

Learning R can take a lot of time. But while it’s impossible to become an expert overnight, there are plenty of things you can do to speed up the learning process. I’ve put together some recommendations for streamlining your path to R proficiency, based on my own experience.

学习R会花费很多时间。 但是,尽管不可能在一夜之间成为专家,但您可以做很多事情来加快学习过程。 根据我的经验,我整理了一些建议,以简化您的R熟练程度。

I should note right away that everyone’s experiences are different. Some people learn R in different ways and still achieve success. That said, I’ve got a lot of value from the following tips, as have many other people I know.

我应该立即指出,每个人的经历都不一样。 有些人以不同的方式学习R,但仍然取得成功。 就是说,与其他许多人一样,我从以下提示中获得了很多价值。

1.首先学习编程基础 (1. Learn the Fundamentals of Programming First)

As a language built by statisticians rather than programmers, R can seem a little different from many other languages. That said, it still shares the basic components of most programming languages. Actions like assigning variables, evaluating conditions, and calling functions are all commonplace. Thus, it’s a good idea to at least go in with some knowledge of these fundamentals:

作为统计人员而非程序员构建的语言,R似乎与许多其他语言有些不同。 也就是说,它仍然共享大多数编程语言的基本组件。 诸如分配变量,评估条件和调用函数之类的动作都是司空见惯的。 因此,至少对这些基本知识有所了解是一个好主意:

  • Common data types (strings, integers, booleans, and so on)

  • Conditional (if/else) statements

    条件(if / else)语句
  • ‘For’ and ‘while’ loops

    “ For”和“ while”循环
  • Functions


When I started learning R, I found that knowing about these things substantially sped up my progress. It’s probable that you’ll learn new programming concepts by using R too — I have. But going in with at least some familiarity with the basics will save you a lot of time later on.

当我开始学习R时,发现对这些事情的了解大大加快了我的进步。 您很有可能也会通过使用R来学习新的编程概念-我有。 但是,至少要对基础知识有所了解,以后可以节省很多时间。

2.从好的资源中学习正确的框架 (2. Learn the Right Framework From a Good Source)

Unless you’re taking a paid course in R as a degree-level student, you’ll want to structure your learning with another guide, like a book or a course. While it can be worth investing in these resources, you can also find good guides for free.

除非您是R级学生,否则要在R上修读有偿课程,否则,您将需要与另一本指南(例如一本书或一门课程)一起构建学习结构。 虽然值得在这些资源上进行投资,但您也可以免费找到优质指南。

This is largely what I’ve done — in fact, I’ve still never paid for a standalone R resource.


As far as books go, “R for Data Science” By Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund is an essential reference. It’s free, covers all the key facets of R, and does so while introducing the tidyverse. The tidyverse is a collection of packages designed to make R more accessible and readable, and is rapidly gaining popularity. These packages have made my code far better, and I’d strongly recommend learning about them straight away.

就书籍而言, “ R for Data Science” Hadley Wickham和Garrett Grolemund撰写的文章是必不可少的参考。 它是免费的,涵盖了R的所有关键方面,并且在介绍dydyverse的同时做到了。 tidyverse是旨在使R更易于访问和阅读的软件包的集合,并且正在Swift普及。 这些软件包使我的代码变得更好,我强烈建议立即学习它们。

Once you’ve digested most of R for Data Science, “Advanced R” is also a good next step for digging deeper into programming with R.

掌握了大部分R的数据科学知识之后, “高级R”对于下一步深入研究R编程也是一个不错的下一步。

If you want to supplement your reading with a course, there are some free offerings available with a quick search on YouTube. Alternatively, most of the major course-hosting sites have instructional series in R, if you don’t mind paying for them. Again, I’d recommend videos or courses that use packages from the tidyverse. Sticking to one R framework (the easiest one, at that) eliminates the confusion that comes from learning different approaches at once. This will also make for faster learning.

