Track R-CNN代码运行结果

10 篇文章 0 订阅
9 篇文章 0 订阅
(trackrcnn_author) zhuzhu@zhuzhu:/media/zhuzhu/23227915-deb6-45d3-8d7d-7070283de100/zhuzhu/MOTS/TrackR-CNN/TrackR-CNN-master$ python3 configs/conv3d_sep2 "{\"task\":\"forward_tracking\",\"dataset\":\"KITTI_segtrack_feed\",\"load_epoch_no\":5,\"batch_size\":5,\"export_detections\":true,\"do_tracking\":false,\"video_tags_to_load\":[\"0002\",\"0006\",\"0007\",\"0008\",\"0010\",\"0013\",\"0014\",\"0016\",\"0018\",\"0000\",\"0001\",\"0003\",\"0004\",\"0005\",\"0009\",\"0011\",\"0012\",\"0015\",\"0017\",\"0019\",\"0020\"]}"


Updating given config with dict OrderedDict([('task', 'forward_tracking'), ('dataset', 'KITTI_segtrack_feed'), ('load_epoch_no', 5), ('batch_size', 5), ('export_detections', True), ('do_tracking', False), ('video_tags_to_load', ['0002', '0006', '0007', '0008', '0010', '0013', '0014', '0016', '0018', '0000', '0001', '0003', '0004', '0005', '0009', '0011', '0012', '0015', '0017', '0019', '0020'])])
  # Engine settings
  "model": "conv3d_sep2",
  "task": "train_no_val",
  "dataset": "KITTI_segtrack",
  "log_verbosity": 5,
  "gpus": 1,
  #"own_dataset_per_gpu": true,
  "use_summaries": false,
  "write_summaries": false,
  "collect_run_metadata": false,

  # MaskRCNN on/off
  "add_masks": true,

  # Pretrained model from tensorpack
  "load_init": "/media/zhuzhu/23227915-deb6-45d3-8d7d-7070283de100/zhuzhu/MOTS/TrackR-CNN/TrackR-CNN-master/models/converted",
  # Freeze applies to the whole model, not just our backend, but that's fine since only the backend uses batchnorm
  "freeze_batchnorm": true,
  "max_saves_to_keep": 1,

  # Training settings
  "batch_size": 2,
  "learning_rates": "{1: 0.00000005}",
  "optimizer": "adam",
  "num_epochs": 50,
  "max_saves_to_keep": 1,

  # Dataset options
  "KITTI_segtrack_data_dir": "/media/zhuzhu/23227915-deb6-45d3-8d7d-7070283de100/zhuzhu/MOTS/TrackR-CNN/TrackR-CNN-master/data/KITTI_MOTS/train",
  "MOTS_segtrack_data_dir": "/media/zhuzhu/23227915-deb6-45d3-8d7d-7070283de100/zhuzhu/MOTS/TrackR-CNN/TrackR-CNN-master/data/MOTSchallenge/train",
  # "log_dir": "/media/zhuzhu/23227915-deb6-45d3-8d7d-7070283de100/zhuzhu/MOTS/TrackR-CNN/TrackR-CNN-master/data/KITTI_MOTS/val",
  "optical_flow_path": "/globalwork/krause/data/KITTI_flow_pwc/",
  "prefer_gt_to_ignore": true,
  "use_ioa_for_ignore": true,
  "use_masks_for_ignore": true,
  "resize_mode_train": "fixed_size",
  "input_size_train": [309, 1024],
  "resize_mode_val": "fixed_size",
  "input_size_val": [375, 1242],

  "augmentors_train": ["flip", "gamma"],
  "num_parallel_calls": 6,
  "prefetch_buffer_size": 8,

  "mask_disjoint_strategy": "score",
"tracker": "hungarian", "tracker_reid_comp": "euclidean", "detection_confidence_threshold_car": 0.8469800990815324, "reid_weight_car": 1.0, "mask_iou_weight_car": 0.0, "bbox_center_weight_car": 0.0, "bbox_iou_weight_car": 0.0, "association_threshold_car": 0.8165986526897969, "keep_alive_car": 4, "reid_euclidean_offset_car": 8.810218833503743, "reid_euclidean_scale_car": 1.0090931467228708,
"detection_confidence_threshold_pedestrian": 0.9368820089063415, "reid_weight_pedestrian": 1.0, "mask_iou_weight_pedestrian": 0.0, "bbox_center_weight_pedestrian": 0.0, "bbox_iou_weight_pedestrian": 0.0, "association_threshold_pedestrian": 0.47985540892434836, "keep_alive_pedestrian": 6, "reid_euclidean_offset_pedestrian": 9.447084376750222, "reid_euclidean_scale_pedestrian": 1.3437965549876354,

