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原创 如何在Linux服务器中安装并使用自己的指令

一般情况下,大家连接Linux服务器用的都是根指令。何为根指令呢?这个图里运行了两个命令,分别是which gcc:获取当前所使用的gcc指令的执行路径gcc --version:查看当前gcc的版本这两条指令的运行结果分别是/usr/bin/gccgcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)简而言之,当前我调用gcc指令使用的是根目录里的公用指令,版本是4.8.5.但是呢,有时候这样会带来问题,比如我需要更高版本的gcc来编译,那么直接调用根

2020-10-25 13:30:35 312

原创 No module named ignite.engine 解决方案

前言以下解决方案对No module named ignite.metricsNo module named ignite.baseNo module named ignite.contribNo module named ignite.distributedNo module named ignite.handlers效果相同正文前两天组里的一只萌新问了我一个神奇的问题。他说他装了ignite后代码报错说No module named ignite.engine其实是这样的,首先

2020-10-25 12:42:30 9260 6

原创 拉格朗日乘子法与KKT条件核心原理(小白都能看懂)


2020-10-15 17:15:08 1678

原创 如果#define true false 会发生什么?(全CSDN最详细define讲解)

定义宏可以说是每个敲代码敲得多的人必然需要学习的一项新技能。毕竟代码里有很多地方是重叠的,如果能把这些地方简短地表示出来可以大大缩减工作量。比如博主打ACM的时候就特别喜欢定义这么一个宏#define rep(i, x, y) for(int i= x; i < y; i++)这样子一来,for循环少了80%,变成了简短的rep,可以说是非常爽了。你有没有想过?宏比你想的有意思得多。事先说明,博主全文的代码均使用GCC 4.9.2编译。文章目录#define true false#de

2020-10-15 00:12:00 6618 2

原创 为什么对偶问题一定是凸优化问题?


2020-10-14 17:34:28 4124 1

原创 如何用python爬取e-hentai的图片


2020-10-07 21:09:07 55252 6

原创 CV中的gallery和probe究竟是什么?


2020-10-07 11:51:46 3352 2

原创 2020数学建模国赛B题穿越沙漠个人解析


2020-09-18 15:02:43 31222 2

原创 UVA-12369 Cards 概率DP

题目DescriptionTaha has got a standard deck of cards with him. In additionto the 52 regular ones, there are 2 joker cards. Every regularcard has a rank and a suit. The ranks in ascending order are:A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, T, J, Q and K. The suit of a

2020-09-17 20:36:30 152

原创 HDU 4578 Transformation 懒标记

题目链接:HDU 4578 Transformation题目Problem DescriptionYuanfang is puzzled with the question below:There are n integers, a1, a2, …, an. The initial values of them are 0. There are four kinds of operati...

2019-10-19 23:25:27 207

原创 POJ 1177 Picture 线段树+扫描线

题目链接:POJ 1177 Picture题目DescriptionA number of rectangular posters, photographs and other pictures of the same shape are pasted on a wall. Their sides are all vertical or horizontal. Each rectangle...

2019-10-04 16:35:53 239

原创 UVA 1619 Feel Good 线段树二分

题目链接:UVA 1619 Feel Good题目DescriptionBill is developing a new mathematical theory for human emotions. His recent investigations are dedicated to studying how good or bad days influent people’s memo...

2019-09-13 10:41:49 247

原创 POJ 2182 Lost Cows 权值线段树

题目链接:POJ 2182 Lost Cows题目DescriptionN (2 <= N <= 8,000) cows have unique brands in the range 1…N. In a spectacular display of poor judgment, they visited the neighborhood ‘watering hole’ and...

2019-09-11 22:01:50 190

原创 POJ 2184 Cow Exhibition 背包问题

题目链接:POJ 2184 Cow Exhibition题目Description“Fat and docile, big and dumb, they look so stupid, they aren’t muchfun…”Cows with Guns by Dana LyonsThe cows want to prove to the public that they ar...

2019-09-11 21:46:25 163

原创 POJ 2576 Tug of War 背包问题

题目链接:POJ 2576 Tug of War题目DescriptionA tug of war is to be arranged at the local office picnic. For the tug of war, the picnickers must be divided into two teams. Each person must be on one team o...

2019-09-11 21:32:26 214

原创 POJ 2482 Stars in Your Window 线段树+扫描线

题目DescriptionFleeting time does not blur my memory of you. Can it really be 4 years since I first saw you? I still remember, vividly, on the beautiful Zhuhai Campus, 4 years ago, from the moment I s...

