本文为芬兰坦佩雷大学(作者:Murat Pojon)的硕士论文,共39页。
This thesis examines the application ofmachine learning algorithms to predict whether a student will be successful ornot. The specific focus of the thesis is the comparison of machine learningmethods and feature engineering techniques in terms of how much they improvethe prediction performance. Three different machine learning methods were usedin this thesis. They are linear regression, decision trees, and naïve Bayesclassification. Feature engineering, the process of modification and selectionof the features of a data set, was used to improve predictions made by theselearning algorithms. Two different data sets containing records of studentinformation were used. The machine learning methods were applied to both theraw version and the feature engineered version of the data sets, to predict thestudent’s success. The thesis comes to the same conclusion as the earlier studies:The results show that it is possible to predict student performancesuccessfully by using machine learning. The best algorithm was naïve Bayesclassification for the first data set, with 98 percent accuracy, and decisiontrees for the second data set, with 78 percent accuracy. Feature engineeringwas found to be more important factor in prediction performance than methodselection in the data used in this study.
1 引言
2 已有的工作
3 研究方法
4 研究素材
5 具体实现与结果
6 评估
7 讨论与结论
8 未来工作展望