

The domain of Data Science brings with itself a variety of scientific tools, processes, algorithms, and knowledge extraction systems from structured and unstructured data alike, for identifying meaningful patterns in it.


Data Science has been on a boom for the last couple of years, and the push in the domain of Artificial Intelligence due to the various innovations is only going to take it further on to the next level. As more industries begin to realize the power of Data Science, more opportunities surface in the market.

过去几年,数据科学一直处于蓬勃发展中,由于各种创新,推动人工智能领域的发展只会使它进一步发展。 随着越来越多的行业开始意识到数据科学的力量,更多的机会出现在市场上。

If you fancy Data Science and are eager to get a solid grip on the technology, now is as a good time as ever to hone your skills to comprehend and manage the upcoming challenges in Data Science. The purpose behind penning this article is to share some practicable ideas for your next project, which will not only boost your confidence in Data Science but also play a critical part in enhancing your skills.

如果您喜欢Data Science,并渴望牢牢掌握该技术,那么现在正是您磨练您的技能以理解和管理Data Science即将到来的挑战的好时机。 撰写本文的目的在于为您的下一个项目分享一些可行的想法,这不仅会增强您对数据科学的信心,而且在提高技能方面也将发挥关键作用。

Data really powers everything that we do. — Jeff Weiner

数据确实为我们所做的一切提供了动力。 —杰夫·韦纳

热门有趣的数据科学项目(Top Interesting Data Science Projects)

Understanding Data Science can be quite confusing at first, but with constant practice, you can soon begin to grasp the various notions and terminologies in the subject. The best way to gain more exposure to Data Science apart from going through the literature is to take on some helpful projects which will not only upskill you but will also make your resume more impressive.

首先,了解数据科学可能会造成混乱,但是通过不断的实践,您很快就可以掌握该主题中的各种概念和术语。 除了阅读文献之外,使您更多地接触数据科学的最佳方法是进行一些有用的项目,这些项目不仅会提高您的技能,还将使您的简历更加令人印象深刻。

In this section, we will share a handful of fun and interesting project ideas with you, which are spread across all skill levels, ranging from beginners, intermediate, and veterans.


But before diving into this you can also check out some cool Python Project Ideas for Python Developers here —


1.构建聊天机器人 (1. Building Chatbots)

Chatbots play a pivotal role for businesses as they can effortlessly handle a barrage of customer queries and messages without any slowdown. They have single-handedly reduced the customer service workload for us by automating a majority of the process. They do this by utilizing techniques backed with Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science.

聊天机器人对于企业至关重要,因为它们可以毫不费力地处理大量客户查询和消息。 他们通过自动化大部分流程单方面为我们减轻了客户服务工作量。 他们通过利用人工智能机器学习数据科学支持的技术来做到这一点

Chatbots work by analyzing the input from the customer and replying with an appropriate mapped response. To train the chatbot, you can use Recurrent Neural Networks with the intents JSON dataset while the implementation can be handled using Python. Whether you want your chatbot to be domain-specific or open-domain depends on its purpose. As these chatbots process more interactions, their intelligence and accuracy also increase.

聊天机器人通过分析来自客户的输入并以适当的映射响应进行回复来工作。 要训​​练聊天机器人,您可以将Recurrent Neural Networks与intents JSON数据集结合使用,同时可以使用Python处理实现。 您希望聊天机器人是特定于域的还是开放域的,取决于其用途。 随着这些聊天机器人处理更多的交互,它们的智能和准确性也随之提高。

Read interesting articles on Python —


2.信用卡欺诈检测 (2. Credit Card Fraud Detection)

Credit Card Fraud Detection
Photo by Avery Evans on Unsplash
艾弗里·埃文斯( Avery Evans)Unsplash拍摄的照片

Credit card frauds are more common than you think, and lately, they’ve been on the higher side. Figuratively speaking, we’re on the path to cross a billion credit card users by the end of 2022. But thanks to the innovations in technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science, credit card companies have been able to successfully identify and intercept these frauds with sufficient accuracy.

