中国现代文学史 刘勇_现代水文学

中国现代文学史 刘勇

It’s so confusing when you get to socialize with people and then they want to know what you do in life, when I tell them that I am a hydrographic engineer, most of them they look at me with that question mark on their faces and I can understand why. It’s not that common to hear about this major cause not a lot of people know that such a branch of ocean engineering even exists.

当您开始与人交往,然后他们想知道您的生活时,这真令人困惑,当我告诉他们我是水文工程师时,大多数人都看着我,脸上带着问号,我可以明白为什么。 很少有人知道这个重大原因,甚至没有这样的海洋工程学分支存在。

Maybe through this article, I can make it easier to get the exact tasks of a hydrographer, how you become one and I will also be giving the universities that offer an internationally recognized program from the:


I.H.O ( International Hydrographic Organization).


什么是水文学 (What is Hydrography)

Hydrography is the science of measuring and describing the features and depths of seas and coastal areas. Hydrographic surveys generate charts and associated publications according to established standards and principles. Safety of life at sea (SOLAS) is the basic tenant of surveys undertaken for nautical chart compilation and revision. Nautical charting surveysconform to standards set out in the International Hydrographic Organizations (IHO) Special Publication 44 — Standards for Hydrographic Surveys.

水文学是测量和描述海洋和沿海地区的特征和深度的科学。 水文调查会根据既定的标准和原则生成图表和相关出版物。 海上人命安全(SOLAS)是为海图编制和修改而进行的调查的基本承租人。 航海制图调查符合国际水文组织(IHO)特别出版物44 —《水文调查标准》中规定的标准

水文学简史 (A brief history of hydrography)

Hydrography (Marine Geomatics) simply put, is the science of recording depth, the vertical, with the position, the horizontal.Historically the horizontal position was achieved through the measurement of angles between an astronomical body and a fixed point on earth — with an instrument known as a sextant. While today you are more likely to see a sextant on display in a museum, as opposed to on an oceangoing vessel, the basic theory of navigation remains the same. Modern hydrographic surveysrely on the principle of trilateration for calculating position using the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS).Ancient mariners made use of lead-lines to gauge water depth; a line marked at specific measured intervals with a lead weight attached, which was lowered to the seafloor. Although this method for recording depth is still in use today, hydrographic surveys are conducted using technology that relies on acoustics and/or water pressure for depth measurement.

简而言之,水文学(海洋地质学)是记录深度,垂直以及位置,水平的科学。从历史上讲,水平位置是通过测量天文物体与地球上固定点之间的角度来获得的被称为六分仪。 虽然今天您更可能在博物馆中看到六分仪,而不是在远洋船上,但是导航的基本原理仍然是相同的。 现代水文测量依靠三边测量原理来使用全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)计算位置。古代水手利用铅线来测量水深。 以特定的测量间隔标记的线,并附有铅重,该铅重降低到海底。 尽管今天仍在使用这种记录深度的方法,但是水文测量是使用依赖于声学和/或水压进行深度测量的技术进行的。

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Depth measurement ( 深度测量(

水文科学及相关领域 (The science of hydrography and related fields)

Hydrography as an applied science makes use of diverse fields of knowledge — oceanography, geodesy, statistics, marine geology and geophysics, electronics, and acoustics, to gather and process bathymetric and hydrographic data.


The field of hydrography integrates geodesy, nautical cartography, offshore construction and resource exploration, coastal zone management, and habitat mapping.


Hydrographic Surveyors work in a number of the interdisciplinary fields


  • Construction


    • Dredging


    • Environmental


    • Research


    • Environmental Monitoring

    • 环境监测

    • Support of Port Operations


    • Nautical Cartography


航海制图学及相关领域 (Nautical Cartography and Related Fields)

Hydrographic data collected using sonar is referenced to the location at which it was collected, the geodetics. The raw soundings (depth measurements) are adjusted by tidal variances and a nautical chart is compiled.

