Vehicle Dyanmics and Control 1. Kinematic bicycle model

Vehicle Dyanmics and Control

1. Kinematic bicycle model

1.1 Coordinate systems

Kinematic are about the geometric description of motions in space (e.g. based on different reference frames and coordinate systems).
Kinetics (or dynamics) are about the laws of the causes of motion (e.g. the effects of forces/moments in Newton’s laws).

Inertial, vehicle, and path reference frames

Inertial frame: The inertial frame is fixed to the earth. For the inertial frame, the right-handed Cartesian coordinates X-Y-Z are used. The Z-axis is vertical (anti-directional to the gravitation) and the X-Y-axes represent a horizontal plane (perpendicular to gravitation).
Inertial frame
Vehicle frame: The vehicle frame is attached to the vehicle at a fixed vehicle reference point.(车辆的重心或者后轴中点) The coordinates x v − y v − z v x_v-y_v-z_v xvyvzv are such that x v x_v xv points towards the front, y v y_v yv to the left side, and z v z_v zv to the top of the vehicle (ISO 8855).
Vehicle frame
Horizontal frame: The origin of the horizontal frame is fixed to the vehicle reference point. However, the coordinates x-y-z have a different orientation than in the vehicle frame: The x- and y- axes are projections of the x v x_v xv- and y v y_v yv-axis onto the horizontal plane, and the z-axis is perpendicular to it.
Horizontal frame
Path frame: The origin of the path frame follow a given reference path. The coordinates of the path frame are defined as follows:

  • d-axis: direction tangential to the path;
  • e-axis: perpendicular to the d-axis in the road plane (pointing to the left);
  • n-axis: perpendicular to the road plane such that a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system is obtained.
    Path frame

1.2 Vehicle kinematics: Terminology

All of the following terms are defined in ISO8855

The wheelbase l is the distance between the front and rear axle of a vehicle. (轴距)
The track b is the distance between the left and the right wheel (separately for front and rear axle). (轮距)
The horizontal plane is the plane orthogonal to the direction of gravitation through the vehicle reference point. The road plane is the plane tangential to the earth’s surface (road) at the vehicle reference point.
The slope angle λ \lambda λ is the angle between the horizontal plane and the road plane in the direction of the x-axis. (坡度角)
slope angle
The bank angle β \beta β is the angle between the horizontal plane and the road plane in the direction of the y-axis. (倾斜角)
bank angle
The vehicle velocity v → ( t ) \overrightarrow v(t) v (t) and vehicle acceleration a → ( t ) \overrightarrow a(t) a (t) are the first order and second order derivatives of the inertial coordinates X(t), Y(t), Z(t):
v → ( t ) = [ X ˙ ( t ) Y ˙ ( t ) Z ˙ ( t ) ] a n d a → ( t ) = [ X ¨ ( t ) Y ¨ ( t ) Z ¨ ( t ) ] . \overrightarrow v(t) = \left[ \begin{array}{c} \dot X(t) \\ \dot Y(t) \\ \dot Z(t) \end{array} \right] \quad and \quad \overrightarrow a(t) = \left[ \begin{array}{c} \ddot X(t) \\ \ddot Y(t) \\ \ddot Z(t) \end{array} \right]. v (t)= X˙(t)Y˙(t)Z˙(t) anda (t)= X¨(t)Y¨(t)Z¨(t) .
Projecting the velocity vector v → ( t ) \overrightarrow v(t) v (t) and acceleration vector a → ( t ) \overrightarrow a(t) a (t) ,respectively, onto the horizontal coordinates yields in

  • the x-direction: longitudinal velocity v l o n v_{lon} vlon, longitudinal acceleration a l o n ( t ) a_{lon}(t) alon(t);
  • the y-direction: lateral velocity v l a t v_{lat} vlat, lateral acceleration a l a t ( t ) a_{lat}(t) alat(t);
  • the z-direction: vertical velocity v v e r v_{ver} vver, vertical acceleration a v e r ( t ) a_{ver}(t) aver(t).
    The yaw angle ψ \psi ψ is the angle between the X-axis (inertial frame) and the x-axis (horizontal frame). The yaw angle is the vehicle’s rotation angle about the Z-axis.
    The angular velocity ψ ˙ \dot\psi ψ˙ is called the yaw rate.
    The pitch angle θ \theta θ is the angle between the x-axis (horizontal frame) and the x v x_v xv-axis (vehicle frame). The pitch angle is the vehicle’s rotation angle about the y-axis. The angular velocity θ ˙ \dot\theta θ˙ is called the pitch rate.
    The roll angle ϕ \phi ϕ is the angle between the y-axis (horizontal frame) and the y v y_v yv-axis (vehicle frame). The roll angle is the vehicle’s rotation angle about the x-axis. The angular velocity ϕ ˙ \dot\phi ϕ˙ is called the pitch rate.

