
Profitability/Efficiency Metrics: Inventory Management

We’ve already identified some of the most important revenue business metrics, focusing on enterprise sales. Now we’ll look at examples of profitability or efficiency metrics, focusing for now on metrics that are widely used to valuate the efficiency of a company’s inventory management.


Why the focus on inventory management?

Inventory management is one of the primary ways that operating companies can reduce their costs and maximize profitability without lowering the quality of what they sell in any way.


Inventory is typically a finished product waiting to be bought, typically sitting on a shelf in a retail store or somewhere between the factory and the customer in a logistics warehouse.

The more time a product just lies around between being made and being sold, the less efficient for the manufacturer. Time spent in inventory erodes profits.


Here are the four main reasons that inventory time should be minimized.

负浮动negative float

从烘培咖啡的案例学习中你应该对这个问题很熟悉,一个制造商供货给零售商,通常只有在物品被销售后才能得到报酬。但是他用来制造产品的成本已经产生负浮动需要的运营资金,还牵涉到利息费用。负浮动的周期时间越长,你需要付更多的利息费用。如果一个公司的信用不好并且负浮动意外增加 ,公司可能会在等库存被销售的期间破产。比如服装零售店特别容易因此被迫破产,由于他们店里没有销售的存货引起的资金流问题。
You should be familiar with this problem from the Edgars Roast Coffee case study. A manufacturer supplying a retailer typically will not get paid until the item is sold at retail. But the money it spent to make that product is already gone. This negative float requires working capital which also entails an interest expense. The longer the negative float in terms of time, the more interest you pay. If a company’s credit is not good, and the negative float increases unexpectedly, it could run out of cash waiting for its inventory to sell. For example, retail clothing stores are especially vulnerable to being forced into bankruptcy due to cash flow problems caused by unsold inventory in their stores.

美国三个大零售连锁店Wet Seal, Cache和Simple Fashion都在2015年的前六个月里宣布破产。
In the US, three large retail chains, Wet Seal, Cache, and Simply Fashion, all declared bankruptcy just in the first six months of 2015.

存货的固定成本Fixed costs of storage

The second reason the fixed cost of storage. It costs money everyday to heat, light, air condition, pay rent on, guard and other ways maintain a warehouse or retail store. The longer a product sits on the shelf, the more the costs of storage that need to be allocated to it.

For example, assume that a furniture warehouse and showroom has fixed costs of $100,000 per year, and it has room to display 200 fully setup luxury dining room tables, and these tables sell for an average price of $1,200. If the average inventory turnover were one time per year, that would mean that we would be selling 200 tables per year and we would need to allocate the $100,000 across those 200 units, or $500 in storage costs to every table. If the average inventory turnout were five times per year, then we would only need to allocate $100 per table, which seems more reasonable.

消耗 Wastage

On average, inventory items lose value the longer that they are in inventory. Some inventory items are subject to complete wastage. Their value goes to zero if they are not sold immediately. Consider fresh-baked bread or restaurant food that must be sold on the day it is made. Those are extreme examples where every unit of extra inventory not sold is a total loss.

Other examples of inventory wastage include any product with an expiration date. In the US and other countries many grocery items have a regulated sell-by date after which they cannot legally be sold.

A special case of complete wastage that we will consider separately in a few minutes are hotel rooms and airline seats. If they are not sold by their quote unquote expiration date, their value as inventory goes to zero.


Items that stay in inventory for six months or more may in reality be items that no one want to buy anymore ever. Maybe production of that item exceeded worldwide demand, or the product has become obsolete and been replaced by something better, or fashions have changed. The longer the item is in inventory, the greater the risk it will ultimately need to be disposed of without a sale for a complete loss. For these reasons, average number of days inventory is held, abbreviated as days inventory, is a very useful business metric to track.

库存天数days inventory

Now not many companies are willing to make their days inventory data public. However, I will share with you a handy trick for estimating days inventory for publicly traded companies, based on numbers that they are required to include in their annual reports.


Public company annual reports


  • Inventory on hand at the end of the year
  • Total annual cost of goods sold

估算:平均库存天数 = 年末库存 / 每年销售商品总成本 * 365

接下来我们会分析沃尔玛和汇编了非常好的商业指标的网站courtesy of investopedia.com。
So we’ll work an example for Walmart, courtesy of investopedia.com, which is a great website with excellent glossary of business metrics.

