

For about $200, you can hack a Chromebook to be the perfect development device at a great price.


The only people who enjoy showing off their fancy laptop specs more than software engineers and gamers are those who shower even less, computer science college students. From their 32GB of RAM, to their 2 terabytes of storage and eye-blinding light up keyboards with industrial cooling fans — they have it all, and are happy to tell you that you need an upgrade.

吨他只是谁喜欢炫耀自己看中的笔记本电脑规格超过软件工程师和游戏玩家的人是那些谁洗澡甚至更少, 计算机科学的大学生 。 从其32GB的RAM,到其2 TB的存储空间以及带工业冷却风扇的令人眼花light乱的发光键盘,它们具备了所有功能,很高兴告诉您您需要升级。

But what if I told you that everything you knew was a lie? Well, for starters that quote from The Matrix is a lie as it never existed in the script, and is an example of The Mandela Effect.

但是,如果我告诉您您所知道的一切都是谎言,该怎么办? 好吧,对于初学者来说,引用《黑客帝国》是一个谎言,因为它在脚本中从未存在过,并且是“曼德拉效应”的一个示例。

Back to reality, have you ever thought about why you need that $2,500 decked-out laptop just to write a binary search algorithm, distract yourself with YouTube or fit a linear model to your data? What if I told you that you can complete nearly every task relevant to a computer science degree with a low-end Chromebook Acer. That’s right, you can train neural networks, run a full-stack web application and even run Zoom!

回到现实,您是否曾经想过为什么需要2,500美元的笔记本电脑来编写二进制搜索算法,用YouTube分散注意力或对数据拟合线性模型? 如果我告诉您,您可以使用低端Chromebook Acer完成几乎与计算机科学学位相关的所有任务。 没错,您可以训练神经网络,运行全栈Web应用程序甚至运行Zoom!

In today’s world, it is easier than ever to use alternatives in the cloud that usually have great or even full discounts for students. From IDEs, to Jupyter Notebooks and more, learning how to be a software engineer or data scientist through a computer science (CS) degree is more accessible than ever.

在当今世界,在中使用通常对学生有很大甚至完全折扣的替代方案比以往更加容易。 从IDE到Jupyter Notebook等,通过计算机科学(CS)学位学习如何成为软件工程师或数据科学家比以往任何时候都更加容易。

Not only are there new resources purely online, all Chromebooks have a secret weapon hidden within their light 3.4 lbs design. Chromebooks run on the Chrome Operating System, which is basically the most bare-bones way to browse the internet, store a few files and.. well that’s about it. However, all Chromebooks have the capability to run the operating system that is core to every CS degree.

不仅在线上有新资源,所有Chromebook的3.4磅轻巧设计都隐藏了秘密武器。 Chromebook在Chrome操作系统上运行,这基本上是浏览互联网,存储一些文件的最简单的方法,就是这样。 但是,所有Chromebook均具有运行每个CS级核心的操作系统的能力。

Chromebooks can dual-boot a full-fledged Linux Operating System.


That’s right, when your classmates have to go through the pains of setting up entire virtual machines (VMs) on their bloated Windows laptops or Mac-book Pros, you’ll be pressing four keyboard commands simultaneously to swap into the developer world, the path of a true hacker.

没错,当您的同学不得不在肿的Windows笔记本电脑或Mac-book Pro上经历设置整个虚拟机(VM)的痛苦时,您将同时按下四个键盘命令以切换到开发人员世界,这条路一个真正的黑客

You see, I stumbled upon this secret because I was a totally broke college Freshman who was behind on his programming homework. With roughly $400 to my name I drove to Best Buy in search of a laptop to develop on.

你看,我偶然发现了这个秘密,因为我是一个完全破产的大学新生,在他的编程作业中落后了。 我以大约400美元的价钱开车去了百思买,以寻找可以继续发展的笔记本电脑。

As I approached the laptop section of the store, I realized the peril of my situation. The cheapest “standard” laptop I could find was some Windows half tablet half keyboard thing that was double the money I had. I walked to a store associate and asked, “What’s the cheapest laptop you have that I could code on?”

