

Do we really consider promotion to be an important decision of our life that requires careful evaluation to ensure it’s aligned with our passions, interest levels, and abilities? Is it even offered as a choice?

我们是否真的认为晋升是我们生活中的重要决定,需要仔细评估以确保它与我们的热情,兴趣水平和能力保持一致? 甚至可以选择吗?

Promotion arrives as this beautiful bundle of temptation, wrapped up and presented as the perfect gift that’s difficult to reject. It signifies more money, status lift, ego boost, and a false sense of self-worth.

促销活动是随着这束美丽的诱惑而来的,这些礼物被包裹起来并作为难以拒绝的完美礼物赠送。 它意味着更多的金钱,地位的提升,自我的提升以及对自我价值的错误认识。

The promotion trap makes people rationalise someone else’s decision as being right, without regard for whether it’s the right thing for them.


Instead of asking:


  • What do I want?

  • How does it align with my personal goals?

  • How is this promotion right for me?

  • Do I understand the expectations of my new role?

  • Am I willing to put in the effort to learn new skills?

  • I have to give up […] from my current role and instead prioritise […]. Is this something I want to do at this moment?

    我必须放弃我目前的职位,而优先考虑[…]。 这是我现在想做的事情吗?
  • What would really happen if I do not accept this promotion?

  • How am I right for this position? Should I invest in learning a few skills before signing up for this responsibility?

    我适合这个职位吗? 在签署这项职责之前,我应该投资学习一些技能吗?

We tell ourselves:


  • My boss thinks it’s the right thing to do

  • If others believe in my potential, they must be right

  • I cannot break the trust that others have put into me by considering me for this job

  • How difficult can it really be?

  • I don’t know any better

  • I have to step up and prove myself

  • I will be considered weak if I don’t accept it


In a culture where a title carries more weight than the desire to do your best work, staying in a position for long is considered a sign of incompetence and promotions are a means to drive authority and exert influence, the classic Peter principle comes into play.


Dr. Laurence J. Peter formulated Peter principle in 1969 in a classic management satire The Peter Principle which states “people in a hierarchy tend to rise to the level of their incompetence”.

劳伦斯·彼得博士(Laurence J. Peter)于1969年在经典的讽刺讽刺著作《彼得原理》中提出了彼得原理,该原理指出“等级制度中的人往往会变得无能为力”。

I do not believe that Peter principle is a universal phenomenon — there are many highly competent people across organisations who exemplify true leadership, serve as role models for many, and give us hope of a better future. They operate with a growth mindset to develop the skills required in their role through self-awareness and openness to feedback and learning.

我不认为彼得原则是普遍现象,而是组织中有许多能干的人在表彰真正的领导才能,为许多人树立榜样,并给我们带来更美好未来的希望。 他们以成长的心态运作,通过自我意识以及对反馈和学习的开放性来发展其角色所需的技能。

Yet, it does serve as a reminder that there is a large part of our workforce which is effected by the Peter Principle. How else can we explain being around more bad bosses than good ones in our life, people who have been shouldered with more responsibility than they can handle?

但是,这确实提醒我们,我们的很大一部分员工受到彼得原则的影响。 我们还有什么办法可以解释,在我们的生活中,与好老板相比,坏老板多于好老板?

Then again, from below, in the great heavy stack,Came a groan from that plain little turtle named Mack.‘Your Majesty, please…I don’t like to complain,But down here below, we are feeling great pain.I know, up on top you are seeing great sights,But down at the bottom we, too should have rights.We turtles can’t stand it. Our shells will all crack!Besides, we need food. We are starving!’ groaned Mack.

再从下面,在沉重的一堆中,从那只叫Mack的普通乌龟那里gro吟出来。“ Y下,请……我不想抱怨,但是在下面,我们感到非常痛苦。我知道,在顶部您会看到美丽的景色,但在底部我们也应该拥有权利。我们的海龟无法忍受。 我们的贝壳都会破裂!此外,我们还需要食物。 我们饿了! Mac吟的麦克。

—Dr. Seuss, Yertle the Turtle,

博士 苏斯,龟龟,

促销如何叠加的现实 (The Reality of How Promotions Are Stacked Up)

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As much as leaders and organisations like to believe that they promote people by logic and merit, they do not.


