第一部分,原始时间序列SVR + 滑动窗方法
prices = pd.read_csv('../Data/AUD-JPY-2003-2014-day.csv',delimiter=";", header=0, encoding='utf-8', parse_dates=['Date'])
prices.drop(["Open", "High", "Low"],axis = 1, inplace = True)
dates = prices['Date'].copy()
closing_prices = prices['Close'].copy()
#使用 matplotlib 绘制原始时间序列
plt.plot(dates, closing_prices, label='Original series AUD-JPY 2003-2014')
plt.legend(loc = 'best')
SVR + 滑动窗,定义滑动窗函数
def slideWindow(series, window_lenght = 2):
_X, _Y = [], []
aux_Window = sliding_window_view(series, window_lenght+1)
# 将第一个“window_lenght”值作为输入 (X),将最后一个值 (window_lenght+1) 作为输出 (Y)
for i in range(len(aux_Window)):
return _X, _Y
window_lenght = 2
X, Y = slideWindow(closing_prices,window_lenght)
idx_test_date = int(0.75*len(Y)) + window_lenght
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['test_date'])
df['test_date'] = prices['Date'].iloc[idx_test_date:]
拆分并绘制测试数据,将数据拆分为训练集(75%)和测试集(25%),shuffle = False 表示并非随机打乱数据
x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=0.25, random_state=None, shuffle=False)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,1,figsize=(16,8))
ax[0].plot(dates, closing_prices, label='Original')
ax[0].plot(df['test_date'], y_test, label='Values to test the model out',color='orange')
ax[1].plot(df['test_date'], y_test, label='Values to test the model out',color='orange')
ax[0].legend(loc = 'best')
ax[1].legend(loc = 'best')
def evaluateSVR(_x_train,_y_train,_x_test,_y_test, kernel = 'rbf'):
if (kernel == 'rbf'):
clf = svm.SVR(kernel ='rbf', C=1e3, gamma=0.1)
elif (kernel == 'poly'):
clf = svm.SVR(kernel ='poly', C=1e3, degree=2)
clf = svm.SVR(kernel ='linear',C=1e3)
_y_predict = clf.fit(_x_train,_y_train).predict(_x_test)
return _y_predict
y_predict = evaluateSVR(x_train,y_train,x_test,y_test)
plotValuesWt = y_test.copy()
plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 6))
plt.plot(df['test_date'], y_test, label = "Real")
plt.plot(df['test_date'], y_predict, label = "Predicted")
plt.legend(loc = 'best')
第二部分,使用 MODWT 将时间序列分解
使用“sym4”小波,modwt分解为4层(4 个细节系数 (dC) 和 1 个近似系数 (aC))
def applyModwt(_data, type='sym4', _level=3):
_coeff = modwt(_data, type, _level)
return _coeff
level = 4
coeff = applyModwt(closing_prices,type='sym4',_level=level)
#检查系数,一个 len(close_prices) 列和 5 行的数组
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(coeff), 1, figsize=(16, 8))
for i in range(len(coeff)):
if i == len(coeff)-1:
ax[i].plot(coeff[i], label = 'cA[%.0f]'%(i))
ax[i].legend(loc = 'best')
ax[i].plot(coeff[i], label = 'cD[%.0f]'%(i))
ax[i].legend(loc = 'best')
recwt = np.zeros((np.shape(coeff)[0], np.shape(coeff)[1]))
aCdC = coeff.copy()
recwt[level:] = coeff[level]
#只使用 aC 来重建时间序列
dFs = imodwt(recwt,'sym4')
rFs = imodwt(coeff,'sym4')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(4,1,figsize=(16,8))
ax[0].plot(dates, closing_prices, label='Original')
ax[1].plot(dates, rFs, label='Re-constructed (using all coeff)', color = 'green')
ax[2].plot(dates, dFs, label='Re-constructed (using just aC)', color = 'orange')
ax[3].plot(dates, closing_prices, label='Original')
ax[3].plot(dates, dFs, label='Re-constructed (using just aC)', color = 'orange')
ax[0].legend(loc = 'best')
ax[1].legend(loc = 'best')
ax[2].legend(loc = 'best')
ax[3].legend(loc = 'best')
第三部分,使用 SVR 估计小波系数
new_coeff = []
#使用滑动窗口生成 X 和 Y
for i in range(len(aCdC)):
index = int(len(aCdC[i])*0.75)#+ window_lenght
X, Y = slideWindow(aCdC[i], window_lenght=5)
x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=0.25, random_state=None, shuffle=False)
#Evaluating each dC in the SVR function
y_predict = evaluateSVR(x_train,y_train,x_test,y_test)
new_coeff.append(np.concatenate((aCdC[i][:index], y_predict)))
plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 6))
plt.plot(y_test, label = "Real")
plt.plot(y_predict, label = "Predicted")
plt.legend(loc = 'best')
rpFs = imodwt(new_coeff,'sym4')
index = int(len(rpFs)*0.75)#+ window_lenght
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3,1,figsize=(16,8))
ax[0].plot(df['test_date'], plotValuesWt, label='Original')
#使用所有的dC and aC系数重建
ax[1].plot(rpFs[index:] ,label='Re-constructed (using all coeff)', color = 'green')#df['test_date'],
ax[2].plot(df['test_date'], plotValuesWt, label='Original')
ax[2].plot(df['test_date'], rpFs[index:] ,label='Re-constructed (using all coeff)', color = 'green')
