Advanced machine-learning techniques in drug discovery

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题目:Advanced machine-learning techniques in drug discovery



The popularity of machine learning (ML) across drug discovery continues to grow, yielding impressive results. As their use increases, so do their limitations become apparent. Such limitations include their need for big data, sparsity in data, and their lack of interpretability. It has also become apparent that the techniques are not truly autonomous, requiring retraining even post deployment. In this review, we detail the use of advanced techniques to circumvent these challenges, with examples drawn from drug discovery and allied disciplines. In addition, we present emerging techniques and their potential role in drug discovery. The techniques presented herein are anticipated to expand the applicability of ML in drug discovery.



The application of ML applied in the field of drug discovery continues to grow, facilitating research in numerous avenues. The success of ML is demonstrated by the increasing number of pharmaceutical companies in which ML is central to their business model (Table 1). In addition, ML has also been explored by large pharmaceutical companies for drug discovery 123456. Such success is a testament to the necessity and utility of ML for drug discovery, and an unambiguous indication that drug discovery will be intrinsically tied with ML. The goal is to reduce the resource- and labour-intensiveness of drug discovery, primarily the high-throughput screening (HTS) technique. Another aim of ML is to obviate the need for animal testing, which has received negative publicity of late.


Table 1. Examples of pharmaceutical companies in which ML is central to their business model

 The success of ML lies in its ability to discern patterns in complex and large volume data sets [7]. In addition, ML techniques (MLT) can be developed using common programming languages, including Python and R, which are accessible to most researchers. Furthermore, there are third-party software that provide access to ML techniques for researchers unfamiliar with coding, such as Apple’s Create ML. Despite their simplicity, third-party software are limited in their capacity to perform ML techniques, as well as other aspects of the ML pipeline.

ML的成功在于它能够识别复杂和大容量数据集中的模式。此外,ML技术(MLT)可以使用公共编程语言开发,包括Python和R,大多数研究人员都可以访问这些语言。此外,还有第三方软件可以为不熟悉编码的研究人员提供对ML技术的访问,比如苹果的Create ML。尽管它们很简单,但是第三方软件执行ML技术以及ML pipeline的其他方面的能力受到限制。

Conventional MLTs have been thoroughly explored in drug discovery 8910. Such techniques include both supervised and unsupervised MLTs, including k-Nearest Neighbour (kNN), decision tree, random forest, support vector machines (SVM), artificial neural networks (ANN), principal component analysis (PCA), and k-means. Their appeal stems from their simplicity, computationally undemanding, yet improved prediction accuracy compared with traditional predictive algorithms [11]. Equally, the underlying mechanisms for conventional techniques can be cognitively comprehended by noncomputer scientist researchers. For example, for kNN, the user has one parameter to control, the k value, which in turn determines the classification search space based on a plurality vote. Another example is SVM, which delineates categories using a hyperplane in conjunction with support vectors to maximise the distance between the different categories. SVM benefits from using the kernel trick, which allows for nonlinear mapping of the data, which has been widely used for nonlinear data sets [12]. The technique is also available for PCA (kernel PCA; kPCA) [12]. A recent study found that kPCA can be used to improve the classification of linear models, with comparable performance to nonlinear models, although at a significantly faster rate [13].


Despite their simplicity, conventional MLTs have their drawbacks. kNN suffers from the curse of dimensionality, wherein, at high dimensional space, the predictive performance begins to weaken [14]. Similarly, the performance of SVM begins to degrade when the number of dimensions is greater than the sample size [15]. Increasing the number of trees in random forest improves the predictive accuracy, although a large number of tree results produces an algorithm inefficient for real-time monitoring 1617. However, there are two chief criticisms of MLT, which are their demand for big data and lack of transparency. Addressing these limitations is required given that the collection of data can be challenging, costly, and time-consuming. In addition, transparency might facilitate the user’s understanding of the discovery process and minimise their reliance on ML to understand the process. Another limitation with conventional MLTs is their lack of autonomy. For example, supervised learning requires labelling of the target variable (i.e., the variable to be predicted). In addition, once deployed, for example as a web-based software, it will require post-production maintenance, particularly as the data set evolves. To address these limitations, new techniques have been adopted by research communities and with promising results. It is anticipated that these advanced techniques will further expand the application of ML. Ultimately, the goal is to achieve artificial intelligence (AI) in the drug discovery pipeline [18]. AI is a broad branch in computer science that seeks to create human intelligence using machines, of which ML is central to achieving this goal. In recent years, a subset of ML, deep learning, as emerged as a technique capable of achieving high accuracies from big data, while handling both structured and unstructured data.


