

It turns out Scrum doesn’t “work”, after all, that’s why people bastardize the Scrum framework, right? Since everyone likes to use Scrum, and then optimize it into something it wasn’t meant to be, a new delivery methodology is needed for the modern Agile world.

事实证明,Scrum并不“起作用”,毕竟,这就是为什么人们讨厌Scrum框架,对吗? 由于每个人都喜欢使用Scrum,然后将其优化为非必需的东西,因此现代敏捷世界需要一种新的交付方法。


This is a satirical piece, written to show the most horrific anti-Agile practices which can be implemented if you misinterpret the Agile Manifesto and the Scrum Guide. If you are following any of the practices detailed in this article, please feel free to reach out.

这是一篇讽刺性的文章,旨在显示最可怕的反敏捷实践,如果您误解了《敏捷宣言》和《 Scrum指南》,这些实践可以实施。 如果您遵循本文中详述的任何实践,请随时与我们联系。

Part 1 — Introduction, definition, and values Part 2 — Roles and Team setupPart 3 — Quality on larger projects, meetings, and artifacts

第1部分-简介,定义和价值 第2部分-角色和团队设置 第3部分-大型项目,会议和工件的质量

为什么要创建一种新的交付方法? (Why was a new delivery methodology created?)

Scrum is a poor framework, which does not work for the modern world of Agile software delivery; it makes things happen, but it disrupts the organic organizational flow and prevents repeatable software delivery — so you end up changing a lot of it to make it fit your organization.

Scrum是一个糟糕的框架,不适用于现代敏捷软件交付领域。 它可以使事情成真,但是却破坏了组织的自然流程并阻止了可重复的软件交付-因此您最终不得不对其进行大量更改以使其适合您的组织。

Scrum is also incredibly rigid and is clearly not Agile, given the first two principles of Agile are“Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage” and “Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software”, using Sprints in Scrum clearly hinders this, as the team is committing to not changing anything for 2–4 weeks, and thus not being Agile.

鉴于敏捷的头两个原则是“欢迎不断变化的需求,甚至在开发的后期, Scrum都非常僵化,而且显然不是敏捷的 敏捷流程利用变更来获得客户的竞争优势”“我们的首要任务是尽早并持续交付有价值的软件来满足客户” ,在Scrum中使用Sprints显然阻碍了这一点,因为该团队承诺在2天内不做任何更改。 4个星期,因此不敏捷。

Scrum also wastes enormous amounts of time and resources by constantly allowing the team to change how they work, understand the work ahead of time, and trying to plan work into a timebox called a Sprint.


Scrum is also a framework, not a methodology, so it is difficult to know how to do things “properly”. Think about it, when was the last time you didn’t hear a “scrum expert” complain to you about how you “don’t get Scrum” or that “you’re doing Scrum wrong” and the frequent “you’re not doing Scrum”?

Scrum还是一个框架,而不是一种方法论,因此很难知道如何“正确”地做事。 想一想,什么时候您最后一次没有听到“ Scrum专家”向您抱怨您“如何获得Scrum”或“您做错了Scrum”以及经常出现的“您没有做Scrum”?

Lastly, Scrum is too loose, it does not establish how to build, or test, or deploy software, leaving it up to developers and architects, who constantly have to find new techniques and tools, and then change them when they cease to work. This trial and error approach costs time and resources, thus guaranteeing the project will go over time or budget.

最后,Scrum太松散,它没有建立如何构建,测试或部署软件的方法,而是由开发人员和架构师决定,他们必须不断寻找新技术和工具,然后在停止工作时对其进行更改。 这种反复试验的方法耗费时间和资源,从而保证了该项目将超过时间或预算。

介绍Novum (Introducing Novum)

Novum is founded on “Seniority Rationalism Process Control”. “Seniority Rationalism Process Control” asserts that knowledge comes from seniority, and thus the more senior you are in the organization the better the decision-making ability you have on technical projects.

Novum建立在“高级理性主义过程控制”的基础上。 “高级理性主义过程控制”断言,知识来自高级资历,因此,您在组织中越高级,对技术项目的决策能力就越强。

Novum employs an iterative, incremental approach to decrease predictability and increase the opportunity for risk. Novum embraces fabricating aggressive deadlines that are not estimated by the technical people in the project team but yet are committed to by the technical people project team.

