

It turns out Scrum doesn’t “work”, after all, that’s why people bastardize the Scrum framework, right? Since everyone likes to use Scrum, and then optimize it into something it wasn’t meant to be, a new delivery methodology is needed for the modern Agile world.

事实证明,Scrum并不“起作用”,毕竟,这就是为什么人们讨厌Scrum框架,对吗? 由于每个人都喜欢使用Scrum,然后将其优化为非必需的东西,因此现代敏捷世界需要一种新的交付方法。


This is a satirical piece, written to show the most horrific anti-Agile practices which can be implemented if you misinterpret the Agile Manifesto and the Scrum Guide. If you are following any of the practices detailed in this article, please feel free to reach out.

这是一篇讽刺性的文章,旨在显示最可怕的反敏捷实践,如果您误解了《敏捷宣言》和《 Scrum指南》,这些实践可以实施。 如果您遵循本文中详述的任何实践,请随时与我们联系。

Part 1 — Introduction, definition, and values Part 2 — Roles and Team setupPart 3 — Quality on larger projects, meetings, and artifacts

第1部分-简介,定义和价值 第2部分-角色和团队设置 第3部分-大型项目,会议和工件的质量

Novum团队 (The Novum Team)

The Novum Team consists of a Product Owner, a Build Team, and a Project Manager.


产品拥有者 (Product Owner)

The Product Owner can also affectionately be called “Jira Admin” since their entire role is just to type up customer requirements into User Stories and put them into Jira.

产品负责人也可以亲切地称为“ Jira Admin”,因为他们的整个职责只是将客户需求键入“用户故事”并将其放入Jira。

Unlike Scrum, the Product Owner in Novum attempts to capture as many requirements as possible, with as much detail as possible, and then put these into the order which the customer dictates-since the customer will always know exactly what they want, and everything they want inherently has value.


Nothing must ever be deleted, as that value time unit may be lost and the team could not envision the final product without it.


专案经理 (Project Manager)

The Project Manager is the most senior person in the Novum Team, so the entire Build Team report to this person from a functional perspective (not legal line management — this sits with the Development Manager if there is one).


The Project Manager “empowers” the Novum Team, and makes sure everyone follows the Novum methodology to the letter, and that everyone on the team is productive. The Project Manager, as the most senior member in the Novum Team, may need to make technical decisions when a technical person more senior than the Lead Developer is not around.

项目经理“授权” Novum团队,并确保每个人都遵循Novum方法论,并确保团队中的每个人都富有成效。 作为Novum团队中最高级的成员,项目经理可能需要在技术人员比首席开发人员更高级的不在时做出技术决策。

建立团队 (Build Team)

The Build Team is split up into the following specialisms; Developers, and Manual Testers. Each forms their own sub-team within the Build Team, and have distinct handovers so that once a sub-team has completed their work, the next sub-team then starts their work.

构建团队分为以下专业: 开发人员和手动测试人员。 每个人都在构建团队中组建了自己的子团队,并且有不同的移交,因此一旦一个子团队完成了工作,下一个子团队便开始工作。

Depending on the type of project, the Build Team can be extended to include the following sub-teams:


  • UX/UI Designer(s) (if building a website)

    UX / UI设计器( 如果构建网站)

  • a BA (If the PO is too busy to capture requirements)

    BA (如果PO太忙而无法捕获需求)

  • An Architect (If there is a lot a system design work, and this would stop the Lead Developer from being productive)

    架构师(如果进行大量的系统设计工作,这可能会导致Lead Developer失去生产力)

  • DevOps Engineer (If you are working with The Cloud)


  • Automation Testers (A special breed of Tester, these testers are more expensive than your usual Testers, but they speed up your testing and make you more Agile — only hire these if you have an enormous budget)


  • DBA/Data Engineer (If there is too much database work or really complicated database work)

    DBA /数据工程师(如果太多的数据库工作或真正复杂的数据库工作)

开发者 (Developers)

It is important that the Developers have a hierarchy in their sub-team and it is set up with the following titles:


  • Lead Developer (you must have at least 1, but only 1 per Novum Team)


  • Senior Developers

  • Junior Developers


The ratio is usually 3 junior developers to 1 senior developer. If the development team has 4 or fewer developers, then the Lead Developer can be used instead of a Senior Developer (ie. 1/2/3 juniors developers and the lead developer).

该比例通常是3个初级开发人员与1个高级开发人员。 如果开发团队有4个或更少的开发人员,则可以使用首席开发人员代替高级开发人员(即1/2/3个初级开发人员和首席开发人员)。

Having a lot of junior developers on a project, rather than hiring experienced developers, is infinitely cheaper. Junior developers can easily be coerced into working longer hours and the lead/senior developers can tell them how to write their bits of the software.