2019-09-05 16:38:11 258

原创 POJ 1151 Atlantis 线段树扫描线

题目DescriptionThere are several ancient Greek texts that contain descriptions of the fabled island Atlantis. Some of these texts even include maps of parts of the island. But unfortunately, these map...

2019-09-04 23:06:27 240

原创 Robots 2019icpc南京网络赛 DAG概率DP

题目DescriptionGiven a directed graph with no loops which starts at node 1 and ends at node nn.There is a robot who starts at 1, and will go to one of adjacent nodes or stand still with equal probabi...

2019-09-04 22:53:35 202

原创 BZOJ-4318 OSU! 概率DP

题目链接:BZOJ-4318 OSU!题目Descriptionosu 是一款群众喜闻乐见的休闲软件。我们可以把osu的规则简化与改编成以下的样子:一共有n次操作,每次操作只有成功与失败之分,成功对应1,失败对应0,n次操作对应为1个长度为n的01串。在这个串中连续的 X个1可以贡献X^3 的分数,这x个1不能被其他连续的1所包含(也就是极长的一串1,具体见样例解释)现在给出n,以及...

2019-08-17 17:25:29 167

原创 BZOJ-1076 奖励关 概率+状压DP

题目链接:BZOJ-1076 奖励关题目Description你正在玩你最喜欢的电子游戏,并且刚刚进入一个奖励关。在这个奖励关里,系统将依次随机抛出k次宝物,每次你都可以选择吃或者不吃(必须在抛出下一个宝物之前做出选择,且现在决定不吃的宝物以后也不能再吃)。宝物一共有n种,系统每次抛出这n种宝物的概率都相同且相互独立。也就是说,即使前k-1次系统都抛出宝物1(这种情况是有可能出现的,...

2019-08-14 00:32:22 111

原创 HDU 6644 - 11 Dimensions 数位DP

题目链接:HDU 6644 - 11 Dimensions题目Problem Description11 Dimensions is a cute contestant being talented in math. One day, 11 Dimensions came across a problem but didn’t manage to solve it. Today you ar...

2019-08-10 19:57:33 239

原创 HDU-6621 主席树+二分优化

题目链接:HDU-6621 K-th Closest Distance题目Problem DescriptionYou have an array: a1, a2, , an and you must answer for some queries.For each query, you are given an interval [L, R] and two numbers p an...

2019-08-03 16:41:49 96

原创 数据结构——静态主席树(主席树第一部分)


2019-08-03 16:40:21 1343

原创 POJ-3245 Corn Fields 状压dp

题目链接:POJ-3245 Corn Fields题目DescriptionFarmer John has purchased a lush new rectangular pasture composed of M by N (1 ≤ M ≤ 12; 1 ≤ N ≤ 12) square parcels. He wants to grow some yummy corn for the ...

2019-08-01 21:06:08 216

原创 Codeforces 148D Bag of mice 简单概率dp

题目链接:Codeforces 148D Bag of mice题目DescriptionThe dragon and the princess are arguing about what to do on the New Year’s Eve. The dragon suggests flying to the mountains to watch fairies dancing in ...

2019-07-28 20:48:32 145

原创 HDU 4405 Aeroplane chess 概率dp入门

题目链接:HDU 4405 Aeroplane chess题目Problem DescriptionHzz loves aeroplane chess very much. The chess map contains N+1 grids labeled from 0 to N. Hzz starts at grid 0. For each step he throws a dice(a d...

2019-07-28 17:36:00 123

原创 数据结构——ST表

定义倍增查询表作用区间查询,单点多层次查询,求LCA原理倍增思想,能够快速向上推进查询。模板void init(){ for(int j = 1; j < 20; j++) for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) st[i][j] = st[st[i][j-1]][j-1];}int query(int a, int b) /...

2019-07-27 21:08:15 213

原创 HDU 4507 吉哥系列故事——恨7不成妻 数位dp(超级恶心)

题目链接:HDU 4507 吉哥系列故事——恨7不成妻题目Problem Description单身!  依然单身!  吉哥依然单身!  DS级码农吉哥依然单身!  所以,他生平最恨情人节,不管是214还是77,他都讨厌!    吉哥观察了214和77这两个数,发现:  2+1+4=7  7+7=72  77=711  最终,他发现原来这一切归根到底都是因为和7有关!所以...