For the fiscal year ended January 2014, the Walmart annual report gave year end inventory of 44.9 billion and annual cost of goods sold 358.1 billion.
Walmart’s estimated days inventory turnover for the year is simply 44.9 divided by 358.1, or one-eighth, times 365, or approximately 46 days.

Walmart sells all its inventory on average within a 46-day period, which is quite impressive when you consider the number of slow-selling items every Walmart needs to keep on hand. A Walmart store typically has over 100,000 distinct product SKUs on hand. So the days inventory metric is great, but it does not tell us anything about which of our thousands or tens of thousands of items are not selling as quickly as expected and why.

原因可能是这特定的商品是季节性的或者不再流行,或者客户认为商品有缺陷退货,这些都是我们想要立刻知道的动态指标。所有接受大数据文化的公司,这其中包括主要的美国杂货零售连锁店像是沃尔玛,7-11和好市多等,都跟踪单个单品的库存周转率inventory turnaround和库存天数days inventory at the individual product SKU level。它们更深入地根据国家的地理区域,甚至单个销售点分类分析。这是通过跟踪当地营销商再次订购商品的日期和数量以及商品是什么时候送达和上架的,将这个和识别了具体时间和单品的现金收入记录做比较。比如说如果一家位于北卡罗莱纳州的商店每年销售50把雪铲,并且这些销售发生在十二月到次年三月期间,那从四月到十一月保存雪铲库存就不合理。SKU (pronounced “skew”), short for stock keeping unit,最小存货单位。

It could be that particular products are seasonal, are no longer in fashion, or getting returned by customers as defective. These are all dynamic metrics that we want to know immediately. All companies that have embraced big data culture, and this includes the major US retail grocery chains such as Walmart, 7-Eleven, Costco, etc., all track inventory turnaround and days inventory at the individual product SKU level. They further subdivide that analysis by geographic region of the country and even by individual store. This is done by tracking the date and quantity when any item is reordered by local management, and often also when the item is delivered and stocked on the shelf. And that’s compared against cash register sales data the identifies the exact time and SKU for all sales. So for example, if a store in North Carolina sells 50 snow shovels per year, and all those sales are between December and March, it does not make sense for them to hold snow shovel inventory between April and November.

Best Practices

在最理想的现实系统里,每个单品设置有自己的预期库存天数expected days inventory,运用数学模型帮助确定需要给此商品分配多少货架空间,并可以根据地区和季节性因素调整。任何时候实际库存天数和预期不符,都是一个需要注意的警告。
In a best practices system, each product SKU has its own expected days inventory, adjusted for region and seasonal factors using a mathematical model that helps determine how much shelf space should be allocated to it. Any time the actual days inventory can be found to be different than what is expected, that is a warning sign that needs to be looked at.

Empty-handed lost customer metric

Another issue is when you have too few of an item on the shelf. We can’t measure directly how many times a potential customer went away unhappy and without buying anything because what they wanted was out of stock.

但是一个很好的估算空手离开的流失客户指标empty-handed lost customer metric的方法,是计算特定单品库存周转天数达到零的次数。
But a good proxy for the empty-handed lost customer metric is a number of times inventory of any particular SKU reached zero.

Having at least one of everything that you might be expected to sell on hand is highly desirable in terms of brand reputation. As Bloomberg reporter Megan McArdle stated in a 2013 article, Walmart has tried to cut the number of SKUs it carries, but ended up having to put them back because it cost them in complaints and sales. The higher the volume of unit sales of a product, the larger the potential lost revenue every time we see a zero level inventory.

It would be an excellent practice any time a potential customer is observed to walk out of a big box retailer empty-handed to send a friendly marketing researcher after them with a $5 gift certificate in their hand and the question, was there a particular product that you were looking for that we didn’t have on the shelf? In fact, I noticed yesterday that at my local grocery store, which is part of a very large national chain, the staff are now trained to ask at checkout, was there anything you couldn’t find today? I’m tempted to answer, yes, emu eggs, every single time, in hopes that some data analyst will decide that they should stock emu eggs. Try it yourself.

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