  "network": {
    "resnetconv4": {"class": "ResNet101Conv4"},
    "conv3d_1": {"class": "SepConv3DOverBatch", "activation": "relu", "n_features": 1024, "init_type": "identity", "from": ["resnetconv4"], "old_order": true},
    "conv3d_2": {"class": "SepConv3DOverBatch", "activation": "relu", "n_features": 1024, "init_type": "identity", "from": ["conv3d_1"], "old_order": true},
    "frcnn": {"class": "FasterRCNN", "fastrcnn_batch_per_img": 64, "reid_dimension": 128, "reid_loss_per_class": true,
              "reid_loss_factor": 1.0, "reid_loss_variant": 1, "reid_measure": "euclidean", "from": ["conv3d_2"],
              "class_agnostic_box_and_mask_heads": true}

WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/zhuzhu/anaconda3/envs/trackrcnn_author/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ colocate_with (from tensorflow.python.framework.ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Colocations handled automatically by placer.
creating testnet...
WARNING:tensorflow:From /media/zhuzhu/23227915-deb6-45d3-8d7d-7070283de100/zhuzhu/MOTS/TrackR-CNN/TrackR-CNN-master/network/ to_float (from tensorflow.python.ops.math_ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use tf.cast instead.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /media/zhuzhu/23227915-deb6-45d3-8d7d-7070283de100/zhuzhu/MOTS/TrackR-CNN/TrackR-CNN-master/network/ to_int32 (from tensorflow.python.ops.math_ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use tf.cast instead.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /media/zhuzhu/23227915-deb6-45d3-8d7d-7070283de100/zhuzhu/MOTS/TrackR-CNN/TrackR-CNN-master/network/ sparse_to_dense (from tensorflow.python.ops.sparse_ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Create a `tf.sparse.SparseTensor` and use `tf.sparse.to_dense` instead.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /media/zhuzhu/23227915-deb6-45d3-8d7d-7070283de100/zhuzhu/MOTS/TrackR-CNN/TrackR-CNN-master/network/ py_func (from tensorflow.python.ops.script_ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
tf.py_func is deprecated in TF V2. Instead, use
    tf.py_function, which takes a python function which manipulates tf eager
    tensors instead of numpy arrays. It's easy to convert a tf eager tensor to
    an ndarray (just call tensor.numpy()) but having access to eager tensors
    means `tf.py_function`s can use accelerators such as GPUs as well as
    being differentiable using a gradient tape.
loading model from models/conv3d_sep2/conv3d_sep2-00000005
WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/zhuzhu/anaconda3/envs/trackrcnn_author/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/ checkpoint_exists (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use standard file APIs to check for files with this prefix.
starting from epoch 6
Forwarding video...
Time for forwarding (s): 2.266009687446058e-06 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 0.0
Exporting detections
Forwarding video...
Time for forwarding (s): 2.36400228459388e-06 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 0.0
Exporting detections
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Time for forwarding (s): 2.6209891075268388e-06 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 0.0
Exporting detections
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Time for forwarding (s): 3.15399665851146e-06 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 0.0
Exporting detections
Forwarding video...
Time for forwarding (s): 2.6170018827542663e-06 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 0.0
Exporting detections
Forwarding video...
Time for forwarding (s): 2.2599997464567423e-06 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 0.0
Exporting detections
Forwarding video...
Time for forwarding (s): 2.176006091758609e-06 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 0.0
Exporting detections
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Time for forwarding (s): 2.3699976736679673e-06 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 0.0
Exporting detections
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Time for forwarding (s): 2.182001480832696e-06 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 0.0
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Time for forwarding (s): 129.6435982020048 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 1.1878719978139156
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Time for forwarding (s): 269.23081131398794 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 1.6602854547679924
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Time for forwarding (s): 64.3004295250139 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 2.2394873730039655
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Time for forwarding (s): 121.11670146499819 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 2.5925408816615074
Exporting detections
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Time for forwarding (s): 114.77241823599616 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 2.5877297399912385
Exporting detections
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Time for forwarding (s): 300.90278853900963 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 2.6686359534880064
Exporting detections
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Time for forwarding (s): 176.5470076359925 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 2.1127517537372116
Exporting detections
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Time for forwarding (s): 31.25849023000046 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 2.495322052539159
Exporting detections
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Time for forwarding (s): 146.44100481299392 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 2.567586861891274
Exporting detections
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Time for forwarding (s): 54.982356082007755 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 2.637209649286916
Exporting detections
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1016 / 1059
1021 / 1059
1026 / 1059
1031 / 1059
1036 / 1059
1041 / 1059
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1051 / 1059
1056 / 1059
Time for forwarding (s): 593.6115713600011 FPS for forwarding (wo. tracking): 1.7839948732363236
Exporting detections
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