2017.04.18 Niryo One-比较靠谱的开源的ROS机器人学习模式

Niryo One, an open source 6 axis robotic arm, just for you

Niryo One is an accessible connected 6 axis robotic arm, powered by Arduino, Raspberry Pi and ROS. Use it at home, at work, at school !

About this project

Why Niryo One ?

Industrial robots improve every year. They become more powerful and more precise. However, their price is still very high and they are only available for big industrial factories. If you want to get a robotic arm for your home, your school, or your small company, you will have to spend between 20,000 $ and 200,000 $, and most companies will not even bother selling a robot to you.

Our goal is to make robotics accessible for everyone. For us, accessible means two things : low cost and user friendly.We have the dream that everyone can learn robotics and have a better life with a desktop robotic arm.

What is Niryo One ? - Quick overview


Niryo One is an accessible 6 axis robotic arm, made for makers, education, and small companies.

The robot is 3D printed and powered by Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Robot Operating System. STL files and code on the robot will be open source after the first shipments.

Niryo One is also the first industrial-like robot, connected to your home and to the Internet !

More than a product, we are building a complete set of cloud services around Niryo One, and a community around open source projects.

Niryo One, For who ?

We first developed Niryo One for makers and robotics enthusiasts.



Why 6 axis ?

Having 6 axis, Niryo One can grab anything in its area, with any given orientation

With 6 axis, you can draw on a vertical board, or any non horizontal surface. In reality, the things you want to pick with your robot are not always on a flat surface, and on the ground. This is a huge limitation, but not for Niryo One.

Most industrial robots (in car factories, for example) are 6 axis robotic arms, because they are the most efficient robots known for now. Having a six axis robotic arm, you can easily reproduce industrial use-cases, without having to sell your house or your car !



Niryo One, for which applications ?

Endless number of applications are possible by using Niryo One.

Pick and place objects with a suction pump, a gripper, or an electromagnet tool :


Automate your 3D printer :


Drill :


Play with your kids :


Hold a game contest :


Get some help for cooking :


With Niryo One, break the rules !

The great thing with Niryo One, is that the number of useful applications will always grow. We, on our side, develop as many as we can, so you will be able to do useful stuff, have fun, or learn.

By being open source, we also let you, and the community, develop more use cases and functionalities ! We'd be very happy if we can work on his project, hand in hand with the community to make a product which is evolving with people needs.

You want to create your own tool, adapt some parts on the code, add new piece of software to use with your product, and share with Niryo community ? Go ahead ! We strongly encourage people to do that. If you don't feel like creating new features by yourself, you can also check out what other people invented.

To encourage this, we will often organize contests, and expose the best projects created with Niryo One. If you want to contribute to the project, we will welcome your efforts and why not, add your new functionality in the robot.

Niryo One, how to use it ?


You can control Niryo One with many interfaces and tools. Everyone can find its way, from a child to an advanced developer.

Learning mode : Just move the robot around with your hands, it will then go to all saved positions (close loop control). A great way to teach the robot what to do, and when you don't feel using a mobile or computer.

This mode will also allow students and children to use Niryo One, without knowing anything about robots or computers. They can learn some basics mechanical principles, and get to know more about how robots are working.

Control Niryo One with a joystick (xbox or playstation controller). You can choose position mode (x,y,z, and orientation of the end effector tool), or joint mode (control each axis independently)



G-code (currently in development) :

Niryo One can also receive G-code instructions. It means you can use the robot as a CNC machine. This feature is currently being developed, and will be integrated as well in the web & mobile application.

Web and mobile application :


Control Niryo One directly with a web (any browser) or mobile (android, iOS) application. You can use it to replay some sequences, like the one that you saved with the "learning mode".

You can also create or modify you own movement sequence ! Just give some values to the robot (coordinates or joint angle) and the robot will move to the target point. You can easily adjust to reach the point you want, then save, and play it again and again.

