
A POS may operate from a local database (off-line) or from a remote database in an on-line client/server mode.
POS specifications should define:

  • the functions;
  • the data elements;
  • and interfaces.

For some systems employing virtual token carriers the POS operation and interfaces may differ from those for physical token carrier based systems.
Examples of POS functions are shown in Table 13 below.

        一个POS可以使用本地数据库 (脱机的) 操作,或者使用远端在线数据库(客户/伺候器模态)

  • 功能;
  • 数据元素;
  • 接口

        与以物理的TOKEN 载体为基础的系统不同,一些系统可以建立以虚拟的TOKEN 载体为基础

Table 13 – Examples of POS functions
        表 13 例子的 POS 功能

 13.4 POS_to_Token_Carrier_Interface

This interface specifies how data is transferred from a point of sale onto a token carrier and also from a token carrier to a point of sale.
        这个接口实现了数据在一个token carrier之上从售卖的点转移和从一个token carrier到售卖点。
The interface specifies the application layer and physical layer in terms of the OSI reference model with possible intermediate layers.
        接口根据 OSI 模型中的应用层和物理层做模型。
Examples of application layer token types are shown in Table 14 below.
        表 14 中显示了应用层中 token 类型的例子。
Table 14 – Examples of application layer token types
        表 14 – 应用层中 token 类型的例子。

[transfer_Credit] Transfer an amount of credit to the accounting function in the meter. Values are electricity, water, gas, time, currency
        CREDIT传递:许多的信用被转换到表计算单元。值是电力、水、瓦斯、时间, 通货。
[set_Register] Set a control register in the meter to a given value. Examples are: load power limit, tariff rate, phase unbalance, water factor, date, time
[clear_Register] Clear the contents of a register in the meter. Examples are: credit register, total register, tamper status
[read_Register] Instruct the meter to transfer the contents of an internal register in the meter back into the token carrier (two way token carrier)
[test_Load_Switch] Perform a pre-defined test in the meter. Examples are: display device, load switch, token reader
        测试负荷开关:执行表预测试操作。例如:显示设备,负载开关,token 阅读器。
[display_Tamper_Status] Display the contents of internal registers in the meter on the display device. Examples are: available credit, accumulated totals, tamper status, load power, tariff rate, water factor, software version
[Customer messaging] Special messages and information to be transferred to the meter for displaying to the customer when the token is entered (see NOTE)
        用户信息:在 token 插入的时候,特殊的信息和数据被传送到表,并显示给用户。
[Returning alerts] Status information from the meter returning to the management system via the token carrier (see NOTE)
        返回报警:token carrier 将表的状态数据带回到管理系统。
NOTE Customer messaging and returning alerts are specifically relevant in two-way token carrier systems.
        注释:在双通道 token carrier 系统中,用户信息和反馈警报是相关的。
Examples of application layer security functions are:

  • token confidentiality by encryption/decryption, such as DES, 3DES, AES and RSA;

        Token 的加密/解密技术。例如:DES、3DES、AES 和 RSA。

  • token authentication by cryptographic digital signature of Tokens;

        Tokens 的密码数字验证。

  • token validation by the use of token identifiers and CRC;

        应用标识符和 CEC 技术来保证 token 的正确。

  • token cancellation by registration of token identifiers for later comparison or by erasure of data on the token carrier.

        Token 被后边的 token 注册标识符取消或者被 token carrier 上的数据清除。
The token carrier is defined as the carrier medium in the physical layer.
        token carrier 在物理层中被定义为携带者媒体。
Examples of typical physical layer interfaces are: paper printer, barcode printer, magnetic card writer, smart card writer, memory key writer, GSM modem, PSTN modem, PLC modem, radio modem, direct local connection, optical LED, etc.
        典型物理层的接口例子是:打印机、条形码打印机、磁卡写卡器、智能卡写卡器、记忆钥匙写卡器、GSM 调制解调器、PSTN 调制解调器、PLC 调制解调器、收音机调制解调器、本地直接连接、LED 引导,等等。





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