如果您想通过一门课程来补充阅读内容,可以在YouTube上快速搜索找到一些免费服务。 另外,如果您不介意为此付费,则大多数主要的课程托管站点都具有R系列的教学系列。 再次,我建议使用tidyverse软件包的视频或课程。 坚持使用一种R框架(当时最简单的一种)可以消除一次学习不同方法而引起的困惑。 这也将加快学习速度。

3.将您的技能应用于有趣的项目 (3. Apply Your Skills to Interesting Projects)

As soon as you have enough knowledge to tackle some basic tasks or projects, start making stuff!


Applying your skills is the most important part of learning a programming language. Without practical experience, your newfound knowledge won’t sink in. So have fun with it — choose some interesting projects that’ll make your life easier, and tackle them.

应用技能是学习编程语言最重要的部分。 没有实践经验,您的新知识将不会被吸收。因此,请尽情享受吧-选择一些有趣的项目,这些项目可以使您的生活更轻松,并加以解决。

The trick is to work on projects and applied problems consistently. This gets you used to project management and encourages you with the buzz of finishing a self-driven task. It also prompts you to fill in gaps in your knowledge that you might not have noticed otherwise. I often start projects with a new skill in mind to focus on. But often, new requirements surface and I end up learning other things that I’d never intended seek out.

诀窍是始终如一处理项目和应用问题 。 这使您习惯于项目管理,并鼓励您完成一项自我驱动的任务。 它还会提示您填补您可能没有注意到的知识空白。 我经常以一种新技能着手进行项目开发。 但是,经常会有新的需求浮出水面,而我最终会学到其他我从未打算寻求的东西。

I’ve recently written about some projects that I’ve found useful in my journey as an R user. If you’re looking for inspiration, these should be enough to get you going.

我最近写了一些项目,这些项目对我作为R用户的旅程很有用。 如果您正在寻找灵感,那么这些就足以让您前进。

I can’t stress the importance of project-based learning enough. Course certificates might prove that you have common R knowledge, but a project proves that you can make something meaningful.

我不能足够强调基于项目的学习的重要性。 课程证书可能证明您具有R的常识,但是项目证明您可以做出有意义的事情。

A good project can provoke emotional reactions and genuine inspiration from other people. They allow for creativity in design, and can even be extended into profitable applications or services. All the while, they keep your interest and inspire you to learn more.

一个好的项目可以激发他人的情感React和真正的灵感。 它们允许设计创新,甚至可以扩展到有利可图的应用程序或服务中。 同时,它们保持您的兴趣并激发您学习更多的知识。

There’s not a course certificate in the world that compares.


4.与R社区互动 (4. Engage With the R Community)

R users are fortunate to be surrounded by a tight-knit community. Whatever your proficiency, it’s worth taking full advantage of that fact to learn from those around you. There are a few ways to do this.

R用户很幸运被紧密联系的社区所包围。 无论您的熟练程度如何,都应充分利用这一事实,向周围的人学习。 有几种方法可以做到这一点。

  • Many influential R developers have a presence on Twitter, and are useful to follow. I’ve often come across some golden nuggets of information by stumbling across tweets from the likes of Tom Mock, Julia Silge, and many others. Engaging with #TidyTuesday is also useful.

    许多有影响力的R开发人员都在Twitter上有业务,并可以跟随其工作。 我经常跨过诸如汤姆·莫克 ( Tom Mock)朱莉亚·席尔格 ( Julia Silge )等许多人的推文,遇到了一些黄金信息。 与#TidyTuesday合作也很有用。

  • Medium is also a good place to learn. In my short time here, I’ve already got a lot of value from writers like Keith McNulty. Readers sometimes leave tips and additions to popular articles as comments too, so these are also worth looking out for.

    中等也是学习的好地方。 在我短暂的时间内,我已经从Keith McNulty之类的作家那里获得了很多价值。 读者有时还会在热门文章中留下提示和补充作为评论,因此也值得一提。

  • You may be able to attend local meetups and conferences and learn from experienced speakers if you’re in a convenient location. This is still on my bucket list, but I’ve heard that they’re often worthwhile.

