
Dynamic model and adaptive controller for a differential steered (unicycle-like) mobile robot

These files allow the simulation of a differential steered (unicycle-like) mobile robot considering its complete dynamic model. Although not required, the blocks were built to be compatible with Peter Corke's Robotics Toolbox, so the user can make use of the toolbox functions.

Sets of dynamic parameters are available for the following robots (obtained via identification):

- Pioneer 3 with Sick LASER sensor;

- Pioneer 3 without LASER sensor;

- Pioneer 2 without on-board computer (no LASER sensor);

- Pioneer 2 with on-board computer (no LASER sensor);

- Robotic wheelchair carrying a 55kg person;

- Robotic wheelchair carrying a 125kg person.

Four examples are provided:

1. "kinematic_controller_system.slx": implements a simple trajectory tracking controller using both kinematic and dynamic blocks of the differential drive mobile robot.

2. "dynamic_controller_system.slx": implements a more complex system that includes an adaptive dynamic compensation controller and the trajectory tracking controller. The system also has Band-Limited White Noise blocks to add some noise to the measured values of linear velocity, angular velocity and robot position (x,y).

Note: After running "kinematic_controller_system.slx" or "dynamic_controller_system.slx" simulations you can check the results calling the script "plot_results.m".

3. "sl_lanechange_unicycle.slx": implements the same system as the Robotics Toolbox "sl_lanechange", but using the kinematic model of the differential steered mobile robot.

4. "sl_lanechange_unicycle_dynamics.slx": implements the same system as the Robotics Toolbox "sl_lanechange", but using the kinematic and the dynamic models of the differential steered mobile robot.

If you are using Peter Corke's Robotics Toolbox, you might want to copy all files, specially "DiffSteer_model.slx" and "Controllers.slx" to the "...\rvctools\simulink" folder.

All blocks were tested in MATLAB R2012b (MATLAB Version:, Simulink Version 8.0) and R2013a (MATLAB Version:, Simulink Version 8.1) running on Windows 7.

Copy all files to a desired folder. The files include two libraries:

- "DiffSteer_model.slx": Library that contains the kinematic and dynamic blocks of the differential-drive mobile robot.

- "Controllers.slx": Library that contais the following blocks:

a) trajectory tracking kinematic controller;

b) dynamic compensation controller 1;

c) dynamic compensation controller 2;

d) dynamic parameters estimator (for adaptive controllers);

e) trajectory generator;

f) performance calculator (IAE, ITAE, ISE, ITSE and energy indexes).


Author: Felipe Nascimento Martins

Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espirito Santo - IFES

NERA - Núcleo de Estudos em Robótica e Automação


Blog sobre robótica:

Based on a prior work by Felipe Nascimento Martins and Wanderley Cardoso Celeste

UFES - Federal University of Espirito Santo, BRAZIL


For detailed information on the system, please refer to the following papers and thesis:

MARTINS, F. N., Celeste, W. C., Carelli, R., Sarcinelli-Filho, M. and

Bastos-Filho, T. F. An Adaptive Dynamic Controller for Autonomous Mobile Robot

Trajectory Tracking. Control Engineering Practice, v. 16, p. 1354–1363, 2008.

doi: 10.1016/j.conengprac.2008.03.004

MARTINS, F. N., Carelli, R., Sarcinelli-Filho, M. and Bastos-Filho, T. F.

Dynamic Modeling and Adaptive Dynamic Compensation for Unicycle-Like

Mobile Robots. 14th International Conference on Advanced Robotics -

ICAR 2009, Germany, June, 22-26, 2009.

Thesis: "Modelagem e Compensacao da Dinamica de Robos Moveis e sua

Aplicacao em Controle de Formacao". Felipe Nascimento Martins. Tese de

Doutorado em Engenharia Eletrica - Automacao. UFES, 2009.





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