当我走到商店的笔记本电脑区域时,我意识到自己的处境很危险。 我能找到的最便宜的“标准”笔记本电脑是Windows半平板电脑半键盘的东西,是我所拥有钱的两倍。 我走到一家商店的同事那里,问道:“我能在上面编写代码的最便宜的笔记本电脑是什么?”

“Well, what’s your price range?” he asked as he started guiding me towards laptops that were double my net worth. “Uh, do you have anything under $300?” I asked hesitantly. The salesman squinted his eyebrows as he realized I was the college equivalent of a kid in a toy store with a penny to his name.

“那么,您的价格范围是多少?” 当他开始引导我使用比我的净资产高一倍的笔记本电脑时,他问道。 “呃,你有什么东西在300美元以下?” 我犹豫地问。 推销员了一下眉毛,因为他意识到我在大学里相当于一个玩具店里一个小孩子,名字里有一分钱。

“I mean, not in that price range.. you might be able to build your own computer instead, but the best you could buy today would be one of those Chromebooks over there. It’s basically just a web browser though.”

“我的意思是,不在这个价格范围内。您也许可以制造自己的计算机,但是今天您能买到的最好的就是那里的那些Chromebook。 不过基本上它只是一个Web浏览器。”

Oh, how he underestimated those little Chromebooks.


Having homework due that week, I left the store with my brand new $210 Chromebook Acer 14. You can guess what came next.

由于那周要做作业,我带着全新的$ 210 Chromebook Acer 14离开了商店。 您可以猜测接下来会发生什么。

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Lord behold, you can actually dual boot Linux on a Chromebook! If you want the full details, you can read this article on How to Install Ubuntu Linux on Your Chromebook with Crouton.

主啊,您实际上可以在Chromebook上双重引导Linux! 如果需要全部详细信息,可以阅读有关如何使用Crouton在Chromebook上安装Ubuntu Linux的文章

There are a few things I wish I would have known earlier before doing this. The first being that the first time you boot up your Chromebook in developer mode, the Chromebook will emit three very loud and very high-pitched beeping noises. So when I did this process in the computer science lab in college, it sounded like I had a bomb that was ticking down, causing everyone in the lab to reflexively stare at me for a few painfully awkward moments.

我希望在执行此操作之前早先会知道一些事情。 第一个是您第一次在开发人员模式下启动Chromebook时,Chromebook会发出三声很大的声音和很大的哔哔声。 因此,当我在大学的计算机科学实验室中执行此过程时,听起来好像有一颗炸弹在滴答作响,使实验室中的每个人都自反地凝视着我,痛苦的尴尬片刻中。

On the flip side, there is one little feature of Chromebook hackery that is just so entertaining. After you’ve completed the steps in the article above, you literally shift back and forth between the Chrome OS and Linux by using the following keyboard shortcut:

另一方面,Chromebook骇客的一个小功能非常有趣。 完成上述文章中的步骤后,您可以使用以下键盘快捷键在Chrome OS和Linux之间来回切换:

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + (Back-Arrow) and Ctrl+Alt+Shift+(Forward-Arrow).

Ctrl + Alt + Shift +(后退箭头)和Ctrl + Alt + Shift +(前进箭头)。

Oh, you have to spin up a virtual machine on your Windows OS to start your data structures homework? Grab a coffee while you max out your RAM? Well I’ll just Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Forward this Chromebook and write a blog post before you even start!

哦,您必须在Windows操作系统上启动虚拟机才能开始数据结构作业? 尽您最大的RAM时喝一杯咖啡? 好吧,我什至在开始之前就按住Ctrl + Alt + Shift +转发此Chromebook,并撰写博客文章!

