

Q1: How would you allocate your wealth? (Asset allocation according to your personality)
Q2:What defines a “good” stock? (Risk and Return)
Q3: Is a stock fairly priced? Given the risk level, what a return level is appropriate? what is the measure of risk? (CAP&APT)
Q4: What type of fund manager would you like to be? (Market efficiency)
Q5: How to evaluate the performance of a mutual fund? (Portfolio performance evaluation)
Q6: What are the main differences between bonds and stocks? (Stock pricing, Bond pricing, YTM, and term structure)
Q7: Important difference between derivatives and equities.

Chapter 1

Basic elements in capital market
What : is an investment?
Where: Types of markets
How: Trading mechanism
Who: Players in financial markets
Which: Types of investment

What is an Investment?

Essential nature of investment
Reduced current consumption; Planned later consumption; Compensation: time cost, inflation, illiquidity risk, default risk;

Real Assets:

  • Assets used to produces goods and services
  • Price: look back
  • N P V ≥ 0 NPV \ge 0 NPV0

Financial Assets:

  • Claims on cash flow generated by real assets
  • Price: looking forward
  • N P V = 0 NPV = 0 NPV=0

The Roles of Financial Markets

  1. Resource allocation
    • Financial markets play a central role in the allocation of capital resources.
    • Investors in the stock market ultimately decide which companies will live and which will die.
    • Good companies find it easier to re-issue new stocks.
  2. Price determination
    • which comes earlier? The product or the formula?
    • European options and BS.
  3. Consumption timing
    • Why do you enter university after high school?
  4. Risk sharing / Transferring

Where - Types of maekets

  1. direct search market:
    • The seller directly finds the buyer, and the buyer directly finds the seller;
    • Scattered, low efficiency;
  2. broker market:
    • Earn intermediary service fees;
    • The primary market (investment bank);
    • Where firms issue stocks to the public;
    • Initial public offerings (IPOs) and seasoned new issues;
  3. dealer
    • Own the goods and earn the difference;
    • NASDAQ;
    • Secondary market
  4. Auction market
    • All traders are concentrated in one place, the most integrated and effective;
    • Exchange;
    • NYSE;
    • Secondary market;

National Association of Security Dealers Automated Quotations System: 519 dealers with huge inventories of stocks post buy and sell prices for 5400 stocks and profit on the spread.

Who - Players in financial markets

  1. Institutional investors: Bank; Insurance Company; Investment Company (mutual funds)
  2. Investors: Hedger; Speculator; Arbitrageur

What - Types of Traditional Investment

  • Stocks (Equity)
  • Fixed Incomes Securities (Debts)
  • Derivatives
  • Forward, future, swap, option
  • Foreign Exchange

How - Trading mechanism

Common Questions for Each Instrument:

  • Who issues it?
  • What is the structure?
  • How is it issues?
  • Who holds it?
  • How risky it is?


  • Issued by corporations:
    • Repreesnt ownership share in a company;
    • Residual claimant
    • Limited liability
  • Trade
    • Primary market
    • Secondary market
    • IPO underpricing

Overview of Fixed Income Securities

  • Money market instruments
    • Government short-term bond (Treasury Bill)
    • Certificates of deposit
    • Commercial papaers
    • LIBOR (London Inter-bank Offer Rate), SHIBOR
    • Bond re-purchase (repo)
  • Fixed income instruments
    • Treasury Bills
    • Commercial Papers (CP’s)
  • 0
  • 0
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《证券投资基金基础知识》是一本关于基金从业的三色笔记,它包含了基金从业的基础信息。 首先,这本笔记包含了基金从业的必备知识。它详细介绍了基金的定义、基金种类、基金的特点及基金运作的流程。通过习这些基础知识,读者可以对基金从业有一个全面的了解。 其次,这本笔记通过使用三种颜色的笔记格式,使得读者更加容易理解和记忆。比如,关键概念和定义使用红色笔记标注,读者可以通过阅读红色标注来快速了解基金从业的核心概念。而重要知识点使用黄色笔记标注,读者可以通过阅读黄色标注来深入理解基金从业的关键内容。最后,例题和案例分析使用绿色笔记标注,读者可以通过阅读绿色标注来应用基金从业的知识点并加深理解。 此外,这本笔记还提供了实用的习工具。例如,每章节结束时都有练习题和答案,读者可以通过做题来检验自己对基金从业的理解和掌握程度。同时,这本笔记还提供了相关的网上课程和习资源,读者可以通过这些资源来进一步拓展自己的基金从业知识。 总之,《证券投资基金基础知识》是一本对基金从业者来说不可缺少的三色笔记。它涵盖了基金从业的基础知识,使用三色笔记标注使得读者更容易理解和记忆,同时提供了实用的习工具。无论是初者还是已经从事基金从业的人员,都可以通过阅读这本笔记来提升自己的基金从业能力。


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