
1. 复现对象

1.1 相关链接



1.2 仿真环境lunarlander

a[0] 什么也不做
a[1] 启动左引擎
a[2] 启动主引擎
a[3] 启动右引擎
s[0] is the horizontal coordinate
s[1] is the vertical coordinate
s[2] is the horizontal speed
s[3] is the vertical speed
s[4] is the angle
s[5] is the angular speed
s[6] 1 if first leg has contact, else 0
s[7] 1 if second leg has contact, else 0

1.3 仿真环境cartpole


2. lunarlander复现结果


2.1 第9步

starting causal discovery
	(angle') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.99644 
	(angle') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.66270 
	(angle') caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.67312 
	(angle') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.99992 
	(angle') caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.27607 
	(angle') caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.65637 
	(angle') caused by (x) with assurrance 0.83167 
	(angle') caused by (y) with assurrance 0.96726 
	(crash) caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.59318 
	(crash) caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.99256 
	(crash) caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.08763 
	(crash) caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.85457 
	(crash) caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.91271 
	(crash) caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.58051 
	(crash) caused by (x) with assurrance 0.96912 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(crash) caused by (y) with assurrance 0.66427 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (engine) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (x) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (y) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(landed_legs') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.69358 
	(landed_legs') caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.88777 
	(landed_legs') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.99966 
	(landed_legs') caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.85345 
	(landed_legs') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.43689 
	(rest) caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(rest) caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(rest) caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(rest) caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(rest) caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(rest) caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(landed_legs') caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.93282 
	(rest) caused by (x) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(rest) caused by (y) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(landed_legs') caused by (x) with assurrance 0.05350 
	(landed_legs') caused by (y) with assurrance 0.77181 
	(v_angle') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.76077 
	(v_angle') caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.96332 
	(v_angle') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.99181 
	(v_angle') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.99550 
	(v_angle') caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.16669 
	(v_angle') caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.85722 
	(v_angle') caused by (x) with assurrance 0.08066 
	(v_angle') caused by (y) with assurrance 0.08966 
	(vx') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.92614 
	(vx') caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.36020 
	(vx') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.87006 
	(vx') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.08313 
	(vx') caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.99999 
	(vx') caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.47437 
	(vx') caused by (y) with assurrance 0.05503 
	(vx') caused by (x) with assurrance 0.88342 
	(vy') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.85471 
	(vy') caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.99994 
	(vy') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.99996 
	(vy') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.04239 
	(vy') caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.26754 
	(vy') caused by (vy) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(vy') caused by (x) with assurrance 0.21860 
	(vy') caused by (y) with assurrance 0.92468 
	(x') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.68152 
	(x') caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.00171 
	(x') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.36346 
	(x') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.72334 
	(x') caused by (vx) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(x') caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.06414 
	(x') caused by (y) with assurrance 0.06903 
	(y') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.21156 
	(x') caused by (x) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(y') caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.19189 
	(y') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.92250 
	(y') caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.36926 
	(y') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.97075 
	(y') caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.99999 
	(y') caused by (x) with assurrance 0.15692 
	(y') caused by (y) with assurrance 1.00000 
(angle, y, x, v_angle) --> angle'
(angle, x, vy, landed_legs) --> crash
(engine) --> fuel_cost
(vy, vx, engine, landed_legs) --> landed_legs'
() --> rest
(v_angle, vy, engine, landed_legs) --> v_angle'
(angle, vx, x, landed_legs) --> vx'
(vy, angle, y, engine, landed_legs) --> vy'
(vx, x) --> x'
(v_angle, vy, y, landed_legs) --> y'