Promotion is a bet placed on people with high performance without regard for their potential. It’s the hope that the person will rise to the occasion and embrace responsibility, while failing to consider whether that person is suited to the role or even interested in it.

晋升是对高绩效人才的赌注,而不论其潜力如何。 希望这个人能挺身而出,承担起责任,而又不会考虑这个人是否适合这个角色,甚至对此不感兴趣。

The assumption that just because a person is doing well in their current role, they will also do wonders at the next level is inherently flawed.


Here’s the testament to our broken promotion system.


1.网络效应 (1. Networking Effect)

Connections within our network, inside or outside our organisation, play a significant role in our ability to climb up the corporate ladder.


People switch companies, move across divisions, and even shift their area of expertise based on trust placed on them by a person with power. Influential people who sponsor others for higher and better positions have the effect of pulling them up.

人们切换公司,跨部门移动,甚至根据有权力的人对他们的信任来转移他们的专业领域。 有影响力的人会赞助别人争取更高和更好的职位,因此有能力将他们提升。

The right network and the ability to manipulate it can give leeway to people to rise to the level of their ineffectiveness. By being agreeable or aggressive as the situation demands, they use the power of their network to rise in their role.

正确的网络及其操纵网络的能力可以给人们留出更多的空间,使他们的无效程度上升。 通过根据情况的要求达成一致或积极进取,他们利用网络的力量来提升自己的作用。

By developing a strong network, people can gain invaluable access to knowledge, expertise, and influence. Extensive research demonstrates that people with rich networks achieve higher performance ratings, get promoted faster, and earn more money

通过建立强大的网络,人们可以获得宝贵的知识,专业知识和影响力。 广泛的研究表明,拥有丰富网络的人可以获得更高的性能评级,得到更快的晋升,并赚取更多的钱

— Adam Grant, Give And Take


Without the ability to fulfil the demands of their role or the desire to learn how to be effective in it, these people rise to the level of their incompetence — a perfect demonstration of the Peter Principle.


2.宜人系数 (2. Likability Factor)

Until algorithms take over human decisions, we will continue to be biased in our decisions towards others.


Cognitive biases like fundamental attribution error, recency bias, confirmation bias, and many others, play a huge role in our personal opinions of others, which then drives whether we consider someone worthy of promotion or not.

诸如基本归因错误,新近度偏见, 确认偏见等许多认知偏见在我们对他人的个人看法中扮演着重要角色,这进而驱动着我们是否认为某人值得晋升。

Without our conscious awareness, we tend to promote people we like. The likability factor alone can be such a big influence on our decisions that it can make us ignore warning signs that point us in a different direction. We stick with what we know and reject evidence that contradicts our beliefs.

如果没有意识,我们就会提拔喜欢的人。 光是讨人喜欢的因素就可能对我们的决策产生巨大影响,以至于我们可以忽略指向我们方向不同的警告信号。 我们坚持我们所知道的,拒绝与我们的信念相矛盾的证据。

Once promoted, we turn a blind eye to the incompetence of the people we promoted instead of making an attempt to correct our mistakes.


3.会员卡 (3. Loyalty Card)

Ever heard “stay in the company long enough and you’re sure to rise through the ranks”? Well, it’s true.

有没有听说过“在公司呆了足够长的时间,并且您肯定会升职”? 好吧,这是真的。

There’s a hidden incentive system built into our organisations that rewards people by promoting them based on loyalty to the organisation.


Promotions built on the foundation of loyalty card flex the criteria used to make a promotion decision. The time spent by the person within the organisation, and in a specific role in itself, becomes a criterion for moving them to the next level.

建立在会员卡基础上的促销活动可以制定做出促销决定的标准。 人员在组织中所花费的时间以及本身在特定角色中所花费的时间成为将他们提升到下一个层次的标准。

The fact that they are doing well in their current role along with their loyalty to the organisation is the justification for disregarding their competence at the next level.


