价值工程 价值分析 pmp_价值和地点,您的理想城市离市场分析很远

价值工程 价值分析 pmp

About three and a half years ago, as we were nearing the end of our fifth decade, my wife and I were discussing our retirement plans for the distant future. Indiana had been our home off and on for three-quarters of our lives, but this conservative Midwest state had started to feel stale despite a deep familiarity, memories of childhood, and proximity to friends and family. I reminded my wife that she once wanted to live in New Mexico. “That was when we were living in Colorado,” she said. “And then we moved to Minnesota, and I remembered that I liked the color green.” Well, I suggested, how about Minnesota? Too cold. The south? Too conservative. East coast? Too brusque. California? Too expensive. We were rapidly running out of country.

大约三年半前,正当我们即将结束第五个十年的时候,我和我的妻子正在讨论遥远未来的退休计划。 印第安纳州曾是我们四分之三生活的起点,但这个保守的中西部州已经开始感到陈旧,尽管他们之间有很深的熟识,童年的回忆以及与朋友和家人的亲近。 我提醒我的妻子,她曾经想住在新墨西哥州。 她说:“那是我们住在科罗拉多州的时候。” “然后我们搬到了明尼苏达州,我记得我喜欢绿色。” 好吧,我建议,明尼苏达州呢? 太冷。 南方? 太保守了。 东海岸? 太残酷了。 加州? 太贵了。 我们很快就没钱了。

When my grandparents retired from the Bronx, they moved to Florida, a grand tradition for New York Jews. Although this may have worked well for my ancestry (relocating a community 1,200 miles south to the middle of a swamp), I personally needed a more empirical analysis of the country. I need to study the good, the bad, and the ugly of our nation’s metros. Furthermore, I needed to know my own mind, tease out my own values, challenge my own preconceptions. I needed to make a spreadsheet.

当我的祖父母从布朗克斯退休时,他们搬到了佛罗里达,这是纽约犹太人的盛大传统。 尽管这对于我的祖先来说可能做得很好(将一个社区移至沼泽中心以南1200英里处),但我个人仍然需要对该国进行更为实证的分析。 我需要研究我们国家大都市的好,坏和丑陋。 此外,我需要了解自己的想法,挑逗自己的价值观,挑战自己的成见。 我需要制作一个电子表格。

In fact, I discovered that selecting a future retirement destination could be viewed as a market research project where we were the sole customers, and the cities were the products trying to entice us. I came at this project systematically, trying to maintain an objective attitude while keeping all my options open. In the process, I learned that what works well for marketing products to the masses also works well for marketing cities to oneself.

实际上,我发现选择未来的退休目的地可以看作是我们唯一的客户,而城市是试图吸引我们的产品的市场研究项目。 我系统地参加了这个项目,试图保持客观态度,同时保持所有选择的开放性。 在此过程中,我了解到,对大众推销产品最有效的方法,对自己推销城市也很有效。

Driver Analysis


In market research, driver analysis is used to predict the variables that drive a customer toward a specific choice or product. Driver analysis is typically conducted by survey research to collect customer values, preferences, and demographics. Mathematical models are then created to determine the relative importance of key variables.

在市场研究中,动因分析用于预测将客户推向特定选择或产品的变量。 驱动因素分析通常由调查研究进行,以收集客户价值,偏好和人口统计信息。 然后创建数学模型以确定关键变量的相对重要性。

In this case, the driver analysis was qualitative rather than quantitative; the only customers were myself and my wife. We asked ourselves what were we looking for in a new habitat, what we absolutely needed to see, and what we simply wanted to see. In addition, we teased out the “kill factors” that might knock a city out of consideration.

在这种情况下,驱动因素分析是定性的而不是定量的。 唯一的顾客是我和我的妻子。 我们问自己,我们在新的栖息地中正在寻找什么,我们绝对需要看到什么,以及我们只是想看到什么。 此外,我们还提出了可能使城市无法考虑的“杀伤因素”。

From this, we created a list of primary and secondary drivers. Primary drivers were essential; they directly influenced where we would live. Secondary drivers were supportive; they were negotiable factors that might sway our opinion or simply provide color commentary on our choices.