    如果您在方便的地方,则可以参加当地的 聚会和会议,并向有经验的演讲者学习。 这仍然在我的清单上,但是我听说它们通常很有价值。

  • If you work with R users, chat to them! Being an academic researcher, many of my colleagues use and teach R. Talking about it with them has given me plenty of new insights and kept me motivated to learn more.

    如果您与R用户一起工作,请与他们聊天! 作为一名学术研究人员,我的许多同事都使用和教R。与他们一起谈论它给了我很多新见解,并让我充满了学习更多的动力。

While you’re being community-minded, it’s worth interacting with more advanced R users in whatever way you see fit. In my case, conversations with senior researchers and academic staff have been instrumental in developing my skills. While you don’t need full-blown mentorship to learn R fast, there are times when it really helps.

当您具有社区意识时,值得以您认为合适的方式与更高级的R用户进行交互。 就我而言,与高级研究人员和学术人员的对话对发展我的技能起到了重要作用。 虽然不需要全面的指导就可以快速学习R,但有时它确实会有所帮助。

At the very least, don’t learn R in total isolation. Interact with other people, share your learning experience, and watch your progress speed up.

至少,不要完全孤立地学习R。 与其他人互动,分享您的学习经验,并看着自己的进度加快。

5.保持新鲜有趣 (5. Keep Things Fresh and Fun)

There are points in any student’s journey where the grind gets overwhelming. The learning curve rises before you and it’s hard to find the motivation to climb it. If you’re anything like me, you might feel intimidated by hard new topics or lose interest from time to time.

在任何学生的旅途中,都有某些地方会让人感到压倒性的。 学习曲线在您面前崛起,很难找到攀升的动力。 如果您像我一样,可能会被新的艰巨主题吓倒,或者不时失去兴趣。

Keeping your practice enjoyable is vital to mitigate these feelings. Sure, there are times when problems get frustrating or your motivation might be naturally low. But if you’re consistently grinding to a halt, make something just for fun.

保持练习愉快对减轻这些感觉至关重要。 当然,有时候问题会令人沮丧,或者您的动力自然很低。 但是,如果您始终停滞不前,那就做些有趣的事吧。

I often find that writing good code is pretty satisfying, even if it does something simple. Likewise, new projects don’t always have to be serious and scaleable — they can be lighthearted and interesting. You’ll be surprised what you can learn from recreational coding, and how consistent practice can lead to fast-paced progress.

我经常发现编写好的代码非常令人满意,即使它做的很简单。 同样,新项目不必总是很认真和可扩展,它们可以轻松而有趣。 您会从娱乐编码中学到什么,并且持续的练习如何导致快速进步,您会感到惊讶。

最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

Hopefully keeping the points above in mind will speed you towards R mastery. Although I’m giving tips about learning R, I won’t pretend that I know everything. At the moment, here are a few things I’m doing to keep progressing with R.

希望牢记以上几点将使您更快地掌握R。 尽管我提供了有关学习R的提示,但我不会假装我了解所有知识。 目前,我正在做一些事情来使R不断发展。

  • Working on a variety of novel projects

  • Finding more efficient ways to do analyses and tasks I’m already comfortable with

  • Using new packages and methods, both at work and in my spare time

  • Reading about advanced concepts to fill gaps in my conceptual understanding

  • Sharing my progress through personal interactions and Medium articles


I still have a lot to learn, but with a steady stream of new packages and versions being released, so does everyone. So seek new understanding with curiosity, and enjoy the learning process.

我还有很多东西要学习,但是随着源源不断的新软件包和版本的发布,每个人也是如此。 因此,请好奇地寻求新的理解,并享受学习过程。

You’ll be rewarded with great progress.


翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-learn-r-for-data-science-fast-d47408d0becf


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