Niryo Cloud Service : (free beta access when you pledge for Niryo One)


Web and mobile applications will be both connected to the robot and to the Internet (Niryo cloud service). That way you can switch from web to mobile, or mobile to web, and keep everything synchronized !

By using the Niryo mobile or web application, you can see, from all over the world, what is the state of your robot, and you can control it to do whatever you want. More freedom, more possibilities !

You can share the program you created with the online community, so others can execute the same program on their Niryo One. As sharing is two way, you also have the possibility to download programs made by people around the world. Let's say you want your robot to do a specific task, and someone already did that. The only thing you need to do is to download the program, launch it, and watch it happen !


At first we will deploy a cloud service so you can :

Share programs with other users

Control the robot from anywhere

Plan your robot tasks

Stream video so you can remotely see tasks execution

Apply automatic and free software updates on the robot

We want to build this cloud service around people's needs, and take any suggestion to make it the best it can be. That's why we will positively welcome any feedback from you. Beta version will be launched in September, and you'll get a free access to it if you pledge for a robot.

As the code on the robot will be open source, every time we develop new features, you will be able to see them on github, and when they are released, you will be able to easily upgrade your Niryo One with the mobile/web application.

Get free upgrades :

If you purchase Niryo One you will get a free software upgrade every time we release a new core functionality. You robot will always improve over time !

How to assemble Niryo One (Full Kit) :

We will provide easy to follow instructions so everyone can assemble Niryo One. Depending on your maker skills, it can take between 1 and 3 hours to get your Niryo One standing and ready to use.

For makers :

Niryo One is a robot made by makers, for makers.

We've created a reward category just for you ! By pledging for the Maker Kit (more info in "reward section" below), you'll get a full Niryo One kit, without the 3D printed parts, so you can print them by yourself. Once kits are shipped you'll get STL files, so you can fully customize your robot, and share your amazing looking Niryo One with us and the community !

You will also be able to create new end effector tools, for even more use cases !

For education :

Technology is everywhere. Children and students are more and more using new technology in school and everyday life.

We want to help student learn about new technologies in fields like mechanical design, electronics, computer programming, artificial intelligence, ...

We know that studying robotics with no robot is boring for students. You just learn some abstract concepts and don't know what to do with them, or how they apply in real life robots.

With Niryo One, we aim to provide a low cost robot for schools and universities, to teach new technologies, from mechanics to artificial intelligence. Students will be able to experiment on a real system, so they will learn faster as the learning path is more rewarding.

Plus, this is also great for teaching some physics basics. You can learn concepts like gravity or inertia, and have a real experimentation to better understand those concepts.

We also thought about children technological education. Maybe they don't give much attention about physics and computer science yet. But they love playing with robots !

Our children are, or will be surrounded by new technologies. Many schools are preparing for this, and already adapted their structure to give a better technology education.

With Niryo One, kids will be more willing to discover new technologies. With the help of their parent, they can learn what is a robot, how it is working, and what it is used for.


And that's not all : they can use the web and mobile application to learn basic programming. We are integrating blockly in Niryo App, so children can learn programming with graphical blocks and see their program executed on the robot.


We believe that programming on a real physical system is much more rewarding and helps people understand faster.

For developers :

If you want to go deeper and directly program on the robot, you can too ! Some users will prefer programming instead of using a pad or a web application.

Programming on the robot gives you more freedom. We will provide APIs at different levels :

Arduino : if you just want to send program to the motors controller

Raspberry Pi with ROS : You will be able to program the robot using Python or C++

You can get access to the Raspberry Pi 3 board with ssh, websockets, web server (all 3 with Wi-Fi connection), or bluetooth interface. We want to allow everyone, with different levels of skill, to develop on Niryo One.

If you want to learn robotics with Arduino, Raspberry Pi and ROS, then you are in the right place !

The code on the robot will be open source, so you can see what's going on under the hood and how things are working on a real industrial-like robot. For more advanced users, you can also modify some parts, and share your progress with the community.

