

Chances are, if you’re here, you’re excited about tech. You read startup stories on Medium, LinkedIn, or Hacker Noon. The idea of creating a product, launching it, and then raising a Series A is enthralling to read about. You may be an “increasingly technical” analyst or young professional with no technical experience at all. All things aside, you are hungry to learn, develop, and grow your technical skills and you can’t get enough.

如果您在这里,您很可能会对技术感到兴奋。 您可以在Medium,LinkedIn或Hacker Noon上阅读启动故事。 创建产品,启动产品然后提出A系列的想法令人着迷。 您可能是“技术含量不断提高”的分析师或年轻的专业人​​员,根本没有任何技术经验。 抛开所有其他事物,您渴望学习,发展和发展自己的技术技能,而您还远远不够。

However, an enormous gap lies before you. You’re not where you want to be and you desperately want to add technical value. You want to know which software and technologies to pick up so you can add maximum value because, for you, the more technical value you can add, the closer you’ll be to the action. Then there’s the money part. Tech companies want top technical talent and they’re willing to pay top dollar for it. Recent grads are making six figures coming out of college-that alone could be a motivator.

但是,摆在您面前的是巨大的差距。 您不是想去的地方,而是极想增加技术价值。 您想知道选择哪种软件和技术,以便可以增加最大价值,因为对于您来说,您可以增加的技术价值越多,您就越接近实际操作。 然后是金钱部分。 科技公司需要顶尖的技术人才,他们愿意为此付出高昂的代价。 刚毕业的应届毕业生有六位来自大学,这很可能是一个动力。

But acquiring any technical skill can seem like an arduous path-it’s intimidating for a number of reasons. For starters, there are countless free courses, tutorials, and learning paths out there. The number of options can be confusing and overwhelming. Then there’s the question of how you’ll learn. Are you willing to get a four year degree? Will you learn best by completing an interesting project? Enroll in a bootcamp? Finally, there’s the matter of applying what you’ve learned. How do you take that DataCamp Python course and Udemy Scraper project and turn them into the next step in your career?

但是,获得任何技术技能似乎都是一条艰辛的道路-由于多种原因,这令人生畏。 对于初学者来说,那里有无数的免费课程,教程和学习途径。 选项的数量可能令人困惑和不知所措。 然后是您将如何学习的问题。 您愿意获得四年制学位吗? 通过完成一个有趣的项目,您会学得最好吗? 参加训练营? 最后,要运用您所学的知识。 您如何参加DataCamp Python课程和Udemy Scraper项目,并将其转变为职业的下一步?

It’s a lot, I get it. Technical skill acquisition can feel intimidating and, most of all, uncertain. When I first started acquiring technical skills, I wish I had someone who could help show me the way. I needed to know I was headed in the right direction. Given such, I want to provide a few tips that will help give you the confidence you need to learn and apply your skills effectively.

很多,我明白了。 获得技术技能可能会令人生畏,而且最不确定的是。 刚开始学习技术技能时,我希望有一个可以帮助我指明方向的人。 我需要知道我朝着正确的方向前进。 鉴于此,我想提供一些技巧,这些技巧将帮助您自信地学习和有效地应用技能。

解决学习环境之外的问题 (Solve Problems Outside of Your Learning Context)

You just finished a beginner Python course on Codeacademy (amazing!). You created several variables and wrote for loops and functions. You’re feeling great and your eyes are on the intermediate Python course that Codeacademy’s just made available to you.

您刚刚完成了Codeacademy上的Python初学者课程(了不起!)。 您创建了几个变量,并为循环和函数编写了代码。 您感觉很好,您的眼睛正对Codeacademy刚刚提供给您的Python中级课程。

While you move on to the next course, I want you to know something you probably already know. The journey is just beginning-it doesn’t stop at the expert level Python course Codeacademy will eventually offer you.

当您继续学习下一门课程时,我希望您知道一些您可能已经知道的知识。 旅程只是开始-它不会止于专家级别的Python课程Codeacademy最终会为您提供。

What I mean is, even if you completed multiple courses or tutorials, you should focus on your ability to solve related problems outside of your learning context.


Let’s use the Python example. If an interviewer gave you 25 random numbers, would you be able to order them from greatest to least? How about if that interviewer gave you the numbers 1–50, could you print every third number? Rest assured, these aren’t must-know interview-type questions. But they are litmus tests of how well you might know Python. Many online courses want you to be excited as you complete each of their modules and, frankly, you should. Just remember that the real learning takes place when you can apply the course material outside of the classroom.

让我们使用Python示例。 如果面试官给您25个随机数,您能否将它们从大到小排序? 如果那个面试官给您数字1–50,您能打印出第三个数字怎么样? 放心,这些不是必须知道的面试类型的问题。 但是,这是对您可能对Python有多了解的试金石。 许多在线课程都希望您在完成每个模块时都感到兴奋,坦率地说,您应该这样做。 只需记住,当您可以在教室外应用课程材料时,就会进行真正的学习。

If you’re looking for problems to solve, check out Google’s hub of coding problems here.


了解您如何解决问题 (Understand How You Solved the Problem)

So let’s say you’ve made some progress on a coding course and watched a few online SQL tutorials. You even took my advice and solved a few problems from the Google link I referenced. Amazing.

假设您在编码课程上取得了一些进展,并观看了一些在线SQL教程。 您甚至接受了我的建议,并从我引用的Google链接中解决了一些问题。 惊人。

This may surprise you, but this is where many people stop making progress and ultimately fail to find a job. Many people have a preconceived end destination in mind.