Novum采用迭代的增量方法来降低可预测性并增加风险机会。 Novum拥护制定激进的最后期限,而项目团队的技术人员无法估计这些最后期限 但仍由技术人员项目团队致力于。

It is not necessary to have a technical background when estimating deadlines, so whilst an Architect could estimate deadlines (as long as they are not in the Novum Team), it could also equally be done by the Product Owner or the Project Manager.


Three pillars uphold every implementation of “Seniority Rationalism Process Control”: obscurity, authority, and preservation.

维护“高级理性主义过程控制”的每个实施的三个Struts是: 模糊性,权威性和保留性

Obscurity — Transparency is supposed to create trust, but instead, it exposes who to blame. The Novum Team should strive to work in a way, which contains the facts with the person who is doing the work. This ensures that only certain people in the project know how to do certain things, thus making them indispensable, and makes blaming a single person almost impossible. It also allows the project team to push the blame onto others because the facts cannot be obtained.

含糊不清 -透明度本来可以建立信任,但是反而会揭露应归咎于谁。 Novum团队应努力以一种工作方式进行工作,其中包含与工作人员一起的事实。 这样可以确保项目中只有某些人知道如何做某些事情,从而使他们必不可少,并且几乎不可能责怪一个人。 它也允许项目团队将责任推给其他人,因为无法获得事实。

Authority— For Seniority Rationalism to work efficiently, the direction on how to achieve all elements of the project must come from the top down. More senior members of the organization must give direction to their direct and dotted line reports. For example, a programme manager will know more about Agile transformations than a Project Manager in a Novum Team, so the programme manager should direct all elements of the transformation through the Project Manager, rather than have the Project Manager learn and try new things to make the project Agile. Likewise, an Architect will know more about how the project should design its architecture, so this person should direct how the Build Team develops the system, rather than have the team figure it out by trying new things or have any ownership.

权威 -为了使资历理性主义有效地工作,如何实现项目所有要素的方向必须自上而下。 该组织的更多高级成员必须指导其直接和虚线报告。 例如,与Novum团队中的项目经理相比,项目经理将比对项目经理更了解敏捷转换,因此项目经理应通过项目经理指导转换的所有要素,而不是让项目经理学习并尝试新的东西项目敏捷。 同样,架构师将了解有关项目应如何设计其体系结构的更多信息,因此该人员应指导构建团队如何开发系统,而不是让团队通过尝试新事物或拥有任何所有权来弄清楚该体系。

Preservation — It is important that the project team continues to work the same way for the entire duration of the project, changing how things are done in the hopes that it will improve things is a waste of time and resources. Nothing should change in the project (except scope and quality), instead, the Novum Team follows the direction of those more senior, and this Novum guide, to the letter throughout the length of the project, or the project will go over time and budget and therefore fail.

保存 —重要的是,项目团队在项目的整个过程中继续以相同的方式工作,改变工作方式以希望能够改善工作状况是浪费时间和资源。 项目中的任何内容均不得更改(范围和质量除外),相反,Novum团队会按照高层领导的指导以及本Novum指南的指示,贯穿整个项目,否则该项目将超出时间和预算因此失败了。

Novum的定义 (Definition of Novum)

Novum(n): A delivery methodology within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while unproductively and uncreatively delivering products of the lowest possible value. Novum delivery methodology is simple to master, as it clearly states how to do everything (build, test, deliver, estimate etc…) in this guide.

Novum(n):一种交付方法,人们可以在其中解决复杂的适应性问题,同时以非生产性和创造性的方式交付可能价值最低的产品。 Novum交付方法易于掌握,因为它在本指南中明确说明了如何进行所有工作(构建,测试,交付,估算等)。

Novum值 (Novum Values)

When the values of; overtime, insecurity, overcommitment, secretiveness, and intimidation are embodied and lived by the Novum Team, the Novum pillars of obscurity, authority, and preservation come to life and build mistrust for everyone.

当值; 超时,不安全感,过度投入,秘密和恐吓是Novum团队的体现和生活,Novum 晦涩权威维护的Struts变得栩栩如生,并为每个人建立了不信任感。

The Novum Team members are forced to live values through intimidation, as they work with the more senior members of the project, and have the constant threat of being let go for not being productive enough.


所有人都在笑 (All laughing aside)

If you are currently following any practices in this “methodology” please feel free to reach out to me, and I can explain in detail the damage it will be doing to your teams and projects.


翻译自: https://medium.com/serious-scrum/forget-scrum-this-delivery-methodology-actually-works-part-1-42d8600be34f






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