Week1.1-区分三种商业指标Business Metrics

课程笔记:(Coursera) Bussiness Metrices for Data-Driven Companies


(Revenue metrics, profitability metrics, and risk metrics)

  • 收入指标 与销售和市场活动相关
  • Revenue metrics relate to sales and marketing
  • 盈利率指标 和效率、物流、生产以及运作相关
  • Profitability metrics to efficiency and logistics, production, and operations
  • 风险指标 与风险管理相关,并且被公司的债权人和外部的投资者们广泛使用
  • risk metrics to risk management, and are widely used by a company’s creditors, and outside investors

收入指标revenue metrics

Revenue metrics are outward facing.

Everything that relates directly or indirectly to selling is a revenue metric. They tell us something about how well or badly the company is marketing and selling its products.


The company sales force, typically led by a vice resident of sales

  • 某时间段内各类产品的销售量,以及和去年或前年同期相比的情况
  • how many units of each product were sold over a given time interval, and how this compares to the same time interval last year and the year before.
  • 不同地区、不同产品以新老客户的销量情况
  • sales by region, by product and by new versus repeat customers.
  • 销售漏斗:已被识别的未来潜在客户,以及他们在促成最终购买的流程中正处于哪个阶段。
  • sales funnel: the potential future customers who have been identified, and where they are in the step by step process of moving towards making a purchase.


the marketing team, typically led by a VP of marketing

  • 任何一场市场营销活动的有效性,例如某一广告到底有多少人看过,或者某一市场营销活动的电子邮件得到多少比例接收者的反馈等等
    how effective any marketing campaigns may be. How many people have seen a particular advertisement or email marketing piece or mail offer? What percentage have responded, etc?

盈利率指标profitability metrics

Profitability metrics have to do with the efficiency of the processes by which the company creates and delivers its products and services to customers. These are operational metrics, sought after by those people in the company responsible for production. Typically led in a large company by the chief operating officer.

Anything that relates to how much cash is tied up in the form of unsold inventory, how much production is unsaleable due to spoilage or wastage, we didn’t sell those mangoes in time, and now they’re rotten, like that. Or at the other extreme, how often the company is unable to meet urgent customer requests and loses sales because of insufficient production or inventory. What portion of products off a production line are rejected as defective, how much is spent on variable costs, raw materials and labor, per unit product, etc. These are all efficiency metrics.

Note that even a company with large and rapidly increasing revenues will fail to be profitable if it cannot deliver its offerings efficiently. Large established companies with relatively little room to increase revenues can often achieve significant increases in profitability by focusing on improving operational efficiencies.

风险指标risk metrics

Risk metrics have to do with tracking and where possible reducing the many potential dangers a company faces.

For example, if a company is spending a large portion of its net cash flow every month on interest on its debts, then even a small drop in revenues caused by some external shock, like a recession, could cause the company to become insolvent and collapse. Secured creditors have the right to seize a company’s assets if they’re not paid on time and that would close down the business.

Net cash out is always the most important metric to track. How many months can the company survive at the present burn rate?

风险指标的另一个例子是客户流失率。如果一家基于订阅收入模式公司客户流失率过高,即新的订阅者在一年内减少,那么长期以往就会带来风险,即潜在的新客户会越来越少,很难带来收入的增长, 甚至无法维持收入。
Another example of risk metric is churn, a company with a subscription based revenue model that has a very high churn rate, the rate at which new subscribers drop off within a year, runs the risk that over time, there are fewer targets who have never been customers and it becomes impossible to maintain revenue growth or even hold steady.

The greater the reliance on long term recurring revenue customers, the less dependent a company is on constantly successfully converting new prospects into clients and that’s a lot less risky.

Other examples of risk metrics are specific to the financial industry. Banks that issue credit cards are in the business of tracking how much exposure they have to potential customer defaults at any time and what percentage of their customers are expected to default in the next six months or are in default now.

Money managers use volatility of returns and something called the maximum historical drawn down from high water mark, as a proxy for their portfolio’s risk exposure.

I’ve noticed in general that most risk metrics are related in one way or another to leverage. Anyone whose survival depends on their ability to pay back a large amount of borrowed money faces a magnified risk from any misfortune.


Maybe this will help you to remember the categories.

  • 收入指标是给乐观主义者和性格外向者
  • Revenue metrics are for optimistic extroverts
  • 盈利率指标是给挑剔的完美主义者
  • profitability metrics for fastidious perfectionists
  • 风险指标是为消息灵通的怀疑者准备的
  • risk metrics for informed skeptics

A great company will harness all three types of temperaments and track all three types of metrics.

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  • 非常有帮助




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