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原创 Raspberry Pi - Robot Arm

Raspberry Pi - Robot Arm1. Robot Configuration1.1 Configure PCA96851.2 servokit libControlProject and Code1. Robot Configuration1 * Raspberry Pi processor.4 * SG90 servos.1 * PCA9685.1 * 5V(2A/4A) adaptor.3D printed arm model.1.1 Conf

2020-11-09 16:11:06 531

原创 Dell G3电脑配置(增加ssd,ubuntu双系统等)

Dell G3电脑配置准备准备在开始购置之前,因为不确定我的硬盘的接口型号和硬盘提供的空间大小,我先拆解了机器的背面,以做好充分的功课。内存是普通的笔记本内存硬盘有一个SATA,两个M.2的接口(其中一个为原厂装配的512G硬盘占用)...

2020-10-05 19:43:39 5371

原创 PyCuda install linux

1. Download the sourceOfficial site, but the download link is broken down, when I visited it. (We can go directly to pypi site to download the source)# tar the sourcetar xfz pycuda-VERSION.tar.gz2. Build2.1 NVCCWhen I build the project, I faced erro

2020-09-22 11:29:37 1884 3

原创 Quaternion Weighted Averaging Proofs

Quaternion Weighted Averaging1. Objective function2. Further Derivative3. Using the rotation matrix expressionQuaternion Averaging paper1. Objective functionThis paper use the element-wise matrix difference as the objective function.Then extend the Fr

2020-08-18 15:58:10 272

原创 Paper read with more formula derivation: Semidefinite Programming

Paper read with more formula derivation: Semidefinite Programming1. Introduction1.1 SDP2. Duality2.1 Derivation2.2 Duality gap2.3 Optimal condition2.4 Example3. Primal Dual formulation4. Interior-point method4.1 Barrier function4.1.1 Derivative4.1.2 LP exa

2020-06-17 14:45:45 318

原创 Paper read :on the unificationof line process,outlier rejection and robust statistics

Paper read :on the unificationof line process,outlier rejection and robust statistics1. Total variance reconstruction2. Robust Statistics3. Outlier process4. From Robust estimation to Outlier process5. GNC6. Spatial DiscontinutiesBlack M J , Rangarajan A

2020-06-16 10:17:26 499

原创 CVX based SLAM algorithms paper read

CVX based ICP paper read1 Banch and Bound1.1 Practical Global Optimization for Multiview Geometry1.2 Branch-and-Bound Methods for Euclidean Registration Problems2. Lagrangian Duality2.1 Convex Global 3D Registration with Lagrangian Duality2.2 Solving Quadr

2020-06-08 15:58:13 912 5

原创 PCG(preconditioned conjugate gradient) for RCS(reduced camera system) in SLAM

Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient for Reduced Camera System in SLAM1. Introduction1.1 Linear algebra softwares1.2 Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient1.3 Prepare real SLAM data1. IntroductionTry to reproduce the article Pushing the Envelope of Modern Method

2020-05-26 15:03:43 752

原创 Conjugate Gradient Methods

Conjugate Gradient MethodsIntroductionAlgorithmsMatlab ImplementationIntroductionCG方法一开始发明在上个世纪(1952年,Hestenes and Stiefel),作为直接求解的方法,一开始的动力是因为那时代的电脑完全没有我们现在的电脑强大。在更早的时候,甚至没有电脑存在,那种情况下使用基础的牛顿法求解一个几百...

2020-05-06 16:22:36 827 3

原创 Why least squares so powerful?

1. 概率论大数定理2. 高斯误差的优化3. 凸优化中的凸包定理4. L2范数LJ“椭圆”是所有凸集的scale为n下的近似。L2是其他所有模在sqrt(n)下的近似。总得来说:如果在大数定理下,我们假设高斯噪音,那么最小二乘是最合适的范数选择。但是哪怕假设不成立,无论实际是什么样的误差,应该选取什么样的范数。最小二乘都可以取得一个很好的近似。也就是说,当然高斯假设下用最...

2020-03-07 11:17:40 217

原创 Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes, PGM(概率图模型)

Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes from PGM概率图模型1. PGM 概率图模型1.1 Variational Inference1.2 KL divergence1.3 The Variational Lower bound1. PGM 概率图模型AVEB(Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes)的思想可以从概率图模型来理解。它是建立...

2020-03-05 15:19:41 617

原创 Levenberg-Marquardt(LM算法)的理解

谈一下对SLAM中least square的理解1. convex optimization1.1 convex set1.2 convex function1.3 optimization problem1.4 convex optimization2. SLAM Bundle Adjustment1.5 Duality2.1 Gauss Newton's method2.2 LM法2.3 Re...

2020-03-03 16:07:52 2438

原创 MIT self driving learning note

1. Lecture IntroductionProf from MIT gives us an overview of the self driving techniques.1.1 Requirements for automony vehicles.He offered us an opinion that I found very intriguing.automony vehi...

2020-03-01 11:34:09 840

原创 Probabilistic Graphical Modeling概率图模型学习笔记

Probabilistic Graphical Modeling概率图模型学习笔记0. learning materials1. Introduction2. Representation2.1 Bayesian network2.2 Markov Random Fields2.3 Conditional Random Fields2.4 Factor Graph0. learning mate...

2020-02-29 19:09:27 702

原创 学习资料链接整理

学习资料链接整理Convex OptimizationProbabilistic Graphical ModelingPattern Recognition and Machine LearningConvex Optimization凸优化stanford course B站链接stanford course page EE364A convex optimization Istan...