由此,我们创建了主驱动程序和辅助驱动程序的列表。 主要驱动力至关重要。 他们直接影响了我们的住所。 次要驱动程序提供支持; 它们是可以谈判的因素,可能会影响我们的观点,或者只是对我们的选择提供色彩评论。

Every couple, sometime before retirement, should conduct their own primary driver analysis. Do they want to live in a particular part of the country, climate, or geography? Is political climate as important as meteorological climate, and if so, what sort of political landscape do they seek? Do they want a large or small city? Do they want an expensive city with many amenities or a cheaper city with limited resources? Do they want ethnic diversity or a high percentage of a specific ethnic, racial, or religious group? Most importantly, do they both agree on everything?

每对夫妇在退休前的某个时候都应该进行自己的主要驾驶员分析。 他们是否想生活在该国特定地区,气候或地理环境中? 政治气候和气象气候一样重要吗?如果是,那么他们寻求什么样的政治格局? 他们想要大城市还是小城市? 他们是想要拥有许多便利设施的昂贵城市还是资源有限的便宜城市? 他们想要种族多样性还是特定种族,种族或宗教群体的较高比例? 最重要的是,他们俩都同意吗?

Luckily, my wife and I agreed on practically everything. We both wanted a small city, preferably fewer than 200,000 people. We wanted a moderate climate: some place with seasons, but with less snow and humidity than Indiana. We wanted to be near water, be it ocean, lake, or river. We wanted a place with liberal politics: progressive reproductive rights, protective LGBTQ policies, and strong gun laws. We wanted ethnic diversity, and we wanted some level of progressive Jewish life. And we wanted lots and lots of vegetarian restaurants.

幸运的是,我和妻子几乎都同意了。 我们俩都想要一个小城市,最好是少于20万人。 我们想要一个温和的气候:一个有季节的地方,但是雪和湿度比印第安纳州少。 我们想靠近水,无论是海洋,湖泊还是河流。 我们想要一个拥有自由政治的地方:进步的生殖权利,LGBTQ保护政策和强有力的枪支法律。 我们想要种族多样性,我们想要某种程度的渐进式犹太人生活。 我们想要很多素食餐厅。

Performance Indicators


Performance indicators are used by corporations to assess the functioning of the organization or business unit in an understandable, meaningful, and measurable form. They may be quantitative facts or qualitative variables, but they must be measurable. Standard management practice states that key performance indicators should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based).

公司使用绩效指标以可理解,有意义和可衡量的形式评估组织或业务部门的功能。 它们可能是定量事实或定性变量,但它们必须是可测量的。 标准管理实践指出,关键绩效指标应为SMART(具体,可衡量,可实现,相关和基于时间)。

Performance indicators are created from primary drivers. In selecting a favorite city, these may include demographic and population measures, crime rates, cost of living, or local politics. Some measures may be directly measurable, such as population. Others may be more nuanced, such as political leaning. Data aggregation Websites are handy tools for creating quantifiable political measures from voting patterns, campaign contributions, consumer profiles, and laws and policies.

绩效指标是根据主要驱动因素创建的。 在选择喜欢的城市时,这些因素可能包括人口统计和人口测度,犯罪率,生活费用或当地政治。 有些措施可能是直接可测量的,例如人口。 其他人可能更细微,例如政治倾向。 数据汇总网站是方便的工具,可用于根据投票方式,竞选捐款,消费者概况以及法律和政策来制定可量化的政治措施。

Most importantly, these measures are highly personal and customer-specific. In our case, our personal performance indicators included cost of living, political composition, ethnic demographics, social attitudes and policies, crime statistics, and, of course vegetarian restaurants per capita.

最重要的是,这些措施是高度个人化和针对客户的。 就我们而言,我们的个人绩效指标包括生活成本,政治组成,种族人口统计数据,社会态度和政策,犯罪统计数据,当然还有人均素食餐馆。

Data Sources


The Internet is a treasure trove of seemingly authentic information often backed up by questionable assumptions and downright lies. Finding reputable, accurate, consistent, and timely data is critical.

互联网是看似真实的信息的宝库,通常由可疑的假设和彻头彻尾的谎言支持。 找到信誉良好,准确,一致和及时的数据至关重要。

Whenever possible, one should seek out primary sources or industry experts for data. Sources might include US census data for demographics, The Tax Foundation for state income and sales tax rates, Governing.com for tax spending per student, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Reporting database for violent and property crime statistics.