信用卡欺诈比您想像的要普遍得多,最近,欺诈行为的地位更高。 形象地说,我们正在走2022年底前突破10亿信用卡用户的道路。 但是,由于人工智能,机器学习和数据科学等技术的创新,信用卡公司已经能够以足够的准确性成功识别并拦截这些欺诈行为。

Simply put, the idea behind this is to analyze the customer’s usual spending behavior, including mapping the location of those spendings to identify the fraudulent transactions from the non-fraudulent ones. For this project, you can use either R or Python with the customer’s transaction history as the dataset and ingest it into decision trees, Artificial Neural Networks, and Logistic Regression. As you feed more data to your system, you should be able to increase its overall accuracy.

简而言之,其背后的想法是分析客户通常的支出行为,包括映射这些支出的位置以从非欺诈交易中识别欺诈交易。 对于此项目,您可以将R或Python客户的交易历史记录一起用作数据集,并将其提取到决策树人工神经网络Logistic回归中。 当您向系统提供更多数据时,您应该能够提高其整体准确性。

3.假新闻检测 (3. Fake News Detection)

Fake News Detection
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
照片由 Aaron BurdenUnsplash拍摄

We’re sure fake news needs no introduction. In today’s all connected world, it has become ridiculously easy to share fake news over the internet. Every once in a while, you can see false information being spread online from unauthorized sources that not only cause problems to the people targeted but also has the potential to cause widespread panic and even violence.

我们确信,假新闻无需介绍。 在当今全连接的世界中,通过互联网共享虚假新闻变得非常容易。 有时,您会看到虚假信息从未经授权的来源在线传播,这不仅给目标人群造成问题,而且还可能引起广泛的恐慌甚至暴力。

To curb the spread of fake news, it is crucial to identify the authenticity of the information, which can be done using this Data Science project. For this, you can use Python and build a model with TfidfVectorizer and PassiveAggressiveClassifier to separate the real news from the fake one. Some of the Python libraries suited for this project are pandas, NumPy, and scikit-learn, and for the dataset, you can use News.csv.

为了遏制虚假新闻的传播,至关重要的是要确定信息的真实性,这可以使用此Data Science项目来完成。 为此,您可以使用Python并使用TfidfVectorizerPassiveAggressiveClassifier构建模型以将真实新闻与假新闻分开。 适用于该项目的某些Python库pandas, NumPyscikit-learn ,对于数据集,您可以使用News.csv

4.森林火灾预测 (4. Forest Fire Prediction)

Forest Fire Prediction
Pixabay from Pexels提供 Pexels Pixabay

Building a forest fire and wildfire prediction system will be another good use of the capabilities offered by Data Science. A wildfire or forest fire is essentially an uncontrolled fire in a forest. Every incident of a forest wildfire has caused an immense amount of damage to not only nature but the animal habitat and human property as well.

建立森林火灾和野火预测系统将是Data Science提供的功能的另一个很好的用途。 野火或森林火灾本质上是森林中不受控制的火灾。 每次森林野火事件不仅对自然造成巨大破坏,而且对动物栖息地和人类财产造成巨大破坏。

To control and even predict the chaotic nature of wildfires, you can use k-means clustering to identify major fire hotspots and their severity. This could be useful in properly allocating resources. You can also make use of the meteorological data to find common periods, seasons for wildfires to increase your model’s accuracy.

要控制甚至预测野火的混乱性质,您可以使用k均值聚类来识别主要火灾热点及其严重性。 这在正确分配资源时可能很有用。 您还可以利用气象数据来查找常见时期,野火季节,以提高模型的准确性。

5.乳腺癌分类 (5. Classifying Breast Cancer)

Classifying Breast Cancer
Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels
PexelsAnna Shvets摄

In case you want to add a project related to the healthcare industry to your portfolio, you can try building a breast cancer detection system using Python. Breast cancer cases have been on the rise lately, and the best possible way to fight breast cancer is to identify it at an early stage and take appropriate preventive measures.