使用声纳收集的水文数据参考的是收集地点,即大地测量学。 原始测深(深度测量)通过潮汐变化进行调整,并编制海图。

The numbers on a nautical chart are depth measurements. Charts also include information critical to safe navigation. The measurements and symbols tell if an area is too shallow or has dangers to navigation, they also depict navigational aids and shoreline features.

航海图上的数字是深度测量值。 图表还包括对安全导航至关重要的信息。 测量值和符号指示一个区域是否太浅或对航行有危险,它们还描绘了导航辅助设备和海岸线特征。

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基本测深 (Basic bathymetry)

In 1826 on Lake Geneva, Switzerland, Jean-Daniel Colladon, a physicist, and Charles-Francois Sturm, a mathematician, made the first recorded attempt to determine the speed of sound in water. In their experiment, the underwater bell was struck simultaneously with the ignition of gunpowder on the first boat. The sound of the bell and flash from the gunpowder were observed 10 miles away on the second boat. The time between the gunpowder flash and the sound reaching the second boat was used to calculate the speed of sound in water. Colladon and Sturm were able to determine the speed of sound in water fairly accurately with this method.(J. D. Colladon, Souvenirs et Memoires, Albert-Schuchardt, Geneva, 1893)The study of underwater acoustics for military applications, coinciding with WWII and the ensuing Cold War, allowed for the rapid advancement of the science. Military applications today are focused on the littoral zone.

1826年,在瑞士的日内瓦湖上,物理学家让·丹尼尔·科拉登和数学家查尔斯·弗朗索瓦·斯特姆进行​​了首次记录,以确定水的声速。 在他们的实验中,在第一艘船上同时点燃了火药并点燃了火药。 在第二艘船上10英里远处观察到了火药的钟声和闪光。 火药闪光和声音到达第二艘船之间的时间用于计算水中的声音速度。 Colladon和Sturm能够使用这种方法相当准确地确定水中的声速。(JD Colladon,Souvenirs et Memoires,Albert-Schuchardt,Geneva,1893)与第二次世界大战及随后发生的军事用途有关的水下声学研究冷战,推动了科学的飞速发展。 今天的军事应用集中在沿海地区。

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Sound waves used for underwater submarine detection bend due to temperature, salinity, and pressure, and an area is created where submarines can hide — the shadow zone (, 2017)
用于水下潜艇检测的声波会因温度,盐度和压力而弯曲,并创建了潜艇可以隐藏 的区域 - 阴影区(,2017)

声波传播 (Soundwave propagation)

Acoustic signals are changes in pressure and therefore in density which can be positive and negative — higher or lower than ambient pressure; waves of sound. Used for underwater navigation, positioning, and telemetry, alternating high and low-pressure waves propagate through the water column with a speed of sound of an approximate average of 1500m/s.Sound Pressure Level is given in decibels: dB re 𝜇Pa (micro pascal)Intensity is energy passing through a unit of area per second and related to pressureI = p2/𝜌cI = intensity (W/m2)p = pressure𝜌 = water densityc = speed of sound

声音信号是压力的变化,因此是密度的变化,可以是正值或负值-高于或低于环境压力; 声波。 用于水下导航,定位和遥测,高低压交替波在水柱中传播,声速平均约为1500m / s。声压级以分贝给出:dB re 𝜇Pa(微帕斯卡)强度是每秒通过单位面积的能量并与压力有关的能量I = p2 / 𝜌cI =强度(W / m2)p =压力𝜌 =水的密度c =声速

惠更斯原理 (Huygens Principle)

Huygens Principle states that each point on the advancing wavefront can be considered the source of secondary waves which also move forward as spherical wavelets. Wavefronts advance with maximum intensity in the direction the wavefront is moving, and zero intensity in the backward direction. (Stokes, 1849)