这可能会让您感到惊讶,但这是许多人停止进步并最终找不到工作的地方。 许多人都想到了最终的目标。

“If I devote 25 hours a week to Python, I’ll be able to write Python.”


“If I get this SQL certificate, I’ll be well on my way to being a database developer.”


Mindsets like these are true, but they’re not the whole truth. The reality is that most people do not understand what they are learning. Many learning resources overemphasize results. Write this, delete that. Manipulate this, produce that. Reach this checkpoint and you’ll be okay.

诸如此类的心态是真实的,但并非全部。 现实情况是,大多数人不了解他们在学习什么。 许多学习资源过分强调结果。 写这个,删除那个。 操纵它,产生那个。 到达此检查点,您就可以了。

If you want to see if you understand what you’re learning, try explaining it in the simplest of terms, as if you were talking to a five year old. As an example, Y Combinator challenges founders to explain their startup idea in one sentence. This exercise not only forces founders to simplify their idea, but proves they understand what they are trying to build. The same applies to the technical skill you’re learning.

如果要了解自己是否了解所学内容,请尝试以最简单的术语进行解释,就像您正在与五岁的孩子聊天一样。 例如,Y Combinator挑战创始人以一句话解释其创业理念。 这项练习不仅迫使创始人简化他们的想法,而且证明他们了解自己想要建立的东西。 这同样适用于您正在学习的技术技能。

This tip is especially important for the interview process, particularly for your resume and in-person interviews. I’d like to share a personal story that illustrates this point.

该技巧对于面试过程特别重要,特别是对您的简历和面试而言。 我想分享一个个人故事来说明这一点。

I landed my first job out of college with very little experience. Interestingly enough, that job offer came from a cold application. Meaning, I didn’t have a referral and I applied directly through the company’s website. I was probably one of a couple hundred resumes and I didn’t load my resume with key words. How did I get chosen? My resume conveyed that I understood what my skills could do. I used phrases such as “built custom web scrapers that pulled data from a URL and stored it in a file”. This phrase conveys a few things:

我只有很少的经验就把第一份工作从大学毕业了。 有趣的是,这份工作来自冷酷的申请。 意思是,我没有推荐人,而是直接通过公司的网站提出申请。 我可能是几百张简历中的一张,而且我没有在关键词上加载我的简历。 我是如何被选择的? 我的简历传达出我了解自己的技能所能做的。 我使用了诸如“从URL提取数据并将其存储在文件中的自定义Web抓取工具”之类的短语。 这句话传达了一些东西:

  1. The ability to build web scrapers for different websites

  2. I understand web scrapers are meant to pull data from websites via URL and subsequently organize that data in a file or database


When the hiring manager interviewed me, he listed a few of the projects he wanted to work on, specifically web scraping, reporting, and predictive analytics for music-related metrics. While I was unfamiliar with music data, I understood what my web scraping skills could do and that those skills could be applied to any music data displayed on a public website. Knowing this, I conveyed exactly that. Based on what I understood about web scraping and data, I explained how my web scraping and analytical skills could help his team complete those projects. I received a job offer a few weeks later.

招聘经理面试我时,他列出了一些他想从事的项目,特别是网络抓取,报告和音乐相关指标的预测分析。 当我不熟悉音乐数据时,我了解了我的Web抓取技能可以做什么,并且这些技能可以应用于公开网站上显示的任何音乐数据。 知道这一点,我确切地传达了这一点。 根据对网络抓取和数据的了解,我解释了我的网络抓取和分析技能如何帮助他的团队完成这些项目。 几周后我收到了工作邀请。

As you solve problems, make sure you can explain your solution in the simplest of terms. All this being said, I want to make something clear. You still need to be able to produce results, don’t just talk your way through an interview!

解决问题时,请确保可以用最简单的术语来解释您的解决方案。 话虽这么说,我想澄清一点。 您仍然需要能够产生结果,而不仅仅是通过面试谈谈!

承认冒充者综合症,然后击败它 (Acknowledge Impostor Syndrome, Then Beat It)

As you develop your technical skills, you may feel a couple of emotions, namely uncertainty and intimidation. You may feel you don’t belong because other people are more technical than you. There’s this voice in your head that says you’ll never be proficient enough, that you’ll always need a tutorial or outside help with your technical skills.

当您发展自己的技术技能时,您可能会感觉到一些情绪,即不确定性和恐吓性。 您可能会觉得自己不属于自己,因为其他人比您更有技术。 头脑中有种声音在说,您永远不会精通,总是需要教程或外部帮助来提高自己的技术水平。

That’s called impostor syndrome. The reality is that everyone has room to grow and most definitely requires help. I’ve heard time and time again that even the most established software engineers still use technical help forums like StackOverflow and GitHub.

这就是所谓的冒名顶替综合症。 现实情况是,每个人都有成长的空间,并且绝对需要帮助。 我一次又一次地听到,即使是最有名的软件工程师,仍然会使用技术帮助论坛,例如StackOverflow和GitHub。

The most important thing for you to know is that your proficiency will be measured by your understanding and results, relative to what you’ve already accomplished.


Keep Pushing. Keep solving problems. Never stop learning.

继续推。 继续解决问题。 从未停止学习。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/what-nobody-tells-you-about-building-a-technical-skill-set-b0b64ae7d064


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