如果要将与医疗保健行业相关的项目添加到您的投资组合中,可以尝试使用Python构建乳腺癌检测系统。 乳腺癌病例近来呈上升趋势,而与乳腺癌作斗争的最佳方法是及早发现并采取适当的预防措施。

To build such a system with Python, you can use the IDC(Invasive Ductal Carcinoma) dataset, which contains histology images for cancer-inducing malignant cells, and you can train your model on this dataset. For this project, you’ll find Convolutional Neural Networks better suited for the task, and as for the Python libraries, you can use NumPy, OpenCV, TensorFlow, Keras, scikit-learn, and Matplotlib.

要使用Python构建这样的系统,您可以使用IDC(侵袭性导管癌)数据集,该数据集包含用于诱发癌症的恶性细胞的组织学图像,并且可以在该数据集上训练模型。 在该项目中,您会发现更适合该任务的C语言神经网络。对于Python库,您可以使用NumPy OpenCV TensorFlow Keras, scikit-learnMatplotlib

6.驾驶员睡意检测 (6. Driver Drowsiness Detection)

Road accidents take many lives every year, and one of the causes of road accidents is sleepy drivers. Being a potential cause for danger on the road, one of the best ways to prevent this is to implement a drowsiness detection system.

道路交通事故每年夺去许多人的生命,而导致道路交通事故的原因之一就是困倦的驾驶员。 作为潜在的道路危险源,防止这种情况的最好方法之一是实施睡意检测系统

A driver drowsiness detection system such as this is yet another project that has the potential to save many lives by constantly assessing the driver’s eyes and alerting him with alarms in case the system detects frequent closing of eyes.


A webcam is a must for this project to allow the system to periodically monitor the driver’s eyes. To make this happen, this Python project will require a deep learning model and libraries such as OpenCV, TensorFlow, Pygame, and Keras.

对于该项目,必须有网络摄像头,以使系统能够定期监视驾驶员的眼睛。 要做到这一点,这Python项目将需要一个深度学习模型和库,如OpenCV TensorFlow pygame的Keras

7.推荐系统(电影/网络节目推荐)(7. Recommender Systems(Movie/Web Show Recommendation))

Recommender Systems
Pixabay from Pexels提供 Pexels Pixabay

Have you ever wondered how media platforms like YouTube, NetFlix, and others recommend you what to watch next? To do so, they use a tool called the recommender/recommendation system. It takes several metrics into consideration, such as age, previously watched shows, most-watched genre, watch frequency, and feeds them into a Machine Learning model which then generates what the user might like to watch next.

您是否想过YouTubeNetFlix等媒体平台如何推荐您接下来看什么? 为此,他们使用一种称为“推荐器/推荐系统”的工具。 它考虑了多个指标,例如年龄,以前观看的节目,观看次数最多的类型,观看频率,并将它们输入到机器学习模型中,然后生成用户接下来可能想观看的内容。

Based on your preference and input data, you can try to build either a content-based recommendation system or a collaborative filtering recommendation system. For this project, you can pick R with the MovieLens dataset that covers ratings for over 58,000 movies, and as for the packages, you can use recommenderlab, ggplot2, reshap2, and data.table.

根据您的偏好和输入数据,您可以尝试构建基于内容的推荐系统或协作过滤推荐系统。 对于这个项目,你可以选择R中的MovieLens数据集,涵盖收视58000电影,并作为包,您可以使用recommenderlab GGPLOT2 reshap2data.table。

8.情绪分析 (8. Sentiment Analysis)

Also known as opinion mining, sentiment analysis is a tool backed by Artificial Intelligence, which essentially lets you identify, gather, and analyze people’s opinions about a subject or a product. These opinions could be from a variety of sources, including online reviews, survey responses, and could involve a range of emotions such as happy, angry, positive, love, negative, excitement, and more.