4.机会与运气博弈 (4. Game of Opportunity and Luck)

People do not reach a certain position purely on the basis of their hard work. There’s always an element of opportunity and luck that twists the situation in their favour.

人们不能仅凭自己的辛勤工作就到达某个位置。 总会有机会和运气使形势对他们有利。

Simply by having the right opportunity at the right time and the mindset to grab it, some people may occupy positions that are not fit for them and even damaging to those around them.


It may seem completely fair from their perspective to take it on as no one rejects a good opportunity. The problem is with the lack of responsibility and accountability to do what it takes to be useful in their role.

从他们的角度来看,接受这一点似乎是完全公平的,因为没有人会拒绝一个好机会。 问题在于缺乏责任心和责任心去做对他们的角色有用的事情。

The lack of self-awareness in how they fulfil their role and refusal to change by uncovering their blind spots can turn them into an incompetent leader/manager.


5.下一个层次的潜力 (5. Potential at the Next Level)

In all fairness, few organisations and leaders do consider potential before deciding to promote. It’s still a bet, but one taken seriously by establishing clear expectations from the role, providing the necessary resources to succeed and having regular checkpoints to make sure the person is proceeding in the right direction.

公平地说,很少有组织和领导者在决定晋升之前确实考虑了潜力。 这仍然是一个赌注,但要认真对待,要从角色中建立明确的期望,提供成功所需的必要资源,并定期设立检查站以确保此人朝正确的方向前进。

It requires a leadership mindset which doesn’t consider promoting someone as the end of their responsibility, but rather the beginning.


It’s a small slice of the bigger pie and unless we take responsibility to fix the majority, we will continue to be surrounded by bad bosses who have a damaging effect on their teams and people around them.


忽视彼得原则的代价 (The Price of Ignoring the Peter Principle)

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The Peter principle tells us something about the psychology of the human mind. We’re drawn towards charismatic and confident people who seem to have all the answers and consider not knowing to be a sign of weakness.

彼得原理告诉我们有关人类心理的一些知识。 我们被那些似乎拥有所有答案并考虑不知道自己是软弱迹象的有魅力和自信的人所吸引。

This factor itself makes us favour and trust people in higher positions with superficial attributes that have nothing to do with their ability to be useful in their role.


The Peter principle then has a larger implication towards how our cultures and societies are structured and the mentality within our groups that puts such people in these positions.


The problem is not that people in these positions are incompetent, it’s rather their lack of awareness and willingness to seek feedback and bring about a change. With awareness, they can take measures to commit to learning and establish competence in their role.

问题不在于这些职位的人没有能力,而是他们缺乏意识和寻求反馈并带来变革的意愿。 有了意识,他们就可以采取措施致力于学习并建立自己的角色能力。

Self-awareness enables us to stand apart and examine even the way we “see” ourselves-our self-paradigm, the most fundamental paradigm of effectiveness. It affects not only our attitudes and behaviors, but also how we see other people. It becomes our map of the basic nature of mankind

自我意识使我们能够脱颖而出,甚至可以检验我们“看待”自己的方式-我们的自我范式,即最基本的有效性范式。 它不仅影响我们的态度和行为,还影响我们如何看待他人。 它成为我们人类基本本性的地图

— Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

—斯蒂芬·科维(Stephen R. Covey),高效人才的七个习惯

So, even if you are one of the lucky ones who’s surrounded by great bosses (or you happen to be one) and do not see the pain and misery of those who have to deal with bad bosses, remember that the downside of ignoring the Peter principle is too high. The moral responsibility starts with you.

因此,即使您是被大老板们包围的幸运者之一(或者您恰巧是其中之一),却没有看到那些不得不与坏老板打交道的人的痛苦和痛苦,请记住,忽视彼得的缺点原理太高了。 道德责任从您开始。

克服彼得原则:不要被哄到晋升陷阱中 (Overcome the Peter Principle: Don’t Be Coaxed Into the Promotion Trap)

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Visualise a world in which a person’s passion for their work carries more weight than their title, where promotion is not viewed as a mere rise in status and money, but rather is considered as a responsibility to ourselves and the people we serve.