Another major bonus to Chromebooks is that they have ridiculously great battery life. Even if you have your screen at 80% brightness, you can pull a 10 hour day of homework without a charge. Meanwhile your peers will be squinting at their 5% brightness screens because they forgot their charger at home.

Chromebook的另一个主要优点是,它们的续航时间非常高。 即使您的屏幕亮度为80%,您也可以每天花费10个小时进行功课,而无需付费。 同时,您的同龄人会斜视其5%的亮度屏幕,因为他们忘记了在家中的充电器。

Back to solving your programming woes, let’s get into some of the other resources I used to take full advantage of programming on the cheap-side.


借助Chromebook为大学生提供的七种免费计算机科学资源 (Seven Free Computer Science Resources Catered for College Students with Chromebooks)

Disclaimer: this list can be applied to anyone looking to get through a CS degree, or even just general software development for that matter with little to no cost.

免责声明 :此列表可以适用于希望通过CS学位获得学位的任何人,甚至只需花费很少甚至没有费用就可以进行通用软件开发。

崇高的文字编辑器 (The Sublime Text Editor)

Totally free with decent syntax highlighting. It’s no IDE, but Sublime has some nice plug-ins if you’re really interested and you can even Launch Sublime Text 3 from the command line. You will get annoying pop-ups occasionally telling you to to upgrade though.

完全免费,语法高亮。 它不是IDE,但是Sublime有一些不错的插件,如果您真的很感兴趣,甚至可以从命令行启动Sublime Text 3 。 您会偶尔看到烦人的弹出窗口,告诉您进行升级。

Vim文字编辑器 (The Vim Text Editor)

Anyone who has conquered the Vim text editor knows the hacker wizardry that comes from not even having to use a mouse when coding. I knew one student (who had been working for Lockheed Martin since age 15) who could jump around his code at lightning speed with this editor. It may have a steep learning curve, but it seems to be a rite of passage for serious software engineers. It usually comes preinstalled with Linux and you can open a file with basic syntax:

征服了Vim文本编辑器的任何人都知道,即​​使在编码时也不必使用鼠标,也可以了解黑客的巫术。 我认识一个学生(自15岁起就在洛克希德·马丁公司工作),他可以和这个编辑器一起以闪电般的速度跳动他的代码。 它可能具有陡峭的学习曲线,但是对于认真的软件工程师来说,这似乎是一个通过的仪式。 它通常预装在Linux中,您可以使用基本语法打开文件:

vim somefile.txt

Here’s a full cheat sheet on Vim commands.


Oh, and to save you a headache, the way to exit a program after editing it with Vim is to first hit the escape hotkey, then type the command “:wq”. The w stands for write (save the file), and the q stands for quit. Add an exclamation point if it’s being stubborn and you don’t care about the work you’ve done. Thank me later.

哦,为避免让您头疼,在用Vim编辑程序后退出程序的方法是,首先按下转义热键,然后键入命令“:wq”。 w代表写(保存文件),q代表退出。 如果它很固执,并且您不关心所做的工作,请添加一个感叹号。 晚点再谢我。

安全外壳(SSH)加密网络协议 (Secure Shell (SSH) Cryptographic Network Protocol)

Occasionally you’re just going to run into situations that your Chromebook with it’s modest 4GB of RAM simply cannot handle. Or in my case, I had to program a driver into a specific type of Linux Kernel for my Operating Systems class. Either way, if you’re in need of a boost, you can use the SSH Protocol to essentially work in another computer through your own.

有时候,您会遇到4GB RAM的Chromebook无法处理的情况。 或者就我而言,我必须为我的Operating System类将驱动程序编程为特定类型的Linux Kernel。 无论哪种方式,如果您需要增强功能,都可以使用SSH协议通过自己的协议在另一台计算机上运行。

And if you’re wondering who would let you rummage through their own computer at will, college professors are happy to oblige! They usually have lab desktops that you can use either directly or via SSH. If I wasn’t on campus and needed to work on a Robotics homework, this was the perfect solution!

