#method to train the neural network, given the training data (inputS) or the input time
#sequence of spikes for the input neurons and the expected spiking times (outputS)
def train(self, network, inputS, outputS, learningR, epochs):
global learningRate #学习率
learningRate = learningR
lenTimeSeq, inNeurons = inputS.shape #时间序列长度、
#this should be done for a number of epochs as well and at the end of each epoch the resetSpikeTimes
#method should be called #在每一次迭代的最后重置脉冲时间
print ('%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Start of simulation%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%')
for e in range(epochs):
error = 0
inputS, outputS = DataProc.shuffleInUnison(inputS, outputS) #随机打乱inputS和outputS的下标
# network.displaySNN()
#inIndex represents the index of the spikes in the training data time sequence
for inIndex in range(lenTimeSeq):
inLayer = inputS[inIndex,:]
print ('The input layer is ', inLayer)
expSpikes = outputS[inIndex,:]
print ('The expected spikes are ', expSpikes)
predSpikes = np.zeros((lenTimeSeq))
print ('The forward propagation phase started *********')
predSpikes = self.forwardProp(network, inLayer, expSpikes) #前馈
print ('The predicted spike times are ++++++++ ', predSpikes)
scale = 10 if e < 200 else 1
network = self.backProp(network, expSpikes, inLayer) #反馈
network.resetSpikeTimeNet() #重置
predSpikes = self.forwardProp(network, inLayer, expSpikes) #反馈后又前馈一次
print ('The predicted spike times are ++++++++ ', predSpikes)
# network.displaySNN()
# network.resetSpikeTimeLayer(network.layers[-1])
error += self.errorFMSE(expSpikes, predSpikes) #计算误差
#the spikes should be reset after each example
print ('The error is ', error)
if error == 0:
然后解析里面的语句 forwaidProp这个语句是关于层的前馈,这个属于先更新一层,然后根据更新的这一层把后面的所有层都更新一次。
#function to simulate a forward pass through the network
def forwardProp(self, network, inLayer, expSpikes): #前馈 这是整个网络的前馈,所以会以层的传输为主
global codingInterval #编码时间间隙
global timeStep #时间步长
noLayers = len(network.layers) #层数
# print 'The simulation time is ', time
time = 0 #仿真时间
while time <= codingInterval:
#compute the update for the first layer, using the input spikes
updatedLayer = self.forwardPropL(inLayer, network.layers[0], 0, time) #返回的是一个对象,是一个异步神经元类型
network.layers[0] = updatedLayer #更新层变成当前层
for layer in range(1,noLayers): #传递到最后一层
# print 'layer is ', layer, time
#check for updates for the layers of the network
updatedLayer = self.forwardPropL(network.layers[layer-1], network.layers[layer], layer, time)
network.layers[layer] = updatedLayer
time += timeStep
predSpikes = SNNetwork.getFireTimesLayer(network.layers[-1])
return predSpikes
#returns the currentLayer whose spiking times have been updated after the signal has gone through
#the layer #返回 信号通过后在当前层发生脉冲时间更新的神经元
def forwardPropL(self, prevLayer, currLayer, lNo, time): #这是单层的前馈
#when there is only one neuron on the layer, an object is returned instead of an array, so
#recast it
if type(currLayer) is not np.ndarray: #把当前层转换成array形式
tmp = [currLayer]
currLayer = np.asarray(tmp)
# print 'the current layer is ', currLayer
noNeurons = currLayer.shape #返回当前层的大小
#get the number of terminals in the network
noTerm = currLayer[0].getNTerminals() #返回终止节点数
#check on which iteration we are, if we are computing the forward pass of the first layer then use
#the input data which will just be int or floats, otherwise check for AsyncSN objects
if isinstance(prevLayer[0], AsyncSN): #如果前层也是异步神经元的话 就运行下面