You can also use a Python API to create your own scripts running directly on the robot, so you can learn robotics and customize Niryo One for any specific use case. We will provide a set ofeasy-to-use libraries.

We will also set up an online forum, so you can interact with the Niryo community to find answers or to show the cool stuff you've made.

Learn robotics with Arduino. Get to know how to :

Control stepper and servo motors

Asynchronously handle external communication, sensors inputs, and actuator outputs

  • Use RAMPS 1.4 shield with an Arduino Mega for a 3D printer or a robotic arm

Learn robotics with Raspberry Pi. Get to know how to :

Program with Python and C++

Use GPIO pins for sensors or actuators

Communicate with an Arduino board

Use communication protocols such as I2C, SPI or Serial

  • Communicate with a web server and a web/mobile application

For ROS students or users :

When you want to learn or use ROS, you have two choices : get into a company or a university which has already bought an expensive robot, or use a simulation software, like Gazebo.

In either way you don't own the robot, so you can't have full control, and using a robot in real life is much more interesting than in a simulator tool.

With Niryo One, we give you a third option : get one industrial-like robot at home, with a complete ROS stack (using rosbridge, Moveit, …) running on the Raspberry Pi 3 board. The ROS code will be released after the first shipments of the product. You will have full access to it, for free. More info here about how we use ROS on Niryo One.

You will be able to learn about ROS basics, how to communicate beetwen a non-ROS system (web application) and a ROS system, handle hardware control with ROS, motion planning, sensor data analyze, and many more.

If we hit the Kickstarter goal, we will provide a complete set of Youtube tutorials to help you learn ROS with Niryo One. By doing this we want to bring accessible robots for ROS users, so you can learn faster, and with a real physical system.

Technical details :

The structure of Niryo One is made out of 3D printed parts. At Niryo we do love 3D printing, it allows us to make more prototypes faster, so we can always improve and make the best possible final product.

Here's a shot of 5 prototypes before the current version. As you can see, a lot of improvements have been made over time :

After some tests we found that 3D printed parts can be very robust, and those are great for the evolution of the project. We can easily improve one part without changing everything in the production line.

Here are all the parts included in Niryo One :

We use 5 steppers motors to move the 4th first axis, and 2 servomotors to move the 5th and 6th axis.

All axis are closed-loop controlled, using magnetic sensors for stepper motors, and analog input for servo motors. For example, this is very useful for the learning mode, so you can teach the robot what to do, and it can know itself its position at any time.

Now comes the control of the robot. We use an Arduino Mega board with a RAMPS 1.4 shield to control and supply power to all the motors.

On top of that, we added a Raspberry Pi 3 board. Why this board ? Well, the Raspberry Pi 3 is a real and complete computer. Arduino is a little bit limited when it comes to complicated computations. We run ROS (Robot Operating system) on the Raspberry PI 3 board to provide a simulation of the robot, advanced computations, and an interface to web and mobile applications. Moreover, the Raspberry Pi 3 board will allow Niryo One to be 100% autonomous. You will not need to always plug a computer to control the robot. It will be connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi, so you can control the robot from any place in the world.


End effector tools :

We've developed 7 tools you can use with Niryo One. You can easily switch a tool in less than 5 seconds. Just unplug, plug, and you're ready to go ! (More info about the tools and how to get them below)









Shipping costs will be tacked on at checkout. Additional import duty or VAT may apply at time of delivery.

We offer free shipping for France !

Add tools to your pledge :

When pledging to get a Niryo One, you also get a free gripper (gripper 1) !

If you want to add one or multiple tools to your pledge, just add the required amount (shipment is free for tools). To do that, just click on "manage" after you have pledged. After the end of this Kickstarter campaign, we'll send you a survey so you can precise which tools (+quantity) you ordered. Just pick any tool, with any quantity, so you can fully customize your pledge !

For 179 €, you get all the tools, and you save 41€ !

Gripper 1 : (already included with each Niryo One)

This gripper is perfect for picking objects with strength. This is a gripper which can handle a lot of standard manipulations.

