


  • 个人感觉:Density Field、SDF都是表示geometry的方式,但是为什么越来越多的工作选择后者作为表示方案,我的直觉是这样的:

    • (1) 网络预测density很难突变,网络预测SDF也没法突变,但是连续的SDF也可以extract出清晰的表面。因为取iso-surface的过程是突变的。

    • (2) SDF的Eikonal损失约束了表面附近的点(一小簇点)的多米诺骨牌一样的关系,只有density field的时候是没有办法限制相邻的点的几何关系的相关性的。

    • (3) “SDF is a more useful geometric representation that can support tasks such as tracing.” (from VoxFusion)

    • (4) 一条光线达到一个点上,SDF可以很直观的把中间的空气部分的SDF Value直接设成截断值,然而Density Field可能会设置很小的Density进而导致空气中的漂浮物(MipNeRF360中有提)。

  • 然后放一张小派系的图儿:

二、MonoSDF, NIPS2022



2.1 原理解释

2.1.1 SDF to Density


大哥直接follow的”Volume rendering of neural implicit surfaces, NIPS2021“,把sdf value转换成sigma然后体渲染 ( β \beta β是可学习的参数),用的是CDF函数。

(知乎博主说的是:因为拉普拉斯分布的CDF有非常好的适合做sdf的性质,可以去看看拉普拉斯分布CDF的图像) β \beta β是标准差,这玩意能不能当作confidence呀。

σ β ( s ) = { 1 2 β e s d f β , s ≤ 0 1 β ( 1 − 1 2 e − s d f β ) , s > 0 \sigma_\beta(s) = \left\{\begin{matrix} \frac{1}{2\beta} e^{\frac{sdf}{\beta}},s\le 0 \\ \frac{1}{\beta} ( 1 - \frac{1}{2}e^{\frac{-sdf}{\beta}}),s> 0 \end{matrix}\right. σβ(s)={2β1eβsdf,s0β1(121eβsdf),s>0



2.1.2 体渲染

  • NeRF原本的体渲染:(下面讲的是一条ray上的)

    SwiftMapping里 σ \sigma σ的值大概范围是(0,200),均值大概在35。

    d i s t s = [ Δ d 1 , Δ d 2 , . . . Δ d n , 1 e 10 ] α = [ 1 − e − Δ d 1 ⋅ R e L U ( σ 1 ) , 1 − e − Δ d 2 ⋅ R e L U ( σ 2 ) , . . . , 1 ] w e i g h t s = { ∏ k = 0 k = i − 1 ( 1 − α k ) α i } d e p t h = w e i g h t s ⋅ z _ v a l s dists = [\Delta d_1, \Delta d_2, ...\Delta d_n,1e10 ] \\ \alpha = [1-e^{-\Delta d_1\cdot ReLU(\sigma_1)},1-e^{-\Delta d_2\cdot ReLU(\sigma_2)} ,...,1] \\ weights = \{\prod_{k=0}^{k=i-1} (1-\alpha_k) \alpha_{i}\} \\ depth = weights \cdot z\_vals dists=[Δd1,Δd2,...Δdn,1e10]α=[1eΔd1ReLU(σ1),1eΔd2ReLU(σ2),...,1]weights={k=0k=i1(1αk)αi}depth=weightsz_vals

  • MonoSDF的体渲染:

L a p l a c e D e n s i t y : σ β ( s ) = { 1 2 β e s d f β , s ≤ 0 1 β ( 1 − 1 2 e − s d f β ) , s > 0 σ = L a p l a c e D e n s i t y ( S D F ) d i s t s = [ Δ d 1 , Δ d 2 , . . . Δ d n , 1 e 10 ] F r e e E n e r g y = [ Δ d 1 ⋅ σ 1 , Δ d 2 ⋅ σ 2 , . . . , Δ d n ⋅ σ n , 1 e 10 ] S h i f t F r e e E n e r g y = [ 0 , Δ d 1 ⋅ σ 1 , Δ d 2 ⋅ σ 2 , . . . , Δ d n ⋅ σ n ] α = [ 1 − e − Δ d 1 ⋅ σ 1 , 1 − e − Δ d 2 ⋅ σ 2 , . . . , 1 ] T r a n s m i t t a n c e = { e − ∑ k = 0 k = i − 1 S h i f t F r e e E n e r g y i } w e i g h t s = T r a n s m i t t a n c e ⋅ α LaplaceDensity: \sigma_\beta(s) = \left\{\begin{matrix} \frac{1}{2\beta} e^{\frac{sdf}{\beta}},s\le 0 \\ \frac{1}{\beta} ( 1 - \frac{1}{2}e^{\frac{-sdf}{\beta}}),s> 0 \end{matrix}\right. \\ \sigma = LaplaceDensity(SDF) \\ dists = [\Delta d_1, \Delta d_2, ...\Delta d_n,1e10 ] \\ FreeEnergy = [\Delta d_1 \cdot \sigma_1, \Delta d_2 \cdot \sigma_2, ...,\Delta d_n \cdot \sigma_n,1e10 ] \\ ShiftFreeEnergy = [0,\Delta d_1 \cdot \sigma_1, \Delta d_2 \cdot \sigma_2, ..., \Delta d_n \cdot \sigma_n] \\ \alpha = [1-e^{-\Delta d_1 \cdot \sigma_1},1-e^{-\Delta d_2 \cdot \sigma_2},...,1] \\ Transmittance = \{ e^{-\sum_{k=0}^{k=i-1}ShiftFreeEnergy_i } \} \\ weights = Transmittance \cdot \alpha LaplaceDensity:σβ(s)={2β1eβsdf,s0β1(121eβsdf),s>0σ=LaplaceDensity(SDF)dists=[Δd1,Δd2,...Δdn,1e10]FreeEnergy=[Δd1σ1,Δd2σ2,...,Δdnσn,1e10]ShiftFreeEnergy=[0,Δd1σ1,Δd2σ2,...,Δdnσn]α=[1eΔd1σ1,1eΔd2σ2,...,1]Transmittance={ek=0k=i1ShiftFreeEnergyi}weights=Transmittanceα

2.2 代码


class Density(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, params_init={}):
        for p in params_init:
            param = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(params_init[p]))
            setattr(self, p, param)

    def forward(self, sdf, beta=None):
        return self.density_func(sdf, beta=beta)

class LaplaceDensity(Density):  # alpha * Laplace(loc=0, scale=beta).cdf(-sdf)

    def __init__(self, params_init={}, beta_min=0.0001):
        self.beta_min = torch.tensor(beta_min).cuda()

    def density_func(self, sdf, beta=None):
        if beta is None:
            beta = self.get_beta()

        alpha = 1 / beta
        return alpha * (0.5 + 0.5 * sdf.sign() * torch.expm1(-sdf.abs() / beta))

    def get_beta(self):
        beta = self.beta.abs() + self.beta_min
        return beta

def volume_rendering(self, z_vals, sdf):

    density_flat = self.density(sdf)
    density = density_flat.reshape(-1, z_vals.shape[1])  # (batch_size * num_pixels) x N_samples
    dists = z_vals[:, 1:] - z_vals[:, :-1]
    dists = torch.cat([dists, torch.tensor([1e10]).cuda().unsqueeze(0).repeat(dists.shape[0], 1)], -1)
    free_energy = dists * density
    shifted_free_energy = torch.cat([torch.zeros(dists.shape[0], 1).cuda(), free_energy[:, :-1]], dim=-1)  # shift one step
    alpha = 1 - torch.exp(-free_energy)  # probability of it is not empty here
    transmittance = torch.exp(-torch.cumsum(shifted_free_energy, dim=-1))  # probability of everything is empty up to now
    weights = alpha * transmittance # probability of the ray hits something here
    return weights

# -----------------------------------------------

output = self.forward(x)
sdf = output[:,:1]
sdf, feature_vectors, gradients = self.implicit_network.get_outputs(points_flat)
weights = self.volume_rendering(z_vals, sdf)
depth_values = torch.sum(weights * z_vals, 1, keepdims=True) / (weights.sum(dim=1, keepdims=True) +1e-8)

三、⭐NeuS, NIPS2021




3.1 原理解释


  • 公式一:

    α i = 1 − e x p ( − ∫ t i t i + 1 − ( ∇ f ( p ( t ) ) ⋅ v ) ϕ s ( p ( t ) ) Φ s ( f ( p ( t ) ) ) d t ) \alpha_i = 1-exp(-\int_{t_i}^{t_{i+1}}\frac{ -(\nabla f(p(t)) \cdot v) \phi_s(p(t))}{\Phi_s(f(p(t)))}dt) αi=1exp(titi+1Φs(f(p(t)))(f(p(t))v)ϕs(p(t))dt)