而且,如果您想知道谁愿意让您随意通过自己的计算机浏览,大学教授很乐意为您服务! 他们通常具有实验室台式机,您可以直接或通过SSH使用。 如果我不在校园,需要做机器人作业,那将是一个完美的解决方案!

Microsoft Azure笔记本 (Microsoft Azure Notebooks)

Alright, these are a god-send. A notebook is basically a bunch of small “cells” that you can run your code in. They will come fully integrated with your language of choice such as Python or R. They’re really popular in data science since you can just tweak some code for a plot, hit Shift+Enter and rerun that bit of code in an instant.

好吧,这些真是太好了。 笔记本基本上是一堆小“单元”,您可以在其中运行代码。它们将与您选择的语言(例如Python或R)完全集成在一起。它们在数据科学中非常流行,因为您可以调整一些代码要绘制图,请按Shift + Enter,然后立即重新运行该代码段。

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What’s more, Microsoft Azure Notebooks are free for students! You can also insert mathematical equations using LaTeX with notebooks.

此外, Microsoft Azure笔记本对学生免费! 您还可以在笔记本电脑上使用LaTeX插入数学方程式。

Overleaf LaTeX编辑器 (The Overleaf LaTeX editor)

Speaking of LaTeX, you can use the Overleaf editor to write mathematical papers or even a really professional resume. Students are given free access to collaborate with other students (queue doing all the work for a group project). While the initial use may seem awkward, a few projects will give you the foundation to build projects that look sooo much more elegant than using google docs.

说到LaTeX,您可以使用Overleaf编辑器来撰写数学论文,甚至是真正专业的简历。 学生可以免费与其他学生进行协作(排队完成小组项目的所有工作)。 虽然最初的使用可能看起来很尴尬,但有一些项目可以为您构建比使用google docs看起来更优雅的项目奠定基础。

SQLite关系数据库管理系统 (SQLite Relational Database Management System)

Okay, one major problem with using a Chromebook-Linux dual boot is that you can run into issues with the Chroot overlay on the Linux OS. Without getting into too much detail, you will most likely run into issues trying to setup your own database server to connect to.

好的,使用Chromebook-Linux双启动的一个主要问题是您可能会在Linux操作系统上遇到Chroot覆盖问题。 如果没有过多的细节,您很可能会遇到尝试设置自己的数据库服务器以进行连接的问题。

As an alternative, you can use SQLite for your homework involving databases. SQLite runs a C-Library that acts as a SQL server, but on your own machine! So you can ignore all those painful permission issues that come with the Chroot overlay. I wish I would have found out about this earlier than the night before my homework was due.

或者,您可以将SQLite用于涉及数据库的作业。 SQLite运行一个充当SQL服务器的C库,但是在您自己的计算机上! 因此,您可以忽略Chroot叠加层带来的所有麻烦的权限问题。 我希望我早于作业提交的前一天就可以发现这一点。

使用Git版本控制系统的GitHub存储库 (GitHub Repositories using the Git Version Control System)

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xkcd xkcd的漫画

Everyone, I mean everybody in the software business needs to know how to use Git and GitHub. GitHub can store your projects as “repositories” in which you can keep track of your work. You should start using this from your first coding assignment. If you run into too many errors while coding and need to go back to a point where your code was working, Git allows you to do this.

大家,我的意思是软件行业的每个人都需要知道如何使用Git和GitHub 。 GitHub可以将您的项目存储为“存储库”,您可以在其中跟踪您的工作。 您应该从第一次编码任务开始使用它。 如果您在编码时遇到太多错误,并且需要回到代码可以正常工作的地步,Git允许您执行此操作。

You also can organize your group projects using Git. Each team member can have their own “branch” that they make their changes on. Once they feel satisfied, they can “merge” their changes into the master branch that will be where your cumulative work lies. Trust me, if you don’t know Git you should start learning it today.