As mentioned earlier, ML in drug discovery continues to grow. This growth is accompanied by suitable reviews discussing the fundamentals and the application of conventional MLTs [8], and deep learning [19]. There is also a recent review of natural language processing, a field that is gaining attention in drug discovery [20].Here, we focus on advanced techniques that have not received sufficient attention, albeit that have strong potential to advance the field. We prioritise examples used in drug discovery, although, if not available, we draw examples from allied fields. The reviewed techniques include reinforcement learning (RL), transfer learning, and multitask learning. In their well-received review centred on ML for drug discovery, Lo et al. remarked that techniques with increased visibility, as well methods for preventing overfitting, warrant further development [8]. We address their remark by describing Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) and explainable algorithms. We also detail the emergence of hybrid quantum-ML and recommender systems.


Advanced machine-learning techniques(先进的机器学习技术)

Some of the criticisms of MTLs include the need for large data sets and for human intervention. From these remarks, advanced techniques were investigated to address the shortcomings of conventional MLT, and thereby further widen their applicability. These advanced techniques include RL, which bridges the gap toward self-autonomous learning techniques; transfer learning, and multi-task learning for developing predictive models where big data are lacking. Here, we provide an overview of these advanced techniques and illustrate examples of their application in drug discovery where possible. A summary of the techniques are tabulated in Table 2.


Table 2. Overview of advanced techniques described in this review

Reinforcement learning(强化学习)

RL is an exhilarating subcategory of ML that is sparking interest across both academia and industry. It has been around since the 1950s and its recent rise in popularity was sparked when RL models were victorious in a game of Go against professional human opponents, where no algorithm before was able to achieve this remarkable feat. The game Go is one of the world’s oldest continuously played games [21], and is used as a benchmark for AI because the number of possible configurations in the game is thought to be250^{150}  [22]. This far exceeds both the number of proteins in the human body and the number of protons in the universe [23].


RL distinguishes itself from supervised and unsupervised learning in that it is a form of continuous learning while being autonomous. This is because RL algorithms produce judgements, whereas most supervised and unsupervised algorithms make predictions. This ability of RL to rapidly respond to dynamic environments is why it is being used for gaming, robotics, and trading in the finance sector [24]. Indeed, there are applications where RL outperformed classification tasks compared with supervised learning [25], but it is the ability of RL to continuously learn with minimal human interference that is desirable [26].


The concept of RL draws inspiration from the reward mechanism found in animals [27]. In RL, the system is not presented with examples of desired strategies. Rather, RL empirically learns the optimal decision to take through receiving reinforcement signals from its environment. The main components of RL are an agent, environment, state, policy, and reward function [28]. An agent is trained by interacting with the environment, which can have multiple states (i.e., scenarios). The agent will select an action for a given state and will receive either a positive or a negative (i.e., penalise) reward. The agent will continue taking actions for each of the different states while looking to increase the cumulative reward it receives. The reward is a mathematical formula and is defined by the user with a specific goal in mind [29]. Using gaming as an example, the agent’s goal, or policy, is to win the game and it will receive +1 for when it does, and –1 for when it loses. In the case of financial trading, the policy can be to maximise profits and, hence, the agent will be rewarded for taking the series of actions that result in maximising the profit [30]. There are multiple versions of the reward function [31].


Contemporary RL has centred on de novo molecule designs 32333435 or molecule optimisation [36]. A noteworthy study that combined both aspects was conducted by Popova et al. for the de novo design of drugs (Fig. 1a) [37]. With this approach, RL was combined with two deep-learning techniques. One technique, the generative model, acted as the agent and generated ostensibly chemically feasible molecules. The other technique, the predictive model, acted as the critic, whereby it rewarded or penalised the generative model for every generated molecule. Using this approach, the researchers used ∼1.5 million structures from the CheMBL21 database to train the generative model based on their SMILES strings. The results were that 1 million compounds were generated, from which 95% were confirmed to be feasible using the structure checker from ChemAxon. Moreover, they discovered that ∼32 000 molecules of de novo-generated structures existed in a separate database (ZINC). The study went further and demonstrated that novel compounds optimised for desirable physical properties, chemical complexity, or biological activity were attainable via deep RL. Although the study demonstrated that RL can be exploited to generate new compounds, further work is needed to refine the model. For example, the strategy adopted might not guarantee drug-specific compounds [38]. Moreover, the study used SMILES, which, despite being a simple and elegant representation of compounds, issues have been raised with its use in generative models [32].


