我的投资哲学My Investment Philosophy

I have been immersed in the world of investments, particularly focusing on the NASDAQ 100 ETF, for approximately one year. Currently, the NASDAQ 100 is approaching its historical peak, and I find myself experiencing a sense of excitement. Eleven months ago, I was uncertain about the direction of the financial market—whether it would rise or fall—but time has since provided a clear answer.

I have often pondered a fundamental question: What constitutes the core of investment? Is it a form of gambling, a strategic game, or simply luck? Perhaps, if someone had posed this question to me five or ten years ago, I might not have had a concrete answer. However, today, the essence of investment, in my view, lies in value creation. Without the generation of value, investment essentially becomes a gamble, aligning closely with Warren Buffett’s established investment philosophy.

Those familiar with my previous articles are aware that I have faced significant losses in the financial market. Initially, like many novice investors, I aspired for my shares to continually increase, chasing after a bullish market. I lacked a coherent investment philosophy, often seeking out renowned opinions and tips, which proved detrimental to my decision-making. Ultimately, most novice investors experience financial setbacks. The critical distinction lies in whether one learns and adapts or not.

After incurring substantial losses in the financial market, I took a hiatus from trading for nearly a year. During this period, I deliberately diverted my attention away from the financial market. However, deep within, I maintained the belief that investment is an illuminating aspect of our lives, and the pursuit of financial gain is among the most exhilarating endeavors. I consistently asked myself, “Why did I incur such substantial losses? What mistakes did I make? Can I avoid them in the future? What steps should I take moving forward?” Contemplating these questions led me to a pivotal realization—I needed to answer the fundamental question: What is the key to successful investment? The answer, as mentioned earlier, is value creation.

Understanding the key to successful investment is only one facet of the equation. Equally crucial is knowing how to navigate the investment process. Upon revisiting this question, I believe I have found an answer. In terms of priority, from high to low, I prioritize country, era, and industry. Personally, I hold the belief that technology will be the most significant driver of the future. Allow me to elucidate the three dimensions of my investment approach: the USA, the present moment, and technology. In essence, I have selected the technology ETF of the NASDAQ 100 as my primary investment target.

I am uncertain whether you comprehend my perspective, and frankly, I am indifferent to that. If this article prompts even one person to positively change their approach, I would be delighted. The future remains uncertain, but I am confident it will unfold into something more beautiful and promising than today.

I extend my wishes for a prosperous investment journey to everyone.





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