preSNFTime = SNNetwork.getFireTimesLayer(prevLayer) #得到前一层的最后一次脉冲发放时间
preSNTypes = SNNetwork.getTypesLayer(prevLayer) #
else: #第一层
preSNFTime = prevLayer
preSNTypes = np.ones(prevLayer.size)
# print 'The presynaptic types and firing times are ', preSNTypes, preSNFTime
#simulate the passes through the network
for n in range(noNeurons[0]):
currLayer[n].actionPot(preSNFTime, time, preSNTypes) #获得动作电势
# print 'The updated firing times of the current layer are ', SNNetwork.getFireTimesLayer(currLayer)
return currLayer
#based on the internal state variable of the neuron, check if it is generating an action potential
#(spike) or not
def actionPot(self, preSNFTime, currTime, preSNTypes): #动作电势
global threshold
# self.displaySN()
if len(self.fireTime) == 0:
stateVariable = self.intStateVar(preSNFTime, currTime, preSNTypes)
# print 'The state variable for neuron with presynaptic firing time ', preSNFTime, ' is ', stateVariable
if stateVariable >= threshold:
# print '^^^^^^^^^^^^A new spike time was appended ', currTime
#计算当前神经元的内部状态变量方法,为了去决定神经元是否发放 内部状态变量可能是当前神经元电压
#method to compute the internal state variable of the current neuron, in order to determine if the
#neuron is spiking or not
def intStateVar(self, preSNFTime, currTime, preSNTypes):
connections = self.getNConnections() #获得当前的连接矩阵
stateVariable = 0.0
for s in range(connections):
# print 'The presynaptic fr received is ', preSNFTime[s], currTime
if currTime >= preSNFTime[s] and preSNFTime[s] >= 0:
terminals = self.getNTerminals()
# print terminals
for t in range(terminals):
# print 'the term contribution is ********** ', self.termContr(preSNFTime[s], currTime, self.synapses[s].delays[t],\
# preSNTypes[s])
stateVariable += self.synapses[s].weights[t] \
* self.termContr(preSNFTime[s], currTime, self.synapses[s].delays[t],\
return stateVariable
# preSNFTime 是前层神经元发放时间
def termContr(self, preSNFTime, currTime, termDelay, nType):
time = float(currTime) - preSNFTime #- termDelay
return self.lifFunction(time, nType)
#a standard spike response function describing a postsynaptic potential
#creates a leaky-integrate-and-fire neuron
def lifFunction(self, time, nType): #多了一个nType
global memPotDecayT
if time > 0:
div = float(time) / memPotDecayT
return div * nType * math.exp(1 - div)
return 0
#method that modifies the weights of each neuron using the SpikeProp algorithm and gradient descent
def backProp(self, network, expSpikeT, inLayer):
global learningRate
net = deepcopy(network) #复制网络
layersNo = len(network.layers) #网络层数
neuronsNo = network.layers[layersNo-1].shape #神经元数
deltaNeuron = np.zeros((neuronsNo))
#compute the update for the output layer and store any variables that might be needed for
#the other layers as well
for n in range(neuronsNo[0]):
if network.layers[-1][n].getLastFireTime() != -1: #如果网络最后一层的某个发放时间不等于-1,说明发放了
connNo = network.layers[-1][n].getNConnections() #连接矩阵
termNo = network.layers[-1][n].getNTerminals() #获得终端数,就是神经元数
#array to store the updates for each connection and terminal for the current neuron
deltaWO = np.zeros((connNo, termNo))
preSNFTimes = SNNetwork.getFireTimesLayer(network.layers[layersNo-2]) #得到该层的神经元发放时间
preSNTypes = SNNetwork.getTypesLayer(network.layers[layersNo-2]) #获得该层的类别
for c in range(connNo):
if preSNFTimes[c] != -1:
for t in range(termNo):
termContrib = network.layers[-1][n].termContr(preSNFTimes[c], \
network.layers[-1][n].getLastFireTime(), \
