

Almost every single company working on self-driving cars right now uses LIDAR. Uber, Waymo, and Toyota all use it, but not Tesla. I want to go over what the two competing technologies have to offer and what we should expect from self-driving cars in the future.

现在几乎所有从事自动驾驶汽车工作的公司都使用LIDAR。 Uber,Waymo和Toyota都使用它,但特斯拉则没有。 我想谈谈两种竞争技术所提供的功能,以及我们未来对自动驾驶汽车的期望。

激光雷达VS视觉 (Lidar VS Vision)

Lidar is a method of measuring distance by shooting lasers and detecting how much time they take to return. The idea is similar to Radar but instead of radio waves, we use lasers. The technology is extremely accurate at detecting objects even up to millimeters.

激光雷达是一种通过发射激光并检测返回所需时间的方法来测量距离。 这个想法类似于雷达,但是我们使用激光代替无线电波。 该技术在检测高达毫米的物体方面极其精确。

Computer Vision is a field of Artificial Intelligence that trains computers to understand the visual world. This is basically reverse engineering human vision.

计算机视觉是人工智能的一个领域,可训练计算机理解视觉世界。 这基本上是反向工程的人类愿景。

特斯拉的愿景 (Tesla’s Vision)

(Elon Musk at Tesla Autonomy Day)

Tesla has been heavily relying on Vision and going against LIDAR sensors. At the same time, all the other companies use Lidar and do not seem to care. Elon Musk even said:

特斯拉一直严重依赖Vision并反对LIDAR传感器。 同时,所有其他公司都使用Lidar,而且似乎并不在乎。 埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)甚至说:

LIDAR is a fool’s errand… and anyone relying on LIDAR is doomed. — Elon Musk

激光雷达是傻子的事……任何依赖激光雷达的人注定要失败。 —伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)

If you would like to see all Elon’s thoughts on the technology choice, make sure to check his talk at Tesla Autonomy Day.


成本 (Cost)

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The most apparent reason for Tesla to take a different route is the cost. The cost of placing a single LIDAR device on a car is somewhere around $10,000. Google with its Waymo project has been able to slightly decrease the number by introducing mass production. However, the cost is still rather significant.

特斯拉采取不同路线的最明显原因是成本。 在汽车上安装单个激光雷达设备的成本约为10,000美元 。 谷歌的Waymo项目已经能够通过引入量产而略微减少数量。 但是,成本仍然相当可观。

Tesla is highly focused on costs and making sure the cars are affordable. Adding the prices of a LIDAR on top of the already expensive car is quite significant.

特斯拉高度关注成本并确保汽​​车价格合理。 在已经很昂贵的汽车上加上激光雷达的价格是非常重要的。

应用于真实道路 (Application to real roads)

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One of the most important point and the one emphasized highly in the conference is the correlation with human vision. As humans, we do not throw lasers in every direction to be able to drive a car. Neither should the cars, as mentioned by Elon Musk.

会议中最重要的要点之一就是与人类视觉的关联。 作为人类,我们不会向各个方向投掷激光以驾驶汽车。 正如埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)所提到的,汽车也不应该。

Everything we see on the road is full of visual information. All the signs, turns, intersections are there to help us navigate. All of these are stationary objects and it is great that LIDAR is so accurate in detecting them.

我们在路上看到的一切都充满了视觉信息 。 所有的标志,转弯,交叉路口都可以帮助我们导航。 所有这些都是静止的物体,而LIDAR如此精确地检测到它们是非常棒的。

Issues start to arise when moving objects appear on the road. Humans, dogs, flying plastic bags, are all objects we frequently encounter on the road. LIDAR is not able to detect how they are moving or even what those objects are.

移动物体出现在道路上时,问题开始出现。 人,狗,飞行的塑料袋都是我们在路上经常遇到的物体。 LIDAR无法检测到它们如何移动,甚至无法检测那些物体在移动什么。

LIDAR cannot differentiate a road bump from a plastic bag. This is example was mentioned in the conference and is extremely important to take into consideration. If we are driving at high speeds on a highway and there is a plastic bag, we do not need to make a quick stop. It will not be much of an issue if we hit it.

激光雷达无法区分道路颠簸和塑料袋 。 这是会议中提到的例子,考虑到这一点非常重要。 如果我们在高速公路上高速行驶且有一个塑料袋,则无需快速停车。 如果我们达成目标,这将不是什么大问题。

Now, if the car stops, that's where real dangers come in. Cars behind will probably not be able to react so quickly to our stop in the middle of the road. Such situations further demonstrate the attention to detail required when making self-driving cars.

现在,如果汽车停下来了,那便是真正的危险所在。后面的汽车可能无法对我们在路中间的停车站做出如此Swift的React。 这种情况进一​​步表明,制造自动驾驶汽车时需要注意细节。

Tesla made it clear that their system of cameras and radar is able to detect what an object is. The radar looking forward is able to quickly tell if there is anything problematic ahead. Once an object comes into sight, cameras will decide what the object is and then the car can react to the situation.