惠更斯原理指出,前进波前的每个点都可以视为次波的源,次波也以球形小波的形式前进。 波前沿波前移动的方向以最大强度前进,而后向则以零强度前进。 (斯托克斯,1849年)

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λ = c / fλ = wavelengthc = sound speedf = frequencyFrequency (f): cycles/second in Hertz (Hz)Wavelength (λ): the distance between pulses in meters (m)Velocity ©: propagation speed

λ= c /fλ=波长c =声速f =频率频率(f):周期/秒,单位为赫兹(Hz)波长(λ):脉冲之间的距离,单位为米(m)速度©:传播速度

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c = f λ (m/s)Intensity is the average amount of energy passing through a unit area (m2) per unit of time (1 sec) in a specified direction. As the amplitude of the sound wave increases, the intensity of the sound increases. Relative sound intensities, and power are often given in units of decibels (dB

c = fλ(m / s)强度是在指定方向上每单位时间(1秒)通过单位面积(m2)的平均能量。 随着声波幅度的增加,声音的强度也增加。 相对声音强度和功率通常以分贝(dB

  • You can also check out this open course about wavefronts,wave-forming,. and all the basics about wave propagation

    您还可以查看有关波前,波形成的开放课程 。 以及有关波传播的所有基础知识

海水性质 (Seawater Properties)

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盐度 (Salinity)

Salinity, which on the average ranges from 32 to 38 parts per thousand (ppt), is relatively constant in the open ocean. A change of salinity will cause a small corresponding change in density with a resulting change in bulk modulus, causing variation of sound speed. The greatest variation in salinity in the open ocean exists in the vicinity of “oceanic fronts,” which are narrow zones separating water masses of different physical characteristics, usually exhibiting very large horizontal gradients of temperature and salinity. Even greater variation in salinity can be expected around the mouths of rivers, heavy ice, and in areas of extraordinary rainfall (e.g., the monsoon) where a layer of freshwater overrides a layer of saltwater. A change in salinity of one part per thousand will result in a change in the sound speed of approximately 1.3 meters per second.

平均盐度在公海中相对恒定,平均范围为千分之32至38(ppt)。 盐度的变化将引起密度的相应微小变化,从而导致体积模量变化,从而导致声速变化。 在公海附近,盐度的最大变化存在于“海锋”附近,这是分隔具有不同物理特征的水团的狭窄区域,通常表现出非常大的温度和盐度水平梯度。 预计在河口,结冰的地方以及降雨特别多的地区(例如,季风),盐分的变化更大,那里的淡水层比盐水层高。 盐度每千分之一的变化将导致每秒大约1.3米的声速变化。

压力 (Pressure)

Pressure in most circumstances is more important than salinity, but in the sea, its change is constant and thus predictable. It also causes a change in bulk modulus and density, and the result is an increase in the sound speed of 0.017 m/sec for every meter of depth increase. This slight change, which is important when the temperature remains constant, causes a sound beam to bend upward at great depths as will be discussed later.

在大多数情况下,压力比盐度更重要,但在海洋中,压力的变化是恒定的,因此可以预测。 它还会引起体积模量和密度的变化,结果是每增加一米深度,声速就会增加0.017 m / sec。 这种轻微的变化(当温度保持恒定时很重要)会导致声束在较大深度向上弯曲,这将在后面讨论。

温度 (Temperature)

Temperature, the foremost factor affecting sound speed, usually decreases with depth, and this leads to an accompanying decrease in sound speed at the rate of approximately 3 m/sec per degree Celsius. Below a depth of about 1,000 m, however, the temperature is relatively constant, and the predominant factor affecting sound speed becomes pressure. At first glance, it would seem that a temperature decrease would increase sound speed due to the increased water density, but not so. As the temperature of a medium decreases, bulk modulus decreases while density increases. Considering these effects in terms of the sound speed formula in the equation below, it is clear that a decrease in temperature brings an attendant decrease in sound speed.