network.layers[-1][n].synapses[c].delays[t], \
deltaWO[c,t] = termContrib * (-1) * learningRate
deltaWO[c] = np.zeros((termNo))
# print '------------------', termContrib
#independent of connection and terminals, store for reuse for hidden layers
deltaNeuron[n] = self.deltaOutputN(network.layers[-1][n], preSNFTimes, preSNTypes, \
# print 'the delta is ', deltaWO
# print 'the error is ', deltaNeuron[n]
updates = np.multiply(deltaWO, deltaNeuron[n])
net.layers[-1][n].updateWeights(updates) #更新输出层
deltaNeuron[n] = 0
#enable line to do gradient checking
# self.checkGradient(deltaWO * deltaNeuron[n], \
# self.approxGradient(network, inLayer, expSpikeT, n))
#method to compute the delta term of the update for the output layer nodes
def deltaOutputN(self, neuron, preSNFTimes, preSNTypes, expSpikeT): #计算输出层的反馈导数
actualSpike = neuron.getLastFireTime() #实际脉冲发放时间
error = expSpikeT - actualSpike
connNo = neuron.getNConnections()
termNo = neuron.getNTerminals()
delta = 0.0
# neuron.displaySN()
for c in range(connNo):
if preSNFTimes[c] != -1:
for t in range(termNo):
delta += neuron.synapses[c].weights[t] * neuron.termContrDer(preSNFTimes[c], actualSpike, \
neuron.synapses[c].delays[t], preSNTypes[c])
return float(error)/delta
#compute the update for the other layers #更新隐藏层
for l in range(layersNo-2, -1, -1):
# print 'backpropagation through layer ', l
neuronsNo = network.layers[l].shape #神经元数
deltaNeuronH = np.zeros((neuronsNo[0]))
for n in range(neuronsNo[0]):
if network.layers[l][n].getLastFireTime() != -1: #证明该神经元发放
connNo = network.layers[l][n].getNConnections() #返回突触形状
termNo = network.layers[l][n].getNTerminals() #该层延时矩阵形状
deltaWH = np.zeros((connNo, termNo))
if l > 0:
preSNFTimes = network.getFireTimesLayer(network.layers[l-1])
preSNTypes = SNNetwork.getTypesLayer(network.layers[l-1])
preSNFTimes = inLayer
preSNTypes = np.ones(inLayer.size)
for c in range(connNo):
if preSNFTimes[c] != -1:
for t in range(termNo):
termContrib = network.layers[l][n].termContr(preSNFTimes[c], \
network.layers[l][n].synapses[c].delays[t], preSNTypes[c])
deltaWH[c,t] = termContrib * (-1) * learningRate
deltaWH[c] = np.zeros((termNo))
#compute the hidden layer delta
deltaNeuronH[n] = self.deltaHiddenN(network.layers[l][n], preSNFTimes, preSNTypes,\
network.layers[l+1], deltaNeuron, n)
# print 'The delta of neuron ', n,' is ', deltaNeuronH[n]
# print 'Delta weight hidden are ', deltaWH
updates = np.multiply(deltaWH, deltaNeuronH[n])
deltaNeuronH[n] = 0
deltaNeuron = deltaNeuronH
return net
#method to compute the delta term in the update for the hidden layer nodes
def deltaHiddenN(self, neuron, preSNFTimes, preSNTypes, nextLayer, deltaNextLayer, currNInd): #这是计算隐藏层的反馈导数
prevError = 0.0
currError = 0.0
termSum = 0.0
actualSpike = neuron.getLastFireTime() #得到最后一次发放时间
connNo = neuron.getNConnections()
termNo = neuron.getNTerminals()
neuronsNo = nextLayer.shape
for c in range(connNo):
if preSNFTimes[c] != -1:
for t in range(termNo):
currError += neuron.synapses[c].weights[t] * neuron.termContrDer(preSNFTimes[c], \
actualSpike, neuron.synapses[c].delays[t], preSNTypes[c])
for n in range(neuronsNo[0]):
termNo = nextLayer[n].getNTerminals()
termSum = 0.0
for t in range(termNo):
termSum += nextLayer[n].synapses[currNInd].weights[t] \
* neuron.termContrDer(actualSpike, nextLayer[n].getLastFireTime(),\
# print 'delta next layer ', deltaNextLayer[n]
prevError += termSum * deltaNextLayer[n]
return prevError / currError