Can we enable the shift from assuming promotion as a necessity to it being a choice?


个人的责任 (Personal Responsibility)

Rejecting a promotion is not adopting a fixed mindset, being fearful to take on responsibilities, or a sign of incompetence. It signifies having a strong sense of awareness of where you stand, what you want and having a plan to get there in a way that seems right.

拒绝晋升并不是采取固定的心态,害怕承担责任或无能的迹象。 它表示您对自己的立场,想要的事物有强烈的意识,并计划以一种看起来正确的方式到达那里。

When someone considers you for a higher position based on the trust they have in your abilities, it should be used as a cue to evaluate your options, instead of assuming that position.


Accepting a promotion is a conscious choice to do work you enjoy by establishing an understanding of the demands of the new role. It involves asking if it is something you want, whether you ready for it, and then committing to making a choice by being honest with yourself.

接受升职是通过对新职位要求的理解来做您喜欢的工作的自觉选择。 它涉及询问是否是您想要的东西,是否准备就绪,然后承诺对自己诚实以做出选择。

If you do embrace the challenge and realise later that you’re not fit for it, have the courage to go back to what you love. And yes, it may seem like a demotion in the short term, but it will be much better than suffering daily in a role that you do not enjoy.

如果您确实接受了挑战,后来又意识到自己不适合挑战,请勇于回到自己喜欢的地方。 是的,从短期看,这似乎是一种降级,但比起每天都因不喜欢的角色而遭受痛苦要好得多。

If not for yourself, do it for the people who trusted you with it and others who report to you and deserve to have someone who’s 100% committed to it.


As individuals, we tend to climb to our levels of incompetence. We behave as though up is better and more is better, and yet all around us we see the tragic victims of this mindless escalation.

作为个人,我们倾向于攀升到无能为力的水平。 我们的举止似乎更好,更多更好。然而,在我们周围,我们仍然看到这种无意识升级的悲剧性受害者。

— Dr. Laurence J. Peter


Say no to being a bad boss yourself by choosing not to rise to the level of your incompetence. Say no to the Peter principle.

对自己说自己不当坏老板,要选择不让自己变得无能为力。 对“彼得”原则说不。

组织责任 (Organisational Responsibility)

An organisation in which competition prevails over collaboration, title carries more weight than the value produced, and people spend more time in building an image as opposed to investing their time in doing real work, there will be a propensity to promote incompetent people to higher positions.


Such organisations cannot eliminate the Peter principle without a cultural change. A change in which performance is rewarded based on true value generated by the employee and promotion is granted based on potential and alignment to the expectations of the new role.

如果没有文化上的改变,这些组织就无法消除彼得原则。 根据员工产生的真实价值来奖励绩效的变化,并根据潜力和与新角色的期望保持一致来授予晋升。

Shift from telling people, “You have been promoted to […]”


To asking, “We were considering you for […]. Do you think this is the right role for you?”

问:“我们正在考虑您的[…]。 您认为这是适合您的角色吗?”

正确的道路 (The Right Path)

In the end, you have to make a choice. At some point in your career, you will find a fork in the road — one path will lead to promotion and another to unexplored possibilities. Only you can determine what’s the right path for you.

最后,您必须做出选择。 在您的职业生涯的某个时刻,您会发现路途中的叉子–一种道路将导致升职,而另一条道路将导致未开发的可能性。 只有您才能确定适合您的正确路径。

Promotion is a trust, a responsibility to rise to the occasion while staying true to yourself and those you serve. Be the creator of your own path without being influenced by what others feel is the right thing to do.

晋升是一种信任,是一种责任感,能够时刻保持对自己和所服务对象的忠诚。 成为自己的道路的创造者,而不受他人的影响是正确的选择。

摘要 (Summary)

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翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/surprising-truth-about-promotions-95ab4877c732






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