您还可以使用Git组织小组项目。 每个团队成员都可以有自己的“分支”来进行更改。 一旦感到满意,他们就可以将所做的更改“合并”到master分支中,这将是您的累积工作所在。 相信我,如果你不知道你的Git应该从今天开始学习它。

Draw.io图表软件 (The Draw.io Diagram Software)

This software comes in handy if you need to develop diagrams for system architecture or UML diagrams for Object-Oriented Programming. The Draw.io platform has a free version and is a great online resource.

如果您需要开发用于系统架构的用于面向对象编程的UML图,则该软件会派上用场。 Draw.io平台有一个免费版本,是一个不错的在线资源。

Google云端硬碟 (Google Drive)

Last but not least, it’s super easy to store files of any kind in Google Drive. It’s all online, saving your precious 32GB of Chromebook storage for memes and homework. It’s one of the more obvious options here but definitely comes in handy.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,将任何类型的文件存储在Google云端硬盘中都非常容易。 全部在线,节省了宝贵的32GB Chromebook存储空间用于模因和家庭作业。 这是这里最明显的选项之一,但绝对派上用场。

And there you have it! I’m happy to say I’ve been using my Chromebook for the past five years. I’ve factory-reset it four times already, but for just over $200 it has been a fantastic investment for my time in college. As cloud development resources continue to increase, there seems less and less cause to spend so much money on fancy computers. So unless you’re playing Quantum Break in ultra graphics mode, you should do yourself a favor and buy a Chromebook.

在那里,您拥有了! 我很高兴地说,过去五年来我一直在使用Chromebook。 我已经将它重置为出厂设置的四倍,但是对于刚刚超过200美元的价格来说,这对我在大学期间来说是一笔了不起的投资。 随着云开发资源的不断增加,花在花哨的计算机上的资金越来越少的原因似乎越来越少。 因此,除非您在超级图形模式下Quantum Break ,否则请帮自己一个忙,买一台Chromebook。

P.S. — If you’re wondering how I coded in The Matrix, I used CMatrix which you can install and use with the following commands:

PS —如果您想知道如何在Matrix中进行编码,我使用了CMatrix ,可以通过以下命令进行安装和使用:

sudo apt-get install cmatrix     ### install cmatrix
cmatrix ### run cmatrix

Happy coding!


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/i-used-a-cheap-chromebook-for-my-entire-college-computer-science-degree-4371cc42e92f


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北京理工大学计算机科学与程序设计mooc答案是指在学习该课程过程中提供的问题答案。在学习中,学生可能会遇到一些难题或疑惑,而这些问题的答案可以通过mooc平台上提供的资料或教学视频中找到。这些答案可能涉及课程内容、编程技巧、算法理论等方面。 对于北京理工大学计算机科学与程序设计mooc课程的答案,可能有以下几点: 1. 课程相关内容的答案:这种答案包括课程中关于计算机科学和程序设计的基础概念、原理和知识点的解释和说明。学生可以通过查阅课程教材、观看教学视频等方式,找到这些答案。 2. 编程问题的答案:在学习过程中,学生可能会遇到一些编程问题,比如语法错误、逻辑错误、运行错误等。mooc平台提供了一些实例代码和解答,学生可以通过参考这些答案,来解决自己遇到的编程问题。 3. 算法和数据结构问题的答案:计算机科学与程序设计mooc课程通常也会涉及算法和数据结构的学习,而这些领域中可能会有一些具体的问题,比如如何实现某种排序算法、如何选取最优的数据结构等。学生可以通过参考课程中给出的例子和解释,来找到这些问题的答案。 总的来说,北京理工大学计算机科学与程序设计mooc答案意味着在学习该课程时,通过mooc平台提供的相关资源,学生可以找到一些课程内容、编程问题和算法问题的解答,以帮助他们更好地理解和掌握相关知识。


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