ax[0].legend(loc = 'best')
ax[1].legend(loc = 'best')
ax[2].legend(loc = 'best')
print('MSE',mean_squared_error(plotValuesWt, rpFs[index:],squared=False))
def evaluateModel(svr, X, Y, prediction_days, past_days):
X_ = []
Y_ = []
for i in range(prediction_days):
Y_array = np.array([Y_[-1]])
X_array = np.array(X_[-1][-past_days+1:])
X_Y_concat = np.array([np.concatenate((X_array,Y_array))])
X_ = np.concatenate(( X_, X_Y_concat ))
p_value = svr.predict(X_[-1].reshape(1, -1))
Y_ = np.concatenate(( Y_, p_value))
return Y_
def predictValue(past_days = 7, prediction_days = 5, file_Path = 'Data/AUD-JPY-2003-2014-day.csv', dateColName = 'Date',
closingPColName = 'Close', delimiter = ';'):
dates, closing_prices = getDatesAndPrices(file_Path, dateColName, closingPColName, delimiter)
coeff = getCoeffFromSeries(closing_prices)
#使用 SVR 估计系数
predictedCoeff = trainModel(coeff, prediction_days ,past_days)
return predictedCoeff, dates, closing_prices
def getDatesAndPrices(filePath, dateColName, closingPColName, _delimiter):
#从 csv 文件中读取数据
#使用 'parse_dates' 将日期字符串转换为可以使用的对象
prices = pd.read_csv(filePath,delimiter=_delimiter, header=0, encoding='utf-8', parse_dates=[dateColName])
# 定义变量
dates = prices[dateColName].copy()
closing_prices = prices[closingPColName].copy()
return dates, closing_prices
def getCoeffFromSeries(closing_prices):
level = 4
coeff = applyModwt(closing_prices,type='sym4',_level=level)
return coeff
def trainModel(coeff, prediction_days, past_days):
new_coeff = []
print('coeff shape: ',np.shape(coeff))
for i in range(len(coeff)):
firstWindowValues = coeff[i][:past_days]
X, Y = slideWindow(coeff[i], past_days)
svr = svm.SVR(kernel ='rbf', C=1e3, gamma=0.1)
svr.fit(X, Y)
predictCoeff = evaluateModel(svr, X, Y, prediction_days, past_days)
newCoeff_concat = np.concatenate((coeff[i][:-1], predictCoeff))
print('NEW coeff shape: ',np.shape(new_coeff))
return new_coeff
daysToPredict = 7
predictedCoeff, dates, closing_prices = predictValue(prediction_days = daysToPredict)
def plotValues(dates, original, predicted, prediction_days):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3,1,figsize=(16,8))
ax[0].plot(dates, original, label='Original')
#使用dC and aC系数重建
ax[1].plot(predicted ,label='Re-constructed (using all coeff)', color = 'green')
newDates = (addDayToDates(dates, prediction_days))
ax[2].plot(dates, original, label='Original')
ax[2].plot(newDates,predicted ,label='Re-constructed (using all coeff)', color = 'green')
ax[0].legend(loc = 'best')
ax[1].legend(loc = 'best')
ax[2].legend(loc = 'best')
def addDayToDates(dates, prediction_days):
_dates = copy.deepcopy(dates)
lastDate = np.array(_dates)[-1]
for i in range (prediction_days+1):
newDate = pd.to_datetime(lastDate) + pd.DateOffset(days=i)
_dates[len(_dates)-1+i] = newDate
return _dates
rpFs = imodwt(predictedCoeff,'sym4')
plotValues(dates, closing_prices ,rpFs, daysToPredict)
def readData(past_days = 7, prediction_days = 5, file_Path = '../Data/AUD-JPY-2003-2014-day.csv',
dateColName = 'Date', closingPColName = 'Close', delimiter = ';'):
dates, closing_prices = getDatesAndPrices(file_Path, dateColName, closingPColName, delimiter)
return dates, closing_prices
def getApproxCoeffFromSeries(closing_prices):
level = 4
coeff = applyModwt(closing_prices,type='sym4',_level=level)
return coeff
def trainModelApprox(X, Y, past_days):
svr = svm.SVR(kernel ='rbf', C=1e3, gamma=0.1)
svr.fit(X, Y)
return svr
daysToPredict = 7
past_days = 7
level = 4
dates, closing_prices = readData(past_days = past_days, prediction_days = daysToPredict)
# 仅获取近似系数和最后的细节系数
approxCoeff = getApproxCoeffFromSeries(closing_prices)
recwt = np.zeros((np.shape(approxCoeff)[0], np.shape(approxCoeff)[1]))
recwt[(level-1):] = approxCoeff[-2]
recwt[level:] = approxCoeff[-1]
#只使用 aC 来重建时间序列,相当于给金融时间序列降噪了
dFs = imodwt(recwt,'sym4')
X, Y = slideWindow(dFs, past_days)
svr = trainModelApprox(X, Y, daysToPredict)
predictedValues = evaluateModel(svr, X, Y, prediction_days=daysToPredict, past_days=past_days)
rpFs = np.concatenate((dFs, predictedValues[1:]))
plotValues(dates, closing_prices ,rpFs, daysToPredict)
基于最大离散重叠小波变换MODWT和支持向量回归 SVR的金融时间序列预测的步骤大致如此,前面基于滑动窗+SVR的金融序列预测还比较好理解,到小波这边可能就难以理解了,实际上还是各种倒腾小波系数,在每分阶层的小波系数上进行预测,最后再综合,小波分析还是有很大的灵活性的,不管使用近似系数进行预测,还是挑选近似系数+几个细节系数进行预测,并没有一个明确的指导方案,还是要靠自己多试几次。
[3]徐梅. 金融波动分析的小波和频域方法研究[D].天津大学,2004.