Lesson 13::Finding the way



1. Asking for Directions to the Nearest Subway Station
  • Inquiring Politely:

    • “Excuse me. Could you tell me where the nearest subway station is?”
    • Alternative phrases: “Could you please guide me on how to get to the nearest subway?” or “Can you show me how I can get to the subway station?”
  • Responding When Unsure:

    • “I’ve no idea. I’m a newcomer too.”
2. Estimating Distance and Time
  • Asking About Distance:

    • “How far is it to that place?”
    • Querying time duration: “How long does it take to walk/drive there?”
  • Providing Information on Proximity:

    • “It’s only a five-minute walk.”
    • “It’s only a couple of blocks away.”
3. Directions Along the Street
  • Guiding Along the Street:
    • “Go straight ahead along this street.”
    • “Turn left at the first (traffic) light.”
    • “Turn right at the second crossing.”
4. Looking for Landmarks or Signs
  • Inquiring About Landmarks:
    • “Are there any signs or landmarks in front of the hospital?”
    • Reassuring phrase: “You can’t miss it.”
Dialogue 1: Finding a Post Office
  • A: “Can you help me out? I’m trying to find a post office.”

  • B: “Go three blocks and make a right. It’s right there.”

  • A: “Should I take the bus?”

  • B: “No. It’ll only take about five minutes to walk.”

  • A: “Thank you very much.”

  • B: “Anytime.”

  • Alternatives:

    • Asking for help: “Could you give me a hand?” / “Could you do me a favor?”
    • Expressing the goal: “I’m looking for…”
    • Additional directions: “Go straight for two blocks.” / “It’s three blocks ahead.”
    • Offering assistance: “I’m right behind you.”
Dialogue 2: Directions to the Airport
  • A: “Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the airport?”

  • B: “You can take Bus 5. The driver will tell you where to get off.”

  • A: “Yes, but I’m driving my own car.”

  • B: “Oh, then drive along this street, turn right at the third crossroad. Keep straight on until you see a road sign saying ‘airport,’ and then follow the landmark. It will direct you to the airport.”

  • A: “Drive along this street, turn right, keep straight, and then I’ll see the road sign?”

  • B: “That’s right.”

  • Additional phrases:

    • “Please tell me when it’s my stop.”
    • Offering a ride: “Let me drive you home/there.”
    • Encouraging phrase: “This is the only way that will lead you towards success.”
Expansion for Oral English Practice
  • Rephrasing for Clarity: Practice rephrasing directions or inquiries. This helps in understanding and being understood if the first attempt is unclear.
  • Role-Playing Scenarios: Simulate different direction-asking situations with a partner, switching roles between asking and giving directions.
  • Listening and Replicating: Listen to recorded dialogues or watch videos involving asking for directions and try to replicate the sentences.

Raw material

1. 附近的地铁站怎么走

    1. Excuse me. Could you tell me where the nearest subway station is?
  • how to get to
  • how I can get to
    1. I’ve no idea. I’m the newcomer too.

2. 到那儿有多远?

  • How far is it?
  • How long does it take me to walk/drive there
  • It’s only a five-minute walk
  • It’s only a couple of blocks away

3. 沿这条街直走

  • Go straight ahead/along this street
  • Turn left at the first (traffic)light
  • Turn right at the second crossing

4. 有什么标志吗

  • are there any signs/landmarks in front of the hospital
  • you can’t miss it

Dialog 1

A: Can you help me out? I’m trying to find a post office
B: Go three blocks and make a right. It’s right there.
A: Should I take the bus?
B: No. It’ll only take about five minutes to walk.
A: Thank you very much.
B: Anytime

  • Could you give me a hand? / Could you do me a favor?
  • I’m looking for…
  • Go straight for two blocks / It’s three blocks ahead
  • I’m right behind you.

Dialog 2

A: Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the airport?
B: You can take Bus 5. The diver will tell you where to get off.
A: Yes, but I’m driving my own car.
B: Oh, then you drive along this street, turn right at the third crossroad. Keep straight on until you see a road sign saying(syas that) “airport”, and then you follow the landmark. It will direct you to the airport.
A: drive along this street, turn right, keep straight, and then i’ll see the road sign?
B: That’s right.

  • Please tell me when it is my stop
  • Let me drive you home/there
  • This is the only way that will lead you towards success




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