// running.c -- A useful program for runners
#include <stdio.h>
const int S_PER_M = 60; // seconds in a minute
const int S_PER_H = 3600; // seconds in an hour
const double M_PER_K = 0.62137; // miles in a kilometer
int main(void)
double distk, distm; // distance run in km and in miles
double rate; // average speed in mph
int min, sec; // minutes and seconds of running time
int time; // running time in seconds only
double mtime; // time in seconds for one mile
int mmin, msec; // minutes and seconds for one mile
printf("This program converts your time for a metric race\n");
printf("to a time for running a mile and to your average\n");
printf("speed in miles per hour.\n");
printf("Please enter, in kilometers, the distance run.\n");
scanf("%lf", &distk); // %lf for type double
printf("Next enter the time in minutes and seconds.\n");
printf("Begin by entering the minutes.\n");
scanf("%d", &min);
printf("Now enter the seconds.\n");
scanf("%d", &sec);
// converts time to pure seconds
time = S_PER_M * min + sec;
// converts kilometers to miles
distm = M_PER_K * distk;
// miles per sec x sec per hour = mph
rate = distm / time * S_PER_H;
// time/distance = time per mile
mtime = (double) time / distm;
mmin = (int) mtime / S_PER_M; // find whole minutes
msec = (int) mtime % S_PER_M; // find remaining seconds
printf("You ran %1.2f km (%1.2f miles) in %d min, %d sec.\n",
distk, distm, min, sec);
printf("That pace corresponds to running a mile in %d min, ",
printf("%d sec.\nYour average speed was %1.2f mph.\n",msec,
return 0;
/* 输出: