

So you’re a front end developer and you want to learn some backend stuff; maybe you even want to become a full-stack developer someday, but where do you start? Google’s Go language is an excellent launch pad for this journey. For example, let’s say you want to build a RESTful API to test the calls from your React Application. You could use JSONPlaceholder, Reqres, or even SoapUIall excellent options. Or you could spend an evening on A Tour of Go and follow a tutorial like this one to build a local API that does exactly what you want, and mocks whatever you want. Right on your local machine!

因此,您是前端开发人员,并且想学习一些后端知识; 也许您甚至有一天想成为一名全职开发人员,但是您从哪里开始呢? Google的Go语言是此旅程的绝佳起点。 例如,假设您想构建一个RESTful API来测试来自React Application的调用。 你可以使用JSONPlaceholderReqres ,甚至了SoapUI -所有 极好的选择。 或者你可以花一个晚上 畅游一番,按照像这样教程构建一个本地API,该API可以完全满足您的需求,并可以模拟所需的内容。 就在您的本地机器上!

This article explores some reasons why front end developers should choose Go as their jumping in point when going to full-stack.


1.去跨平台 (1. Go Is Cross-Platform)

Where do you develop applications? Likely Mac, Windows, or Linux. Go works identically on all of these platforms. You can build Go applications in whatever environment you’d like, and push them to whatever environment you choose.

您在哪里开发应用程序? 可能是Mac,Windows或Linux。 Go在所有这些平台上的工作方式完全相同。 您可以在所需的任何环境中构建Go应用程序,并将其推送到您选择的任何环境中。

I like to “Jump around” operating systems when I’m working, and I’ve found the experience to be similar across all the platforms.


2.学习曲线 (2. The Learning Curve)

Go is a programmer-friendly language. If you’re familiar with JavaScript, it isn’t a far leap to learn Go.

Go是一种程序员友好的语言。 如果您熟悉JavaScript,那么学习Go并非遥不可及。

sum := 0for i := 1; i < 5; i++ {
sum += i

It’s very similar to C, and although it’s a compiled language, it’s not as finicky as C or C++. As you get more advanced, you’ll see many differences from JavaScript. But when you’re starting off, much of it will be very intuitive.

它与C非常相似,尽管它是一种编译语言,但不像C或C ++那样挑剔。 随着您变得更高级,您将看到与JavaScript的许多区别。 但是,当您开始时,其中的大部分将非常直观。

3. Web应用程序是Go的头等舱 (3. Web Applications Are First Class with Go)

If you’re a front-end developer, obviously web applications will be a big concern for you. The Go ecosystem stacks up very well in this respect. You can build REST or GraphQL APIs in Go several ways. You could do it with the Go Standard Library, net/http, or use one of the many mature, excellent frameworks for Go:

如果您是前端开发人员,那么显然,Web应用程序将是您的大问题。 在这方面,Go生态系统堆叠得很好。 您可以通过Go几种方式构建REST或GraphQL API。 你可以用它做围棋标准库网络/ HTTP 对围棋的许多成熟,优秀的框架或使用一个:

If you want to build robust, stable web applications in Go, you have some great options.


4.清洁代码 (4. Clean Code)

The Go language doesn’t force good code but certainly encourages it. The compiler is opinionated and requires some conventions that ensures your code looks consistent. Built-in tools like fmt help clean up your formatting, and testing is built right in.

Go语言不会强制使用好的代码,但肯定会鼓励它。 编译器自以为是,并且需要一些约定来确保您的代码看起来一致。 诸如fmt之类的内置工具可帮助您清理格式,并且内置测试功能

5.快速完成工作 (5. Get a Lot Done Quickly)

Go is a language that offers the great performance of a language like C++ with the simplicity of a language like Python. It’s easy to get a lot done with a small amount of code in Go. You won’t find yourself doing a ton of low-level stuff that takes thousands of lines of code to complete. While some view this simplicity as hampering, it’s great when you’re starting out.

Go是一种语言,它提供了像C ++这样的语言的出色性能,并且像Python这样的简单语言。 使用Go中的少量代码很容易完成很多工作。 您不会发现自己做大量的底层工作,这些工作需要数千行代码来完成。 尽管有些人认为这种简单性妨碍了工作,但是当您刚开始时,它是很棒的。

6.丰富的学习资源 (6. Abundant Learning Resources)

There are so many places you can learn Go, it’s difficult to choose where to start. Here’s your answer: A Tour of Go. This is the first stop for learning.

您可以学到很多地方的Go语言,很难选择从哪里开始。 这是您的答案: 游览 。 这是学习的第一站。

Once you start looking for resources to learn more, there are a ton of great places to go.


Also, here is my list of the 10 places to Learn GoLang.


7.表现 (7. Performance)

Ok, so most of the “why you should use Go” articles start with performance. This is because Go is screaming fast. I didn’t mention it first because if you’re a front end dev just getting your toes in the water, it doesn’t matter how fast your todo backend app is while you’re learning.

好的,因此大多数“为什么应该使用Go”文章都是从性能开始的。 这是因为Go 尖叫得很快 。 我之所以没有提到它,是因为如果您是前端开发人员,只是想尽办法,在学习的过程中,待办事项后端应用程序的速度有多快都没关系。

However, as you gain proficiency and start building real applications, Go scales up nicely. Whether it’s a small microservice or an extensive enterprise application, Go offers superior performance. Go features:

但是,随着您熟练掌握并开始构建实际的应用程序,Go可以很好地扩展。 无论是小型微服务还是广泛的企业应用程序,Go都可以提供卓越的性能。 转到功能:

  • Concurrency

  • No virtual runtime

  • Efficient value storage

  • Compiler optimizations

  • Non-blocking I/O

    非阻塞I / O

If you’re going to take the leap to the backend, why not hitch your wagon to something fast and powerful?


摘要 (Summary)

If you’re a front-end developer and curious about “making the jump” to full-stack, you should give Go a look. It’s easy to create basic applications to get started and easy to build out something “real” fast.

如果您是前端开发人员并且对“跳入全栈”感到好奇,则应该看看Go。 创建基本的应用程序入门很容易,并且很容易快速构建“真实”的东西。

If you decide to jump into Go, let me know what you think!. I’ll help you out in any way I can. Till then, Go build some cool stuff!!

如果您决定跳入Go,请告诉我您的想法! 。 我会尽力帮助您。 到那时,去构建一些很棒的东西!!

翻译自: https://codeburst.io/7-reasons-why-front-end-developers-going-full-stack-should-choose-go-294ec94cf900


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