2020-02-29 09:19:29 1411

原创 一些双目相机的总结比较(realsense,mynteye,zedmini)

一些双目相机的总结比较(realsense,mynteye,zedmini)Realsense D435ZED MINI小觅 Mynt Eye D系列Realsense D435Realsense是我最早使用的双目深度相机,我认为realsense最大的优点就是它是市面上各种功能最齐全的深度相机,同时也是提供最完善SDK和文档的双目深度相机。总的来说,是我觉得最适合开始开发的相机。优点:...

2020-02-20 10:56:13 18854 11

原创 Ceres

example officialEigen::Matrix2d ProjectionCameraMapFactor::sqrt_info;ProjectionCameraMapFactor::ProjectionCameraMapFactor(const Eigen::Vector3d &_map_point, const E...

2019-12-13 17:32:30 193

原创 PCL 和 solid state Lidar SLAM

Lidar SLAMTraditional LidarTraditional Lidar

2019-12-13 11:52:53 1239

原创 Install Colmap in Centos7

1. Install gccinstall gcc g++ etc via yumupdate gcc to higher version (I choose 5.4)tar -xvf gcc-5.4.0.tar.bz2cd gcc-5.4.0./contrib/download_prerequisitsmkdir buildcd build…/configure --enab...

2019-12-06 11:14:56 1256 1

原创 Interpolation -shading / hector slam

Interpolation - shading and occupy map(hector slam)1. Introduction2. slam - 拉格朗日插值2.1 一维线性插值2.2 二维简单插值3. Smooth Shading3.1 Gouraud shading1. Introduction最近学习hector slam (A Flexible and Scalable SLAM...

2019-11-26 11:17:36 162

原创 VINS frontend - change feature's parent

VINS frontend - change feature's parentIntroductionVINS feature managerSwitch parentIntroductionWe want to change the parent(start frame) of a feature point.VINS feature manager// remove the oldes...

2019-10-31 16:54:13 324

原创 Unity C++ 底层渲染(low level) plugin

Unity C++ 底层渲染 plugin1. Android Unity 渲染1.1 全由android处理1.2 全由unity处理1.3 android开相机,untiy渲染视频2. Unity Low-level native plug-in interface2.1 load and unload2.2 IssuePluginEvent2.3 DrawColoredTriangle2.4...

2019-10-16 10:32:18 3491 4

原创 Patch Match Stereo文献+代码

Patch Match Stereo文献+代码1. Patch Match1.1 初始化1.2 传播1.3 搜索2. Patch Match Stereo2.1 pipeline2.2 Initialization2.2.1 初始化weight2.2.2 计算灰度的导数gradient2.2.3原文来自:PatchMatch Stereo - Stereo Matching with Slant...

2019-10-11 11:57:03 1891 2

原创 Quasi-Newton拟牛顿法(共轭方向法)

Quasi-Newton拟牛顿法(共轭方向法)1. Introduction2. 牛顿法2.1 不能保证收敛2.2 Hessian计算复杂3. 共轭方向法3.1 共轭方向3.2 共轭方向上可以收敛到极小3.3 共轭梯度法得到的是Q上的共轭方向3.4 算法效果4. 拟牛顿法4.1 拟牛顿法构造的是Q的共轭方向4.2 确定Hk - 秩1修正公式4.2 确定Hk - DFP4.3 确定Hk - BFGS...

2019-10-09 11:47:39 4052

原创 在Threejs导入显示点云数据


2019-10-08 18:14:52 10331 6

原创 LeGO LOAM学习

LOAMLOAM是一套非常有价值的LIDAR ODOMOTRY算法(它是一个历程计算法,没有回环检测和全局优化的部分)。LEGO LOAMLeGO LOAM它含有四个主要线程image projection: 相对于LOAM增加的模块,对每一帧的激光数据的预处理。包括了地面的提取(没有统一平面作为地面的假设),点云的实时分割。feature optimization : 特征点的提取...

2019-10-06 13:22:19 3620

原创 LOAM, ALOAM, LegoLOAM, hdl graph slam比较

A-LOAMLOAM:• LOAM use a new defined feature system (corner and flat point), for the detail see its article.• LOAM suppose linear motion within the scan swap (VLOAM further uses visual odometry to e...

2019-09-26 17:11:43 11694 10

原创 VINS 代码阅读分析 (1)

VINS Fusion 代码阅读分析Ros node合理的创建标题,有助于目录的生成如何改变文本的样式插入链接与图片如何插入一段漂亮的代码片生成一个适合你的列表创建一个表格设定内容居中、居左、居右SmartyPants创建一个自定义列表如何创建一个注脚注释也是必不可少的KaTeX数学公式新的甘特图功能,丰富你的文章UML 图表FLowchart流程图导出与导入导出导入(https://githu...

2019-07-31 16:49:40 817

翻译 C/C++ socket basic example with code

C/C++ socket basic example with codeServerClientfrom (https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/socket-programming-cc/)Server// An highlighted block// Server side C/C++ program to demonstrate Socket programmi...

2019-06-21 09:25:43 260

原创 SLAM BOW词袋重定位

visual bag of words 词袋用于SLAM重定位DBOWBinary featuresImage databaseLoop detectionA. Data base queryB. Matching groupingC. Temporal consistencyD. Efficient geometrical consistency结果分析ORBSLAM2 中的Relocaliza...

2019-06-17 15:50:00 1851 1

原创 PCL点云特征小结


2019-06-17 15:06:40 895


proofs of the derivatives of paper "Quaternion Averaging". Which realize a weighted averaging of quaternions.


EE263 Introduction to Linear Dynamical System.rar

EE263 Introduction to Linear Dynamical System 课程资料: 课程ppt、附加材料ppt、作业和解答ppt、考试和解答ppt、 课程的视频在B站上可以找到。


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