Figure 1. Examples of generated compounds using reinforcement learning (RL) reported by (a) Popova et al[37] and (b) Zhavoronkov et al[39].

In a separate study, Zhavoronkov et al. developed a model for de novo for specific compounds: DDR1 kinase inhibitors (Fig. 1b) [39]. Their aim was to demonstrate the effectiveness of RL for rapidly identifying potent compounds, thereby demonstrating that RL can address important drawbacks of drug development, namely the slow development phase and drug selectivity. In just 46 days, the authors were able to design, synthesise, and perform both in vitro and in vivo tests. However, one of the generated compounds was similar to both a compound that was used to train the model, as well as an existing marketed drug [40]. Hence, despite the success of demonstrating how RL can expedite the drug discovery pipeline, future models will need to be coded such that newly generated compounds are dissimilar from both the input data and existing marketed compounds. Although in the pharmaceutical discipline, the use of RL has been limited to drug design, the wider medical community has explored other potentials for the algorithm. In a step towards personalised dosage, several simulation-based studies explored using RL to provide dynamic decision-making for sepsis treatment [41]anaesthetic drug delivery control [42], and detection of diabetic retinopathy [43]. The use of RL has also been extended to ‘omics, bioimaging, and medical studies [28]. A schematic representation of RL is illustrated in Fig. 2a.


Figure 2. Schematic representations of (a) reinforcement learning (RL), (b) transfer learning and (c) multitask learning.

Transfer learning(迁移学习)

If data are in short supply, then there are techniques that can be used to circumvent this problem. One such technique is transfer learning, which is the process of transferring knowledge acquired from solving one task to another related task. Transfer learning is an increasingly popular ML framework, particularly in medical image classification 4445, that encompasses a range of techniques. Transfer learning is the improvement of learning a new task through the transfer of knowledge from a related task that has already been learned. The technique leverages the features generated from a large data set, A that is used to predict its target variable Ya, and sequentially transfer the knowledge to predict a different target, Yb, from a data set, B, which has insufficient data. In the context of deep learning, the learned weights of the models are trained using the larger data set and then transferred to perform models for new similar tasks (Fig. 2b). The approach has been found to outperform conventional MLTs that were trained on the smaller data set. Furthermore, transfer learning can be rapidly deployed for new models because the optimisation process has already been performed. It makes the assumption that the predictive features in the larger data set can in principle be applied to a different yet related task. In addition, if the features are physically related, the features learned can be transferred partially as input features for the target domain [46]. Transfer learning frameworks can comprise supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, where the latter is lacking labelled output variables for the target domain [47]. Transfer learning has been implemented using spectral 4849, images 5051, audio, text [52], and numeric [53] data types.


Turki et al. illustrated the potency of transfer learning in predicting the drug sensitivity of patients with multiple myeloma, where there was a lack of gene expression data, and acquiring new data was costly [54]. Using SVM and ridge regressions, the researchers trained the model on data from patients with lung and breast cancer, which were in abundance, and subsequently applied it to the multiple myeloma data set. The authors recorded a higher accuracy compared with their baseline. Most gene data sets generated by individual researchers are too small for MLTs. Taroni et al. leveraged the large, public expression compendia for transfer learning [55] and demonstrated that it was possible to describe biological processes more effectively than by using models trained only on their original features when using transfer learning. kNN regression-based transfer learning was combined with latent regression prediction to predict the sensitivity of different anticancer compounds [56]. Transfer learning was recently used to identify adverse drug reactions based on a model developed for automatic text classification of sentences to detect mentions of adverse drug reaction [57]. A large corpora source was used to train the model, and the knowledge gained was sequentially applied to a small-scale corpora. Other applications of transfer learning include incorporating the technique in de novo drug design 585960.