2019-07-26 19:46:21 179

原创 HDU 3652 - B-number 数位dp入门

题目链接:HDU 3652 - B-number题目Problem DescriptionA wqb-number, or B-number for short, is a non-negative integer whose decimal form contains the sub- string “13” and can be divided by 13. For example, 1...

2019-07-20 17:16:21 209

原创 数据结构——树状数组

定义树状的数组 (废话,你就是偷懒不想查)作用求出一段区间元素计算得到的值原理其实就是简化过的线段树啦 (你是不是懒癌发作了)不过树状数组求出的是从1开始的连续区间,若不从1开始,还得计算两个值再对这两个值计算得出答案模板#define lowbit(x) x&(-x) int tree[maxn]; void build(int n){ for(int i = 1...

2019-07-18 16:55:51 124

原创 数据结构——单调队列

定义内部元素单调递增/递减的队列操作作用求出一个数组内第一个大于等于一个数x的数求出数组里每个定长连续区间的最值原理加入一个元素时,若队列不为空且队尾元素大于/小于当前元素的值时,弹出队尾,重复该操作直至队列为空或队尾元素小于等于/大于等于新元素,新元素入队模板while(!dq.empty()) dq.pop_back();for(int j = 1; j <= b; j...

2019-07-18 12:31:39 186

原创 CodeForces - 1183H Subsequences (hard version) 特殊数位dp

题目链接:CodeForces - 1183H Subsequences (hard version)题目DescripionThe only difference between the easy and the hard versions is constraints.A subsequence is a string that can be derived from another ...

2019-07-18 11:28:42 354

原创 POJ 1185 炮兵阵地 状压dp

题目链接:POJ 1185 炮兵阵地题目Description司令部的将军们打算在NM的网格地图上部署他们的炮兵部队。一个NM的地图由N行M列组成,地图的每一格可能是山地(用"H" 表示),也可能是平原(用"P"表示),如下图。在每一格平原地形上最多可以布置一支炮兵部队(山地上不能够部署炮兵部队);一支炮兵部队在地图上的攻击范围如图中黑色区域所示:如果在地图中的灰色所标识的平原上部署一支炮...

2019-07-16 17:32:23 138

原创 HDU 3001 - Travelling 限制性TSP

题目链接:HDU 3001 - Travelling题目Problem DescriptionAfter coding so many days,Mr Acmer wants to have a good rest.So travelling is the best choice!He has decided to visit n cities(he insists on seeing al...

2019-07-12 19:09:32 99

原创 HDU 5711 - Ingress TSP+优先队列贪心

题目链接:HDU 5711 - Ingress题目Problem DescriptionBrickgao, who profited from your accurate calculating last year, made a great deal of money by moving bricks. Now he became ``gay shy fool’’ again and re...

2019-07-12 18:49:54 170

原创 ZOJ 4114 Flipping Game 动态规划

题目链接:ZOJ 4114 Flipping Game题目DescriptionLittle Sub loves playing the game Flip Me Please. In the game, lights, numbered from 1 to , are connected separately to switches. The lights may be either ...

2019-07-11 20:44:38 242 2

原创 UVA 11491 - Erasing and Winning 贪心水题

题目链接:UVA 11491 - Erasing and Winning(考虑到UVA的访问不是很方便,这里就放个vjudge的链接吧)题目DescriptionJuliano is a fan of the TV show Erasing and Winning, where participants are selected in a draw andreceive money for...

2019-07-11 00:53:17 366

原创 POJ 2688 - Cleaning Robot 搜索+TSP

题目链接:POJ 2688 - Cleaning Robot题目DescriptionHere, we want to solve path planning for a mobile robot cleaning a rectangular room floor with furniture.Consider the room floor paved with square tiles ...

2019-07-11 00:41:43 252

原创 HDU 5067 - Harry And Dig MachineTSP问题

题目链接:HDU 5067题目Problem DescriptionAs we all know, Harry Porter learns magic at Hogwarts School. However, learning magical knowledge alone is insufficient to become a great magician. Sometimes, Harr...

2019-07-11 00:35:33 154

原创 HDU 6024 动态规划

HDU 6024 动态规划题目Problem DescriptionHDU’s n classrooms are on a line ,which can be considered as a number line. Each classroom has a coordinate. Now Little Q wants to build several candy shops in the...

2019-05-26 15:27:21 179



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