Optimization Week 6: Semidefinite programming (SDP)

1 Linear algebra review

Square matrix eigenvalue and eigenvectors

Square matrix M M M, has eigenvector v v v and eigenvalue λ \lambda λ if
M v = λ v Mv=\lambda v Mv=λv
Compute λ \lambda λ
d e t ∣ M − λ I ∣ = 0 det|M-\lambda I|=0 detMλI=0

Symmetric matrix

M M M is symmetric ⇒ \Rightarrow eigen values are real, and eigen vectors are orthogonal. This is consistent with the theory: symmetric matrices have orthogonal eigenvectors, where as non-symmetric matrices do not.

Spectral decomposition of symmetric matrix

M = ∑ λ i v i v i T M=\sum\lambda_i v_iv_i^T M=λiviviT
M = V Λ V T M=V \Lambda V^T M=VΛVT
v i v_i vi is normalized eigenvector, orthogonal to each other.

2 Positive semidefinite matrix (PSD) (must be Hermitian)

Definition of PSD:

  • ⇔ \Leftrightarrow λ i ≥ 0 \lambda_i\geq 0 λi0 and M = M T M=M^T M=MT.
  • ⇔ \Leftrightarrow x T M x ≥ 0 x^TMx\geq0 xTMx0, ∀ x ∈ R n \forall x\in \mathbb{R}^n xRn
  • For ∀ A \forall A A, A A T AA^T AAT and A T A A^TA ATA are always PSD

3 Semidefinite programming (SDP)

3.1 Definition

min ⁡ x c T x s . t . F 0 + ∑ i = 1 m x i F i ≥ 0 \begin{aligned} \min_x \quad & c^Tx\\ s.t. \quad & F_0+\sum_{i=1}^m x_iF_i \geq0 \end{aligned} xmins.t.cTxF0+i=1mxiFi0 Where the objective is linear function, and F i F_i Fi are symmetric. Eigenvalues are positive.

3.2 With Linear Programming (LP)

min ⁡ x c T x s . t . A x ≥ 0 \begin{aligned} \min_x \quad& c^Tx\\ s.t. \quad&Ax\geq0 \end{aligned} xmins.t.cTxAx0 min ⁡ x c T x s . t . ∑ i A i x i ≥ 0 \begin{aligned} \min_x \quad & c^Tx\\ s.t. \quad&\sum_i \mathcal{A_i}x_i \geq0 \end{aligned} xmins.t.cTxiAixi0 Where A i = d i a g ( A i ) \mathcal{A_i}=diag(A_i) Ai=diag(Ai), A i A_i Ai is the i t h i_{th} ith column of A A A.

3.3 Schur complement

X = A = ( A B B T C ) X= \begin{aligned} A= \begin{pmatrix} A&B\\ B^T& C \end{pmatrix} \end{aligned} X=A=(ABTBC) is symmetric.

  • X > 0 X>0 X>0 ⇔ \Leftrightarrow A > 0 A>0 A>0, and C − B T A − 1 B > 0 C-B^TA^{-1}B>0 CBTA1B>0
  • X > 0 X>0 X>0 ⇔ \Leftrightarrow C > 0 C>0 C>0, and A − B C − 1 B T > 0 A-BC^{-1}B^T>0 ABC1BT>0
  • If A > 0 A>0 A>0, then X > 0 X>0 X>0 ⇔ \Leftrightarrow C − B T A − 1 B > 0 C-B^TA^{-1}B>0 CBTA1B>0




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