

Long ago data storage was simple — heapfiles and b-trees and that's it. Today the options are overwhelming — ORC, Parquet, Avro on HDFS or S3 or a RDBMS solution like Postgresql, MariaDB, or commercial ones like Oracle and DB2. Even within RDBMS engines and Cloud services there are many options!

很久以前,数据存储很简单-堆文件和b树,仅此而已。 如今,选项已不堪重负-HDC或S3上的ORC,Parquet,Avro或Postgresql,MariaDB等RDBMS解决方案,或Oracle和DB2等商业解决方案。 即使在RDBMS引擎和云服务中,也有许多选择!

This guide is a “random walk” into the broad realm of storage.


样本数据集 (Sample DataSet)

I pulled the Chicago Public workers salary info. Did you know public salaries are published w/ the REAL names of each person? Look up your favorite police officer or commissioner’s salary for fun (it won’t include overtime, perks nor bribes, unfortunately).

我提取了芝加哥公共工作者的工资信息。 您是否知道公开薪水带有每个人的真实姓名? 查找您最喜欢的警官或专员的薪水以取乐(不幸的是,其中不包括加班费,津贴或贿赂)。

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I added a few fake people — Foo & Bar families. Otherwise its real data.
我添加了一些假人-Foo&Bar家庭。 否则为其真实数据。

列导向与行导向 (Column Oriented vs Row Oriented)

First the basic storage mechanics of data. Row and column orientation.

首先是数据的基本存储机制。 行和列的方向。

Row oriented stores each individual record together, Doug Foo’s full record then Jane Foo’s, and so on in sequence.

面向行将每个单独的记录存储在一起,Doug Foo的完整记录然后是Jane Foo的完整记录,依此类推。

[Doug,Foo,Foostack,Programmer,M,120000] [Jane, Foo,Foostack,Programmer,F,110000] [Doug,Bar,…]..

[Doug,Foo,Foostack,Programmer,M,120000] [Jane,Foo,Foostack,Programmer,F,110000] [Doug,Bar,...] ..

Column or columnar stores all column data together — so all First Names (Doug,Jane, etc), then all the Last Names, Titles, … , finally all Salaries.



[Doug,Jane,Doug,Jane,...] [Foo,Foo,Bar,Bar ...] [Programmer,Programmer ...] ... [M,F,M,F ...] [120000,110000,100000,130000 ...]。

Data is generally read off disk by blocks of KB (or MB/GB), so a single read for 1 record brings in a lot more than what you may want.

通常以KB(或MB / GB)为单位从磁盘上读取数据,因此一次读取1条记录所带来的好处远远超出了您的期望。

典型块大小[* 1]: (Typical Block Sizes[*1]:)

  • HDFS: 128MB (Chunks)

  • Google FS: 64MB (Chunks)

    Google FS:64MB(大块)
  • Amazon AWS S3: 128KB

    亚马逊AWS S3:128KB
  • Oracle Data Warehouse: 32KB

  • Postgres DB: 8KB

  • Linux and Windows Filesystems: 4KB


Salary records are pretty small ~ 50chars (<50 bytes). An 8KB block with metadata could easily store 100+ row oriented records [8192 / 50 = 163]. So a single read of the block containing “Doug Foo”’s record includes a lot more.

薪水记录非常小,大约50个字符(<50个字节)。 带有元数据的8KB块可以轻松存储100多个面向行的记录[8192/50 = 163]。 因此,单次读取包含“ Doug Foo”记录的块将包含更多内容。

For columnar block reads — the read varies on column size. For example with 8KB blocks:

对于柱状块读取-读取随列大小而变化。 例如,使用8KB块:

  • First Name may avg 10 bytes, meaning upwards of ~800 names.

  • Salary could fit in a 32bit Int (4bytes) yielding ~2000 entries!

  • Gender is M/F/? — could be stored as 1 byte or even a half nibble ~ 8000!

    性别是男/女/? —可以存储为1个字节,甚至半个字节〜8000!

This will be important to keep in mind as we do more analysis later.


数据转换 (Data Transformation)

I wanted to add a M/F attribute so I merged in a baby names database then wrote out the various pandas supported formats (JSON, CSV and Parquet).

我想添加一个M / F属性,所以我合并到一个婴儿名字数据库中,然后写出了各种熊猫支持的格式(JSON,CSV和Parquet)。

Basic Pandas to gen data

Note the difference in file sizes for equivalent disk formats (38k records):

请注意,等效磁盘格式 (38k条记录)的 文件大小有所不同

  • CSV without a header is 2.526 MB

    不含标题的CSV为2.526 MB

  • Parquet (columnar) with compression is 606 KB (1/4 of CSV)

    压缩后的实木复合地板 (立柱)为606 KB(CSV的1/4)

  • JSON is 4.615 MB (+90% larger than CSV, + 700% larger than Parquet)

    JSON为4.615 MB(比CSV大90%,比实木复合地板大700%)

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Parquet is a binary compressed format so requires some effort to do a quick peek — will discuss details later.