1.3 Review: Kinematics of a rigid body

Kinematics of a point P in space

The position r → p ( t ) ∈ R 3 \overrightarrow r_p(t)\in\R^3 r p(t)R3 of P at time t ∈ R t\in\R tR is given by 3 coordinates (of an arbitrary reference frame):
r → p ( t ) = [ x ( t ) y ( t ) z ( t ) ] v → r ( t ) = r → p ˙ ( t ) = [ x ˙ ( t ) y ˙ ( t ) z ˙ ( t ) ] a → p ( t ) = r → p ¨ ( t ) = [ x ¨ ( t ) y ¨ ( t ) z ¨ ( t ) ] . \overrightarrow r_p(t) = \left[ \begin{array}{c} x(t) \\ y(t) \\ z(t) \end{array} \right] \quad \overrightarrow v_r(t) = \dot{\overrightarrow r_p}(t)= \left[ \begin{array}{c} \dot x(t) \\ \dot y(t) \\ \dot z(t) \end{array} \right] \quad \overrightarrow a_p(t) = \ddot{\overrightarrow r_p}(t)= \left[ \begin{array}{c} \ddot x(t) \\ \ddot y(t) \\ \ddot z(t) \end{array} \right]. r p(t)= x(t)y(t)z(t) v r(t)=r p˙(t)= x˙(t)y˙(t)z˙(t) a p(t)=r p¨(t)= x¨(t)y¨(t)z¨(t) .

Describing the motion of a rigid body

A rigid body refers to a collection of infinitely many infinitesimally small mass points which are rigidly connected, i.e., their relative position remains uncharged over time.
The motion of a rigid body is described by the motion of a reference point C of the body (see above) plus the relative motion of all other points P w.r.t. C.
C: reference point that is fixed to the rigid body.
P: an arbitrary point of the rigid body.

  • position: r → p = r → c + r → c p \overrightarrow r_p=\overrightarrow r_c+\overrightarrow r_{cp} r p=r c+r cp
    Fact: Because of the rigidity of the body, all points P of the body perform a relative rotation w.r.t. C.
    Let ω → ∈ R 3 \overrightarrow \omega\in\R^3 ω R3 be the angular velocity of the rigid body (in fact, it is independent of the choice of C).
    Let ω → ˙ ∈ R 3 \dot{\overrightarrow \omega}\in\R^3 ω ˙R3 be the angular acceleration of the rigid body.
  • velocity: v → p = v → c + ω → × r → c p \overrightarrow v_p=\overrightarrow v_c+\overrightarrow\omega\times\overrightarrow r_{cp} v p=v c+ω ×r cp
  • acceleration: a → p = a → c + ω → ˙ × r → c p + ω → × ( ω → × r → c p ) \overrightarrow a_p=\overrightarrow a_c+\dot{\overrightarrow\omega}\times\overrightarrow r_{cp}+\overrightarrow\omega\times(\overrightarrow\omega\times\overrightarrow r_{cp}) a p=a c+ω ˙×r cp+ω ×(ω ×r cp)
    Remark: Thus a rigid body has 6 degrees of freedom in space:
  • 3 positions r → c \overrightarrow r_c r c and 3 angles;
  • 3 velocity v → c \overrightarrow v_c v c and 3 angular velocities ω → \overrightarrow \omega ω ;
  • 3 accelerations a → c \overrightarrow a_c a c and 3 angular accelerations ω → ˙ \dot{\overrightarrow \omega} ω ˙.