  • 公式二:

f : S D F P D F : Φ s ( x ) = S i g m o i d ( x ) , C D F : ϕ s ( x ) = d ( S i g m o i d ( x ) ) d t α i = m a x ( Φ s ( f ( p ( t i ) ) ) − Φ s ( f ( p ( t i + 1 ) ) ) Φ s ( f ( p ( t i ) ) ) , 0 ) f: SDF \\ PDF:\Phi_s(x) = Sigmoid(x), CDF: \phi_s(x) = \frac{d (Sigmoid(x))}{dt}\\ \alpha_i = max(\frac{\Phi_s(f(p(t_i))) - \Phi_s(f(p(t_{i+1})))}{\Phi_s(f(p(t_i))) }, 0) f:SDFPDF:Φs(x)=Sigmoid(x),CDF:ϕs(x)=dtd(Sigmoid(x))αi=max(Φs(f(p(ti)))Φs(f(p(ti)))Φs(f(p(ti+1))),0)

  • STEP 1:

    先均匀/随机采样64个点,然后根据这些点的S-Density去迭代的进行Important Sampling,Important Sampling进行四轮,每一轮都采样16个点。(如果有背景,俺们再follow NeRF++的策略采样32个点),得到z_vals

  • STEP 2:

    取上面的z_vals的中点拿到mid_z_vals,然后根据mid_z_vals和光线原点计算出采样点pts,也是直接把这个采样点丢给SDF Network计算得到SDF Value。(sample mid-point: mid_z_valspts)

    • gradints: sdf网络输出的sdf value对于求导。
  • STEP 3:

    根据上面中点的sdf,然后还有可以计算出来的 Δ S D F Δ t \frac{\Delta SDF}{\Delta t} ΔtΔSDF计算得到采样点的SDF,然后带入到Sigmoid函数就可以得到 α \alpha α

    • inv_s: 这玩意应该就是那个可学习的标准差 1 s \frac{1}{s} s1

      # renderer.py | NeuSRender.render_core()
      self.register_parameter('variance', nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(init_val)))
      inv_s = orch.ones([len(x), 1]) * torch.exp(self.variance * 10.0)
    • true_cos = (dirs * gradients).sum(-1, keepdim=True)

    • 真实的 Δ S D F Δ t \frac{\Delta SDF}{\Delta t} ΔtΔSDF应该是true_cos, 这个iter_cos的数学含义我感觉是true_cos过了一下类似激活函数一样的东西。

      A : = t r u e _ c o s , B : = c o s _ r a t i o t r u e _ c o s = d i r s ⋅ g r a d i e n t s i t e r _ c o s = { A B + ( A + B − 1 ) 2 A < 0 A B − ( A + B − 1 ) 2 0 < A < 1 0 1 < A A:=true\_cos, B:=cos\_ratio \\ true\_cos = dirs \cdot gradients \\ iter\_cos = \left\{\begin{matrix} \frac{AB+(A+B-1)}{2} & A<0 \\ \frac{AB-(A+B-1)}{2} & 0<A<1 \\ 0 & 1<A \end{matrix}\right. \\ A:=true_cos,B:=cos_ratiotrue_cos=dirsgradientsiter_cos= 2AB+(A+B1)2AB(A+B1)0A<00<A<11<A

      人家的代码注释里是这样说的(退火算法): ““cos_anneal_ratio” grows from 0 to 1 in the beginning training iterations.”。


B = 0 B=0 B=0

{ A − 1 2 A < 0 A − 1 2 0 < A < 1 0 1 < A \left\{\begin{matrix} \frac{A-1}{2} & A<0 \\ \frac{A-1}{2} & 0<A<1\\ 0 & 1 < A \end{matrix}\right. 2A12A10A<00<A<11<A