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Notice something weird, it only shows Doug and Jane once even though we have 2 Dougs and 2 Janes. And the first names are clustered together.
注意一些奇怪的事情,即使我们有2个Dougs和2个Janes,它也只显示Doug和Jane一次。 并且名字聚集在一起。

为什么不存储为CSV或JSON? (Why not store as CSV or JSON ?)

Obvious, but let’s spell it out:


  • Bad space utilization (numbers as strings waste space)

  • No type or structural checking (chars could wind up in numeric fields)

  • CSV — no metadata/header info, JSON — repeated meta/formatting

  • No native compression of repeating values

  • No native indexing /search ability


Note CSV and JSON have distinct advantages of being very human readable thus are sometimes good interchange formats.


深入探讨Postgres格式(RDBMS) (Deep dive into Postgres format (RDBMS))

Postgres is a full featured open source DB that has both traditional row based storage (sometimes called “heapfiles”) as well as a columnar store extension (cstore_fdw).


I created a schema and loaded the salary data into 2 variants, a standard row and column version.


Some basic stats/comparisons between the two when querying 38k records:


  1. Select count(*) → column store is slightly faster (7.9 vs 10.9 ms) and has a lower “cost” 480 vs 873 (assume this is a metric of estimated ops/reads). In theory we read less blocks with a columnar store, since you just need to scan thru a single column to get the count and it is compressed.

    选择count(*) →列存储稍微快一点(7.9 vs 10.9 ms),“成本”较低(480 vs 873)(假设这是估计的操作/读取的度量)。 从理论上讲,我们使用列式存储读取的块更少 ,因为您只需要扫描单个列即可获得计数并对其进行压缩。

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count(*) test, just a tad faster on columnar

2. Select sum(salary) → this should be a classic case for columnar where we only need to scan one column or sequence of blocks, while row-based needs to scan all blocks to extract the salary from each row. But it is not as fast as we’d expect. The cost is cheaper 493 vs 873, but timing is 14.1ms vs 17.1ms.

2. 选择sum(salary) →这应该是典型的柱状案例,在这里我们只需要扫描一列或一连串的块,而基于行的则需要扫描所有块以从每一行提取薪水。 但这并没有我们期望的那么快。 成本比493和873更便宜,但时序为14.1ms和17.1ms。

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38k rows, even on a single column agg its not a whole lot faster.

3. Larger datasets — I pumped this up to 3.8 m rows and re-ran the sum query. Not much change — somewhat surprising! In theory, it should be much faster than the 20–30% gains. In fact, columnar is often slower after caching takes effect! (To be fair to columnar — you really need GB to TB datasets that are larger than your memory caches to real gains)[*2].

3. 更大的数据集-我最多抽取了3.8 m行,然后重新运行求和查询。 变化不大-有点令人惊讶! 从理论上讲,它应该比20%到30%的收益要快得多。 实际上, 缓存生效 ,柱状函数通常会变慢 ! (公平地说,您确实需要大于内存缓存的GB到TB数据集才能获得实际收益) [* 2]

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3.8m rows, still not a whole lot faster w/ columnar !

After reading some bug reports and developer notes, I can guess as an extension it is not as robust as standard row storage. Native row formats offer multi-core processing and buffer caches for example. I should probably compare to a native column store database….

阅读了一些错误报告和开发人员说明后 ,我可以猜测它是扩展程序,不如标准行存储强大。 例如,本机行格式提供多核处理和缓冲区缓存。 我可能应该将其与本地列存储数据库进行比较……。

Note the file sizes when I loaded 3.8m rows:


  • Standard row format: 321 MB

    标准行格式: 321 MB

  • Columnar/compressed format: 72 MB

    列式/压缩格式: 72 MB

Huge space savings (almost 4x)! Notice the raw data dump for both row and columnar on disk (using “xxd -c 32” on linux/wsl2):

节省大量空间(几乎是四倍)! 注意磁盘上行和列的原始数据转储(在linux / wsl2上使用“ xxd -c 32”):

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Row Orientation is pretty simple
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Columnar is spread out by columns w/ compressed substrings

实木复合地板-最受欢迎? (Parquet — the most popular?)

Parquet came out of Twitter and Cloudera (Hadoop) and is maintained as an Apache project. It is the defacto format for Spark, as a result #1 in popularity. (Prior popular formats include ORC and RCFile).

Parquet来自Twitter和Cloudera(Hadoop),并作为Apache项目进行维护。 它是Spark的事实上格式,因此在流行度中排名第一。 (主流格式包括ORC和RCFile)。

It is also natively supported by Python/Pandas and offers multiple compression formats. The basic file format is a columnar in groups of rows and stores a central schema & group level metadata to allow parallel and partial reads.