只要有可能,就应该寻找主要来源或行业专家来获取数据。 来源可能包括针对人口统计的美国人口普查数据,用于州收入和营业税率的Tax Foundation ,用于每位学生的税收支出的Governing.com以及用于暴力和财产犯罪统计的联邦调查局统一犯罪报告数据库。

Reputable data aggregators often prove useful. Sperling’s Best Places, founded by Bert Sperling — arguably the country’s top expert on city statistics — is an excellent go-to source for cost of living, real estate, politics, crime rate, and economic indicators. HappyCow is a community-supported database of vegan, vegetarian, and vegetarian-friendly restaurants around the globe.

信誉良好的数据聚合器通常被证明是有用的。 由Bert Sperling创建的Sperling's Best Places (可以说是该国城市统计方面的顶级专家)是生活成本,房地产,政治,犯罪率和经济指标的绝佳来源。 HappyCow是一个社区支持的数据库,其中包含全球范围内的素食主义者,素食主义者和素食主义者餐馆。

Political organizations often provide effective indices based on their own ideology. For example, the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence provides a scorecard for gun regulations in each state. The Human Rights Campaign Municipal Equality Index scores cities on a 100-point scale based on the laws, policies, benefits, and services that support LGBTQ people.

政治组织经常根据自己的意识形态提供有效的指数。 例如, 吉福德(Giffords)预防枪支暴力法律中心为每个州的枪支法规提供了记分卡。 人权运动市政平等指数根据支持LGBTQ人群的法律,政策,利益和服务,以100分制对城市进行了评分。

Some indicators had to be created through research and extrapolation. For example, we found no reliable measures of Jewish population by city, largely because definitions of “Jewish” were not applied consistently in demographic studies. Therefore, we created our own indicator of a city’s Jewish population by counting the number of progressive congregations (Reconstructionist, Reform, and Conservative) per million people, under the assumption that a core population of Jews is necessary to support a synagogue. This created a comparative, not absolute, metric that we used to measure cities against each other.

一些指标必须通过研究和推断来创建。 例如,我们没有找到按城市划分的犹太人口的可靠衡量指标,主要是因为“犹太人”的定义在人口统计研究中并不一致。 因此,我们假设犹太人的核心人口是支持犹太教堂的必要条件,因此我们通过计算每百万人口中渐进式会众的数量(重建主义者,改革者和保守主义者)来创建自己的城市犹太人指标。 这创建了一个比较性指标,而不是绝对指标,我们用它来衡量城市之间的相互关系。

Finally, I standardized the measures for easier comparisons. For example, San Antonio, Texas, a city of 1.5 million people, has 15 vegetarian or vegan restaurants. This sounded impressive until we standardized to vegetarian restaurants per million people and realized that San Antonio has a similar “Veg Index” as South Bend, Indiana, a city of 102,000.

最后,我对度量进行了标准化,以便于比较。 例如,得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市人口150万人,拥有15家素食或纯素食餐厅。 这听起来令人印象深刻,直到我们将每百万人口的素食餐厅标准化,并意识到圣安东尼奥市的“蔬菜指数”与印第安纳州南本德市(拥有102,000个城市)相似。

Spreadsheet the Heck Out of It


My wife once accused me of being genetically predisposed to putting everything in Microsoft Excel. She is not wrong. Building spreadsheets after hours of research is like finally getting dessert after a multi-course meal of wheat germ. Spreadsheets are more analytical than straight narrative description and much easier to manage than relational databases. They create a visual map of the data that can be sorted and ordered into patterns.

我的妻子曾经指责我在基因上倾向于将所有内容放入Microsoft Excel。 她没有错。 经过数小时的研究,构建电子表格就像在多餐小麦胚芽餐后终于得到甜点。 电子表格比直接的叙述描述更具分析性,并且比关系数据库更易于管理。 他们为数据创建可视化地图,可以对数据进行排序和排序。

At least two spreadsheets were necessary for our project: one for states (Fig.1), the other for cities (Fig. 2). Both were needed for a balanced viewpoint. State data provided broader information on political representation, income and sales tax, and a variety of statewide policies, including gun regulation, reproductive rights, tax policy, LGBTQ policy, and medical coverage. City data provided more specific information on ethnic and racial demographics, cost of living, poverty rate, crime rate, and local politics.