ML has also been applied in material science, although its use is not as developed as in drug discovery and development. Material science is of interest to pharmaceutical formulation, and indeed is an allied field, sharing similar research concepts and approaches. Recently, transfer learning was applied to various materials, including small molecules, polymers, and inorganic crystalline materials [46]. The study was able to successfully apply transfer learning to a data set with a small number of observations. In addition, underlying links between small molecules and polymers, and between inorganic and organic chemistry, were revealed. For example, a mean absolute error and correlation values of 0.063 and 0.832, respectively, for predicting the refractive index were obtained using the transferred features. By contrast, a notably poor error and correlation of 0.833 and 0.541, respectively, were obtained without transfer learning.


Multitask learning(多任务学习)

Whereas transfer learning is the sequential learning and subsequent transfer of knowledge to another task, multitask learning is the simultaneous learning of different tasks in one model. It was observed that learning related tasks simultaneously led to an improved predictive performance than when learning the tasks individually (i.e., single task learning). The benefits of multitask learning are particularly useful in low-volume data sets and/or when noise is significant [61]. In addition, multitask learning was found to outperform traditional MLT, particularly when data were relatively sparse. Using the example of a neural network, a traditional architecture learns a single task at a time that outputs a single layer for the predictive task. By contrast, multitask learning outputs multiple hidden layers corresponding to the number of tasks predicted. The related tasks could be uncorrelated at the output layer, but they should be correlated at the internal representation level. Multitask learning allows for the inductive transfer of knowledge between tasks. This optimises multiple loss functions that can enable models to better generalise across multiple tasks. The improved predictability of multitask learning can be attributed to different factors [62]. With multitask learning, the data are amplified because of the extra information shared between the related tasks (Fig. 2c). The multiple tasks are able to learn from one another and are able to filter between relevant and irrelevant features, particularly where data are few and/or significant noise is present. Furthermore, bias and overfitting are mitigated, because the multiple tasks learn cooperatively. In the case of overfitting, multitask learning affords the multiple tasks to help each other to create a smoother dependence on common features. Multitask learning can be used for both supervised and unsupervised learning 6364, and can be realised with different MLTs, such as neural networks, kNN [63], Bayesian multiple linear regression [65], and SVM [66].


In drug discovery, multitask learning has found application in addressing the effect of multitarget drugs. Such candidates were studied because their severe adverse effects, which is a negative consequence of acting on multiple targets. Of equal importance, it was recently demonstrated that multitarget drugs have been found to be more effective than single-target drugs for several complex diseases, such as cancer and metabolic diseases. This rationale was leveraged by Li et al., who showed that multitask learning could discover useful multiple targets that are affected by the same drug [67]. The researchers used unsupervised ML for their approach and both expression data and compound structure information. Yang et al. developed a multitask framework, called Macau, for large-scale drug screening, while simultaneously deriving interpretable insights about the interactions between the characteristics of the drugs and the cell lines [68]. Their algorithm used Bayesian multitask multi-relation to explore the interaction between the drug targets and signalling pathway activation using drug and gene data. Gene expressions were used as molecular inputs to predict signalling pathways; whereas, for the drug, their nominal targets were used as inputs. The rationale for their work was that the interaction between drug targets and signalling pathways can provide novel in-depth views of cellular mechanisms and drug mode of action.

在药物发现中,多任务学习已发现可用于解决多靶点药物的作用。对此类候选物进行研究是因为它们具有严重的不利影响,这是对多个目标采取行动的不利结果。同样重要的是,最近证明,对于多种复杂疾病,例如癌症和代谢性疾病,多靶点药物比单靶点药物更有效。 Li等人利用了这一原理,他表明多任务学习可以发现受同一药物影响的有用的多个靶标。研究人员将无监督的ML用于他们的方法以及表达数据和化合物结构信息。杨等开发了一个名为“Macau”的多任务框架,用于大规模药物筛选,同时获得了有关药物特性与细胞系之间相互作用的可解释的见解。他们的算法使用贝叶斯多任务多关系来利用药物和基因数据探索药物靶标与信号通路激活之间的相互作用。基因表达被用作预测信号通路的分子输入。而对于药物,其名义目标被用作输入。他们工作的理由是,药物靶标和信号通路之间的相互作用可以提供细胞机制和药物作用方式的新颖深入的见解。

In addition to sequential learning, multitask learning can be combined with gradient-boosting decision trees for small data sets [69]. Four data sets were investigated using this approach, with test sizes of 7413, 1792, 823, and 353 compounds. For the smallest set of 353 compounds, the R2 values when gradient boosting and multitask learning were used were 0.472 and 0.721, respectively. Combining the two techniques resulted in a R2 value of 0.733, which is an improvement on both individual techniques.