Specs :

  • Weight : 86 g
  • Picking distance from end effector base : 40 mm
  • Length (gripper closed) : 80 mm
  • Max opening width : 30 mm
  • Servo motor included



Gripper 2 :

This gripper allows you to pick more larger objects. The 2 fingers always stay parallel, which ensure that the object won't slide forward. You can also precisely pick tiny and more distant objects.

Specs :

  • Weight : 95 g
  • Picking distance from end effector base : 80 mm
  • Length (gripper closed) : 120 mm
  • Max opening width : 65 mm
  • Servo motor included


Gripper 3 :

With this gripper you can pick objects that are harder to pick with other kind of grippers, ex : round objects, cup of tea, apple, egg. You can be sure that the object will be smoothly picked and always in the center of the fingers. This gripper is perfect for dealing with fragile items, or when the shape is too uncommon. You can also pick hollow objects on the inside.

Specs :

  • Weight : 105 g
  • Picking distance from end effector base : 65 mm
  • Length (gripper closed) : 130mm
  • Opening Width max: 70 mm
  • Servo motor included


Electromagnet grove :

With this tool Niryo One can easily pick and place very small metallic pieces (multiple ones can be picked at the same time), which is very hard with any gripper, because grasping such pieces is not practical.

Specs :

  • Weight : 37 g
  • Operating Voltage : 5 VCC
  • Operating Current : 200 mA
  • Max weight lifted : 500 g


Silent Vacuum Pump :

A vacuum pump is very efficient for fast and reliable pick and place, and allows you to pick some objects that a normal gripper can't pick. Ex : take out the cover of a flat box, move soda cans from the top, pick and place large objects with a flat surface.

Most vacuum pumps are making so much noise, you just can't stand and work near the robot, it is too disturbing. The pump we've developed is different : it's operating silently, with the same efficiency as a vacuum pump, for the same price. A servomotor actuates a syringe which pumps the air out. We've also made a custom Niryo box for this vacuum pump !

Specs :

  • Weight : 10 g (on the end effector tool)
  • Suction cup diameter : 20 mm
  • Max weight lifted (non-porous surface) : 350 g
  • Comes with a servo motor


Pen holder :

The pen holder allows you to draw with any pen. You can easily adapt the tool to match the pen diameter. Niryo One can draw on any surface, with any orientation, thanks to its 6 axis.

Specs :

  • Weight (without pen) : 20g
  • Pen diameter : 8-17 mm (pen not included)


DC motor : (not for children)

The DC motor allows you to add new functionalities to Niryo One : you can drill, sand down, or any other use case requiring a fast end effector tool rotation. We provide 3 drill bits, you can use any other you already have in your workshop.

Specs :

  • Weight : 117 g
  • Speed rotation : 13,000 rpm
  • DC 12V, 0,8A
  • Mandrel diameter : 0.5 - 3.0 mm



Team :

We are French engineers who want to democratize robotics. We want to use the technical skills we have to make latest technologies accessible for everyone.

As makers ourself, we love 3D printing, Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Those are great to learn robotics, with the help of the online community. We want to go a step further, by embed those technologies and electronics platforms in Niryo One, to show to the world that, yes, we can make a real useful product with 3D printing, Arduino and Raspberry Pi. We hope that more people will be interested in learning these technologies when seeing what our robot can do, so it will reinforce the community around robotics projects.

Building a community of passionate people, helping students to learn robotics, introducing technology to children, giving more chances for small companies to compete in a tough market, are some of the goals we have.

And we do not want to accomplish those goals alone. It's not all about us. It's about you and us, making a better project together, for the people who need it.

That's why we are coming now on Kickstarter, because we believe that we can make robotics accessible faster if we support each other.


Why we need you :

As we've already explained, Niryo is a community project. We are planning to be present online, with a forum, a github repository, more videos, some contests, some user showcases. For this, we need your help. Not only to pledge, but also to spread the word, be part of the community to build a nice and big robotics project, and make it matters in people's daily life.









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