对于我们的项目,至少需要两个电子表格:一个用于州(图1),另一个用于城市(图2)。 两者都需要一个平衡的观点。 州数据提供了有关政治代表,收入和营业税以及各种州范围内政策的更广泛信息,包括枪支管制,生殖权,税收政策,LGBTQ政策和医疗保险。 城市数据提供了有关种族和种族人口统计,生活成本,贫困率,犯罪率和地方政治的更具体的信息。

Image for post
Figure 1: Sample State Spreadsheet
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Figure 2: Sample City Spreadsheet

State level data is important; ignore it at your peril. For example, imagine the poor soul who moves to Austin, Texas, the liberal, ethnically diverse “live music capital of the world,” only to discover herself surrounded by a right-wing state with lax gun laws, few reproductive rights, and gerrymandered districts. Conversely, imagine the couple wishing to retire to the small conservative town of La Grande, Oregon with its low cost of living, big game hunting, and fly fishing, only to find themselves surrounded by bleeding heart liberals who believe in higher state income tax, paid family leave, and permissive LGBTQ policies. The lesson here is to know your neighbors.

州级数据很重要; 忽略它,后果自负。 例如,想象一下一个贫穷的灵魂搬到德克萨斯州奥斯汀市,这是一个开放的,种族多样化的“世界现场音乐之都”,却发现自己被右翼国家包围,枪法不严,生殖权很少,而且举止得体地区。 相反,想象一下这对夫妇希望以低廉的生活成本,大量的狩猎和钓鱼活动而退休到俄勒冈州的拉格兰德小镇,却发现自己被流血的自由主义者包围着,他们信奉更高的州所得税,带薪家事假以及宽松的LGBTQ政策。 这里的课程是认识您的邻居。

When building our spreadsheets, we cast our net wide. We added cities our family and friends once lived in, towns too expensive or too cheap for our tastes, and places that only served as counter examples to our interests. The goal was to look for hidden gems.

在构建电子表格时,我们的投放范围很广。 我们增加了家人和朋友曾经住过的城市,对我们的口味而言太贵或太便宜的城镇,以及仅作为我们利益反例的地方。 目的是寻找隐藏的宝石。

Next, I sorted the hell out of our columns. I sorted, then sorted again. We experimented and played with different permutations. Since spreadsheets allow sorting by multiple variables, we uncovered data hidden within data. Which cities under 200,000 people are the most liberal or conservative? Which cities with a median housing cost under $200,000 have the highest Hispanic population? The highest Asian population? Or the most Jewish congregations? Which cities with state income tax under 5% have the most vegetarian restaurants?

接下来,我从我们的专栏中整理了一下地狱。 我排序,然后再次排序。 我们进行了实验并使用了不同的排列。 由于电子表格允许按多个变量进行排序,因此我们发现了隐藏在数据中的数据。 哪些城市在20万人口以下是最开放或最保守的? 哪些城市的房屋价格中位数低于20万美元,西班牙裔人口最多? 亚洲人口最多? 还是犹太人最多的会众? 哪些州所得税低于5%的城市拥有最多的素食餐厅?

Finally, we checked the regional weather of our top contenders on Weather Spark. This Website, created by Cedar Lake Ventures, is a godsend when it comes to checking out temperature, cloud cover, and precipitation throughout the year. Weather may be the final arbiter of your selection. For example, Seattle has a reputation for being one of the wettest cities in the country, but from June through September it has clear skies, low rainfall, and perfect temperatures. New Orleans may sound great on paper with its ethnic diversity, incredible music venues, and amazing restaurants, but the month of July has humidity bordering 98%. No, thank you.

最后,我们在Weather Spark上检查了主要竞争者的区域天气。 该网站由Cedar Lake Ventures创建,在检查全年的温度,云量和降水方面真是天赐之物。 天气可能是您选择的最终决定者。 例如,西雅图以该国最潮湿的城市之一而闻名,但从6月到9月,天空晴朗,降雨量少,温度适宜。 新奥尔良的种族多样性,令人难以置信的音乐场所和令人赞叹的餐馆在纸面上听起来可能很棒,但是7月的湿度接近98%。 不,谢谢。

This is an exercise in trial, error, and compromise. To paraphrase the Rolling Stones, you can’t always get what you want, but if you adjust your expectations and re-sort your columns, you might get what you need.

