

Unpopular opinion: Web development bootcamps are failing their students.


How? By not spending enough time on the fundamentals.

怎么样? 没有花足够的时间在基础上。

With that provocative opening, and before you start wielding your pitchforks, let’s dig in.


开发训练营的魅力 (The Allure of Dev Bootcamps)

Web development bootcamps are generally marketed toward individuals looking for a career change. These individuals may have a four-year college degree in an unrelated subject or no college education at all, but they have taken an interest in programming.

Web开发训练营通常面向寻求职业转变的个人。 这些人可能拥有无关学科的四年制大学学位或完全没有大学学历,但是他们对编程很感兴趣。

Software engineering is an alluring field that offers a high salary, flexible working arrangements, and many other perks common to the tech industry.


Dev bootcamps often boast their ability to quickly ramp up individuals in a matter of three months, six months, or nine months, either on a part-time or full-time basis. In that time, graduates should have learned everything they need to know in order to land their dream software engineering job, at least as a junior engineer.

开发人员训练营通常拥有在三个月,六个月或九个月的时间内(兼职或全职)Swift提升个人能力的能力。 在那段时间里,毕业生至少应该是一名初级工程师,应该已经学到了他们梦dream以求的梦想才能找到理想的软件工程工作。

But what do these bootcamps actually teach their students?


开发训练营教什么 (What Dev Bootcamps Teach)

Teacher and Student in Classroom
Photo by NESA by Makers on Unsplash
NESS 由MakersUnsplash拍摄

There are three prominent dev bootcamps located near me: DevMountain, Lambda School, and V School. Each of these bootcamps offers unique courses and programs, but all three of them offer a web development course curriculum. Let’s take a look at what they cover.

我附近有三个著名的开发训练营DevMountainLambda SchoolV School 。 这些训练营中的每一个都提供独特的课程和计划,但是所有三个训练营都提供Web开发课程的课程。 让我们看看它们涵盖了什么。

DevMountain’s 13-week curriculum includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node, and SQL. Technologies like Express or MongoDB aren’t mentioned in their course outline, but I wouldn’t be surprised if those topics were briefly covered, as this curriculum feels very much like it’s teaching developers the MERN stack.

DevMountain的13周课程包括HTML,CSS,JavaScript,React,Node和SQL。 他们的课程大纲中没有提到Express或MongoDB之类的技术,但是如果简短地介绍这些主题,我不会感到惊讶,因为本课程非常像它在教导开发人员MERN堆栈。

Lambda School’s 9-month curriculum covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node, Python, data structures and algorithms, and testing principles. Express and MongoDB are missing here, while a few extra topics are included as a bonus, but this, again, looks like the MERN stack to me.

Lambda School的9个月课程涵盖HTML,CSS,JavaScript,React,Node,Python,数据结构和算法以及测试原理。 Express和MongoDB在这里丢失了,虽然还包括一些额外的主题,但是对我来说,这又像是MERN堆栈。

V School’s 6–12-month curriculum teaches HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node, Express, MongoDB, and Mongoose. This one is definitely the MERN stack.

V School的6至12个月的课程教授HTML,CSS,JavaScript,React,Node,Express,MongoDB和Mongoose。 这绝对是MERN堆栈。

那么这是什么问题呢? (So What’s the Problem Here?)

While these three bootcamps offer programs that differ in length and vary slightly in the course material, they’re all teaching the MERN stack. To be clear, this is great! The MERN stack, with React, in particular, is a very in-demand set of technologies that are useful to know when searching for a web development job.

虽然这三个训练营提供的课程长度不同,课程材料也略有不同,但它们都在教授MERN堆栈。 要清楚,这太好了! 特别是带有React的MERN堆栈是非常有需求的一组技术,在搜索Web开发工作时非常有用。

The main problem I see in their curriculums is not the topics covered but rather the amount of time allocated to each topic. Dev bootcamps are so eager to teach their students the relevant frameworks and libraries being used in the industry right now that they fail to adequately teach the fundamentals of web development: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

我在他们的课程中看到的主要问题不是所涉及的主题,而是分配给每个主题的时间 。 开发新手训练营非常渴望立即向学生传授行业中正在使用的相关框架和库,以至于他们未能充分地教授Web开发的基础知识:HTML,CSS和JavaScript。

Looking at the course outlines, DevMountain spends 2 weeks (out of 13), Lambda School spends 4 weeks (out of 40 weeks), and V school spends 2 modules (out of 6 modules, however long that is…), on the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

在课程大纲上,DevMountain花费了2周(共13周),Lambda School花费了4周(共40周),而V School花费了2个单元(6个单元,尽管很长……), HTML,CSS和JavaScript。

This means that while dev bootcamp graduates claim to be “full-stack developers”, they often struggle to answer basic JavaScript questions like:


  1. What is the difference between var, let, and const?


  2. What is the difference between == and ===?


  3. What is the this keyword and how/when does this change?


  4. What do bind, call, and apply do?


快速说明 (A Quick Note)

To be clear, and to avoid any hurt feelings, I’m not saying that all dev bootcamp grads don’t know these things. Many of them do! I’ve met several dev bootcamp grads that have been excellent developers who have impressed me time and time again.

为了清楚起见,并避免任何伤害的感觉,我并不是说所有的开发训练营毕业生都不知道这些事情。 他们很多! 我遇到了几个优秀的开发人员训练营毕业生,他们都是优秀的开发人员,他们一次又一次地给我留下深刻的印象。

On the other hand, speaking from experience, I’ve encountered far too many dev bootcamp grads who I’ve either interviewed or worked with that have struggled to grasp or explain these kinds of basic concepts.

另一方面,从经验上来讲,我遇到了太多的我曾面试过或与之合作过的dev bootcamp毕业生,他们很难掌握或解释这些基本概念。

潜在的解决方案 (A Potential Solution)

The web development ecosystem, particularly the JavaScript ecosystem, is constantly changing. I’m sure in the next five years there will be another hot new framework that will gain mainstream popularity. Will React remain the king? Or will it be Vue? Svelte? Will we be using Node or Deno?

Web开发生态系统,尤其是JavaScript生态系统,正在不断变化。 我敢肯定,在未来五年中,将会有另一个热门的新框架获得主流流行。 React将继续保持国王地位吗? 还是Vue? 苗条吗 我们将使用Node还是Deno?

The point is that the popular frameworks or libraries may change, but the underlying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript concepts will remain largely the same.


This is true of most things in life. Implementations and tactics may change to adapt to current circumstances, but principles endure.

生活中的大多数事情都是如此。 实施和策略可能会更改以适应当前情况,但原则会持久。

If dev bootcamps will spend more time focusing on the fundamentals, I believe their graduates will come out more successful and better prepared to learn and adapt to whatever technologies their new employer may be using.


Thoughts? Are you a dev bootcamp grad? Does this accurately reflect your experience? Did I get something wrong here? I’d love to hear your comments.

有什么想法吗? 您是开发训练营的毕业生吗? 这是否准确反映了您的经验? 我在这里弄错了吗? 我很想听听您的评论。







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