2.2 第99步


starting causal discovery
	(angle') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(angle') caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.91401 
	(angle') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.91566 
	(angle') caused by (angle) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(angle') caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.84761 
	(angle') caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.79875 
	(angle') caused by (x) with assurrance 0.85814 
	(angle') caused by (y) with assurrance 0.81510 
	(crash) caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.09747 
	(crash) caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.63105 
	(crash) caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.99990 
	(crash) caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.82667 
	(crash) caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.40407 
	(crash) caused by (vy) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(crash) caused by (x) with assurrance 0.99757 
	(crash) caused by (y) with assurrance 0.12045 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (engine) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (x) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (y) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(landed_legs') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.87897 
	(landed_legs') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.25252 
	(landed_legs') caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.15359 
	(landed_legs') caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.77116 
	(landed_legs') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(rest) caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(rest) caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(landed_legs') caused by (x) with assurrance 0.30346 
	(landed_legs') caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.07573 
	(rest) caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.96466 
	(rest) caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(rest) caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.90287 
	(rest) caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(rest) caused by (x) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(rest) caused by (y) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(landed_legs') caused by (y) with assurrance 0.99688 
	(v_angle') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.86793 
	(v_angle') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.99553 
	(v_angle') caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.95110 
	(v_angle') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(v_angle') caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.68554 
	(v_angle') caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.02769 
	(v_angle') caused by (x) with assurrance 0.79948 
	(v_angle') caused by (y) with assurrance 0.03491 
	(vx') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.99994 
	(vx') caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.99999 
	(vx') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.05110 
	(vx') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.26498 
	(vx') caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.99999 
	(vx') caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.32017 
	(vx') caused by (x) with assurrance 0.78903 
	(vx') caused by (y) with assurrance 0.02321 
	(vy') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.72637 
	(vy') caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.99999 
	(vy') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.29209 
	(vy') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.99994 
	(vy') caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.83871 
	(vy') caused by (x) with assurrance 0.05038 
	(vy') caused by (y) with assurrance 0.58507 
	(vy') caused by (vy) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(x') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.00393 
	(x') caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.23336 
	(x') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.00037 
	(x') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.50181 
	(x') caused by (vx) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(x') caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.00177 
	(x') caused by (y) with assurrance 0.00005 
	(x') caused by (x) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(y') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.23687 
	(y') caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.98094 
	(y') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.11466 
	(y') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.96841 
	(y') caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.02891 
	(y') caused by (vy) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(y') caused by (x) with assurrance 0.13967 
	(y') caused by (y) with assurrance 1.00000 
(x, landed_legs, angle, y, engine, vx, v_angle) --> angle'
(v_angle, vy, x, landed_legs) --> crash
(engine) --> fuel_cost
(angle, y, landed_legs) --> landed_legs'
(vx, landed_legs) --> rest
(v_angle, angle, engine, landed_legs) --> v_angle'
(angle, vx, engine) --> vx'
(vy, vx, engine, landed_legs) --> vy'
(vx, x) --> x'
(vy, y, engine, landed_legs) --> y'

2.3 第198步

starting causal discovery
	(angle') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(angle') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.60837 
	(angle') caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.08607 
	(angle') caused by (angle) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(angle') caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.43705 
	(angle') caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.13294 
	(angle') caused by (x) with assurrance 0.43582 
	(angle') caused by (y) with assurrance 0.68825 
	(crash) caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.31873 
	(crash) caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.27178 
	(crash) caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.01975 
	(crash) caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.81415 
	(crash) caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.21756 
	(crash) caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.99726 
	(crash) caused by (x) with assurrance 0.79158 
	(crash) caused by (y) with assurrance 0.86942 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (engine) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (x) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(fuel_cost) caused by (y) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(landed_legs') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.17666 
	(landed_legs') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(landed_legs') caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.95938 
	(landed_legs') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.31031 
	(landed_legs') caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.66512 
	(rest) caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(rest) caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.43517 
	(rest) caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(rest) caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(landed_legs') caused by (x) with assurrance 0.69929 
	(rest) caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(rest) caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.04040 
	(landed_legs') caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.43862 
	(rest) caused by (x) with assurrance 0.76712 
	(rest) caused by (y) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(landed_legs') caused by (y) with assurrance 0.99029 
	(v_angle') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.28326 
	(v_angle') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.82534 
	(v_angle') caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.87614 
	(v_angle') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.99998 
	(v_angle') caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.20477 
	(v_angle') caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.95739 
	(v_angle') caused by (x) with assurrance 0.85125 
	(v_angle') caused by (y) with assurrance 0.02198 
	(vx') caused by (angle) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(vx') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.12842 
	(vx') caused by (engine) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(vx') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.85017 
	(vx') caused by (vx) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(vx') caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.00734 
	(vx') caused by (x) with assurrance 0.02833 
	(vx') caused by (y) with assurrance 0.07515 
	(vy') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.02162 
	(vy') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.85994 
	(vy') caused by (engine) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(vy') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.99979 
	(vy') caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.24905 
	(vy') caused by (x) with assurrance 0.54831 
	(vy') caused by (vy) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(vy') caused by (y) with assurrance 0.00610 
	(x') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.03291 
	(x') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.55412 
	(x') caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.17837 
	(x') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.03749 
	(x') caused by (vx) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(x') caused by (vy) with assurrance 0.00592 
	(x') caused by (y) with assurrance 0.26801 
	(x') caused by (x) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(y') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.07336 
	(y') caused by (engine) with assurrance 0.99998 
	(y') caused by (v_angle) with assurrance 0.00088 
	(y') caused by (landed_legs) with assurrance 0.98922 
	(y') caused by (vx) with assurrance 0.00064 
	(y') caused by (x) with assurrance 0.06248 
	(y') caused by (vy) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(y') caused by (y) with assurrance 1.00000 
(angle, v_angle) --> angle'
(vy, y, landed_legs) --> crash
(engine) --> fuel_cost
(y, engine, landed_legs) --> landed_legs'
() --> rest
(vy, x, landed_legs, engine, v_angle) --> v_angle'
(angle, vx, engine, landed_legs) --> vx'
(v_angle, vy, engine, landed_legs) --> vy'
(vx, x) --> x'
(vy, y, engine, landed_legs) --> y'