这是尝试,错误和折衷的练习。 用滚石来解释,您不一定总能得到想要的东西,但是如果您调整期望并重新排序色谱柱,则可能会得到所需的东西。

Customer Profile


Of course, cities are much more than raw data and ranked columns. Cities have complex personalities. They have unique balances of size, demographics, politics, and culture. Customer profiling provides tactics to better understand your city.

当然,城市不仅仅是原始数据和排名列。 城市个性复杂。 他们在规模,人口,政治和文化方面具有独特的平衡。 客户分析提供了一些策略,可以更好地了解您的城市。

In marketing, customer profiles help companies perceive and target their ideal customers. Profiling allows companies to craft marketing messages that address specific challenges and needs. Customer profiles contain demographic data (e.g. age, gender, ethnicity, income, and location) as well as psychographic data (e.g. hobbies, attitudes, and interests). Personification of this profile makes the customers real, not simply amalgams of numbers and words.

在市场营销中,客户档案可以帮助公司感知并定位理想的客户。 通过分析,公司可以制定可解决特定挑战和需求的营销信息。 客户资料包含人口统计数据(例如年龄,性别,种族,收入和位置)以及心理统计数据(例如爱好,态度和兴趣)。 此配置文件的拟人化使客户成为现实,而不仅仅是数字和单词的混合体。

We created profiles for the top contenders based on the spreadsheet data, and looked at each city as a distinct and unique personality. Did the cities appeal to us on a gut level? Did any cities check all the boxes of our personal drivers, yet somehow feel hollow? Or did we fall in love with a city despite low rankings on performance indicators?

我们根据电子表格数据为最有竞争者创建了个人资料,并将每个城市视为一个独特的个性。 这些城市是否对我们具有吸引力? 是否有城市检查了我们所有私人司机的箱子,但以某种方式感到空心? 还是尽管绩效指标排名较低,我们还是爱上了一个城市吗?

And finally, we visited our top contenders in person. Internet dating is all well and good at first, but eventually you have to meet your potential partner face to face in the ugly light of day.

最后,我们亲自拜访了我们的顶级竞争者。 刚开始时互联网约会很好,但最终您必须面对丑陋的一天面对面的潜在伴侣。

Our Personal Journey


My wife and I searched for small and mid-sized towns that were liberal, ethnically diverse, tax friendly, well-educated, low crime, low poverty, LGBTQ-friendly, containing Jewish congregations, vegetarian-friendly, and located near water. As one might imagine, we sorted and re-sorted our columns many times over.

我和我的妻子都在寻找中小城镇,这些城镇是自由派,种族多样化,税收友好,受过良好教育,犯罪率低,贫困低,对LGBTQ友好,包含犹太教众,对素食主义者友好并且位于水边。 可以想象,我们对列进行了多次排序和重新排序。

In the end, we discovered Eugene, Oregon, a small liberal college town in a quirky liberal state. Eugene has tons of vegetarian restaurants, a committed Reconstructionist Jewish congregation, a state university, a solid local arts scene, gorgeous scenery, great weather, nearby lakes and rivers, and an ocean only an hour and a half away. Its only detraction, and this is a big one, is its lack of ethnic diversity. To quote my wife, “Where are they hiding all the Black people?” We have reluctantly come to terms with this, remembering that it is all about the compromise.

最后,我们发现了俄勒冈州尤金市,这是一个古怪的自由主义国家中的一个小型自由主义大学城。 尤金(Eugene)拥有数不胜数的素食餐厅,忠实的重建派犹太人会众,州立大学,扎实的当地艺术界,风光秀丽,气候宜人,附近的湖泊和河流以及仅一个半小时路程的海洋。 它最大的缺点是缺乏种族多样性,这是一个很大的困扰。 引用我的妻子的话:“他们把所有黑人藏在哪里?” 我们很不情愿地接受了这一点,并记住这全是妥协。

Will we ever retire to Eugene? Quite possibly. Very likely. Most certainly. The ghosts of my ancestors can have Florida. We’ll make our own path.

我们会退休到尤金吗? 很有可能。 很可能。 可以肯定。 我祖先的鬼魂可能有佛罗里达。 我们将走自己的路。

Although, I have heard Miami has some great vegetarian restaurants.


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/values-and-venues-your-perfect-city-is-a-market-analysis-away-c614f354dd69

价值工程 价值分析 pmp





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