Multitask learning was also revealed by Weng et al. to simultaneously learn both classification and regression task analyses for drug–target interactions [70]. Classification tasks are prone to higher bias, whereas regression models are susceptible to overfitting because of the large variance encountered. Thus, to address the trade-off between bias and variance, a convolutional neural network model was developed to simultaneously optimise the regression and classification loss, using shared features. In another application. Han et al. used multitask learning for sentiment analysis of drug reviews [71]. The main objective was to identify people’s sentiment, opinions, and attitudes from a collection of 4200 drug reviews. In addition, Zubatyuk et al. combined multitask and multimodal learning to overcome sparsity in training data. Another key benefit of their approach is that the results were comparable to the density functional theory (DFT) method, which is a considerably more expensive modelling method.


Active learning(主动学习)

Active learning is a unique semiautomated ML approach that also seeks to address the issue of low-labelled data sets using user feedback. In contrast to passive learning, active learning is ideal where there is an abundance of unsupervised training data that require costly and resource-intensive experiments to label. Consequently, the user can conduct experiments and subsequently label the data for a subset of the data set and use active learning to obtain the predictions for the remaining unlabelled data. Using this approach, active learning makes queries of samples that it is unsure of. For example, in using ML to predict the penetration of drugs through the blood–brain barrier, one can perform the experiment on 10% of the molecules, and train the model using said 10% to make predictions for the other 90%. Where the model is uncertain, it will make a query and the researcher can then perform the experiments on those samples. Hence, compared with passive learning, it has the potential to require considerably fewer labelled data [72], and thereby accelerate the drug discovery process while minimising costs. Further information regarding active learning, including sampling method and query strategies, can be found in [73].


Active learning models can be built using conventional MLTs, such as SVM, and also deep learning 7374. Recent work demonstrated that active learning can be used for predicting small-molecule bioactivity, ligand–target interactions, and toxicity 75767778.


Generative models(生成模型)

As described earlier, generative models are MLTs capable of generating new samples. This was leveraged for RL de novo applications, but generative models can also be used as standalone techniques. Generative models distinguish themselves from discriminative models by directly learning from the input data and do not necessarily require explicit rules to be coded by users. Generative models can generate new data instances through implementing a probabilistic estimator of data distribution, where the new data lie within the distribution. In other words, generative models are able to generate new samples for a given distribution. This contrasts with discriminative models, which reveal the probability of the labelled data given the data instance, regardless of whether the data instance is valid (Fig. 3). Recent studies used deep-learning generative models, which, in addition to generating new compounds, can be used for data augmentation when working with small data sets, and dimensionality reduction 798081. As mentioned earlier, newly generated molecules will need to be thoroughly assessed to ensure that they are distinct from compounds that already exist in the market and/or different to compounds fed into the model.

如前所述,生成模型是能够生成新样本的MLT。这被用于RL de novo应用程序,但是生成模型也可以用作独立技术。生成模型通过直接从输入数据中学习而将自己与区分模型区分开,并不一定要求用户编写明确的规则。生成模型可以通过实现数据分布的概率估计器来生成新的数据实例,其中新数据位于分布内。换句话说,生成模型能够为给定的分布生成新的样本。这与判别模型相反,判别模型在给定数据实例的情况下揭示了标记数据的概率,而与数据实例是否有效无关(图3)。最近的研究使用了深度学习生成模型,该模型除了生成新化合物外,还可用于处理小型数据集时的数据扩充,以及降低维度。如前所述,新生成的分子将需要进行彻底评估,以确保它们与市场上已经存在的化合物不同和/或与输入模型的化合物不同。

Figure 3. Differences between (a) discriminative and (b) generative modelling. Discriminative modelling seeks to classify through establishing, for example, decision boundaries. By contrast, generative models look at the probability distribution of the classes.