特斯拉明确表示,他们的摄像头和雷达系统能够检测物体是什么。 展望未来的雷达能够Swift判断前方是否有任何问题。 一旦看到物体,摄像头将确定物体是什么,然后汽车可以对情况做出React。

适应 (Adaptation)

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Another essential takeaway from Autonomy Day and other interviews with Elon Musk is that the system is made to adapt. They talked a lot about the Neural Network used and how the system is able to use the data provided to make rational decisions.

自治日和对Elon Musk的其他采访中的另一个重要要点是,该系统是适应性的。 他们谈论了很多有关使用的神经网络以及系统如何使用提供的数据做出合理决策的话题。

One of the big issues with Tesla’s competitors is the lack of such adaptiveness. Most of these systems either rely heavily on high-accuracy maps with road lines or were never tested on real roads. Yes, we have seen Waymo drive around cities. However, only the large roads with highly efficient maps. The lighting, weather conditions, and traffic are ideal in those demos. Most people do not drive on such roads every single day.

特斯拉竞争对手的主要问题之一是缺乏这种适应性 。 这些系统中的大多数要么严重依赖具有道路线的高精度地图,要么从未在实际道路上进行过测试。 是的,我们已经看到Waymo在城市中行驶。 但是,只有具有高效地图的大型道路。 在这些演示中,照明,天气条件和交通状况都是理想的选择。 大多数人并不是每天都在这样的道路上开车。

Smaller roads, with unexpected turns and lanes that change in size, are quite a bit more common. Plus, Tesla is an actual car that you can buy. People have driven over a billion miles on Tesla cars, while Waymo was only tested on around ten million miles.

较小的道路,转弯和车道的尺寸会发生意外变化,这种情况要普遍得多。 另外,特斯拉是您可以购买的实际汽车。 人们乘坐特斯拉汽车行驶了超过十亿英里,而Waymo仅在约一千万英里上进行了测试。

The amount of difficult and unpredictable road data that Tesla was able to accumulate is invaluable. That is how the system learns and keeps getting better. Such a concept is actually quite promising since customers actually see constant improvements.

特斯拉能够积累的困难和不可预测的道路数据量非常宝贵。 这就是系统学习并不断改善的方式。 由于客户实际上看到了不断的改进,因此这样的概念实际上很有希望。

准确性 (Accuracy)

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Another interesting point can be deducted from a research paper published by Cornell University. The paper discussed how stereos cameras can be used to generate a 3D map nearly as accurate as a LIDAR map.

另一个有趣的观点可以从康奈尔大学发表的研究论文中得出。 该论文讨论了如何使用立体相机生成几乎与LIDAR地图一样精确的3D地图。

We can conclude from the paper that other than spending $7,500 on a LIDAR device, you could get a few cameras that only cost $5 and get nearly the same accuracy. So when the guys at Tesla say that such hardware will become outdated soon, they could have a point.

从本文中我们可以得出结论,除了在LIDAR设备上花费7,500美元以外,您还可以购买几台仅花费5美元并获得几乎相同精度的相机。 因此,当特斯拉的家伙说这样的硬件很快就会过时时,他们可能会说一点。

最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

With how much money is poured into the field of self-driving cars and the constant competition, we can be quite optimistic that such cars are coming. Whether Tesla will be the company that does this, we cannot know and might not even need to. Actually, there could potentially be several ways of developing self-driving cars. We might even end up seeing the combination of the two, which would not be that surprising.

随着无人驾驶汽车领域的资金投入和持续的竞争,我们对这种汽车的到来感到非常乐观。 特斯拉是否将成为这样做的公司,我们不知道,甚至可能不需要。 实际上,可能有几种开发自动驾驶汽车的方法。 我们甚至可能最终看到两者的结合,这并不奇怪。

When it comes to Tesla, we could actually purchase such a car. They are driven all over the world and the progress could actually be observed in real-time. You cannot buy a Waymo or an Uber car.

说到特斯拉,我们实际上可以购买这样的汽车。 它们在世界各地受到驱动,并且可以实时观察到进度。 您无法购买Waymo或Uber汽车。

The reasons for Tesla’s decision were covered here, however it does not mean we should all bet on Tesla. Maybe some other company manages to create a self-driving vehicle first. What we do know, is that some company will do it and we should pay close attention to everything happening in the field.

特斯拉做出决定的原因已在此处讨论,但这并不意味着我们都应该押注特斯拉。 也许其他一些公司首先设法制造了自动驾驶汽车。 我们所知道的是,有些公司会这样做,我们应该密切关注该领域中发生的一切。

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/why-tesla-wont-use-lidar-57c325ae2ed5


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