【SAM系列】RefSAM: Efficiently Adapting Segmenting Anything Model for Referring Video Object Segmentatio

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Inside the C++ Object Model focuses on the underlying mechanisms that support object-oriented programming within C++: constructor semantics, temporary generation, support for encapsulation, inheritance, and "the virtuals"--virtual functions and virtual inheritance. This book shows how your understanding the underlying implementation models can help you code more efficiently and with greater confidence. Lippman dispells the misinformation and myths about the overhead and complexity associated with C++, while pointing out areas in which costs and trade offs, sometimes hidden, do exist. He then explains how the various implementation models arose, points out areas in which they are likely to evolve, and why they are what they are. He covers the semantic implications of the C++ object model and how that model affects your programs. Highlights *Explores the program behavior implicit in the C++ Object Model's support of object-oriented programming. *Explains the basic implementation of the object-oriented features and the trade offs implicit in those features. *Examines the impact on performance in terms of program transformation.* Provides abundant program examples, diagrams, and performance measurements to relate object-oriented concepts to the underlying object model. If you are a C++ programmer who desires a fuller understanding of what is going on "under the hood," then Inside the C++ Object Model is for you! Get a value-added service! Try out all the examples from this book at www.codesaw.com. CodeSaw is a free online learning tool that allows you to experiment with live code from your book right in your browser.
Inside the C++ Object Model focuses on the underlying mechanisms that support object-oriented programming within C++: constructor semantics, temporary generation, support for encapsulation, inheritance, and "the virtuals"--virtual functions and virtual inheritance. This book shows how your understanding the underlying implementation models can help you code more efficiently and with greater confidence. Lippman dispells the misinformation and myths about the overhead and complexity associated with C++, while pointing out areas in which costs and trade offs, sometimes hidden, do exist. He then explains how the various implementation models arose, points out areas in which they are likely to evolve, and why they are what they are. He covers the semantic implications of the C++ object model and how that model affects your programs.Highlights<ul><li>Explores the program behavior implicit in the C++ Object Model's support of object-oriented programming.</li><li>Explains the basic implementation of the object-oriented features and the trade offs implicit in those features.</li><li>Examines the impact on performance in terms of program transformation.</li><li>Provides abundant program examples, diagrams, and performance measurements to relate object-oriented concepts to the underlying object model.</li></ul><p>If you are a C++ programmer who desires a fuller understanding of what is going on "under the hood," then Inside the C++ Object Model is for you! <p> Get a value-added service! Try out all the examples from this book at www.codesaw.com. CodeSaw is a free online learning tool that allows you to experiment with live code from your book right in your browser.
an an iterative solver is a method that solves a problem by repeatedly refining an initial guess until a desired accuracy is achieved. It is typically used for models with large and complex systems of equations, where it is difficult or time-consuming to solve the problem directly. On the other hand, a direct solver directly computes the exact solution to a problem by solving the equations in a single step. It is typically used for models with smaller and less complex systems of equations, where the computational cost of solving the problem directly is reasonable. In the case of this model, an iterative solver was chosen. This decision was likely made based on the nature and complexity of the equations involved. Iterative solvers are known for their ability to handle large and complex systems of equations more efficiently than direct solvers. They can provide approximate solutions with acceptable accuracy, even for problems where a direct solution is possible. However, it is important to note that using a direct solver could potentially result in a more accurate solution, as it computes the exact solution to the problem. If computational resources and time were not constraints, a direct solver may have been a preferred choice. Nevertheless, the iterative solver was deemed sufficient and satisfactory for the purposes of this model, considering the constraints and trade-offs involved. Overall, the choice between an iterative solver and a direct solver depends on the specific characteristics of the model and the desired level of accuracy within the given computational resources and time constraints.


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