温度是影响声速的最主要因素,通常会随着深度的增加而降低,这导致声速随之降低,速度约为每摄氏度3 m / sec。 然而,在大约1,000 m的深度以下,温度相对恒定,影响声速的主要因素变为压力。 乍一看,由于水密度的增加,温度降低似乎会提高声速,但事实并非如此。 随着介质温度的降低,体积模量降低而密度增加。 根据以下等式中的声速公式考虑这些影响,很明显,温度降低带来了伴随的声速降低。


𝑐 =√𝐸/ρ

E is the bulk modulus of fluid


ρ is the density


It also should be noted that temperature differs bulk modulus and density at a variable rate. A change in temperature at one point on the scale, therefore, affects sound speed differently than an equal change at another point on the scale. It should be noted that the effect of temperature is relatively large compared to the other factors. It takes a depth change of about 165 meters to cause the same change in sound speed as a one-degree temperature change.

还应注意,温度以可变的速率使体积模量和密度不同。 因此,刻度上某一点的温度变化对声速的影响与刻度上另一点上的相等变化的影响不同。 应该注意的是,与其他因素相比,温度的影响相对较大。 大约需要165米的深度变化才能使声速变化与温度一度变化相同。

Sound Velocity


Sound speed is a function of temperature, salinity, and pressure. Approximate changes in sound speed engendered by changes in:

声速是温度,盐度和压力的函数。 下列变化引起的声速的近似变化:

• Temperature 1°C = 4.0 m/s

•温度1°C = 4.0 m / s

• Salinity 1PSU = 1.4 m/s

•盐度1PSU = 1.4 m / s

• Depth (pressure) 1km = 17 m/s

•深度(压力)1km = 17 m / s

We measure ‘layers’ of sound speed vertically. Depth vs. Sound Velocity for the water column is its Sound Velocity Profile (SVP)

我们垂直测量声速的“层”。 水柱的深度与声速是其声速曲线(SVP)

Snell’s Law


Sound-ray paths obey Snell’s Law as they propagate through a medium. There are two forms of Snell’s Law; reflection and refraction.

声线在介质中传播时,应遵循斯涅尔定律。 斯涅尔定律有两种形式: 反射和折射。

Reflection: When a ray reflects at a boundary of a medium, the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence, i.e.


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refraction 折射
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Reflection Vs Refraction 反射与折射
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我们所做的 (What we do)

An offshore or marine surveyor, or hydrographer (also navigator as they are sometimes called), may have expertise in one, or many different fields.It is good to stay nimble in your areas of expertise, and up-to-date on the latest technological advances to ensure a long career.


Industry economics and agency requirements can be variable and scientific advances are rapid. For example; it is best practice to develop the skills to learn new software efficiently, as opposed to just becoming an expert in one application. Develop the skills to learn how to operate new equipment, and work in different environments, as opposed to being the expert on one piece of gear or system.There are many similarities in the different fields of marine geomatics including acoustic theory, land survey techniques adapted to the marine environment — the calculations are the same, the equipment may vary, and geodesy to name a few.Hydrographic surveyors have many different titles as you can see, but are usually labeled by the equipment they use or the field that they have chosen, for example:

行业经济学和代理要求可能会变化,科学进步很快。 例如; 最好的方法是培养有效学习新软件的技能,而不是仅仅成为一个应用程序的专家。 发展技能以学习如何操作新设备以及如何在不同的环境中工作,而不是成为一个齿轮或系统的专家。海洋声学的不同领域有很多相似之处,包括声学理论,适应的土地测量技术到海洋环境—计算方法相同,设备可能有所不同,大地测量仅举几例。水文测量师的头衔很多,您可以看到,但通常用他们使用的设备或他们选择的领域来标记, 例如:

Multibeam Surveyors


- Navigation/Charting Surveys




• Integrated coastal zone survey (LiDAR, Multispectral, MBES, SSS)


- Port Management


▪ Cut and Fill, Dredging, fixed and floating aids to navigation


- Biological Resource Management and Exploitation


▪ Benthic Habitat Mapping


- Route/Corridor and Site Engineering Survey (for route and product design, and project permit applications)


▪ Geotechnical survey


▪ (Telecom) Cable route survey


▪ Pre-installation pipeline route corridor survey


2. Seismic Surveyors/Navigators


- Navigation and equipment monitoring services


3. Engineering and Construction Surveyors


  • Subsea structure installation, monitoring, repair, and decommissioning

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现代水文学 (Modern hydrography)

An SDI provides a framework for organizing geographic data, metadata, tools, and users with rules, relationships, and standards. A Marine SDI is not meant to be separated from other SDIs but is complementary in the coastal zone and oceans.

SDI提供了一个框架,用于通过规则,关系和标准来组织地理数据,元数据,工具和用户。 海洋SDI并非要与其他SDI分开,而是在沿海地区和海洋中是互补的。

Hydrographic data is the basis of Marine SDIs. Esri supports many SDIs, such as INSPIRE in the EU; a software portal called ArcGIS for INSPIRE supports compliance, data sharing, and discovery of harmonized geospatial data across Europe.

水文数据是海洋SDI的基础。 Esri支持许多SDI,例如欧盟的INSPIRE; 一个名为ArcGIS for INSPIRE的软件门户网站支持整个欧洲的法规遵从性,数据共享和统一地理空间数据的发现。

All SDIs have similar goals: contributions and data sharing; and have a common denominator: Cloud Computing and Big Data.

所有SDI都有相似的目标:贡献和数据共享; 并有一个共同点:云计算和大数据。

大数据 (Big Data)

Working with Big Data is challenging because of the volume of the data, the velocity of the data, and the variety of the data. The amount of data being collected nowadays is massive. With the growth of social media, multimedia data will continue to grow exponentially in the foreseeable future.

由于数据量,数据的速度和数据的多样性,使用大数据具有挑战性。 如今收集的数据量很大。 随着社交媒体的增长,多媒体数据将在可预见的未来继续呈指数级增长。

In Hydrography, with the use of Multibeam Lidar and Satellite systems for bathymetric data collection in combination with new and more powerful data collection and post-processing software, Big (Hydrographic) Data is a reality, and the challenge comes when the user tries to analyze those huge datasets that can Geopardize productivity. Big Data, when used to its full extent, generates value by way of savings in production and diversifying data use.

在Hydrography中,结合使用多光束激光雷达和卫星系统进行测深数据收集以及新的,更强大的数据收集和后处理软件,大(水文)数据已成为现实,当用户尝试分析时,挑战就来了那些可以地理生产力的巨大数据集。 充分利用大数据后,大数据可通过节省生产量和使数据使用多样化来创造价值。

Users can analyze big data using ArcGIS tools and spatially query billions of records in a matter of minutes instead of hours, simply by taking the software to the data rather than the data to the software, unlocking significant value by making information transparent and usable at a higher rate, connecting and combining hydrographic data with other types of datasets and reaching many more users.


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Hydro-international 国际水电

I hope this explains what am doing in my day to day life, it may not be that exciting to some people but to me, it is the best Job in the world and I don’t feel like working at all.


提供IHO认可的CAT A和CAT B课程的大学: (Universities that are giving CAT A and CAT B courses accredited from the IHO :)

You can also join the Navy and benefit from opportunities like taking the course for free if your scores allow it of course and start your journey in discovering the deep blue.


There are really a vast variety of accreditations and courses that you can take as a hydrographic surveyor or maritime cartographer, if there is something I learned over the years is that all of us come from different places in life, different backgrounds, and cultures but the only thing that most people have in common, is passion and ambition and I was lucky enough to find mine and I hope that you find yours, whatever it is, something that you feel doing for the rest of your life without feeling fed up or exhausted, that’s what being passionate about what you do should feel like.



中国现代文学史 刘勇

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