Bayesian neural networks(贝叶斯神经网络)

BNNs are ensemble models that combine multiple neural network models using Bayesian inference [82]. Unlike conventional neural networks, which require large amount of data for training, BNN can handle small data sets because of their ability to avoid overfitting. Overfitting is a problem associated with most conventional MLTs, which BNN avoids through prior probability distribution to compute the average across numerous models during training, which yields a regularisation effect to the network [83]. In other words, the weights and biases for neurons are not a single value but rather sampled from a distribution, which is regularly updated to train the BNN. The use of BNN has not been thoroughly explored for drug discovery. A recent study revealed that Bayesian graph networks outperformed conventional graph networks in predicting the inhibitory activity of molecules, using the ChEMBL data set [84]. BNNs were also used to identify genes associated with anticancer drug sensitivities using data gathered from the cancer cell line encyclopaedia study [85]. More recently, BNN were applied for identifying drug-likeness, where the Bayesian error distribution of individual classifiers can yield an accuracy of 93% for distinguishing drug-like from nondrug-like molecules [86]. Although BNNs are able to address some of the shortcomings of neural networks, they require a comparatively large effort to design the neural net, which can lead to establishing casual influences that are recognised by the individual programming it.


Explainable algorithms(可解释性算法)

The use of ML is indeed to facilitate and expedite decision-making, particularly for routine tasks. Thus, it might not be necessary to understand the decision-making process achieved by the model. However, understanding the decision process made by ML will instil confidence in researchers. Interpreting the model can help researchers troubleshoot when the model appears erroneous. In addition, the insight from the decision process could lead to plausible research questions. In addition, it can facilitate research understanding by providing insight into the decision making. Equally, transparency might also instil trust in regulatory bodies if the technology is to be commercialised.


A recent example of explainable ML was applied to quality structure–activity relationship modelling, wherein semisupervised regression trees were found to outperform supervised regression trees [87]. Using a different strategy for predicting activity, Rodriguez-Perez and Bajorath developed a method that elucidates the prediction process of conventional techniques, as well as ensemble and deep-learning models [88]. The focus of their work was to eliminate the ‘black-box’ nature of ML models. The approach was based on Shapley values that was initially developed for game theory, but were demonstrated by the authors to be applicable to ML. In their approach, each feature was assigned an importance value for a given prediction and, in turn, it provided an overview of which features have the most contribution to a model. Moreover, their approach uncovered model errors and consequently provided rationales for inaccurate predictions, which otherwise could not have been readily rationalised.

最近一个可解释的机器学习示例被应用到质量结构-活动关系建模中,其中发现半监督的回归树优于监督的回归树。 Rodriguez-Perez和Bajorath使用不同的策略来预测活动,开发了一种方法,该方法阐明了传统技术以及集成和深度学习模型的预测过程。他们的工作重点是消除ML模型的“黑匣子”性质该方法基于最初为博弈论开发的Shapley值,但作者证明适用于ML。在他们的方法中,为每个特征分配了给定预测的重要性值,并依次概述了哪些特征对模型的贡献最大。而且,他们的方法发现了模型错误,因此为不准确的预测提供了理由,否则就无法轻易地使之合理化。

Emerging machine-learning techniques(新兴的机器学习技术)

Hybrid quantum-machine learning(混合量子机器学习)

The hybridisation of ML with quantum computing has emerged as a powerful technology in predictive analysis [89]. The main promise of quantum computing is the efficiency to solve complex problems that are prohibitively expensive for classical computers [90]. In classical models, the processing units compute bits that are either 0 or 1, whereas for quantum computing, the quantum bits, qubits, are in a superimposed state of both 0 and 1 [91]. The qubits are processed by quantum logic gates, which, in contrast to classical logic gates, are reversible. This yields computing prowess that prevents loss of information [92], faster analysis, and low power consumption [93]. The qubits and quantum gates are components of the quantum circuit that has been demonstrated to perform tasks that were quadratic, polynomial, or exponentially faster than their classical counterparts 94, 95, 96, 97. The definition of hybrid quantum ML is yet to be decided upon. To date, it encompasses the use of quantum computers to execute ML algorithms or adopting quantum information processing into ML 94, 98. The former approach can be regarded of as quantum-enhanced ML, whereas the latter can be regarded as quantum-inspired ML. Examples of hybrid quantum ML include supervised [99], unsupervised [100], and RL [101].