3. cartpole复现结果

3.1 第0步


---------------step 0 / 200----------------
episodic return:	9.621621621621621
mean reward:	0.9075 (truth)
perform causal disocery with threshold 0.2
starting causal discovery
	(angle') caused by (PUSH) with assurrance 0.00030 
	(angle') caused by (angle_velocity) with assurrance 0.99963 
	(angle') caused by (angle) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(angle') caused by (position) with assurrance 0.01584 
	(angle') caused by (velocity) with assurrance 0.08129 
	(angle_velocity') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.83305 
	(angle_velocity') caused by (PUSH) with assurrance 0.99976 
	(angle_velocity') caused by (angle_velocity) with assurrance 0.99949 
	(angle_velocity') caused by (position) with assurrance 0.42480 
	(angle_velocity') caused by (velocity) with assurrance 0.00627 
	(position') caused by (PUSH) with assurrance 0.29983 
	(position') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.24988 
	(position') caused by (angle_velocity) with assurrance 0.07966 
	(position') caused by (position) with assurrance 0.99998 
	(position') caused by (velocity) with assurrance 0.98985 
	(velocity') caused by (PUSH) with assurrance 0.99482 
	(velocity') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.44962 
	(velocity') caused by (angle_velocity) with assurrance 0.00733 
	(velocity') caused by (position) with assurrance 0.72191 
	(velocity') caused by (velocity) with assurrance 0.99105 
(angle, angle_velocity) --> angle'
(angle, PUSH, angle_velocity) --> angle_velocity'
(position, velocity) --> position'
(PUSH, velocity) --> velocity'

3.2 第99步


---------------step 99 / 200----------------
episodic return:	200.0
mean reward:	1.0 (truth)
perform causal disocery with threshold 0.2
starting causal discovery
	(angle') caused by (position) with assurrance 0.00154 
	(angle') caused by (angle_velocity) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(angle') caused by (PUSH) with assurrance 0.21346 
	(angle') caused by (angle) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(angle') caused by (velocity) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(angle_velocity') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.99996 
	(angle_velocity') caused by (angle_velocity) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(angle_velocity') caused by (PUSH) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(angle_velocity') caused by (position) with assurrance 0.00013 
	(angle_velocity') caused by (velocity) with assurrance 0.20396 
	(position') caused by (PUSH) with assurrance 0.00293 
	(position') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(position') caused by (angle_velocity) with assurrance 0.00002 
	(position') caused by (position) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(position') caused by (velocity) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(velocity') caused by (PUSH) with assurrance 0.99923 
	(velocity') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.92331 
	(velocity') caused by (angle_velocity) with assurrance 0.30441 
	(velocity') caused by (position) with assurrance 0.31953 
	(velocity') caused by (velocity) with assurrance 0.99826 
(angle, angle_velocity) --> angle'
(angle, PUSH, angle_velocity) --> angle_velocity'
(position, velocity) --> position'
(angle, PUSH, velocity) --> velocity'

3.3 第198步


---------------step 198 / 200----------------
episodic return:	200.0
mean reward:	1.0 (truth)
perform causal disocery with threshold 0.2
starting causal discovery
	(angle') caused by (position) with assurrance 0.00001 
	(angle') caused by (angle_velocity) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(angle') caused by (angle) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(angle') caused by (PUSH) with assurrance 0.16289 
	(angle') caused by (velocity) with assurrance 0.00004 
	(angle_velocity') caused by (angle) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(angle_velocity') caused by (angle_velocity) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(angle_velocity') caused by (PUSH) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(angle_velocity') caused by (position) with assurrance 0.03369 
	(angle_velocity') caused by (velocity) with assurrance 0.68328 
	(position') caused by (PUSH) with assurrance 0.00045 
	(position') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(position') caused by (angle_velocity) with assurrance 0.00000 
	(position') caused by (position) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(position') caused by (velocity) with assurrance 1.00000 
	(velocity') caused by (PUSH) with assurrance 0.99903 
	(velocity') caused by (angle) with assurrance 0.99428 
	(velocity') caused by (angle_velocity) with assurrance 0.85500 
	(velocity') caused by (position) with assurrance 0.53975 
	(velocity') caused by (velocity) with assurrance 0.99811 
(angle, angle_velocity) --> angle'
(angle, PUSH, angle_velocity) --> angle_velocity'
(position, velocity) --> position'
(angle, PUSH, angle_velocity, velocity) --> velocity'
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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