Instantaneous center of rotation

The reference point C can be arbitrarily selected as any point of the rigid body, or even as a point outside of the body which is assumed to be fixed in the body’s reference frame.
Fact: At each time instance t ∈ R t\in\R tR, there exists a particular reference point O (the “instantaneous center of rotation”) for which v → O ( t ) = 0 \overrightarrow v_O(t)=0 v O(t)=0. In other words, each point P of the rigid body performs a pure rotation about O: v → P = v → O + ω → × r → O P = ω → × r → O P \overrightarrow v_P=\overrightarrow v_O+\overrightarrow\omega\times\overrightarrow r_{OP}=\overrightarrow\omega\times\overrightarrow r_{OP} v P=v O+ω ×r OP=ω ×r OP

1.4 Ackermann steering geometry

The wheel steer angle δ i j \delta_{ij} δij, defined separately for each of the four wheels (i=f for “front” or i=r for “rear” and j=l for “left” or j=r for “right”), is the angle between the orientation of the wheel and the x v x_v xv-axis, about the z v z_v zv-axis.
Assumption: No rear wheel steering ( δ r l = δ r r = 0 \delta_{rl}=\delta_{rr}=0 δrl=δrr=0).
The slip angle α i j \alpha_{ij} αij (where i ∈ { f , r } i\in\{f,r\} i{f,r} and j ∈ { l , r } j\in\{l,r\} j{l,r}) is the angle between the velocity of the wheel’s center point v i j v_{ij} vij and the wheel’s orientation.

Kinematic four-wheel model

The kinematic four-wheel model assumes that the slip angle of all four tires is zero: α i j = 0 \alpha_{ij}=0 αij=0 for i ∈ { f , r } i\in\{f,r\} i{f,r} and j ∈ { l , r } j\in\{l,r\} j{l,r}.
The combination of all admissible (front) wheel steer angles for the kinematic four wheel model is called the Ackermann steering geometry.

Structure of a practical steering system


1.5 Kinematic bicycle model

The kinematic bicycle model is a simplification of the kinematic four-wheel model, where the two rear wheels and the two front wheels are lumped into on (imaginary) rear wheel and front wheel, respectively.

Equation of motion

Assuming a constant velocity v:
x ˙ ( t ) = v cos ⁡ ( ψ + β ) y ˙ ( t ) = v sin ⁡ ( ψ + β ) ψ ˙ ( t ) = ω = v R \dot x(t) = v\cos(\psi+\beta) \\ \dot y(t) = v\sin(\psi+\beta) \\ \dot \psi(t) = \omega = \frac{v}{R} x˙(t)=vcos(ψ+β)y˙(t)=vsin(ψ+β)ψ˙(t)=ω=Rv
下面推导R的表达式。By some basic geometry and trigonometry:
tan ⁡ δ = l f + l r R ˉ ⇒ R ˉ = l f + l r tan ⁡ δ , tan ⁡ β = l r R ˉ = l r l f + l r tan ⁡ δ cos ⁡ β = R ˉ R ⇒ 1 R = 1 R ˉ cos ⁡ β = 1 l f + l r tan ⁡ δ cos ⁡ β \tan\delta=\frac{l_f+l_r}{\bar R} \Rightarrow \bar R=\frac{l_f+l_r}{\tan\delta}, \\ \tan\beta=\frac{l_r}{\bar R}=\frac{l_r}{l_f+l_r}\tan\delta \\ \cos\beta = \frac{\bar R}{R} \Rightarrow \frac{1}{R}=\frac{1}{\bar R}\cos\beta=\frac{1}{l_f+l_r}\tan\delta\cos\beta tanδ=Rˉlf+lrRˉ=tanδlf+lr,tanβ=Rˉlr=lf+lrlrtanδcosβ=RRˉR1=Rˉ1cosβ=lf+lr1tanδcosβ
x ˙ ( t ) = v cos ⁡ ( ψ + β ) y ˙ ( t ) = v sin ⁡ ( ψ + β ) ψ ˙ ( t ) = ω = v l f + l r tan ⁡ δ cos ⁡ β w h e r e   β = arctan ⁡ ( l r l f + l r tan ⁡ δ ) \dot x(t) = v\cos(\psi+\beta) \\ \dot y(t) = v\sin(\psi+\beta) \\ \dot \psi(t) = \omega = \frac{v}{l_f+l_r}\tan\delta\cos\beta \\ where\ \beta = \arctan(\frac{l_r}{l_f+l_r}\tan\delta) x˙(t)=vcos(ψ+β)y˙(t)=vsin(ψ+β)ψ˙(t)=ω=lf+lrvtanδcosβwhere β=arctan(lf+lrlrtanδ)

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