机器学习与量子计算的混合已经成为预测分析中的一项强大技术。量子计算的主要前景是能够解决复杂问题的效率,而这些问题对于传统计算机而言却过于昂贵。在经典模型中,处理单元计算的位为0或1,而对于量子计算,量子位qubit处于0和1的叠加状态。量子位由量子逻辑门处理,与经典逻辑门相反,量子逻辑门是可逆的。这产生了计算能力,可以防止信息丢失,更快的分析和较低的功耗。量子位和量子门是量子电路的组成部分,已证明它们比传统的能够执行二次,多项式或指数级的任务。混合量子ML的定义尚待确定在。迄今为止,它包括使用量子计算机执行ML算法或在ML中采用量子信息处理。前一种方法可以看作是量子增强的ML,而后者可以看作是量子启发式ML。混合量子ML的示例包括有监督的,无监督的和RL 。

The advantages of H-QML can indeed be leveraged in pharmaceutical sciences, however, at the time of writing, the technology has not yet been applied. In 2018, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) published an article on The potential of quantum computing for drug discovery, wherein the authors included the potential of quantum ML in the scope of their review [102]. More recently, Google LLC released an open-access quantum ML framework for python that will enable researchers to use hybrid quantum ML [103]. Therefore, the promise of hybrid-quantum ML in pharmaceutical sciences is likely to be realised soon.

H-QML的优势确实可以在制药科学中加以利用,但是,在撰写本文时,该技术尚未得到应用。 2018年,国际商业机器公司(IBM)发表了一篇关于量子计算在药物发现中的潜力的文章,其中作者将量子ML的潜力纳入了其综述范围。最近,Google LLC发布了针对python的开放访问量子ML框架,该框架将使研究人员能够使用混合量子ML 。因此,制药科学中的混合量子ML有望很快实现。

Recommendation systems(推荐系统)

Recommendation systems gained fame in 2006 with the announcement of a Netflix competition seeking to create accurate user preference content for its users. A recommendation system is a ML framework that is based on data establishing links between a set of users (e.g., customers) to a set of items (e.g., products) [104]. Recommendation systems are heavily used in e-commerce, for example by Amazon and YouTube, to drive their sales [105]. The advantageous of such techniques are their ability to handle sparsity in data, to make predictions if prior information is unavailable, and to provide transparency by explaining how the recommender system makes the decision [106].


Recommender systems have been investigated for medical applications, where the right treatment is proposed based on the patient’s medical history 107, 108. However, applications in drug discovery and development are yet to be established. Sosnina et al. developed a recommender system for compound–target interaction prediction for antiviral drug discovery [109]. The authors used a content-based filtering recommender system, which is suitable for sparse data and interpretability. In addition, their model made it possible to perform cold-start prediction, in which predictions can be made where there is no experimental data. Given that data in drug discovery and development are afflicted by all three issues, it is anticipated that the use of recommender system will increase.

已经针对医学应用研究了推荐系统,其中根据患者的病史提出了正确的治疗方案。但是,尚未建立在药物发现和开发中的应用。 Sosnina等人开发了用于预测抗病毒药物的化合物-靶标相互作用的推荐系统。作者使用了基于内容的过滤推荐系统,该系统适用于稀疏数据和可解释性。此外,他们的模型使执行冷启动预测成为可能,其中可以在没有实验数据的情况下进行预测。考虑到药物发现和开发中的数据受这三个问题的困扰,预计推荐系统的使用将会增加。

Concluding remarks

Here, we have presented examples of MLT used to circumvent the issues surrounding conventional techniques. We have detailed the use of ML for automating processes without human involvement; the use of transfer learning and multitask learning for when big data are lacking; BNNs for avoiding overfitting; and explainable algorithms that can shed light the decision-making process of a model. In addition, emerging techniques and their potential involvement in drug discovery were also discussed. Hybrid quantum-ML has the potential to further improve prediction performance, whereas recommendation systems can address data sparsity. It is anticipated that the use of the techniques discussed herein will be adopted in the near future, and that their application will further progress research in drug discovery. Ultimately, the quality of the predictions made by the models will depend on the quality of the data. Thus, the application of ML in drug discovery will benefit from a strategic and unified database.

在这里,我们提供了MLT的示例,用于规避围绕常规技术的问题。我们已经详细介绍了使用ML来实现流程自动化,而无需人工干预;在缺乏大数据时使用迁移学习和多任务学习; BNN用来避免过度拟合;可解释的算法可以阐明模型的决策过程。此外,还讨论了新兴技术及其在药物发现中的潜在作用。混合量子ML有可能进一步提高预测性能,而推荐系统可以解决数据稀疏性。预期在不久的将来将采用本文讨论的技术,并且它们的应用将进一步促进药物发现的研究。最终,模型做出的预测的质量将取决于数据的质量。因此,ML在药物发现中的应用将受益于战略性和统一的数据库。



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