在项目上拥有许多初级开发人员,而不是雇用经验丰富的开发人员,绝对便宜。 初级开发人员可以很容易地被强迫工作更长的时间,而主管/高级开发人员可以告诉他们如何编写自己的软件。

Hierarchy and seniority are important in the Development team since the juniors will be given the basic work, and the leads/seniors will be responsible for the more difficult work, and also end up having to rewrite the Junior Developers poorly written code, or intimidate and demean the Junior Developers for not being able to write code to the level of quality expected.


Mentoring Junior Developers is strictly not allowed, as this wastes software development time, and instead, Junior Developers are expected to improve their coding skills by committing to overtime and by being intimidated by the lead/senior developers.


Image for post
Developer hierarchy in a Build Team

The team model in Novum is designed to increase inflexibility, uncreativity, and unproductivity, and instead, have many teams — each with their own specialism — working separately within the same sprint, in the same Project.


子团队之间的移交 (Handovers between sub-teams)

Trying to get all of these sub-teams to work together throughout the software development lifecycle (as Scrum suggests) is pointless since you can’t build software until it’s designed, you can’t test software until it’s built, and you can’t deploy software until it’s tested.


Handovers between sub-teams mean that all relevant information is passed between multiple sub-teams in the Build Team and since all information is passed along, this improves the quality of the software. The important element of the handovers is not using documentation, as this would violate the Agile value of “Working software over comprehensive documentation”.

子团队之间的移交意味着所有相关信息都将在构建团队中的多个子团队之间传递,并且由于传递了所有信息,因此提高了软件的质量。 移交的重要元素是不使用文档,因为这将违反“通过综合文档工作软件”的敏捷价值。

Software development practices such as TDD and BDD, which can be used to integrate the testers at the start of developing the software, and thus prevent bugs, are inherently wasteful. It is much cheaper and faster to detect bugs and fix them after the software has been built.

诸如TDD和BDD之类的软件开发实践在开发软件之初就可以用来集成测试人员,从而防止bug的产生,这本质上是浪费的。 在构建软件之后,检测错误并进行修复要便宜得多且速度更快。

TDD and BDD are also very difficult for developers to understand and master, thus it will be a waste of development time and budget by having your developers try to master this new skill.


配对编程 (Pair Programming)

Pair programming is a wasteful practice in which two or more developers work on the exact same bit of software, this does not improve the quality or design of the software.


This practice does impart knowledge of that bit of the software between other developers, but this has no value since the same developer will always work on, fix and improve the same bit of software for the length of the project.


Instead, this practice wastes development time and budget by having one or more developers watching another developer work.


外包业务 (Outsourcing)

Novum works equally well if the developers and/or testers are working for an outsourcing company since developers in outsource companies a trained for years on the specific technologies your project will be using, before being put onto a project, and thus will be as skilled as developers hired directly.


The Lead Developer will need daily face-to-face meetings with the Project Manager and Product Owner — which fits with the Agile principle of “Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project”.

首席开发人员将需要与项目经理和产品负责人进行日常面对面的会议,这符合敏捷原则: “业务人员和开发人员必须在整个项目中每天一起工作”。

Using video conferencing tools, the Lead developer can then direct the team and disseminate information about how to build the software (after being given direction from the Architect/Dev Manager), this aligns with the Agile principle of “The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation”

Lead开发人员可以使用视频会议工具指导团队,并传播有关如何构建软件的信息(在从Architect / Dev Manager获得指导后),这符合“最有效的方法”的敏捷原则。向开发团队内部传达信息是面对面的对话”

重要的组织职称 (Important organizational titles)

The following organization titles are also required, and must sit outside the Novum team, as being part of the team will give too much insight into the issues the team has, and therefore cloud judgment as to why the Novum Team is truly struggling.


  • Development Manager (if the number of developers and testers is greater than 10)


  • Test Manager (only if the number of testers and developers is greater than 25)


  • Senior/Principal Architect (if the Dev Manager is not skilled in system architecture, or there are not enough developers and testers to warrant a Dev Manager)


  • Programme Manager (if you have more than one Novum Team, or you’re going through an Agile Transformation as Programme Managers are always infinitely more experienced in Agile Transformations than Project Managers)


All important and system-wide technical decisions are ideally made by a Senior/Principal Architect or Development Manager who sits outside the Novum Team. This aligns with the Agile principle of “Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility”

理想情况下,所有重要的系统范围内的技术决策均由Novum团队以外的高级/首席架构师或开发经理做出。 这符合“持续关注技术卓越和良好设计可增强敏捷性”的敏捷原则。

It is important that without looking into the Novum team, these two/three roles must decide who the underperformers are (usually with guidance from the Project Manager), and also direct the Build Team on how to build the project.


所有人都在笑 (All laughing aside)

If you are currently following any practices in this “methodology” please feel free to reach out to me, and I can explain in detail the damage it will be doing to your teams and projects.


翻译自: https://medium.com/serious-scrum/forget-scrum-this-delivery-methodology-actually-works-part-2-a372a48b9880






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