情感分析也称为观点挖掘,是人工智能支持工具,从本质上讲,您可以使用它识别,收集和分析人们对某个主题或产品的观点。 这些意见可能来自各种来源,包括在线评论,调查回复,并且可能涉及各种情绪,例如快乐,愤怒,积极,爱,消极,激动等。

Modern data-driven companies are the ones that benefit the most from a sentiment analysis tool as it gives them the critical insight about the people’s reaction to the dry run of a new product launch or a change in business strategy. To build a system like this, you could use R with janeaustenR’s dataset along with the tidytext package.

现代数据驱动型公司是从情感分析工具中受益最多的公司,因为它为他们提供了有关人们对新产品发布的暂定运行或业务战略变更的React的关键见解。 要构建这样的系统,可以将R与janeaustenR的数据集以及tidytext包一起使用。

Check Out Top Google AI Tools —

查看热门的Google AI工具-

9.探索性数据分析 (9. Exploratory Data Analysis)

Exploratory Data Analysis
Photo by Lukas from Pexels

Data Analysis starts with EDA. The Exploratory Data Analysis plays a key role in the data analysis process as this step helps you make sense of your data and often involves visualizing them for better exploration. For visualization, you can pick from a range of options, such as histograms, scatterplots, or heat maps. EDA can also expose unexpected results and outliers in your data. Once you have identified the patterns and derived the necessary insights from your data, you are good to go.

数据分析从EDA开始。 探索性数据分析在数据分析过程中起着关键作用,因为此步骤可帮助您理解数据,并且通常涉及将其可视化以进行更好的探索。 为了可视化,您可以从一系列选项中进行选择,例如直方图,散点图或热图。 EDA还可以暴露数据中的意外结果和异常值。 一旦确定了模式并从数据中得出了必要的见解,就可以了。

A project of this scale can easily be done with Python, and for the packages, you can use pandas, NumPy, seaborn, and matplotlib.

使用Python可以轻松完成如此规模的项目,对于这些包,您可以使用pandas,NumPy, seaborn和matplotlib。

A great source for EDA datasets is the IBM Analytics Community.

EDA数据集的一个重要来源是IBM Analytics Community

10.性别检测与年龄预测 (10. Gender Detection & Age Prediction)

Identified as a classification problem, this gender detection and age prediction project will put both your Machine Learning and Computer Vision skills to test. The goal here is to build a system that takes a person’s image and tries to identify their age and gender.

被识别为分类问题,此性别检测和年龄预测项目将同时测试您的机器学习和计算机视觉技能。 这里的目标是建立一个获取人物图像并尝试识别其年龄和性别的系统。

For this fun project, you can implement Convolutional Neural Networks and use Python with the OpenCV package. You can grab the Adience dataset for this project. Factors such as makeup, lighting, facial expressions will make this challenging and try to throw your model off, so keep that in mind.

对于这个有趣的项目,您可以实现卷积神经网络,并将Python与OpenCV软件包一起使用。 您可以获取此项目的Adience数据集。 诸如化妆,照明,面部表情等因素将使这一挑战变得艰巨,并尝试使您的模型脱颖而出,因此请记住这一点。

11.认识言语情感 (11. Recognizing the Speech Emotions)

Speech is one of the most fundamental ways of expressing ourselves, and it hides various emotions inside it, such as calmness, anger, joy, and excitement, to name a few. By analyzing the emotions behind the speech, it is possible to use this information to restructure our actions and services, and even products, to offer a more personalized service to specific individuals.

言语是表达自我的最基本方法之一,它掩盖了其中的各种情感,例如镇定,愤怒,喜悦和兴奋。 通过分析演讲背后的情绪,可以使用此信息来重组我们的行为和服务,甚至产品,以为特定个人提供更个性化的服务。

This Speech Emotion Recognition project tries to identify and extract emotions from multiple sound files containing human speech. To make something like this in Python, you can use the Librosa, SoundFile, NumPy, Scikit-learn, and PyAaudio packages. For the dataset, you can use the Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional Speech and Song(RAVDESS), which has over 7300 files for you to use.