B = 1 B=1 B=1
{ A A < 0 0 0 < A < 1 0 1 < A \left\{\begin{matrix} A& A<0 \\ 0 & 0<A<1\\ 0 & 1 < A \end{matrix}\right. A00A<00<A<11<A


true_cos = (dirs * gradients).sum(-1, keepdim=True)

iter_cos = -(F.relu(-true_cos * 0.5 + 0.5) * (1.0 - cos_anneal_ratio) +
             F.relu(-true_cos) * cos_anneal_ratio)  # always non positive

estimated_next_sdf = sdf + iter_cos * dists.reshape(-1, 1) * 0.5
estimated_prev_sdf = sdf - iter_cos * dists.reshape(-1, 1) * 0.5

prev_cdf = torch.sigmoid(estimated_prev_sdf * inv_s) # \Phi_s(f(p(t_{i})))
next_cdf = torch.sigmoid(estimated_next_sdf * inv_s) # \Phi_s(f(p(t_{i+1})))

p = prev_cdf - next_cdf
c = prev_cdf
alpha = ((p + 1e-5) / (c + 1e-5)).reshape(batch_size, n_samples).clip(0.0, 1.0)


3.1.1 Unbias

import torch
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

sdf = torch.linspace(-5, 5, 100).flip(0)

def Phi_s(sdf, s):
    return 1 / (1+torch.exp(-sdf*s))

def phi_s(sdf, s):
    return s*torch.exp(-s*sdf)/(1+torch.exp(-s*sdf))**2

alpha = torch.clip((Phi_s(sdf[:-1], 1) - Phi_s(sdf[1:], 1)) / (Phi_s(sdf[:-1], 1)), 0, 100)

transmitance = torch.cumprod(1-alpha[:-1], dim=0)
transmitance = torch.cat([torch.ones(1), transmitance])
weight = alpha * transmitance

plt.title('un bias')
plt.plot(sdf[1:].detach().cpu().numpy(), weight.detach().cpu().numpy())


3.1.2 Occlusion Aware

import torch
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

sdf = torch.linspace(-5, 5, 50).flip(0)
sdf = torch.concat([sdf, sdf], dim=0)

def Phi_s(sdf, s):
    return 1 / (1+torch.exp(-sdf*s))

def phi_s(sdf, s):
    return s*torch.exp(-s*sdf)/(1+torch.exp(-s*sdf))**2

alpha = torch.clip((Phi_s(sdf[:-1], 1) - Phi_s(sdf[1:], 1)) / (Phi_s(sdf[:-1], 1)), 0, 100)

transmitance = torch.cumprod(1-alpha[:-1], dim=0)
transmitance = torch.cat([torch.ones(1), transmitance])
weight = alpha * transmitance

plt.title('occlusion aware')


3.2 代码







4.1 原理解释

上面的NeuS的SDF网络是比较重的,输入三维点 x x x,输出SDF值: Φ ( x ) \Phi(x) Φ(x), 因此可以求出SDF对于空间点的导数以便进一步去做NeuS的SDFToAlpha和体渲染。聪明的GO-SLAM即希望能实时训练出SDF还希望能求这个梯度,于是用了个单层的MLP来做,这个MLP输入三维点坐标和哈希特征向量,输出SDF值。
Φ ( x ) , g = f Θ s d f ( x , h Θ h a s h ( x ) ) \Phi(x), g = f_{\Theta_{sdf}} (x, h_{\Theta_{hash}}(x)) Φ(x),g=fΘsdf(x,hΘhash(x))

4.2 代码



五、⭐VoxFusion, ISMAR2022



H2Mapping的SDFtoDensity是抄的这个工作,然后Vox-Fusion是抄的”Nerual RGB-D Surface Reconstruction, CVPR2022“。但是由于"Nerual RGB-D Surface Reconstruction"中的计算涉及到global coordinates的gradient,因此Vox-Fusion将其改版了,原文这样讲的 ”However, we modify it to apply to feature embeddings instead of global coordinates.“

5.1 原理解释

t r : T r u n c a t e d D i s t a n c e w i = S i g m o i d ( s i t r ) ⋅ S i g m o i d ( − s i t r ) tr: TruncatedDistance\\ w_i = Sigmoid (\frac{s_i}{tr}) \cdot Sigmoid(-\frac{s_i}{tr}) tr:TruncatedDistancewi=Sigmoid(trsi)Sigmoid(trsi)




5.2 代码


def sdf2weights(sdf_in, trunc):
    weights = torch.sigmoid(sdf_in / trunc) * \
            torch.sigmoid(-sdf_in / trunc)

    signs = sdf_in[:, 1:] * sdf_in[:, :-1]
    mask = torch.where(
            signs < 0.0, torch.ones_like(signs), torch.zeros_like(signs)
    inds = torch.argmax(mask, axis=1)
    inds = inds[..., None]
    z_min = torch.gather(z_vals, 1, inds)
    mask = torch.where(
            z_vals < z_min + trunc,
    weights = weights * mask * valid_mask
    # weights = weights * valid_mask
    return weights / (torch.sum(weights, dim=-1, keepdims=True) + 1e-8), z_min

