women of Jobcase really appreciated this effort. At the first event, some women came up to me saying they’d never felt comfortable at the co-ed happy hours. It’s cliche — but they were really grateful for the safe space to network and connect with other ladies. Unsurprisingly, the feedback was unanimous — people wanted to do this every quarter!

所以我做了。 乔布斯的女人真的很感谢这项努力。 在第一次活动中,一些妇女走近我,说她们在男女同校的欢乐时光中从未感到过舒服。 这是陈词滥调-但他们真的很感谢与他人交流和联系的安全空间。 毫不奇怪,反馈是一致的-人们希望每个季度都这样做!

The Women of Jobcase bonding at our first official happy hour event

Given the success of the women of Jobcase initiative, I decided to see if I could get interest and support for a women’s engineering group. We had hired quite a few women in engineering since I started, but we were spread out across multiple teams where we barely interacted. I pitched this idea: a catered monthly lunch with a guest who the women might not get a lot of time with normally. Again, I got the support and buy-in needed to make this happen and we’ve had a series of successful lunches. Since the pandemic, we’ve adapted to a bi-weekly Zoom hangout with the guests. We also try to connect every week on Zoom. It’s a lot more casual, but the women really seem to value the time together.

鉴于Jobcase女企业家计划的成功,我决定看看我是否可以对一个女工程师团队产生兴趣和支持。 自从我开始工作以来,我们已经聘用了许多工程技术女性,但是我们分散在几乎没有互动的多个团队中。 我提出了这个想法:与一位客人共进午餐,这些客人通常不会和女性有很多时间在一起。 再次,我获得了实现此目标所需的支持和支持,我们获得了一系列成功的午餐。 自大流行以来,我们已经与客人进行了每两周一次的Zoom Hangout。 我们还尝试每周在Zoom上进行连接。 这很休闲,但是女人们似乎真的很珍惜在一起的时间。

So in sum, I’ve learned a lot along my journey. I’m grateful for incredible managers, mentors and peer mentors. People who’ve encouraged and supported me as I’ve come into my own as a coder and in various other pursuits. I believe success can be heavily attributed to the environment you’re in and my company has provided a space where I can flourish. I’m proud of Jobcase and I’m proud that I’m helping to build something special. If you’re a kickass female engineer — hit me up!

总而言之,我在旅途中学到了很多东西。 我非常感谢不可思议的经理,导师和同行导师。 当我成为编码员并从事其他各种活动时,鼓励和支持我的人们。 我相信成功很大程度上取决于您所处的环境,我的公司为我提供了一个可以蓬勃发展的空间。 我为Jobcase感到自豪,并且为自己的特殊之处感到自豪。 如果您是一名女厨师,请打我!

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/growing-a-community-of-women-in-tech-cd28e068789c


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