Python / Pandas本身也支持它,并提供多种压缩格式。 基本文件格式是行组的列状,并存储中央模式和组级元数据以允许并行和部分读取。

A modest deep dive into the raw file shows:


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Similar to Postgres CStore — columns are grouped in batches and compressed such that Doug, Jane only appear once in the entire file.
与Postgres CStore类似-列被分批分组并压缩,以使Doug,Jane在整个文件中仅出现一次。

AVRO —面向行,带有模式演化 (AVRO — row oriented w/ schema evolution)

In tight competition with Parquet is Avro, which is a bit more than just a storage format but we’ll focus only on storage aspects. It is also an Apache project.[*3] Two main differences to Parquet:

与Parquet竞争激烈的是Avro,它不仅是一种存储格式,而且我们将只关注存储方面。 这也是一个Apache项目。 [* 3]与Parquet的两个主要区别:

  1. Better schema evolution

  2. Row oriented storage


Schema and changes (defaults for new and old rows) are embedded in the file. Adding a new column just requires defining defaults which makes slowly changing dimensions (SCD) and changes easier to handle.

模式和更改(新行和旧行的默认值)嵌入在文件中。 添加新列只需要定义默认值即可使尺寸更改(SCD)缓慢且更改更易于处理。

Note it is row-oriented so you will not get some of the advantages like compression and performance that you do with Parq — assuming your use case is more about columnar aggregation rather than record by record processing.


Avro code and data file example:


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其他存储选项(MongoDB,Kafka,KDB等) (Other Storage Options (MongoDB, Kafka, KDB, etc))

NoSQL — name-value object stores like MongoDB, AWS Dynamo, and Cassandra store entire JSON (or arbitrary) objects by a distinct key. The API is simple using basic key-value store (put/get) semantics. The high level +/-’s :

NoSQL-名称值对象存储(如MongoDB,AWS Dynamo和Cassandra)通过不同的键存储整个JSON(或任意)对象。 使用基本键值存储(输入/获取)语义的API很简单。 高位+/-:

  • + Simple programming interface

  • + Fast path to get your app up and running

  • - Inefficient to load multiple or complex data

  • - Index and query / search inflexibility

  • - Schema evolution challenges


Log Structured Stores (and Log Structured Merge Trees) and their innovative uses are a fascinating area — Kafka is the leader and innovator (don’t be fooled its not just messaging, its really about logs as per co-creator Jay Kreps). [*4]

日志结构化商店(和日志结构化合并树)及其创新用途是一个引人入胜的领域-Kafka是领导者和创新者(不要误以为它不仅是消息传递,而且还真正关于日志 按照共同创作者Jay Kreps的说法 )。 [* 4]

  • + Simple programming interface

  • + Scalable alternative to realtime Message stores and Databases

  • - Complex cluster administration


Finally, KDB deserves brief mention as a pioneer in columnar, realtime and timeseries memory DBs. Initially written in the ’90s and boasts unbeatable single core performance even today. Unfortunately, it is an expensive niche product, thus sold off to First Derivatives recently and likely being bled out to die …

最后,作为列式,实时和时间序列存储DB的先驱,KDB值得一提。 最初写于90年代,即使在今天也拥有无与伦比的单核性能。 不幸的是,它是一种昂贵的利基产品,因此最近被出售给First Derivatives,并可能被抢购一空……

  • + Super fast and low footprint (800kb) fits in L1/L2 cache

    +超快速和低占用空间(800kb)可容纳L1 / L2缓存
  • + Leverages vector/SIMD CPU instructions

    +利用向量/ SIMD CPU指令
  • - Does not scale past 1 machine (doesn’t need to ?)

  • - Cost and obscure language (K/Q) makes it prohibitive for most consumers.

    -成本和含糊不清的语言(K / Q)对大多数消费者来说是禁止的。

Apache Arrow (memory columnar format and serializer) and OLAP tech are two areas worth looking into as well.

Apache Arrow(内存列格式和序列化程序)和OLAP技术也是两个值得研究的领域。

摘要:首要考虑因素 (Summary: Top Considerations)

  1. Does columnar fit your typical use cases (frequent aggregation on a few columns) ?

  2. Does your existing database offer storage options like columnar storage?

  3. Is schema evolution/change common and a key consideration?

  4. Is storage space/capacity a key consideration?


Think it thru and do a trial run. Relational DB’s have made massive improvements in caching and indexing that may make it less necessary in some cases.

仔细考虑并进行试运行。 关系数据库在缓存和索引编制方面进行了重大改进,这在某些情况下可能会变得不必要。

参考资料,脚注和启示 (References, Footnotes, and Inspirations)



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