# -----------------------------------------------

weights, z_min = sdf2weights(sdf, truncation)
depth = torch.sum(weights * z_vals, dim=-1)





In NeuS, show that in order to learn an SDF of the scene, it is crucial to derive an appropriate weighting function based on the SDF. They propose an unbiased and occlusion-aware weighting function based on an opaque density function ρ ( t ) \rho(t) ρ(t):
ρ ( t ) = m a x ( − d d t ψ s ( g ( p ( t ) ; Φ g ) ) ψ s ( g ( p ( t ) ; Φ g ) ) , 0 ) \rho(t) = max(\frac{-\frac{d}{dt}\psi_s(g(p(t);\Phi_g))}{\psi_s(g(p(t);\Phi_g))},0) ρ(t)=max(ψs(g(p(t);Φg))dtdψs(g(p(t);Φg)),0)






“A conversion function is needed to convert predicted SDF s i s_i si to weight w i w_i wi. Instead of adopting the rendering equations proposed in Neus, we follow the simple bell-shaped model of VoxFusion/Neural RGB Fusion and compute weights w i w_i wi directly by multiply- ing the two Sigmoid functions σ ( i ) \sigma(i) σ(i).”
w i = σ ( s i t r ) σ ( − s i t r ) w_i = \sigma(\frac{s_i}{tr})\sigma(-\frac{s_i}{tr}) wi=σ(trsi)σ(trsi)

八、SDF-based NeRF 的损失函数

8.1 ⭐Eikonal Loss (from Implicit Geometric Regularization)

  • Reference:
    • https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.10099.pdf
    • https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/653754755

8.1.1 原理


其实原理就一句话的事儿,对于空间任一点的位置,SDF的定义是这个点到物体表面的最近距离,那么这个在这个点附近变化 ( Δ x , Δ y , Δ z ) (\Delta x, \Delta y,\Delta z) (Δx,Δy,Δz)最陡峭的方向(梯度下降算法求得梯度就是这个网络沿着输入最陡峭的地方的),SDF应该也变 Δ x 2 + Δ y 2 + Δ z 2 \sqrt{\Delta x^2+\Delta y^2+\Delta z^2} Δx2+Δy2+Δz2 ,即 ∣ Δ S D F Δ p ∣ → 1 |\frac{\Delta SDF}{\Delta p}| \rightarrow 1 ΔpΔSDF1
L E i k o n a l = 1 n m ∑ k , i ( ∣ ∣ ∇ f ( p ^ k , i ) ∣ ∣ 2 − 1 ) 2 L_{Eikonal} = \frac{1}{nm} \sum_{k,i} (||\nabla f(\hat{p}_{k,i})||_2 - 1)^2 LEikonal=nm1k,i(∣∣∇f(p^k,i)21)2

8.1.2 代码


sdf_nn_output = sdf_network(pts) 
gradients = sdf_network.gradient(pts).squeeze()
gradient_error = (torch.linalg.norm(gradients.reshape(batch_size, n_samples, 3), ord=2, dim=-1) - 1.0) ** 2
gradient_error = (relax_inside_sphere * gradient_error).sum() / (relax_inside_sphere.sum() + 1e-5)

8.2 Free-Space Loss (from VoxFusion, CO-SLAM, H2Mapping)

  • Reference:
    • https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.15858
    • https://arxiv.org/pdf/2304.14377.pdf

8.2.1 原理

Vox-Fusion说的不知所云,还是Co-SLAM说的简单清楚。对于距离表面比较远的点 ( D [ u , v ] − d ) > t r ) (D[u,v]-d)>tr) (D[u,v]d)>tr)的点,用这个free-space损失,强迫这些位置的TSDF Value为截断值。
L f s = 1 P ∑ p ∈ P 1 S p f s ∑ p ∈ S p f s ( D s − t r ) 2 L_{fs} = \frac{1}{P} \sum_{p\in P} \frac{1}{S_p^{fs} }\sum_{p \in S_p^{fs}} (D_s-tr)^2 Lfs=P1pPSpfs1pSpfs(Dstr)2