语音情感识别项目试图从包含人类语音的多个声音文件中识别并提取情感。 要在Python中进行类似的操作,可以使用Librosa SoundFile ,NumPy,Scikit-learn和PyAaudio软件包对于数据集,您可以使用Ryerson情绪语音和歌曲视听数据库(RAVDESS) ,该数据库具有7300多个文件供您使用。

12.客户细分 (12. Customer Segmentation)

Customer Segmentation
Photo by You X Ventures on Unsplash
You X VenturesUnsplash拍摄的照片

Modern businesses strive by delivering highly personalized services to their customers, which would not have been possible without some form of customer categorization or segmentation. In doing so, organizations can easily structure their services and products around their customers while targeting them to drive more revenue.

现代企业努力为客户提供高度个性化的服务,而如果没有某种形式的客户分类或细分,这是不可能的。 这样,组织可以轻松地围绕客户构建其服务和产品,同时针对他们以增加收入。

For this project, you will be going to use unsupervised learning to group your customers into clusters based on individual aspects such as age, gender, region, interests, and so on. K-means clustering or hierarchical clustering will be suitable here, but you can also experiment with Fuzzy clustering or Density-based clustering methods. You can use the Mall_Customers dataset as sample data.

对于本项目,您将使用无监督学习,根据年龄,性别,地区,兴趣爱好等各个方面将客户分组。 K均值聚类分层聚类在这里很合适,但是您也可以尝试使用模糊聚类基于密度的聚类方法。 您可以将Mall_Customers数据集用作样本数据。

需要构建更多的数据科学项目构想— (More Data Science Project Ideas to Build —)

  • Coronavirus visualizations

  • Visualising climate change

  • Uber’s pickup analysis

  • Web traffic forecasting using time series

  • Impact Of Climate Change On Global Food Supply

  • Detecting Parkinson’s Disease

  • Pokemon Data Exploration

  • Earth Surface Temperature Visualization

  • Brain Tumor Detection with Data Science

  • Predictive policing



Through this article, we tried to cover more than 10 fun and handy Data Science project ideas for you, which will help you understand the ABCs of the technology. Being one of the hottest in-demand domains in the industry, the future of Data Science holds many promises, but to make the most out of the upcoming opportunities, you need to be prepared to take on the challenges it brings. Good luck!

通过本文,我们试图为您介绍10多个有趣且方便的数据科学项目创意,这将帮助您了解该技术的基础知识。 作为行业中最热门的需求领域之一,数据科学的未来有很多希望,但是要充分利用即将到来的机遇,您需要做好准备应对它带来的挑战。 祝好运!

Note: To eliminate problems of different kinds, I want to alert you to the fact this article represent just my personal opinion I want to share, and you possess every right to disagree with it.


If you have more suggestions or ideas, we’d love to hear about them.


更有趣的读物 (More Interesting Readings)

I hope you’ve found this article useful! Below are some interesting readings hope you like them too-

希望本文对您有所帮助! 以下是一些有趣的读物,希望您也喜欢它们-

About Author


Claire D. is a Content Crafter and Marketer at Digitalogy a tech sourcing and custom matchmaking marketplace that connects people with pre-screened & top-notch developers and designers based on their specific needs across the globe. Connect with me on Medium, Linkedin, & Twitter.

克莱尔·D Digitalogy的Content Crafter and Marketinger ,这是一个技术采购和自定义对接市场,根据全球各地的特定需求,将人们与预先筛选和一流的开发人员和设计师联系起来。 Medium上与我联系 LinkedinTwitter

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/12-cool-data-science-projects-ideas-for-beginners-and-experts-fc75b5498e03






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