8.2.2 代码


# criterion.py | line 54
fs_loss, sdf_loss = self.get_sdf_loss(
                z_vals, gt_depth, pred_sdf,

def get_sdf_loss(self, z_vals, depth, predicted_sdf, truncation, loss_type="l2"):

    front_mask, sdf_mask, fs_weight, sdf_weight = self.get_masks(
        z_vals, depth.unsqueeze(-1).expand(*z_vals.shape), truncation
    front_mask = torch.where(
            z_vals < (depth - epsilon),
    x = predicted_sdf * front_mask
    y = torch.ones_like(predicted_sdf) * front_mask
	fs_loss = torch.mean(torch.square(x - y)[mask]) 

8.3 Curvature Loss (from PermutoSDF, Neuralangelo)

  • Reference:
    • https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.12562
    • https://research.nvidia.com/labs/dir/neuralangelo/paper.pdf

8.3.1 原理


  • PermutoSDF: 为了在高反射和无纹理区域恢复出更平滑的表面,给SDF加入"曲率损失"。计算流程是这样的:根据SDF可以计算出法向量 n n n自然也就有了切平面,然后这个法向量叉乘一个随机单位向量得到新的方向向量 η \eta η,然后切点沿着 η \eta η走一小段并在新的位置计算法向量,让这两个法向量尽可能平行,是这样的。

L c u r v = ∑ x ( n ⋅ n ϵ − 1 ) 2 L_{curv} = \sum_x (n\cdot n_\epsilon - 1) ^2 Lcurv=x(nnϵ1)2

  • Neuralangelo:为了让SDF更平滑,加了个正则化项,平均曲率使用离散的拉普拉斯算法(与计算表面法向量类似,没具体解释)
    L c u r v = 1 N ∑ i = 1 N ∣ ∇ 2 f ( x i ) ∣ L_{curv} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N |\nabla^2 f(x_i)| Lcurv=N1i=1N2f(xi)

8.3.2 代码

  • PermutoSDF:他真的我哭死,真的是按照那个小流程计算的平滑曲率损失,有一说一这一部分感觉必要性不大,因为直接给生成的mesh加一个平滑也不是不行。

    # train_permotu_sdf.py
    sdf_shifted, sdf_curvature=model_sdf.get_sdf_and_curvature_1d_precomputed_gradient_normal_based( fg_ray_samples_packed.samples_pos, sdf_gradients, iter_nr_for_anneal)
    def get_sdf_and_curvature_1d_precomputed_gradient_normal_based(self, points, sdf_gradients,iter_nr):
        #get the curvature along a certain random direction for each point
        #does it by computing the normal at a shifted point on the tangent plant and then computing a dot produt
        #to the original positions, add also a tiny epsilon 
        #instead of random direction we take the normals at these points, and calculate a random vector that is orthogonal 
        # normals=normals.detach()
        tangent=torch.cross(normals, rand_directions)
        rand_directions=tangent #set the random moving direction to be the tangent direction now
        #get the gradient at the shifted point
        sdf_shifted, sdf_gradients_shifted, feat_shifted=self.get_sdf_and_gradient(points_shifted, iter_nr) 
        dot=(normals*normals_shifted).sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
        #the dot would assign low weight importance to normals that are almost the same, and increasing error the more they deviate. So it's something like and L2 loss. But we want a L1 loss so we get the angle, and then we map it to range [0,1]
        angle=torch.acos(torch.clamp(dot, -1.0+1e-6, 1.0-1e-6)) #goes to range 0 when the angle is the same and pi when is opposite
         curvature=angle/math.pi #map to [0,1 range]
         return sdf_shifted, curvature
  • Neuralangelo:

    # trainer.py
    self.losses["curvature"] = curvature_loss(data["hessians"], outside=data["outside"])
    # model.py
    gradients, hessians = self.neural_sdf.compute_gradients(points, training=self.training, sdf=sdfs)
    # modules.py
    eps = self.normal_eps
    # 1st-order gradient
    eps_x = torch.tensor([eps, 0., 0.], dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device)  # [3]
    eps_y = torch.tensor([0., eps, 0.], dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device)  # [3]
    eps_z = torch.tensor([0., 0., eps], dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device)  # [3]
    sdf_x_pos = self.sdf(x + eps_x)  # [...,1]
    sdf_x_neg = self.sdf(x - eps_x)  # [...,1]
    sdf_y_pos = self.sdf(x + eps_y)  # [...,1]
    sdf_y_neg = self.sdf(x - eps_y)  # [...,1]
    sdf_z_pos = self.sdf(x + eps_z)  # [...,1]
    sdf_z_neg = self.sdf(x - eps_z)  # [...,1]
    gradient_x = (sdf_x_pos - sdf_x_neg) / (2 * eps)
    gradient_y = (sdf_y_pos - sdf_y_neg) / (2 * eps)
    gradient_z = (sdf_z_pos - sdf_z_neg) / (2 * eps)
    gradient = torch.cat([gradient_x, gradient_y, gradient_z], dim=-1)  # [...,3]
    hessian_xx = (sdf_x_pos + sdf_x_neg - 2 * sdf) / (eps ** 2)  # [...,1]
    hessian_yy = (sdf_y_pos + sdf_y_neg - 2 * sdf) / (eps ** 2)  # [...,1]
    hessian_zz = (sdf_z_pos + sdf_z_neg - 2 * sdf) / (eps ** 2)  # [...,1]
    hessian = torch.cat([hessian_xx, hessian_yy, hessian_zz], dim=-1)  # [...,3]
    def curvature_loss(hessian, outside=None):
        laplacian = hessian.sum(dim=-1).abs()  # [B,R,N]
        laplacian = laplacian.nan_to_num(nan=0.0, posinf=0.0, neginf=0.0)  # [B,R,N]
        if outside is not None:
            return (laplacian * (~outside).float()).mean()
            return laplacian.mean()


9.1 SDF2Normal (from MonoSDF)

这个有点意思,因为MonoSDF用的Omnidata数据集有GT法向量,因此他加了个法向量的损失函数,论文中潦草带过:“The 3D unit normal n ^ \hat{n} n^ is the analytical gradient of our SDF Function.”。

N ^ ( r ) = ∑ i = 1 M T r i α r i n ^ r i \hat{N}(r) = \sum_{i=1}^M T_r^i \alpha_r^i \hat{n}_r^i N^(r)=i=1MTriαrin^ri
根据 Δ S D F Δ p \frac{\Delta SDF}{\Delta p} ΔpΔSDF归一化后就是ray上某个点的法向量,他的法向量图好像是法向量的2D图像,因此需要对法向量做体渲染。


normals = gradients / (gradients.norm(2, -1, keepdim=True) + 1e-6)
normals = normals.reshape(-1, N_samples, 3)
normal_map = torch.sum(weights.unsqueeze(-1) * normals, 1)

# transform to local coordinate system
rot = pose[0, :3, :3].permute(1, 0).contiguous()
normal_map = rot @ normal_map.permute(1, 0)
normal_map = normal_map.permute(1, 0).contiguous()

output['normal_map'] = normal_map

9.2 基于SDF的采样策略 (from VolSDF)

  • Reference:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1jh4y1S7SU?vd_source=a71bfed18c663599dddb86ae6fb65353



根据一条光线上两个点的SDF值: d i , d i + 1 d_i,d_{i+1} di,di+1,两个点相距 δ i \delta_i δi。可以做出以下猜测:物体表面距离这两个点的任意一点的最短距离为 d i ∗ d_i^* di
d i ∗ = { 0 ∣ d i ∣ + ∣ d i + 1 ∣ ≤ δ i m i n { ∣ d i ∣ , ∣ d i + 1 ∣ } ∣ ∣ d i ∣ 2 − ∣ d i + 1 ∣ 2 ∣ > δ i 2 h i o t h e r w i s e d_i^* = \left\{\begin{matrix} 0 & |d_i| + |d_{i+1}| \le \delta_i \\ min\{|d_i|,|d_{i+1}|\} & ||d_i|^2 - |d_{i+1}|^2| > \delta_i^2 \\ h_i & otherwise \end{matrix}\right. di= 0min{di,di+1}hidi+di+1δi∣∣di2di+12>δi2otherwise
∣ O ( t ) − O ( t ) ^ ∣ < e α 4 β ∑ δ 2 − 1 |O(t)-\hat{O(t)}| < e^{\frac{\alpha}{4\beta} \sum \delta^2-1} O(t)O(t)^<e4βαδ21
要想让这个误差小,一个方案是减小采样间距 δ \delta δ,即多采样,另一个方案就是增大 β \beta β。本文的方案就是在这二者之间权衡设定不同光线上的采样数和间隔。( β \beta β越大,密度就越分散,因此也不能只增大 β \beta β


评论 3




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